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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!

Some light reading to help get you in the mood for a snooze.💤

To the untrained eye, it looks like they could really use our help. Hopefully Ella agrees with that assessment.

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Deleted member 1270

@belkin Sorry for the delay in replying, just got off the elliptical.

This is great news!

View attachment 34308

Sounak Dey is not Brainchip staff, his position is listed as the Senior Scientist, Neuromorphic Computing and Spiking Neural Network, TCS Research.

TCS is not Brainchip.

It was liked by Brainchip staff! And what‘s not to like about it.

I would suggest that TATA is an EAP and are testing, trialing Akida with support from Brainchip staff.

I applaud Brainchip for giving them all the support they can. That’s what we want them to do!

TATA is a massive company and I am quietly confident they will be using Akida in the future for a variety of reasons, medical, transportation, space and robotics to name a few areas.

We all know until there is something significant there will be no ASX announcement otherwise it can be viewed as artificially pumping up the SP, possibly receive the wrath of the ASX and not be favourable for our NASDAQ listing in 2025 (I made that timeframe up).

What ASX announcement is appropriate in the example you have supplied? How much is it worth. What timeframe can we give to when TATA will have products to market?

I don’t know what confidentiality clauses the agreement with the EAP‘s entail. I’m sure some companies would like to keep their testing/trialing of Akida secret. Maybe the fact another company is looking at us is their secret to share when they’re ready?

TATA and the Indian market is massive. I’m very excited for when there is finally something to announce between them.

It fills me with confidence we are on a winner!

Giles bezard works for?? Brainchip


If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
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I wish I could paint like Vincent
If @thelittleshort is wrong, he's going to eat his hat.

View attachment 34319
I hope I am wrong.
According to the below ARM tech talk Plumerai are using Binary Neural Networks. (Above my pay grade) I watched the first 10 minutes but it's a bit deep for my little brain.
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AFRL release.. Still digging through.

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AFRL release.. Still digging through.

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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
How many automakers are using NECR (Neuromorphic Enhanced Cognitive Radio) technology?

ECR technology’s low-SWaP and low-cost cognitive sensing capability will have many non-NASA applications. The NECR technology can be integrated into commercial communication systems to enhance cognitive sensing and communication capability. Automakers can integrate the NECR technology into automobiles for cognitive sensing and communication.

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So you're saying he should have never used the word "never" aren't you?

What if I based my investment decision to buy and then hold the stock since the first comments from the company about AKida 1000 were made?

Or in my case I'm an existing shareholder at that point in time but I maintain my holding because I rightly rely upon what a company representative has stated in open forum!

Comments made by both Peter and Sean to the effect that "we are starting volume production of the chip" or "we expect steady and consistent sales going forward."

To then be told by the current CEO that they never intended Akdia 1000 to be a commercial product!

Wow, talk about opening up the floodgates to potential lawsuits!
Sean was referring to Akida 1000 ie the reference chip, we produced these for development/evaluation kits ie not commercial purposes.. Akida 1000 ip (2 nodes) will be released in a Renesas mcu this year, that’s a commercial product.
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
How many automakers are using NECR (Neuromorphic Enhanced Cognitive Radio) technology?

ECR technology’s low-SWaP and low-cost cognitive sensing capability will have many non-NASA applications. The NECR technology can be integrated into commercial communication systems to enhance cognitive sensing and communication capability. Automakers can integrate the NECR technology into automobiles for cognitive sensing and communication.

View attachment 34321


CR pm.png

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Are we talking about the physical chip or the IP part?
I assume the IP part was ready long before the chip.
My question what was the need on akida 1000 and again the wording from the company keep of changing. It started with volume production, to batch production and moe not for sale purposes.
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Giles bezard works for?? Brainchip

Yes, He too is congratulating TATA for their research work they are doing with assistance from Brainchip.

It is TATA’s post and he re-shared it and is saying good job. Anil commented too.


What announcement are you expecting? TATA is doing some research and have some promising results. It was nice of them to share their success.

It is something to celebrate that a company of TATA’s size is looking to use Akida although I still don’t know how you could distill that down into an ASX announcement of value without it being viewed as fluff…. at this stage. When they come up with a product and sign a commercial agreement then we’ll see the announcement, product, revenue and SP rise.

Something nice to look forward to and be happy about!

