BRN Discussion Ongoing


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The liars are out and about. The last 4C in January, 2023 was price sensitive and announced to those that only read ASX price sensitive announcements the following:

“The recently ended Quarter amplified the execution of the Company’s commercialisation for our AkidaTM neuromorphic IP by adding critical talent. BrainChip added two North American and one Korean sales executive towards the tail end of the quarter and has launched formal searches for sales talent in Germany and Japan as we aggressively pursue engagements globally. BrainChip also appointed a new Chief Marketing Officer, Mr Nandan Nayampally, to lead our marketing efforts, and appointed Ms Duy-Loan Le as a Non-Executive Director, to further strengthen the Board’s capabilities and connectivity. Both individuals have extensive semiconductor expertise and industry contacts.

Our ecosystem efforts continue to gain momentum with BrainChip joining Intel Foundry’s IFS -
Accelerator - IP Alliance, extending access to the Akida IP, and the announcement of our
attendance at the Consumer Technology Association’s CES conference alongside partners
Prophesee, Socionext, and VVDN to showcase compelling solutions on constrained edge devices,
featuring its AkidaTM processors.

In October, BrainChip announced two new patents granted by the US Patents and Trademarks
Office (USPTO), and the acquisition of previously licensed technology from Toulouse Tech
Transfer (TTT). These latest additions of technical assets reinforce BrainChip's event-based
processor differentiation for high performance, ultra-low power AI inference and on-chip learning.

In January, BrainChip completed a design with the latest Akida IP technology on a more power-
efficient and advanced technology node. This is part of BrainChip’s validation strategy to offer IP
across different processes and foundries which enables partners to have various global
manufacturing options. This reference design, which has been released to GlobalFoundries, will
enable current and prospective partners to design MCU modules or add-on cards for always-on
sensors as well as broader IoT, industrial and automotive applications. We expect our next
reference chips to be delivered in Q2 of this year.”

So where isthe failing by Brainchip. Multiple syndicated press releases, individual emails to registered shareholders and price sensitive ASX notifications. What else do investors need a white cane and talking book announcements.

There are trader manipulators, sick trolls and shorts trying to panic retail investors.
Now a talking book announcement would get people’s attention 😂😂. Brilliant summary @chapman89
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It's so hammered into my brain that I even read Hotcrapper. The brain is spikily abbreviating.
Yes the mind is easily tricked even by subtle suggestions.
Look at this guy running in the snow.
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Revolutionizing Age Verification: NVISO Japan and Privately SA Join Forces for Cutting-Edge AI Technology in Digital Kiosks

Revolutionizing Age Verification: NVISO Japan and Privately SA Join Forces for Cutting-Edge AI Technology in Digital Kiosks

7th February, 2023

NVISO Japan and Privately SA join forces to bring advanced age verification technology to digital kiosks. The solution offers secure, safe and engaging experiences while maintaining privacy and enhancing interactivity for digital kiosks and interactive avatars.

Yokohama, Japan – 7th February 2023

NVISO Japan KK, a subsidiary of the leading Human Behavioural Analytics AI company NVISO SA, has signed a binding Heads of Agreement with Privately SA, a provider of age verification solutions.

The partnership aims to revolutionize the digital kiosk industry by combining NVISO's advanced AI technology and Privately's privacy-by-design age verification technology. The result will be secure and engaging experiences for customers while offering businesses a way to comply with age restrictions while maintaining privacy. This innovative technology, which combines ease of use and efficiency, will provide peace of mind for both businesses and customers.

Digital kiosks equipped with this innovative technology will use cameras and microphones to verify a customer’s age quickly and accurately while offering unprecedented data protection and privacy to users. These systems will utilize advanced facial analysis algorithms and voice analysis to determine the age of the customer by making kiosk cameras and microphones ‘age-aware’. This applies a quick, discreet process and does not require any personal information to be collected or stored in central servers.

This technology is particularly useful for industries of restricted retail, where strict age verification laws are in place. Digital kiosks equipped with this technology will be better able to ensure that only customers who meet the age requirement are able/allowed to purchase restricted products, reducing the risk of underage sales and countering the growing problem of stolen or borrowed ID cards.

