BRN Discussion Ongoing


Please advise ....on your comment "That was another announcement" ... Which another announcement are you referring to ??? ....
IMO, there has been no other ASX announcement confirming Manny's H been formally allocated his AGM Resolution 8 RSU shares.
Please note, it was my understanding that it was Manny's options ( that he did not execise when required ) that were converted and approved at the AGM into RSU's on a gifted basis.
Please read Ann: May 29th, 2023 issue of RSU for Manny per AGM vote, referenced to Ann Oct 14, 2022
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Nice to see a new demo with the nuts and bolts. After so many years of showing the same demos, it might be time they produced new ones. For example, show the audience a current solution, such as a door bell, then implement akida and show how AI will improve the use case. Another example might be useful showing akida navigating through a maze of objects, show casing the intelligent capabilities of akida. Make the audience see AI in action rather than talking about it. Maybe we could think of a few and send the ideas to the team.
I’ve never understood why BRN can’t release top tier demos with their current partners (or without dishonouring NDA’s)

If there are in fact “numerous NDA’s” active, why can’t this be provided to investors to prove we’re a top/leading competitor in the neuromorphic space??
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When I see stuff like this come out, I don't understand what we are waiting for.......


V2M in the US has developed AI-based acoustic sensor monitoring to detect faults in all kinds of vehicles for preventive maintenance.​

The company has installed a prototype acoustic sensor system on a Tesla Model 3 and is developing a scoring model that will be able to predict potential malfunctions by the sound of the vehicle.

The next step for V2M, based in New York, is to purchase two vehicles with internal combustion engines and one hybrid vehicle for product testing to show that the product is equally suitable for every type of car/engine.

Data shows that 27% of malfunctions that led to accidents could be prevented if the noise car was making were noticed and recognized on time.
“In the past I was a racing driver. In the summer of 2019 in front of my eyes the car crashed and burned (I was after two cars behind). Unfortunately, the driver died. His car had a malfunction with the rear axle. It’s a common case and for sure it had a noisy before finally jamming. Our solution could have saved his life,” said Peter Bakulov, CEO of V2M.

The ultimate aim is to work with Tier 1 automakers to create a one-time implementation into the vehicle as a part of the standard equipment.

The V2M team has developed a methodology based on a multilayer neural network that determines the presence of patterns of faulty sound and concludes which malfunction is on board. The system recognizes malfunction sounds even when the car is on the road loaded with noise.

One MEMS microphone is located in front of the car, the second in the back and both sensors are connected to the multiplexer board via an I2S link. A third sensor in a middle of the car. The software detects the sound and concludes what type of malfunction is occurring with 98% accuracy within 2s.

The system then notifies the driver (or somebody else, it depends of the client) about the malfunction and completes a report.

Initially the system is connected to the cloud via an eSIM but V2M also could be 100% on-board system without any kind of M2M communications.

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Howdy All,

Here's an article from Samsung Newsroom, dated 1 September 2022. I found the description of the relationship between Arm and Samsung EXTREMELY INTERESTING!

View attachment 39274

I was getting worried that we hadn’t heard from you for a while. Glad you’re back 🤗
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Very similar looking In-Vehicle Infotainment Systems. Akida for BMW at some point, iDrive9 ?
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He got banned - he was on one of the BRN FB groups posting about it.
Why was he banned? I still haven’t figured out who the other Jekyl/Hyde person was who is also now banned. I must be a bit slow…
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Why was he banned? I still haven’t figured out who the other Jekyl/Hyde person was who is also now banned. I must be a bit slow…
I’m not sure to be honest.
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From the TCS 22/23 Ann Report release early June.

No reference to BRN directly however if we are to still believe we are connected (joint presso was like end 2019) then the neuromorphic references woulda, shoulda, coulda imply Akida :unsure:

The Company expanded its space tech research, working on on-board computing for remote sensing satellites to reduce data and bandwidth for ground communication; it is also leveraging neuromorphic computing for low power computing at the edge. In the area of embedded devices and intelligent systems, research continued solving
customer problems
in machine, material, infrastructure,
and people sensing, using AIoT and edge computing.

Teams also worked on meta materials for next gen communications, computational sensing/imaging and neuromorphic computing.

Full report HERE
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When I see stuff like this come out, I don't understand what we are waiting for.......

View attachment 39307

V2M in the US has developed AI-based acoustic sensor monitoring to detect faults in all kinds of vehicles for preventive maintenance.​

The company has installed a prototype acoustic sensor system on a Tesla Model 3 and is developing a scoring model that will be able to predict potential malfunctions by the sound of the vehicle.

