BRN Discussion Ongoing


I simply cannot believe, he is referring to BrainChip as lipstick on a pig A.I.!!

He should get a job writing for the Fool, he would fit in well..
I'm guessing actually being a fool, would rank high on their employment criteria.

100% a WANKA as you correctly identified.

Absolutely no idea, about what our Company will become in the future.
Yeah that was me DB, I removed it a while back. It's a common expression so I don't think there is any connection to our forum. You never know who's trawling these sites for material and ideas though.
Edit: responding to Straw's observation.
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!

Microsoft hmmmm

View attachment 36902

Everyone is piling in. This has to be a good thing, doesn't it?

Microsoft up against:
  • Merc + Bosch (plus AKIDA)
  • BMW + Valeo (plus AKIDA)

And AKIDA to help minimise cybersecurity/theft risks.

It's all about the sensors. And who makes sensors smart? Well, that'd be us!

BMW, Valeo join forces for automated valet parking

BMW, Valeo join forces for automated valet parking​

Business news | February 14, 2023
By Christoph Hammerschmidt

BMW and Valeo are expanding their strategic partnership to jointly develop next-generation automated Level 4 parking solutions.​

When Bosch and parking operator APCOA recently announced the roll-out of a commercial model for automated valet parking, the choice of potentially enabled vehicles was limited to a few Mercedes-Benz models. Now competitor BMW wants to follow suit: The company has signed a contract for a strategic cooperation with electronics supplier Valeo, which will give BMW access to the hitherto very exclusive club of valet parking. The corresponding technology is intended for vehicles being developed on the basis of the modular “Neue Klasse” platform.

The contract covers the development of numerous technologies for automated valet parking. These include vehicle-integrated technologies and sensors as well as infrastructure-based services to enable fully automated parking and charging for customers in suitably equipped public car parks and multi-storey car parks. The spectrum of technology ranges from the manoeuvring aid “Automated Manoeuvre Assistance” to the Level 4 parking service “Automated Valet Parking”. Infrastructure-based services are also being jointly developed to provide customers with fully automated parking and charging in suitably equipped public car parks and multi-storey car parks. As far as can be seen so far, the BMW-Valeo solution will differ significantly from the Bosch-Mercedes approach – the BMW/Valeo tandem intends to rely on in-vehicle sensors to a greater extent than Bosch and Mercedes.

Powerful compute platform handles number-crunching​

The software functions are based on the current software stack for driverless parking, which was introduced in 2021 with the BMW iX. In the next generation, the software will be extended to run jointly developed algorithms on a powerful computing platform.

“This joint development is an important milestone for the BMW Group with regard to our new generation of solutions for automated driving and parking. With scalable L4 parking functions, we are strengthening our position in this field. In order to develop functions that will delight our customers, we need state-of-the-art software and hardware solutions in all parts of the digital value chain as well as a powerful data ecosystem for the vehicle fleet,” says Nicolai Martin, Head of Driving Experience, BMW Group.

Valeo aims to leverage its expertise and technologies in advanced AI-based computer vision algorithms and expand its portfolio to include L4 capabilities as well as cloud services with this cooperation, which builds on stack components already launched in the market. “Other automakers will have the opportunity to participate in this platform, with BMW once again setting the standard for the most intuitive and convenient user experience that our customers rightly expect,” said Marc Vrecko, President Comfort and Driving Assistance Systems Business Group at Valeo.

The Automated Valet Parking (AVP) driverless parking service offers drivers and passengers a fully automated parking experience. At an exit zone, the driver exits the car. The vehicle then autonomously takes over tasks such as finding a parking space and making the necessary parking and exit manoeuvres. The vehicle can also drive autonomously back to an entry zone, where the driver takes it over again. To make the best use of parking time, additional services such as fully automated charging or washing of the car can be provided.

According to a future ISO standard available as a draft, automated valet parking solutions are divided into two categories: Type 1 and Type 2 systems. In Type 1 systems, the required technologies (including all sensors, computing units and algorithms) run in the vehicle. In Type 2 systems, the required systems (including sensors and AVP management system) are built into the relevant infrastructure, for example in parking garages, and the vehicle is controlled by this infrastructure.

