BRN Discussion Ongoing


bavarian girl ;-)
just wanted to write to you again:
I'm sitting here now and it's 2:00 am at my place.
I looked at the course in Australia and it's worse than it was here in Germany on Friday

I had now found two contact addresses for our new company that I found very interesting and then researched, I wanted to send them to you here because they are really very interesting.... unfortunately I can't find them anymore because of all the searching around.

However, I might have something else for you here, as I believe this partnership is very important and our team at BRN has thought of it very well. Still, I'm very sorry I didn't find the other one I already had, but I'll find it again, I promise you.

I'll tell you what, on days like this I think it's great to be a BRN shareholder. When I came to you, this forum consisted of nothing but people who only believed in BRN, I liked that. People who believe in making a quick buck can be right or wrong here, just like any other stock.

I've been sitting for a year now and am in the red. Would be fun if it was different. I would not have thought that today it would go down further than Friday.

This Saturday I had fun with the message and with my hick hack with Rise of the Ashes.

We cannot change the course here, we can decide whether to invest.

If you don't want to or can't prepare yourself for a longer investment, I thought this is the wrong forum for you.

and now I go to sleep knowing that our course in Germany is red, but ok... I know it's a shame... but I think whoever stays here for a long time will be rewarded... except for the Chienese who catches one too War on... good night

one more thing... i miss FF!!!!!


The client is a large Power Company that generates and distributes power from traditional as well as alternative sources such as Solar, Wind, etc. The main challenge for them was how to balance Power scheduling / allocation between traditional energy and alternative energy. This was due to the daily unpredictable variations from their solar Power generation. This required accurate solar power generation prediction based on geographical parameters like longitude, latitude, weather, sun intensity, cloud cover, relative humidity etc. After a detailed evaluation of their operations, AI Labs ( used its proprietary Minsky AI Engine to optimize the models by using a combination of AI algorithms and prediction attributes. In this case, Minsky used historical power generation data along with other weather related attributes for model creation. Weather forecast data was then used in conjunction with the Minsky models to predict Solar Power Generation for future dates. This solution was optimized and implemented in less than a week.
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I know you lot here live in the land of fairy floss and happy clowns here,but seriously this announcement should have put at least 10cents onto the share price,we are seriously getting fkd over by this absolutely idiotic no announcement policy,might as well give my 500k shares to the shorters


Learning to the Top 🕵‍♂️
What do they say about things happening in 3's

Ai Labs collaboration with BRN confirmation.
IBX, outstanding results from study confirmed. (Do yourselves a favor).

And just now reached in a bag of Double Ds and jackpot, 2 in 1 bag.

I'm off the buy a lotto ticket:LOL:
View attachment 28739
And with your winning 🏆,

Can you please buy BRN and burn 🔥 these shorts 😎😎😎(NFA, just asking for a friend)😁😁😁

Learning 🏖
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
And with your winning 🏆,

Can you please buy BRN and burn 🔥 these shorts 😎😎😎(NFA, just asking for a friend)😁😁😁

Learning 🏖
Yep they are relentless at the moment!!!! 😡😡 very frustrating!! 📰!
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Founding Member
What do they say about things happening in 3's

Ai Labs collaboration with BRN confirmation.
IBX, outstanding results from study confirmed. (Do yourselves a favor).

And just now reached in a bag of Double Ds and jackpot, 2 in 1 bag.

I'm off the buy a lotto ticket:LOL:
View attachment 28739

This is why phones need Akida in camera so they don't focus on a bird's arse rather than double double d's.
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Did someone say KFC
And with your winning 🏆,

Can you please buy BRN and burn 🔥 these shorts 😎😎😎(NFA, just asking for a friend)😁😁😁

Learning 🏖
The similarities between us and what Roger James Hamilton from Genius Group said on a recent YouTube vid that every time there was a positive stock announcement the SP contracted, due to being shorted and in their case naked shorted.
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bavarian girl ;-)
I really have to go to sleep now... and all the knowledge @Diogenese has, I don't have anyway (I meant all the hardware)... I'm good at tying things together and I can search..
Well, at least I did some SQL programming ('C++, Assembler)... so those who have been here for a long time and I'm with you, I think it's fine. and due to those who can't or won't wait any longer, badmouthing BRN etc... FF is gone! I can understand people who have invested more than 1 euro and now need the money. I love this forum because there are people here who love BRN!

