Good afternoon,
Please don't forget that Tony will be hosting Sean very shortly to answer questions (well some

) in the upcoming Quarterly Update.
If you haven't yet sent any in, well, get on with it, it's no use moaning if your specific questions don't at least get an airing.
He must be getting pumped as we head closer to August/September, I'm sorry to say this but I feel that the share price will be coming
under more pressure as the months tick by, so until the wind changes direction and we all set sail for the Bahamas things could be a
little messy, where's that old balaclava of mine, these are the times cash is definitely king, now where's a quiet bank

One thing that cannot be denied, Peter, Anil and all our brilliant engineers aren't sitting back smelling the roses, they are hard out driving Brainchip's revolutionary technology forward, month after month, stick with us, the road was never meant to be easy, and it's proving as
hard as many in the know thought it would be, change always comes at a price, but eventually the masses will follow, why, because history
tells us so.
My views only, stay positive.