The partnership between BMW and Valeo is intended to support both AVP systems, Type 1 and Type 2, BMW announced in this regard.
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Yeah that was me DB, I removed it a while back. It's a common expression so I don't think there is any connection to our forum. You never know who's trawling these sites for material and ideas though.
Edit: responding to Straw's observation.
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I assume partnership means both the companies can work together so that a reasonable solution can be provided to a customer.
There will be no money attached to partnership but yes if they can develop a product out of partnership then both can make money out of that product.
The best example is NVISO who are developing a technology with brn and the end customer is going to be someone else.
Brn is making partners so that they have better penetration in the market than to make money from partners. Money will definitely follow but that will take time.

I've had an interesting email exchange with Ken Scarince that I thought you might be interested in. I sent an email to the company as follows and had the following response:

The questions I asked in my email were:

'1. Why are Renesas not mentioned on the Partner page? Do we still have an IP Licence agreement with Renesas?
2. The partnerships: Is there a written partnership agreement with each of the partners? If not, how do we protect our IP and profit from the partnerships once products are developed?'

The Response from Ken Scarince was:

'Thanks for your note. I received your investor relations inquiry from our sales team.

We do indeed have an active IP agreement with Renesas. They are not considered an ecosystem partner, rather they are considered a customer. We define partners as companies or institutions with whom we collaborate on designs or applications using our combined technologies as opposed to a customer where we simply license our IP to them and they incorporate into their products for sale. And yes, we do have a written partnership agreement with each partner that very clearly defines who owns what to prevent any IP “pollution”. Typically, there is little risk of IP issues arising as the goal is to create something that requires a customer to purchase or license the core products from each partner. In some cases, the partners simply use our products to demonstrate the capabilities of their products when combined with Akida. But in any case, it goes through a thorough legal review process'

This means that we have a partnership agreement with each partner and that the goal is to develop products to on sell to their customers. As I suggested in an earlier post, this seems to be consistent with my view that the partnerships were really a way of getting companies on board quickly with Akida without the up front cost of an IP Licence. It also means that when the joint products are produced, they potentially have a ready customer base with our partner's customers. I think this puts in context the commercial purpose of the partnerships and makes you realise just how significant they are. It also means that we have products being developed by multiple partners now. Imagine what is going to happen when all the partners are ready to sell the products to their customers. It makes you start to think that in due course all these partnerships are potentially much more commercially significant than they might at first appear. (I don't wish to reopen the debate about whether they should have been announced on the ASX - no one will care about that when all the products are being sold in the market and the $$$ are rolling in) :)
Does it mean prophesse approached Qualcomm after they were convinced about a complete solution with help of akida.
That will also mean prophesse can partner with Qualcomm and akida is also in picture even when partnership is between prophesse and Qualcomm.
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seeds have the potential to become trees.
I find it totally inappropiate and unwarranted that TD as the Co's appointed Communication Officer is not prepared to have his open communications/responses with a shareholder on Co issues openly disclosed to other shareholder members thus once again demonstrating the Co's ongoing " Cone of Silence" mentality ............. shame and disappointment upon you TD
Yes, I thought it was interesting that he answered me in the way he did regarding to sharing it. I told him that it’s lucky that he wrote to someone who respects that, as there is nothing stopping many other people from sharing from your correspondence on an email.
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seeds have the potential to become trees.
Thanks for sharing. Were you satisfied with his answers?
I didn’t leave the conversation feeling much different from before the email. I still strongly believe Brainchip is well positioned to succeed, but there wasn’t any particular enlightening new information regards to my questions that hasn’t already been shared before. I strongly encourage anyone that are worried to open that conversation with Tony themselves.
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hyper-efficient Ai
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Hi guys, I thought I would let you all know that I asked Tony Dawe in an email about a few things the company has stated the last couple of years that I would like clarification on. But he would not let me share the correspondence with you guys here as it was a conversation between me and him. I found it interesting, but have chosen to respect his wishes for it to stay private.

Yes, I do mind.

“I would like my reply to remain private. It was written for you, because you asked me a question. Please do not share my reply with anyone.”



Non the less these where my questions:

1.” Explosive growth in sales” - what timeline are we talking when company stated that you are experiencing/expecting explosive growth in sales and what are you talking about? Is it sales of IP contracts? How is that going?

