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Good Morning Chippers,

Flipping through the weekend financial review......

Interesting article on Accenture , with whom Brainchip did a podcast with on 11th Jan 2023.

With all the lay-offs, might , with any luck , spur a concerted effort by those still fortunate to have a job to stop talking & start producing $.

Good morning Esq 111
Hope all is well mate any chance of a Sunday tune?
Something to keep me rolling while exercising

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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
I am thrilled to share my latest creation with you! I've developed an AI-powered Q&A application that can be used on any website, and I've chosen the Brainchip Inc website for the purposes of this demo.

You can access it through this link:

I know the demo might be a little slow, but please bear with me! This is just a temporary issue and is a result of the early demo/prototype nature of the app. I wanted to share it with you as soon as possible because I'm so excited about what it can do.

As early testers, your feedback is incredibly valuable to me. Please don't hesitate to share your screenshots, comments, and suggestions with me. It will help me make the app better and ensure that it meets your needs as users of my Q&A type application.

My app instantly crawls any website to provide you with accurate and up-to-date information using advanced language AI.

There's no setup required for any company that would like to implement it on their website, or as a live chat, or email responder, or anything else you can imagine! It's like having an extremely knowledge personal assistant, sales, or customer care agent who never sleeps.

It’s only limited by what has been published on the website.

So what are you waiting for? Give my app a try and join me in the excitement of the future!

Best regards,


Brainchip Inc​

Question to ask: How good is Akida?

Getting an answer for you now, one moment...

Akida is a digital neuromorphic processor IP that mimics the human brain to analyze only essential sensor inputs at the point of acquisition, processing data with unparalleled performance, precision, and economy of energy. It enables optimized custom SOC development for mass deployment and can be deployed as a stand-alone embedded accelerator or integrated as a co-processor to support multiple use cases. Akida's scalable architecture and small footprint boost efficiency by orders of magnitude, supporting up to 256 nodes that connect over a mesh network. It also supports incremental learning and high-speed inference in a wide variety of use cases.

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Makeme 2020

November 2022 company presentation from NVISO well worth Re Reading.


  • NVISO Company Presentation 20221026 - Overview + Automotive + Neuromorphic v3 Public S.pdf
    10.7 MB · Views: 101
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip

Brainchip Inc​

Question to ask: How good is Akida?

Getting an answer for you now, one moment...

Akida is a digital neuromorphic processor IP that mimics the human brain to analyze only essential sensor inputs at the point of acquisition, processing data with unparalleled performance, precision, and economy of energy. It enables optimized custom SOC development for mass deployment and can be deployed as a stand-alone embedded accelerator or integrated as a co-processor to support multiple use cases. Akida's scalable architecture and small footprint boost efficiency by orders of magnitude, supporting up to 256 nodes that connect over a mesh network. It also supports incremental learning and high-speed inference in a wide variety of use cases.


Brainchip Inc​

Question to ask:

Getting an answer for you now, one moment...

The Brainchip Akida is a third-generation neural processor that utilizes event-based processing to achieve ultra-low power consumption and enable instantaneous learning. Unlike traditional neural processors, the Akida is a complete, self-contained, purpose-built neural processor that eliminates excess power consumption associated with the interaction and communication between separate elements. The Akida processor is constructed from event-based neurons that work in a manner much more like the way the brain operates than the “perceptron” style neurons used in today’s deep learning neural network hardware solutions.

Could be here all day!!!!! :ROFLMAO::p:ROFLMAO:
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Staff member

Brainchip Inc​

Question to ask:

Getting an answer for you now, one moment...

The Brainchip Akida is a third-generation neural processor that utilizes event-based processing to achieve ultra-low power consumption and enable instantaneous learning. Unlike traditional neural processors, the Akida is a complete, self-contained, purpose-built neural processor that eliminates excess power consumption associated with the interaction and communication between separate elements. The Akida processor is constructed from event-based neurons that work in a manner much more like the way the brain operates than the “perceptron” style neurons used in today’s deep learning neural network hardware solutions.

Could be here all day!!!!! :ROFLMAO::p:ROFLMAO:

What was the question you asked? :D
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
How good is Akida?
And........ Who uses Akida?

Brainchip Inc​

Question to ask:

Getting an answer for you now, one moment...

BrainChip's Akida neural processor is used by clients in various industries for edge AI applications. The platform is designed to be flexible and scalable for multiple use cases, and BrainChip works with clients to optimize the node configuration for desired performance and efficiency levels. The Akida IP is easy to evaluate, design, develop, and deploy, and the platform supports incremental learning and high-speed inference in micro watt to milli-watt power budgets. BrainChip's AI enablement program makes entry to edge AI simple and real, with varying levels of model complexity and sensor integration.
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White Horse

I am thrilled to share my latest creation with you! I've developed an AI-powered Q&A application that can be used on any website, and I've chosen the Brainchip Inc website for the purposes of this demo.

You can access it through this link:

I know the demo might be a little slow, but please bear with me! This is just a temporary issue and is a result of the early demo/prototype nature of the app. I wanted to share it with you as soon as possible because I'm so excited about what it can do.

As early testers, your feedback is incredibly valuable to me. Please don't hesitate to share your screenshots, comments, and suggestions with me. It will help me make the app better and ensure that it meets your needs as users of my Q&A type application.