The HOA will provide NVISO with access to Privately’s software development kit (SDK) for the purpose of building integrations into NVISO’s holistic platform that features predictive analytics tied to emotional and transactional outcomes. These integrations will be designed to work along with interactive digital avatars that are able to understand various behavioral and emotional facets of their interactors through eye tracking and facial detection. Combining these integrations with NVISO's Human Behaviour AI will enhance the customer experience by providing personalized and engaging interactions. Further, the technology can track and analyze customer behavior, which will enable businesses to offer bespoke interactions through recommendations and promotions.

Privately’s product suite will provide Age Verification to the NVISO platform with:

Full preservation of privacy as it operates completely “on-device” with “Zero-data” implementation.
Multimodal support– can use face, voice or both and includes anti-spoofing and liveness.
Continuous Improvement using federated learning techniques that can be deployed to continuously improve system accuracy across age/gender/race.
Independent certification and regulatory approvals both in the UK (UKAS) and in Germany (KJM), with UK GDPR certification expected shortly. The UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has also audited Privately’s age assurance service and calls it a ‘Zero-Data’ implementation.
Privately CEO, Deepak Tewari commented: “Privately is excited to be partnering with NVISO on this collaboration which will initially target the Japanese retail market. In Japan the use of automation in computer-to-human interactions using digital characters is well established and NVISO’s presence and expertise in Japan brings significant added value in terms of it being able to address the market for deployment of digital avatars for customer interactions.”

“Deploying Privately’s privacy-preserving age verification technology with digital avatars humanised with behavioral detection brings powerful AI-based automation into digital kiosks enabling a complete range of retail transactions from customised age-appropriate interaction with customers to those needing the ability to facilitate or restrict access to restricted goods and services. Of course, the applicability of similar age-verified transactions extends to many other sectors beyond retail.”

NVISO delivers solutions for a wide range of use cases including those in the areas of Smart Living, Smart Mobility, and Smart Health. This is achieved through a range of AI Apps providing visual observation, perception and semantic reasoning capabilities, in supporting autonomous “human-like” interactions. NVISO is already working with partners to demonstrate and then deliver an Interactive Digital Avatar and to promote and sell this solution in the Japanese market targeting products such as digital kiosks.

NVISO AI Apps are specifically designed for resource-constrained low-power and low-memory hardware platforms deployed at the extreme edge. These AI Apps analyze core signals of human behavior, such as body movements, facial expressions, emotions, identity, head pose, gaze, eye state, gestures, or activities, and identify objects with which users interact. In addition, these AI Apps can be optimized for typically resource-constrained, low-power and low-cost processing platforms deployed on the edge, as demonstrated with ultra-compact models such as the Emotion Recognition AI App with less than 100KB of memory. Furthermore, NVISO AI Apps can be easily configured to suit specific camera systems for optimal performance in terms of distance and camera angle, and thanks to NVISO’s large-scale proprietary human behavior databases, NVISO’s AI Apps are robust to the imaging conditions often found in real-world deployments. Unlike cloud-based solutions, NVISO’s solutions do not require information to be sent off-device for processing elsewhere, so user privacy and safety can be protected.

“Increasing efforts by customer-centric firms to provide emotionally engaging experiences to customers is a key factor driving adoption of digital human avatars globally in systems such as Digital Kiosks,” said Colin Mason, Country Manager of NVISO Japan K.K. “There is strong demand to provide enhanced Age Verification during automated transaction processes for those products and services where age restrictions apply in order to protect vulnerable users, while at the same time providing strict privacy protection to all users.”

NVISO SA is an artificial intelligence company founded in 2009 and headquartered at the Innovation Park of the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland. NVISO provides artificial intelligence solutions that can sense, comprehend and act upon human behaviour using emotion analytics.

NVISO's artificial intelligence solutions create actionable data through its measurement of instantaneous emotional reactions of consumers. This is achieved in real-time using standard camera devices installed on everyday products, such as phones, tablets, and computers and only with the consent of the user. These can be any type of camera and they have countless commercial applications.