I'm so happy to be here, to have people who know so many more things about my invest, @Bravo and so many more... anyway, it's a shame FF, he's missing... he can tie a lot together

Good night!
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Learning to the Top 🕵‍♂️
Yep they are relentless at the moment!!!! 😡😡 very frustrating!! 📰!
The similarities between us and what Roger James Hamilton from Genius Group said on a recent YouTube vid that every time there was a positive stock announcement the SP contracted, due to being shorted and in their case naked shorted.
Very frustrating indeed,

Yet, we all hold. 😎😎😎.
Another great partnership 👏 👏👏

Learning 🏖
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just revisiting the half yearly, with a view of the upcoming annual report:

June receivables balance - $2.5M
Sept - received f*k all
Dec - received about $1.3M

So still about half of the receivable to collect

Cant wait to see the revenue figure to end of December and the new receivables figure- just to see how much true accounting movement there is, and comparing to prior periods. This is way more important to me than the 4c's

Last year we got he report around 23rd Feb so a touch over 2 weeks to go.
This is the key that I want to see. I would like to see over 1.2 million on receivables if it's 2.5 or more then I would be extreamly happy😁
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The founder of AI Labs seems fairly well-connected, if those who have endorsed him on Linked In (including a director from Microsoft, and a procurement specialist from Northrop Grumman) are anything to go by. Can’t paste screen captures as using mobile.

EDIT - Able to post some screen captures now…




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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
Very frustrating indeed,

Yet, we all hold. 😎😎😎.
Another great partnership 👏 👏👏

Learning 🏖
Agree Learning .. another great partnership(y) ☑️☑️ would love to see the SP 'liking' these partnerships also$$$$!!!! Soon!!?
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just wanted to write to you again:
I'm sitting here now and it's 2:00 am at my place.
I looked at the course in Australia and it's worse than it was here in Germany on Friday

I had now found two contact addresses for our new company that I found very interesting and then researched, I wanted to send them to you here because they are really very interesting.... unfortunately I can't find them anymore because of all the searching around.

However, I might have something else for you here, as I believe this partnership is very important and our team at BRN has thought of it very well. Still, I'm very sorry I didn't find the other one I already had, but I'll find it again, I promise you.

I'll tell you what, on days like this I think it's great to be a BRN shareholder. When I came to you, this forum consisted of nothing but people who only believed in BRN, I liked that. People who believe in making a quick buck can be right or wrong here, just like any other stock.

I've been sitting for a year now and am in the red. Would be fun if it was different. I would not have thought that today it would go down further than Friday.

This Saturday I had fun with the message and with my hick hack with Rise of the Ashes.

We cannot change the course here, we can decide whether to invest.

If you don't want to or can't prepare yourself for a longer investment, I thought this is the wrong forum for you.

and now I go to sleep knowing that our course in Germany is red, but ok... I know it's a shame... but I think whoever stays here for a long time will be rewarded... except for the Chienese who catches one too War on... good night

one more thing... i miss FF!!!!!


The client is a large Power Company that generates and distributes power from traditional as well as alternative sources such as Solar, Wind, etc. The main challenge for them was how to balance Power scheduling / allocation between traditional energy and alternative energy. This was due to the daily unpredictable variations from their solar Power generation. This required accurate solar power generation prediction based on geographical parameters like longitude, latitude, weather, sun intensity, cloud cover, relative humidity etc. After a detailed evaluation of their operations, AI Labs ( used its proprietary Minsky AI Engine to optimize the models by using a combination of AI algorithms and prediction attributes. In this case, Minsky used historical power generation data along with other weather related attributes for model creation. Weather forecast data was then used in conjunction with the Minsky models to predict Solar Power Generation for future dates. This solution was optimized and implemented in less than a week.
Yeah @Sirod69 and here is to you and the Brainchip Staff!

