Deleted member 118
A bit older 2022-02, but for me as a sceptical German it's nice to see any sign that Akida is known here. It's about a project funded by a federal state. And what do my tired eyes discover:
In the course of the project, "event-based" cameras were used in parallel with classic "frame-based" cameras to create a data set with twelve different gestures/actions. This dataset was used to train both classical neural networks (CNN+LSTM) and spiking neural networks to classify the gestures shown. The networks trained in this way were run on corresponding hardware accelerators and the two resulting systems (classic and event-based) were compared in terms of prediction accuracy, electrical power consumption and generated data rate. The event-based system achieved a higher prediction accuracy with a significantly lower data rate and electrical power consumption. The figure shows a section of the demonstration system.final report can be extracted."
View attachment 36197
"The SNNs were also ported as far as possible to the neuromorphic hardware platform BrainChip Akida and evaluated there in terms of throughput and electrical power consumption. A comparison with the simulation of the SNN on a GPU-based computer and with the values of the KNN-based system can be seen in Table 3."
Means power consumption and frames per second
View attachment 36195
The entire final report translated see attached.
It is/was about:
View attachment 36196
The Germans can read the report here:
Who knows, maybe one of the project participants is among us?
"In addition, the system is connected to an Nvidia Jetson NX8 AI processor and a BrainChip Akida as a neuromorphic AI processor.
neural networks that the partners have developed as part of the project. developed by the partners as part of the project.
The development kits CeleX5_MP from CelePixel Technology Co. LTD and Gen 4.0 from Prophesee are used as hardware.
In the end, Norse was used in combination with Tonic as a framework, as these promised sufficient functionality, fast results and easy integration of event camera data. Recurrent, convolutional and fully networked variants were chosen as SNN models.
The best results were obtained with a combination of recurrent, fully wired and convolutional layers, which achieve a very high accuracy of about 98% for 3 classes with less than 400,000 parameters. A detailed list and comparison of the different networks and accuracies can be found in Table 2.
HS Analysis has experienced great interest from our existing customers as well as some potential new customers to apply SNNs in commercial products, especially in the area of process monitoring. The main interest here is in the reduced energy consumption and increased data protection of event-based cameras. This enables data protection-compliant process monitoring even in areas accessible to the public, and the reduced power requirement offers the possibility of operating on-edge devices via Power-over-Ethernet (PoE), which simplifies deployment. Our previous core product, the HSA KIT, which is a toolbox of different which includes a toolbox of various customised AI analyses, can also be extended with the SNN knowledge gained in the project. This means that advanced, minimalistic time series analyses are now possible, for which we have already started with the quotation and ordering process."
I would also give a general tip not to always search in English. For the first time I had today the idea of searching in my own language ("gepulste neuronale Netze" ~ spiking neural network).
Does FCAS mean anything to you? There is no entry here.
In addition to the companies mentioned above the Fraunhofer-Institut is deeply involved in the development of military equipment, as I heard on the radio yesterday. Was new to me. This is one of the top research institutions in our country.
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