Cheers Esq. yeah, its been silence re Ford for a long time. Me just jumping at shadows as usual I expect. Noticed the use of Fords on the new Nviso website.
We only found out it was actually Ford back then because the ASX stamped it's little foot and demanded full disclosure of a previous announcement.
Our crew are now keeping very schtumm about "
everything" for as long as possible, even though they know this provides analysts and shortee's alike with ammunition with which to pelt us and consequently hammer away at our share price, lending yet further momentum to their attacks.
Our management know that whatever they say will be forensically picked apart like entrails at an ancient Greek soothsayers convention, inevitably leading to further enquiry's and supposition.
Better to just shut up and deny as much oxygen to all party's as possible.
As shareholders and investors this puts us in the difficult situation of having to wait out the period of the chasm until some of the developmental work of our customer's fruits into a saleable product.
This is further exacerbated for us, as what we are selling is incorporated within other Companies product's which are often components of a much larger product still.
So, in some cases, we are subject to the timelines and efficiencies of perhaps two or three organisations, beyond our direct control.
A simplistic analogy is that our Akida Ip is perhaps a bit like a specialised screw attaching some advanced componentry, within a sealed unit, which is then incorporated within a much more complicated machine.
Not only do we have to convince existing and nascent developers of our advantages and efficacy, but also those actual and prospective manufacturers who utilise the components we actually inhabit.
The cycle for adoption of new tech in industry is a product of the balance between efficiency and innovation.
Whilst always wanting to at least appear ahead of the competition, companies also need to recoup and profit from previously deployed design, development, marketing and administration expenses.
The longer they can extend the life of existing products already selling in the marketplace the greater they profit.
The compelling motivation for them to innovate and further develop existing product is potential competition from rival companies which could lead to diminution of market share.
We know we are within new offerings that will, in time, be incorporated within greater machinery and products that will be competing in the marketplace and will eventually show up in, or have influence in, our daily lives.
At some point before this, and well after, we will see this fact registering as revenue in our Companies coffers, but the quantum of the portion of that which came from Ford, GM or Mercedes Benz, may never be fully disclosed.
PS....What do you find in a Greek brothel???
.........Pro's and Cons.