2. “Watch the next few quarterly financials to get a sense of where we are going”- paraphrased by our CEO Sean Heir he said something to the same effect. What timeframe is he talking about when he said watch the next few quarters? It sounded to me like we won’t see many announcements to keep track of Brainchips success rather watch the financials to track our progress. This is a bit concerning in light of our last Q results.

3. With the launch of Akida 2.0 which obviously is an improvement on AKD1.0, what will happen to all our 100+ NDAs and EAPs that have been engaged around AKD1.0? Are they still engaged with the company and are they switching their eyes to the next generation 2.0? Why haven’t we heard anything from our EAP or companies like Ford and Valeo who has been engaged with us for years?

Please help me understand to your best capacity.

I wrote this email as someone who has been invested in brainchip for over 6 years and feel I have the right as a share holder to ask these questions. I am not concerned and believe we are in a better position then we have ever been in, however the things I have mentioned has been a question mark to me and would like to know what is going on.

I encourage you to send Tony an email if you have any pressing worries or questions as he was promptly with his reply. Unfortunately as for-mentioned I can’t share his response with you.
I have a couple questions for you, TheFunkMachine.
1) After receiving his confidential reply do you remain invested?
2) After you received his confidential reply did you sell any shares?
3) After receiving his confidential reply did you add to your position?

Regards, dippY
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Yes, I thought it was interesting that he answered me in the way he did regarding to sharing it. I told him that it’s lucky that he wrote to someone who respects that, as there is nothing stopping many other people from sharing from your correspondence on an email.
The FunkMachine ........ maybe you should have signed off as " FF " on your email and you might have received a totally different response to same ?? !!! :) :)

Obviously the Co imo doesn't want to formally communicate / respond or disseminate information on a equal basis nor on a level playing field with loyal and LTH shareholders ....Thus the ongoing Co stance of the " Cone of Silence " treatment..... imo, so much " fluff " raised / implied previously from the Co implying that they did care about us s/holders and the support we s/holders have previously provided over the many years ............ imo, what an insult and a slap across all our s/holders faces for being so trusting and obliging ..... Oh and by the way, they still want their increased remuneration approvals from us shareholders for the upcoming AGM ??!! .......... SHAME, SHAME SHAME !!!!
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Wouldn’t be nice if we were involved with Apples new headsets
June 5 is there launch cost around 3k per set now that’s pushing the boundaries of affordability.
sell a few shares 🤣
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Hadn't seen this Nanoge conference earlier this year. Just popped up in a search.

Not about Akida but is about our type of AI and is good to see what Huawei think of neuromorphic. Positive thoughts.

Though, they indicate in the abstract they are still playing with analog....maybe they'll wake up at some point :LOL:

Trusting the other telecoms etc are starting to get their head around it and think the same way.

When I see Huawei and neuromorphic linked, I got back to the eX3 independent program that was using Akida in HiSilicon KunPreng 920s & what gets shared :unsure:

Moraitis, Timoleon
Huawei Technologies
Making neuromorphic the main stream of AI

Timoleon Moraitis a, Qinghai Guo a, Hector Garcia Rodriguez a, b, Franz Scherr a, Adrien Journé a, Pontus Stenetorp b, Yansong Chua a, Dmitry Toichkin c

a, Huawei Technologies, Zürich, Switzerland, Zürich, CH
b, University College London, Roberts building, Torrington Place, London, GB
c, None, GB

Neuromorphic computing is widely regarded as a constraint that increases AI efficiency but trades off proficiency, such as accuracy. However, this separates neuromorphic use cases from mainstream AI, into niches where proficiency is not crucial. To the contrary, our recent work [1-5] shows that neuromorphic mechanisms do not constrain but rather they expand and improve mainstream AI in conventional measures of proficiency, while also improving efficiency. Specifically, we show that neuromorphic algorithms can outperform the state of the art of the broader, conventional machine learning field, beyond neuromorphic niches, in classification accuracy, robustness, inference speed, learning speed, and task reward. We show these in tasks such as keyword spotting, ImageNet classification, playing Atari games, controlling robots, many of which are usually out of reach for neuromorphic models. We test these in settings of online adaptation, supervised, unsupervised, self-supervised or reinforcement learning, meta-learning, and non-backprop-based deep learning.

