String, long, how?
Frankly I'm surprised we are not at $3 already.
I certainly expected it by now.
It is taking longer than I had hoped.
But such is life.
It is not moved by my agenda.
Am still convinced we have winning tickets and would feel very foolish cashing out now, backing another horse, only to see BRN take off as I have already foreseen, without me.
It would be a killing blow.
So I wait, patiently, cause if I wait anxiously that is uncomfortable.

So much evidence points in the right direction.
The Company is executing an intelligent plan.
I have faith in the management team we have in place and the way in which things PVDM predicted have come to pass.
I would certainly hope we would be seeing evidence of significant ongoing revenue by the end of December 2024 which should be able to sustain an ongoing share price valuation of around $3, but the revelation of any large scale contract with any of dozens of potential partners could see us there much sooner.
To my mind giving up now would make me the biggest wanca I could possibly imagine.
But each of us have our own risk/reward scenarios and our individually determined timelines.
For mine, barring new pertinent/relevant data, I'm resigned to another 18 months of waiting with hopefully further diminishing uncertainty.
But I would hope to be at least back to the $1.50 level much sooner, as I am personally more comfortable around there.