NVISO's products and services consist of applications,SDKs, and data services. These are used by NVISO customers to measure and increase productivity, and to accurately perform specific business functions, such as the automation of customer-facing operations. NVISO commercialization is focused on AI solutions for several key industries.

With a singular focus on how to apply advanced technology to industry and societal problems that matter, NVISO's solutions help advance human potential. For further information, please visit:

About Privately
Privately SA is a Swiss technology company that has developed and deployed a range of online safety and age assurance technologies with some of the biggest brands in the world like the BBC, Samsung, Epic etc. Its patent-pending age-assurance technology can make the next generation of games, apps, kiosks, and devices age aware while fully preserving user privacy.

Privately’s multimodal age assurance allows accurate age checks to be carried out without a user’s personal data ever leaving the processing device- a major breakthrough in user data privacy. The technology can be deployed in minutes into any webflow or as an SDK into applications. Privately has been keeping children safe online since 2014.

For further information, please visit:


24th January, 2023
NVISO and Unith sign Heads of Agreement to develop Interactive Digital Avatars
2nd January, 2023
NVISO’s latest Neuro SDK to be demonstrated running on the BrainChip Akida fully digital neuromorphic processor platform at CES 2023
18th December, 2022
Santa brings eye tracking to neuromorphic hardware - here is how he did it.
16th December, 2022
NVISO announces a milestone release of its Neuro SDK for manufacturers building state-of-the-art AI-enabled human-machine interfaces
18th July, 2022
NVISO announces it has reached a key interoperability milestone with BrainChip Akida Neuromorphic IP
See All
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Norse clairvoyant shapeshifter goddess
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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
Good Morning Chippers,

As of 7:15 CST Aus.

US Markets.

DOW, +0.53%
NAS, +1.65%
SOX, +2.85%
S&P 500 VIX, -4.22%


US, BRCHF, US$0.441, +1.17%,242% average 65 day daily volume average. ( MOST VOLUME FOR OVER TWO MONTHS), although still a pittance.
GER, 24Y, €0.432, +5.47%

Looking good.

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Makeme 2020


BrainChip and AI Labs target future predictive maintenance

BrainChip and AI Labs target future predictive maintenance​

Business news | February 7, 2023
By Jean-Pierre Joosting

BrainChip Holdings Ltd, a producer of ultra-low power, fully digital, event-based, neuromorphic AI IP, has announced a partnership with AI Labs to collaborate on next-generation application development leveraging the Minsky™ AI Engine.

System health monitoring is a critical use case in industrial efficiency and productivity. As machines and processes get more complex, the ability to detect anomalies, identify challenges, predict impacts becomes increasingly difficult. Especially when those changes are barely discernible as standard machine diagnostics or discernable to human observation. A combination of the Minsky AI Engine, smart models, and the sensory inference capabilities of BrainChip’s Akida™ provides a compelling and cost-effective solution to these real-world problems.
“Minsky is the most easy-to-use, proprietary, enterprise-grade AI engine that does not require data scientists or software developers to model and run predictions,” said Bhasker Rao, Founder of Ai Labs. “When optimized for BrainChip’s neuromorphic IP platform, the result will fuel rapid growth in the industrial AIoT space. Together with BrainChip’s Akida IP and MetaTF™, we can radically improve development and deployment of predictive maintenance applications, such as vibration analysis, gas sensing, temperature sensing and others, preventing costly potential failures and reducing machine downtime. This streamlines processes and increases industrial efficiency and profitability.”
Additionally, since similar machines do not all fail the same way or at the same rate, models may have to be customized for different production lines. This is where Akida’s on-device learning capability provides a differentiated and secure approach to intelligent customization.

“Technological advancements in industrial infrastructure such as oil exploration, manufacturing, mining, transportation to mention a few, have enabled some amazing features that make for a better customer experience, but they also have created additional points of failure that can be difficult to assess,” said Rob Telson, VP of Ecosystems and Partnerships at BrainChip. “Using a combination of AI Labs, the Minsky AI Engine and our Akida platform, we are providing a way to intelligently identify points of failure, predict issues and proactively fix them before they happen. This intelligence is a game changer.”
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hyper-efficient Ai
No actual link to BRN but another company that could probably shine a lot brighter with Akida technology.