This is achieved by exploiting also other biological mechanisms than spikes. The biological mechanisms that we employ include spikes, Hebbian plasticity, short-term plasticity, and efference copies. The algorithms remain suitable for efficient neuromorphic hardware, and include a new method for decreasing the power consumption of weighting operations in analog synapses. Based on these results, we propose that exploiting the breadth of neuromorphic mechanisms, besides spikes, in suitable applications, is a path towards making neuromorphic the mainstream type of AI computing.
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Whilst this is from early 2022 I personally hadn't seen it before (though others probs have) and has a section on Quantun Ventura and the US Navy.

Kinda liked what they specialise in haha and also a certain strategic development partner...hmmmm :unsure:

Navy STP Technology Guide

Source Doc.


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Good weekend read.

Balanced article about AI and international regulatory concerns. No easy answers......fraught dominates my outlook. And I generally consider myself an optimist.

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Below is from a recent Senior Product Manager job listing

“Akida's success is dependent on finding the best product market fit in large markets, supported by a product roadmap that has the right combination of features and capabilities that delivers the best differentiated value, with many internal functions and external entities”.

Check out this job at BrainChip :

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The FunkMachine ........ maybe you should have signed off as " FF " on your email and you might have received a totally different response to same ?? !!! :) :)

Obviously the Co imo doesn't want to formally communicate / respond or disseminate information on a equal basis nor on a level playing field with loyal and LTH shareholders ....Thus the ongoing Co stance of the " Cone of Silence " treatment..... imo, so much " fluff " raised / implied previously from the Co implying that they did care about us s/holders and the support we s/holders have previously provided over the many years ............ imo, what an insult and a slap across all our s/holders faces for being so trusting and obliging ..... Oh and by the way, they still want their increased remuneration approvals from us shareholders for the upcoming AGM ??!! .......... SHAME, SHAME SHAME !!!!
Yeah I felt a bit the same at first but then you've got to consider that this isn't a closed forum and anyone worldwide can see what is posted here. Bearing that in mind it is prudent for our company representatives to be cautious when responding to specific questions.

If we want to be accepted into the 'big boys' club with Merc and other multi-nationals then we need to prove that we can act appropriately and in a manner that can earn their trust. Sharing information with unknown shareholders on a public forum is not the way to do this and could damage our reputation and chances for success.

Sean in the last podcast said that once you get your foot in the door with these companies it often leads to decades long engagements, that's what our team are trying to achieve.

I still hope that we get some enlightenment from the AGM and feel more secure with our investment thereafter.
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I didn’t leave the conversation feeling much different from before the email. I still strongly believe Brainchip is well positioned to succeed, but there wasn’t any particular enlightening new information regards to my questions that hasn’t already been shared before. I strongly encourage anyone that are worried to open that conversation with Tony themselves.
Thanks for sharing.

It's in TD and the company's best interest to answer these questions so that it can be disclosed to all shareholders.

TD would hate answering the same questions repeatedly and I would hate to see inconsistencies in their answers based on individuals.
Transparency is essential to us shareholders.
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Deleted member 118

Below is from a recent Senior Product Manager job listing

“Akida's success is dependent on finding the best product market fit in large markets, supported by a product roadmap that has the right combination of features and capabilities that delivers the best differentiated value, with many internal functions and external entities”.

Check out this job at BrainChip :

View attachment 36932
Bonus pay upto 10% of wages and restricted stock units

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Good morning all,

On reading a number of reply posts to the Funks earlier post regarding email correspondence with Tony, lets please just shut down
this subject.

Tony is highly educated in Corporate procedures, enjoys working for the company and knows the damaging consequences of straying
from his job description, yes he is obliged to answer all and any questions, despite the frustration of having to repeat himself, having to
cop totally unjustified, disrespectful abuse from individuals whom think that Tony is the companies punching bag when things appear
on the surface to not being going the way that they as shareholders believe is in the best interests of the company as a whole.

If, what the Funk has stated in his initial post, I'm 100% sure Tony was just offering a reassuring response, nothing more than that.

Whether in the past the odd comment has slipped through to the keeper is open for debate, but I can personally reassure you all that our company has tightened up on all Corporate procedures, and practices so as not to expose our company to any action that may totally derail us at this most critical point in our journey.

Integrity resides within the walls of Brainchip Holdings Ltd.

Purely my own views on the subject, have a pleasant Sunday.....Texta 🙃;)
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