The next step for V2M, based in New York, is to purchase two vehicles with internal combustion engines and one hybrid vehicle for product testing to show that the product is equally suitable for every type of car/engine.

Data shows that 27% of malfunctions that led to accidents could be prevented if the noise car was making were noticed and recognized on time.
“In the past I was a racing driver. In the summer of 2019 in front of my eyes the car crashed and burned (I was after two cars behind). Unfortunately, the driver died. His car had a malfunction with the rear axle. It’s a common case and for sure it had a noisy before finally jamming. Our solution could have saved his life,” said Peter Bakulov, CEO of V2M.

The ultimate aim is to work with Tier 1 automakers to create a one-time implementation into the vehicle as a part of the standard equipment.

The V2M team has developed a methodology based on a multilayer neural network that determines the presence of patterns of faulty sound and concludes which malfunction is on board. The system recognizes malfunction sounds even when the car is on the road loaded with noise.

One MEMS microphone is located in front of the car, the second in the back and both sensors are connected to the multiplexer board via an I2S link. A third sensor in a middle of the car. The software detects the sound and concludes what type of malfunction is occurring with 98% accuracy within 2s.

The system then notifies the driver (or somebody else, it depends of the client) about the malfunction and completes a report.

Initially the system is connected to the cloud via an eSIM but V2M also could be 100% on-board system without any kind of M2M communications.

'The V2M team has developed a methodology based on a multilayer neural network that determines the presence of patterns of faulty sound and concludes which malfunction is on board. The system recognizes malfunction sounds even when the car is on the road loaded with noise.'

I am not at all suggesting that Akida is at all involved. However I think it illustrates a phrasing format where a mostly 'silent' ubiquitous enabling tech can be utilised by numerous unrelated OEM's, eg ARM
I've asked numerous people if they know who ARM is and they had no idea.

Quite possibly I'm full of shit but it's just a thought after what was said at the AGM.
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As for Brainchip, the only confirmed link so far is the one to Prophesee, however, both @TopCat and I have been speculating in recent weeks whether or not iniVation’s new Aeveon technology might have become possible thanks to Akida.

Hey @TopCat, I reckon I’ve got exciting news to share! Keep your paws crossed that our sleuthing skills will soon be validated by an official announcement - I can already hear you happily purring away!

I only just found the time to watch the recorded CVPR 2023 Workshop presentations by Kynan Eng (CEO of iniVation) and Nandan Nayampally - they both have such wonderfully soothing voices, by the way.

The mosaic of conjecture we’ve both been creating over the past couple of weeks is almost complete; here are two more tiles to lay, one of them a shiny golden one.

While the videos’ tech content is way above my pay grade, both presentations were quite illuminating, nevertheless! Let me share with you what piqued my interest:

I first watched Kynan Eng’s talk on iniVation’s new Aeveon sensor:

The wallaby featured on the iniVation website must have hopped away and is now presumably roaming freely somewhere around Lake Zurich, as it didn’t make an appearance during the presentation. Instead, it had been substituted by a beautiful, iridescent hummingbird, legendary for its rapid wing beat, which is notoriously difficult to capture on regular camera without blurring.

Watch from 8 min onwards, where Kynan Eng starts to talk about the new, soon-to-be released Aeveon sensor:
„What‘s important to note here is, this is mainly digital. We‘ve moved quite a distance away from the analog circuit in current DVS pixels…

And from 10:45 min onwards: „So the chip doesn’t exist, yet. We are getting very close to the first tape-out of it now, but because it is in digital, we are able to create an emulator for this, for the chip.”

Well, I immediately took a liking to the sound of “digital”, especially since Synsense, iniVation’s sister start-up and partner for their Speck SoC, is into analog SNNs, but it got even better, when I then listened to Nandan Nayampally’s virtual presentation (which explains why he was nowhere to be seen in the CVPR 2023 Workshop group photo - I had actually hoped to spot him next to the likes of Kynan Eng, Tobi Delbrück or André van Schaik, which could have hinted at the fact that he was in conversation with one of them just before the group photo was taken. Clever idea of mine, eh?!)

Just over a minute into the presentation, I couldn’t believe my ears: “Let me start with the key technology changes that we are making to support our partners like Prophesee, iniVation and other folks that are building not only event-based solutions…”

WHAT???!!! My real-time auditory sensor processing DID get that right, didn’t it?! Listen for yourself and correct me if I’m wrong…

Did he really just let slip that iniVation is indeed a Brainchip partner?!