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I believe this list of excuses for non performance of duties is something that the CEO should announce. He could write a Letter to Shareholders explaining it all. He could tell us to act on our beliefs, and then fall on his sword. That would be a relief.
Hi Iseki
I hope you will have some precedence for the same as well?
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Renesas news

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I believe this list of excuses for non performance of duties is something that the CEO should announce. He could write a Letter to Shareholders explaining it all. He could tell us to act on our beliefs, and then fall on his sword. That would be a relief.
Iseki if you ever had any form of control of BrainChip i would sell all my shares and leave the country
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Obviously I'm not an engineer and I usually have no idea what I'm talking about but considering BRN and WBT now have products made via the same process at potentially the same foundary, wouldn't it be possible to glue them together to see what the outcome was? Weebit has been looking at Neuromorphic computing as a future application for ReRAM, so perhaps the two products can be intertwined much faster than originally anticipated?

Screen Shot 2023-02-08 at 9.03.11 am.png

Screen Shot 2023-02-08 at 9.02.46 am.png
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Founding Member
A cool video I came across yesterday, event based and all that sh8.
If you have watched it, don't worry, watch it again.

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Founding Member
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Obviously I'm not an engineer and I usually have no idea what I'm talking about but considering BRN and WBT now have products made via the same process at potentially the same foundary, wouldn't it be possible to glue them together to see what the outcome was? Weebit has been looking at Neuromorphic computing as a future application for ReRAM, so perhaps the two products can be intertwined much faster than originally anticipated?

View attachment 28965

View attachment 28964
Coby touched on this at the meet and greet. Don't quote me but I think he said that it was a long term goal.

EDIT: How good is Youtube transcript feature! Here are his exact words (complete with um's) :ROFLMAO::

"if you look at further in terms of the AI neuromorphic stuff there's a question that's coming around is there any update on the research that's been undertaken in that space. Um there's ongoing work uh you know talking about short and Midterm I always said that's the longer term that's uh not something that's really anywhere in in the near term so there is work going on with these research institutes there's progress being made um but it's right now we're so swamped with the short term with getting um getting these uh initial Fab agreements customer agreements".
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At 32min in video Prophesee event based vision sensor is mentioned & will be in smartphones in 2023.

Along with the following comments from the Prophesee/Brainchip partnership indicate highly likely Akida IP will be in smartphones with Qualcomm chips this year.

“We’ve successfully ported the data from Prophesee’s neuromorphic-based camera sensor to process inference on Akida with impressive performance,” said Anil Mankar, Co-Founder and CDO of BrainChip. “This combination of intelligent vision sensors with Akida’s ability to process data with unparalleled efficiency, precision and economy of energy at the point of acquisition truly advances state-of-the-art AI enablement and offers manufacturers a ready-to-implement solution.”

“By combining our Metavision solution with Akida-based IP, we are better able to deliver a complete high-performance and ultra-low power solution to OEMs looking to leverage edge-based visual technologies as part of their product offerings,” said Luca Verre, CEO and co-founder of Prophesee.

According to Statista 1.2 billion smartphones were sold in 2022.

And Qualcomm states:
In the same online briefing, chief financial officer Akash Palkhiwala predicted smartphone shipments would drop by roughly 5 percent year-on-year in 2022, dropping from prior estimates of 750 million units to between 650 million to 700 million devices.

Thus Qualcomm has 650-700 million / 1.2 billion = 54.16% - 58.33% smartphone market share.

Initially Akida IP will most likely be used in 10% of high end smartphones & later be available in all Qualcomm chip smartphones.

650-700 million chips per year x 10% Akida IP = 65-70 million.

If we allow $15-20 per chip x 3% Akida royalty = 45-60c BRN revenue per Qualcomm chip smartphone.

We'll use 50c BRN revenue per chip x 65-70 million units = $32.5-35M revenue.

When the tech becomes standard in all Qualcomm chip smartphones there will be 650-700 million chips per year x 50c BRN revenue = $325-350M revenue.

Qualcomm have also released Snapdragon Ride Flex SoC for vehicles.

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