Resilience is the ability to cope with adverse shocks and stresses, and to adapt and learn to live with changes and uncertainty.

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Season 9 Middle Finger GIF by Shameless

Here's to the shorters.
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irgendwie kann ich die sache mit der partnerschaft mit ai labs von gestern nicht nachvollziehen, sehr merkwürdig das ganze. Suche Leute die dort arbeiten etc.

Unten auf dieser Homepage steht, dass Sie ihnen auf Facebook und Twitter folgen können, aber es funktioniert nicht.

Bei Google suche ich nach ai labs minsky und komme auf die folgende Seite (sie zeigt mir sogar als nicht sicher an)

Wir sind MINSKY - AI Engine​

NexGenAi Solutions Pvt Ltd. ist die Offshore-Engineering-Abteilung von Ai Labs, USA ( ). Unsere Mission ist es, künstliche Intelligenz (KI) zu nutzen, um Aufgaben auszuführen, die natürlicherweise mit menschlicher Intelligenz verbunden sind, wie Spracherkennung, Entscheidungsfindung, visuelle Wahrnehmung und Übersetzung von Sprachen. Um dies zu implementieren, verwenden wir maschinelles Lernen, Deep Learning, NLP und neuronale Netze oder jeden Zweig der KI, wo immer dies erforderlich ist, um komplexe Aufgaben wie Vorhersagen, Empfehlungen, Anomalieerkennung und vieles mehr auszuführen. Mit unserer proprietären KI-Plattform ( Minsky) bieten wir kundenspezifische, innovative End-to-End-Lösungen, um Geschäftstransformationen voranzutreiben, die zu intelligenten Prozessen und datengesteuerten Entscheidungen führen. Darüber hinaus setzen wir neue Maßstäbe im Bereich Robotic Process Automation ( RPA ), um zeitaufwändige, arbeitsintensive Prozessabläufe in verschiedenen Branchen zu automatisieren. Wir waren Pioniere bei der Integration von RPA in unsere KI-Lösungen für Aufgaben wie die Datenerfassung und die Berichtsverteilung. Mit unserem Hauptsitz in den USA und Offshore-Engineering-Zentren bieten wir rund um die Uhr Support für Datenanalyse, Entwicklung und Support nach der Implementierung.



Die weltweit benutzerfreundlichste proprietäre KI-Engine für Unternehmen, die keine Datenwissenschaftler oder Softwareentwickler benötigt, um Vorhersagen zu modellieren und auszuführen!

Also Ai labs dann NexGen Ai und nirgendwo finde ich irgendwelche sicheren Links dazu auf LinkedIn, hat man aktuell das Gefühl, dass diese Firma ein Fake ist? Oder was ist da los. Vielleicht stehen Namensänderungen und eine neue Struktur der Homepage an?
Komischerweise konnte ich beides auch nicht an der Börse finden
"Bei Google suche ich nach ai labs minsky" - Easy to figure out!!!

Go to Google and Search for Ai Labs Minsky!!!!

Spreading the sweet love of Brainchip in German! Way to go. 🍩🍩🍩
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I like this part...

"Technological advancements in industrial infrastructure such as oil exploration, manufacturing, mining, transportation to mention a few, have enabled some amazing features that make for a better customer experience, but they also have created additional points of failure that can be difficult to assess," said Rob Telson, VP of Ecosystems and Partnerships at BrainChip. "Using a combination of AI Labs, the Minsky AI Engine and our Akida platform, we are providing a way to intelligently identify points of failure, predict issues and proactively fix them before they happen. This intelligence is a game changer, and we are proud to partner with AI Labs to bring this revolutionary technology to market."
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Hyderabad India? Seems like I have seen Brainchip SNN mention in this region before?

Tempe Arizonia might be a new location for a partnership?

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Searching for information that you want to read, learn, absorb is best with Google News clicked.

For instance, using "spiking neural network" with News clicked is all good info. Much less turd crap stuff.

Hope this helps: News is a good choice for learning, not searching. All the google search tools apply to fine tune. News is often better than All for me when trying to learn.

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