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Lol how is Akida 1000 a failure when you have the likes of Mercedes Benz using it in the EQXX, Nviso testing it and getting insane fps. Arm/SiFive wanting to be tech partners. Your kidding right..

Please show us where its actually a failure...

It was taped out for partners to test and actually have available over IP.
Mercedes not using akida 1000 as part of our IP. We all say loihi 1 and loihi 2 are research chips and no competition to brn so what is means to akida 1000 when company is telling us after 2 years that it was not ment for sale.
I am not considering the company is a failure but from the point of view reflected to share holders it is a failure as company cannot sell enough chips and the money paid to tsmc may not be fully utilized at all.
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I want to make my opinion clear to everyone I am still a holder and still believe in the technology.
My frustrations are regarding change of wording from brainchip management regarding akida 1000 through which they claim they are the 1st neurophonic processor builder
As a holder it was announced on asx that company is going to manufacture volume production of akida 1000. We were told through another announcement that the results are better than expected and chips are allocated to partners. Since then company also tried to sell some kits with akida 1000. But as per sale of chips are those kits are concerned the revenue is not even 10% of the manufacturing cost.
Now after 2 years company is telling us the same was not for sale purposes. While there was no such thing when the chips were getting manufactured.
Even all those announcements were price sensitive and it the context of company they were projected as a big win.
Most of the partnerships are getting through in Sean time and I assume the same may involve akida1000 as a specimen but at the time of manufacturing akida 1000 company was having no plan how to implement things.
We all say loihi 1 and loihi 2 research chips so how akida 1000 is more than that but the company use the term commercial available without have a plan to commercial implement a strategy to sell the same.
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
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I assume the IP part was ready long before the chip.
My question what was the need on akida 1000 and again the wording from the company keep of changing. It started with volume production, to batch production and moe not for sale purposes.
Yes the IP was developed before the chip, because of course the chicken comes before the egg 🤔..

But no company is going to buy a recipe, even if they liked the simulated product, without first tasting something made from it.

No AKIDA1000 chips were produced "for sale" so to speak (other than development boards etc).

BrainChip had to outlay the capital, to produce both the Engineering Sample and the Production Chip.

They didn't produce a whole bunch of chips, with the hope of selling them to someone.

It it actually not common, for the first Engineering Sample, of a completely new architecture, to be as good as it was, which is a huge credit, to both Peter Van der Made and Anil Mankar.
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Deleted member 118

I am tired of having to search the internet to find out information about BRN and then try and piece it all together. It's just not acceptable.

Why is it so difficult for the company to keep us informed of what is happening? As an example the Virtual Investor Conference....if you are not following this forum or HC, how would you even have known that this conference was happening? I am on the mailing list for BRN, so why were we not advised of the conference before it happened?

And as for Sean saying that "Akida 1000 was never intended to be a revenue stream at all", flies in the face of comments from the last two AGMs and ASX announcements from 13 April 2021 and 9 November 2021.

I will be following this up with BRN and I think they should be making a statement to the market clarifying his comments.. Unbelievable! I feel like I have been misled and lied to.

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I want to make my opinion clear to everyone I am still a holder and still believe in the technology.
My frustrations are regarding change of wording from brainchip management regarding akida 1000 through which they claim they are the 1st neurophonic processor builder
As a holder it was announced on asx that company is going to manufacture volume production of akida 1000. We were told through another announcement that the results are better than expected and chips are allocated to partners. Since then company also tried to sell some kits with akida 1000. But as per sale of chips are those kits are concerned the revenue is not even 10% of the manufacturing cost.
Now after 2 years company is telling us the same was not for sale purposes. While there was no such thing when the chips were getting manufactured.
Even all those announcements were price sensitive and it the context of company they were projected as a big win.
Most of the partnerships are getting through in Sean time and I assume the same may involve akida1000 as a specimen but at the time of manufacturing akida 1000 company was having no plan how to implement things.
We all say loihi 1 and loihi 2 research chips so how akida 1000 is more than that but the company use the term commercial available without have a plan to commercial implement a strategy to sell the same.
In my view, Antonio & Sean were very clear during last year’s AGM that they had to course correct some essential parts of the company’s strategy, organisation, etc. This included a firm shift in focus to IP and largely letting our partners handle production of chips.
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