They obviously didn’t get listed under “partners” on the “Brainchip at a glance” presentation slide, as there hasn’t been any official announcement so far, but IMO this (unintentionally) revealing statement strongly supports our hypothesis.

Admittedly, it could have been a lapsus linguae, a disclosure of our Brainchip CMO’s secretly harboured wish of teaming up with iniVation, but honestly, how probable is that?! Much more likely it was an inadvertent divulgence in front of a small audience of computer vision researchers, plus the Aeveon sensor screams Akida, doesn’t it?
I suppose we’ll find out soon, as “we are getting very close to the first tape-out” of the new wonder chip.

My opinion only, DYOR.
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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
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Hey @TopCat, I reckon I’ve got exciting news to share! Keep your paws crossed that our sleuthing skills will soon be validated by an official announcement - I can already hear you happily purring away!

I only just found the time to watch the recorded CVPR 2023 Workshop presentations by Kynan Eng (CEO of iniVation) and Nandan Nayampally - they both have such wonderfully soothing voices, by the way.

The mosaic of conjecture we’ve both been creating over the past couple of weeks is almost complete; here are two more tiles to lay, one of them a shiny golden one.

While the videos’ tech content is way above my pay grade, both presentations were quite illuminating, nevertheless! Let me share with you what piqued my interest:

I first watched Kynan Eng’s talk on iniVation’s new Aeveon sensor:

The wallaby featured on the iniVation website must have hopped away and is now presumably roaming freely somewhere around Lake Zurich, as it didn’t make an appearance during the presentation. Instead, it had been substituted by a beautiful, iridescent hummingbird, legendary for its rapid wing beat, which is notoriously difficult to capture on regular camera without blurring.

Watch from 8 min onwards, where Kynan Eng starts to talk about the new, soon-to-be released Aeveon sensor:
„What‘s important to note here is, this is mainly digital. We‘ve moved quite a distance away from the analog circuit in current DVS pixels…

And from 10:45 min onwards: „So the chip doesn’t exist, yet. We are getting very close to the first tape-out of it now, but because it is in digital, we are able to create an emulator for this, for the chip.”

Well, I immediately took a liking to the sound of “digital”, especially since Synsense, iniVation’s sister start-up and partner for their Speck SoC, is into analog SNNs, but it got even better, when I then listened to Nandan Nayampally’s virtual presentation (which explains why he was nowhere to be seen in the CVPR 2023 Workshop group photo - I had actually hoped to spot him next to the likes of Kynan Eng, Tobi Delbrück or André van Schaik, which could have hinted at the fact that he was in conversation with one of them just before the group photo was taken. Clever idea of mine, eh?!)

Just over a minute into the presentation, I couldn’t believe my ears: “Let me start with the key technology changes that we are making to support our partners like Prophesee, iniVation and other folks that are building not only event-based solutions…”

WHAT???!!! My real-time auditory sensor processing DID get that right, didn’t it?! Listen for yourself and correct me if I’m wrong…

Did he really just let slip that iniVation is indeed a Brainchip partner?!

They obviously didn’t get listed under “partners” on the “Brainchip at a glance” presentation slide, as there hasn’t been any official announcement so far, but IMO this (unintentionally) revealing statement strongly supports our hypothesis.

Admittedly, it could have been a lapsus linguae, a disclosure of our Brainchip CMO’s secretly harboured wish of teaming up with iniVation, but honestly, how probable is that?! Much more likely it was an inadvertent divulgence in front of a small audience of computer vision researchers, plus the Aeveon sensor screams Akida, doesn’t it?
I suppose we’ll find out soon, as “we are getting very close to the first tape-out” of the new wonder chip.

My opinion only, DYOR.

That's what I call "right on the money" all the staff obviously know with whom we are dealing, so as in Nandan's case his subconscious was
talking to us....nice observations on your part, you got us :sneaky:
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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
Hey @TopCat, I reckon I’ve got exciting news to share! Keep your paws crossed that our sleuthing skills will soon be validated by an official announcement - I can already hear you happily purring away!

I only just found the time to watch the recorded CVPR 2023 Workshop presentations by Kynan Eng (CEO of iniVation) and Nandan Nayampally - they both have such wonderfully soothing voices, by the way.

The mosaic of conjecture we’ve both been creating over the past couple of weeks is almost complete; here are two more tiles to lay, one of them a shiny golden one.