My app crawls any website in full to provide you with accurate and up-to-date information using advanced language AI.

There's no setup required for any company that would like to implement it on their website, or as a live chat, or email responder, or anything else you can imagine! It's like having an extremely knowledge personal assistant, sales, or customer care agent who never sleeps.

It’s only limited by what has been published on the website.

So what are you waiting for? Give my app a try and join me in the excitement of the future!

Best regards,

Hi Zee,
Just nitpicking.
"extremely knowledge personal assistant"
Should be "knowledgeable"

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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Today is Sunday.
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
Today is Sunday.
Happy Sunday GIF by Sealed With A GIF

Tomorrow Monday... then Tuesday... then Wednesday .... then Thursday and then it all goes pear shaped :sleep::sleep:
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Staff member
Hi Zee,
Just nitpicking.
"extremely knowledge personal assistant"
Should be "knowledgeable"


Thanks. I’m only human, after all.
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
Good morning Esq 111
Hope all is well mate any chance of a Sunday tune?
Something to keep me rolling while exercising

I'll post it Esq :cool:
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Hey Gang!

Remember back on the 7th Feb 2023 NVISO announced the following:

NVISO Japan and Privately SA join forces to bring advanced age verification technology to digital kiosks. The solution offers secure, safe and engaging experiences while maintaining privacy and enhancing interactivity for digital kiosks and interactive avatars.​

Well, I just noticed that David Miles (Director of Safety Policy at Meta) "liked" Deepak Tewari (Privately SA) LinkedIn post about the announcement!

That is Meta as in formerly known as Facebook!

B 💋

Screen Shot 2023-03-26 at 11.49.13 am.png

Screen Shot 2023-03-26 at 11.49.49 am.png

Screen Shot 2023-03-26 at 11.50.10 am.png
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I am thrilled to share my latest creation with you! I've developed an AI-powered Q&A application that can be used on any website, and I've chosen the Brainchip Inc website for the purposes of this demo.

You can access it through this link:

I know the demo might be a little slow, but please bear with me! This is just a temporary issue and is a result of the early demo/prototype nature of the app. I wanted to share it with you as soon as possible because I'm so excited about what it can do.

As early testers, your feedback is incredibly valuable to me. Please don't hesitate to share your screenshots, comments, and suggestions with me. It will help me make the app better and ensure that it meets your needs as users of my Q&A type application.

My app crawls any website in full to provide you with accurate and up-to-date information using advanced language AI.

There's no setup required for any company that would like to implement it on their website, or as a live chat, or email responder, or anything else you can imagine! It's like having an extremely knowledge personal assistant, sales, or customer care agent who never sleeps.

It’s only limited by what has been published on the website.

So what are you waiting for? Give my app a try and join me in the excitement of the future!

Best regards,

cool idea and tool

I tested a few questions and they came up as expected.

I also tested a few questions that had me asking more questions.
One Q I asked related to 'who are BRN Customers and who are they partnering with'. The results of this came up a little short IMO' so I asked one more question re one company that seemed to be missing.
Id be very concerned if Megachips has pulled out lol

Early days I know
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Staff member
cool idea and tool

I tested a few questions and they came up as expected.

I also tested a few questions that had me asking more questions.
One Q I asked related to 'who are BRN Customers and who are they partnering with'. The results of this came up a little short IMO' so I asked one more question re one company that seemed to be missing.
Id be very concerned if Megachips has pulled out lol

Early days I know
View attachment 32986
Yeah so this is a very specific question and I have a solution for this one coming shortly.
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Norse clairvoyant shapeshifter goddess
The last words he says is "we are making progress"
"we are making progress because we partnered with Brainchip"
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Norse clairvoyant shapeshifter goddess
not sure if posted


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Norse clairvoyant shapeshifter goddess
With the new addition of Temporal Event Based Neural Nets for Akida we have ESA exploring this in 2021.

European Space agency

1 NOV 2021

Temporal information processing with spiking neural networks​

Project overview​

In general, as part of this project we investigate how complex information can be represented using temporal spike patterns, e.g., by exploring adaptive neuron models for efficiently transforming visual inputs to spikes [11], or by exploring novel ways of representing structured information like graphs using spike trains [12]. However, the main focus of this project lies in evaluating the applicability and potential benefits of SNNs for space-relevant tasks like scene classification on board a Cubesat [13] and event-based navigation and control of spacecraft [14]. This research is done together with colleagues of the Politecnico di Milano and the University of Heidelberg as part of two ongoing

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Norse clairvoyant shapeshifter goddess
European Space Agency and spiking neural network


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Well people and especially @Fact Finder I'm going to say, after getting the Tesla yesterday, OMG! Could Akida help this car out, I'm thinking yes, but what a car it is. Highly recommend anyone looking at an EV, try one out.

For all the tech it has, it doesn't do so well with Rabbits and kangaroos lol. Failed to come up on the screen. Ran over a rabbit (RIP) and the Kangaroo standing still on the side of the road, come up on the screen as a witches hat (maybe a hazard?)

The G force on the thing when floored seems more than when taking off in a plane, I don't think it'll ever get old.

But Elon needs to speak to BRN, I feel that they could really turn the car into a masterpiece IMO.
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