Hmmm yeah I wonder. Like what the risk is releasing a product like Akida inside, patent pending, that could potentially not be approved. Especially if it's to be ubiquitous. I see the patent pending sign on products, but I often think that's just a selling point for non disruptive technologies, or simple products. Worst case scenario would be a patent not granted and suddenly its open season on ripping off the technology and repackaging it. Obviously this is a complex area, but I wonder if megachips and others want to have their patents approved before marketing and active selling. It would explain why time to market and time to revenue is taking longer than expected.
Of course, whilst we Brainchip investors may view the world through our particular version of rose coloured glasses I think there are perhaps many reasons why our desired progress of both time to market and associated revenue is taking longer than many of us hoped for and expected.
I think many of us just got it wrong and had perhaps unrealistic expectations of the design and implementation cycle timelines and further, that our assumptions and enthusiasm were probably erroneously turbo charged by the MB announcement and subsequent spike in share price valuation.
We live and hopefully learn.
Whilst waiting for patents to provide adequate legal protection may be a factor, I think there are many others adding to the uncertainty weighing on both local and global markets and the speed of adoption.
A few examples of which, being............
The ongoing threat of disruption caused by Covid which may again metamorphose into a disease causing further lockdowns and interruptions to supply chains, let alone the toll on personal and public labour.
The ongoing and systemic supply chain deficiencies revealed and exacerbated by the effects of 2-3 years of a rolling global pandemic which are still being digested and reacted to, by the system.
The current and as yet unknown outcome of the Ukraine/Russian conflict whereby one nuclear armed entity is engaged in kinetic dispute with a highly motivated and engaged group who are supplied and supported by another.
The sustained downward economic stimulus being applied by many of the central banking systems in their efforts to restrain inflation pushing economies towards recession.
Both the political and economic emphasis being applied on a worldwide scale in an effort to address climate change.
The reallocation of resources required for the remediation and restitution efforts being applied systemically because of existing problems and damage caused by said climate change.
The readjustment of geopolitical boundaries brought about by the ascension of China and its stated goal of reassuming control over Taiwan thereby pitting itself directly and unequivocally against USA and her allies.
The growing political and economic division within America and the impact that her increasing isolationism will have on the vacuum created in the international sphere.
The growing economic and political stress being placed on many Western countries by the demographic bulge as a changing of the guard is initiated by us baby boomers as we progress out of active employment and positions of influence into retirement and indolent indulgence.