While the videos’ tech content is way above my pay grade, both presentations were quite illuminating, nevertheless! Let me share with you what piqued my interest:

I first watched Kynan Eng’s talk on iniVation’s new Aeveon sensor:

The wallaby featured on the iniVation website must have hopped away and is now presumably roaming freely somewhere around Lake Zurich, as it didn’t make an appearance during the presentation. Instead, it had been substituted by a beautiful, iridescent hummingbird, legendary for its rapid wing beat, which is notoriously difficult to capture on regular camera without blurring.

Watch from 8 min onwards, where Kynan Eng starts to talk about the new, soon-to-be released Aeveon sensor:
„What‘s important to note here is, this is mainly digital. We‘ve moved quite a distance away from the analog circuit in current DVS pixels…

And from 10:45 min onwards: „So the chip doesn’t exist, yet. We are getting very close to the first tape-out of it now, but because it is in digital, we are able to create an emulator for this, for the chip.”

Well, I immediately took a liking to the sound of “digital”, especially since Synsense, iniVation’s sister start-up and partner for their Speck SoC, is into analog SNNs, but it got even better, when I then listened to Nandan Nayampally’s virtual presentation (which explains why he was nowhere to be seen in the CVPR 2023 Workshop group photo - I had actually hoped to spot him next to the likes of Kynan Eng, Tobi Delbrück or André van Schaik, which could have hinted at the fact that he was in conversation with one of them just before the group photo was taken. Clever idea of mine, eh?!)

Just over a minute into the presentation, I couldn’t believe my ears: “Let me start with the key technology changes that we are making to support our partners like Prophesee, iniVation and other folks that are building not only event-based solutions…”

WHAT???!!! My real-time auditory sensor processing DID get that right, didn’t it?! Listen for yourself and correct me if I’m wrong…

Did he really just let slip that iniVation is indeed a Brainchip partner?!

They obviously didn’t get listed under “partners” on the “Brainchip at a glance” presentation slide, as there hasn’t been any official announcement so far, but IMO this (unintentionally) revealing statement strongly supports our hypothesis.

Admittedly, it could have been a lapsus linguae, a disclosure of our Brainchip CMO’s secretly harboured wish of teaming up with iniVation, but honestly, how probable is that?! Much more likely it was an inadvertent divulgence in front of a small audience of computer vision researchers, plus the Aeveon sensor screams Akida, doesn’t it?
I suppose we’ll find out soon, as “we are getting very close to the first tape-out” of the new wonder chip.

My opinion only, DYOR.

Good Morning Frangipani,

Top sleuthing, all very exciting.

Looking at their locations around the world , Australia certainly looks busy in all the right place's.

I have now included them on my list.

* From an investing framework point of view that now makes.. 32 GREEN FLAGS.




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Hey @TopCat, I reckon I’ve got exciting news to share! Keep your paws crossed that our sleuthing skills will soon be validated by an official announcement - I can already hear you happily purring away!

I only just found the time to watch the recorded CVPR 2023 Workshop presentations by Kynan Eng (CEO of iniVation) and Nandan Nayampally - they both have such wonderfully soothing voices, by the way.

The mosaic of conjecture we’ve both been creating over the past couple of weeks is almost complete; here are two more tiles to lay, one of them a shiny golden one.

While the videos’ tech content is way above my pay grade, both presentations were quite illuminating, nevertheless! Let me share with you what piqued my interest:

I first watched Kynan Eng’s talk on iniVation’s new Aeveon sensor:

The wallaby featured on the iniVation website must have hopped away and is now presumably roaming freely somewhere around Lake Zurich, as it didn’t make an appearance during the presentation. Instead, it had been substituted by a beautiful, iridescent hummingbird, legendary for its rapid wing beat, which is notoriously difficult to capture on regular camera without blurring.

Watch from 8 min onwards, where Kynan Eng starts to talk about the new, soon-to-be released Aeveon sensor:
„What‘s important to note here is, this is mainly digital. We‘ve moved quite a distance away from the analog circuit in current DVS pixels…

And from 10:45 min onwards: „So the chip doesn’t exist, yet. We are getting very close to the first tape-out of it now, but because it is in digital, we are able to create an emulator for this, for the chip.”

Well, I immediately took a liking to the sound of “digital”, especially since Synsense, iniVation’s sister start-up and partner for their Speck SoC, is into analog SNNs, but it got even better, when I then listened to Nandan Nayampally’s virtual presentation (which explains why he was nowhere to be seen in the CVPR 2023 Workshop group photo - I had actually hoped to spot him next to the likes of Kynan Eng, Tobi Delbrück or André van Schaik, which could have hinted at the fact that he was in conversation with one of them just before the group photo was taken. Clever idea of mine, eh?!)

