Space Cadet
Hi DodgyThe wheels of commerce grind slow ...
A number of the partnerships have been described in terms of co-developments (year of engagement):
Edge Impulse (2020)
nViso (2022)
Prophesee ((2022)
SiFive (2022)
Socionext (2020) ("It's complicated" (SynQuacer))
Valeo (2020).
Apart from Valeo and Socionext, most of these are early stage companies with leading edge products at the frontier of their industry.
Some of the co-developments may result in licences, and some may be in the form of Joint Developments which involve profit-sharing rather than licence fees.
Then we have relationships with chip makers and foundries:
Global Foundries (2023)
IFS (2023)
MegaChips (licencee) (2021)
Renesas (licencee) (2019)
TSMC (via Socionext), (2020)
to which we could add our ARM (2022) IP licensing business ecosystem partner making Akida IP available to its customers.
Any commercial outcomes from these relationships should produce licence fees. Both ARM and Intel are experiencing elevated levels of competition
Then there are some US government contractors (SBIR):
Intellisense (NASA) (2023)
Quantum Ventura (DoE) (2023)
Vorago (NASA) (20)
ISL (AFRL) (2022)
There is a new urgency in the US government's attitude to procurement of leading edge technology.
NaNose (?)
Any progress on this front will be dependent on the sensing technology being proven and obtaining government approval.
Akida can also detect irregularities in X-rays and also handle the output of medical sensors.
Many companies which develop medical sensors may be startups which would need JDs rather than licences.
Other possibilities include:
Boeing/USAF (Loyal Wingman)
Magik eye
Samsung (smart fridge)
SoundHound (Mercedes)
TCS (robotics+)
Unity Tech (Mercedes)
Some would add Qualcomm to this list (but I wouldn't (at the moment)).
Small start-ups would be unlikely to be able to afford licence fees and development costs, so would probably want JD.
These lists are certainly incomplete, so additional information will be gratefully received.
Blue Ridge Envisioneering under SBIR.