Just over a minute into the presentation, I couldn’t believe my ears: “Let me start with the key technology changes that we are making to support our partners like Prophesee, iniVation and other folks that are building not only event-based solutions…”

WHAT???!!! My real-time auditory sensor processing DID get that right, didn’t it?! Listen for yourself and correct me if I’m wrong…

Did he really just let slip that iniVation is indeed a Brainchip partner?!

They obviously didn’t get listed under “partners” on the “Brainchip at a glance” presentation slide, as there hasn’t been any official announcement so far, but IMO this (unintentionally) revealing statement strongly supports our hypothesis.

Admittedly, it could have been a lapsus linguae, a disclosure of our Brainchip CMO’s secretly harboured wish of teaming up with iniVation, but honestly, how probable is that?! Much more likely it was an inadvertent divulgence in front of a small audience of computer vision researchers, plus the Aeveon sensor screams Akida, doesn’t it?
I suppose we’ll find out soon, as “we are getting very close to the first tape-out” of the new wonder chip.

My opinion only, DYOR.

Nice work @Frangipani
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Find the below addition to Brainchip interesting. From Leapmind to Brainchip and Ceos recent visit to Japan.
Katsutoshi Yamazaki. ( He did get a mention a while back in april in here but i thought i would bring him to the forefront again as I am sure his addition is a important piece of the puzzle.
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Hey @TopCat, I reckon I’ve got exciting news to share! Keep your paws crossed that our sleuthing skills will soon be validated by an official announcement - I can already hear you happily purring away!

I only just found the time to watch the recorded CVPR 2023 Workshop presentations by Kynan Eng (CEO of iniVation) and Nandan Nayampally - they both have such wonderfully soothing voices, by the way.

The mosaic of conjecture we’ve both been creating over the past couple of weeks is almost complete; here are two more tiles to lay, one of them a shiny golden one.

While the videos’ tech content is way above my pay grade, both presentations were quite illuminating, nevertheless! Let me share with you what piqued my interest:

I first watched Kynan Eng’s talk on iniVation’s new Aeveon sensor:

The wallaby featured on the iniVation website must have hopped away and is now presumably roaming freely somewhere around Lake Zurich, as it didn’t make an appearance during the presentation. Instead, it had been substituted by a beautiful, iridescent hummingbird, legendary for its rapid wing beat, which is notoriously difficult to capture on regular camera without blurring.

Watch from 8 min onwards, where Kynan Eng starts to talk about the new, soon-to-be released Aeveon sensor:
„What‘s important to note here is, this is mainly digital. We‘ve moved quite a distance away from the analog circuit in current DVS pixels…

And from 10:45 min onwards: „So the chip doesn’t exist, yet. We are getting very close to the first tape-out of it now, but because it is in digital, we are able to create an emulator for this, for the chip.”

Well, I immediately took a liking to the sound of “digital”, especially since Synsense, iniVation’s sister start-up and partner for their Speck SoC, is into analog SNNs, but it got even better, when I then listened to Nandan Nayampally’s virtual presentation (which explains why he was nowhere to be seen in the CVPR 2023 Workshop group photo - I had actually hoped to spot him next to the likes of Kynan Eng, Tobi Delbrück or André van Schaik, which could have hinted at the fact that he was in conversation with one of them just before the group photo was taken. Clever idea of mine, eh?!)

Just over a minute into the presentation, I couldn’t believe my ears: “Let me start with the key technology changes that we are making to support our partners like Prophesee, iniVation and other folks that are building not only event-based solutions…”

WHAT???!!! My real-time auditory sensor processing DID get that right, didn’t it?! Listen for yourself and correct me if I’m wrong…

Did he really just let slip that iniVation is indeed a Brainchip partner?!

They obviously didn’t get listed under “partners” on the “Brainchip at a glance” presentation slide, as there hasn’t been any official announcement so far, but IMO this (unintentionally) revealing statement strongly supports our hypothesis.

Admittedly, it could have been a lapsus linguae, a disclosure of our Brainchip CMO’s secretly harboured wish of teaming up with iniVation, but honestly, how probable is that?! Much more likely it was an inadvertent divulgence in front of a small audience of computer vision researchers, plus the Aeveon sensor screams Akida, doesn’t it?
I suppose we’ll find out soon, as “we are getting very close to the first tape-out” of the new wonder chip.

My opinion only, DYOR.

Superb digging Frangipani 👍✔️
Keep up the great detecting
Smells Really Good
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Good Morning Chippers,

RENESAS locking in wafer material.

Slooooooowly but surely.


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