BRN Discussion Ongoing

buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
"why do you all think there was no date set?"
Could just be a innocent mistake by forgetting to put the date of the month.
We have so much in the oven I'm drooling and can't wait to feast on what's been baking.

Cooking/baking with air fryers or whatever 😂

"We have so much in the oven I'm drooling and can't wait to feast on what's been baking."

Thought I would put you in the correct thread Rise :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: 🍞🫓🍞
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I wish I could paint like Vincent
I think it will be very material and vital to make a Co announcement before the open of trading tomorrow ... as the Co will need to explain to the ASX, if asked why there may be a material change in the S/p especially if someone complains ( like a shorter). The ASX will most likely investigate, asking if the Co has been providing Full and Frank disclosure as part of their fiduciary duty in a timely manner ?? !!! The ASX will most likely want BRN to confirm what actions they have put in place for this to not take place again .......... And as the Co has stated via Tony D just recently, that we are on the ASX watch list, I am sure that BRN should be proactive and get in first to avoid another strike agains't the Co.
BrainChip Partners with AI Labs on Next-Generation Application Development

Laguna Hills, Calif. – DATE, 2023 – BrainChip Holdings Ltd (ASX: BRN, OTCQX: BRCHF, ADR: BCHPY), the world’s first commercial producer of ultra-low power, fully digital, event-based, neuromorphic AI IP, today announced a partnership with AI Labs Inc. to collaborate on next-generation application development leveraging the Minsky™ AI Engine.

I don't think its possible to put a value on this so not worthy of an ASX announcement in my opinion.

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bavarian girl ;-)

ai lab.jpg

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Cooking/baking with air fryers or whatever 😂

"We have so much in the oven I'm drooling and can't wait to feast on what's been baking."

Thought I would put you in the correct thread Rise :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: 🍞🫓🍞
Haha yes I've been baking a bit too much lately it's all I think of .😂

@Xray1 if this turns into a asx announcement in it's same form as the release yesterday I'll shout you a year subscription.
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Tesla/Musk has finally bitten the bullet on ADS. Musk stated in Tesla's earnings call in Jan they're going to move away from their current GPU architecture (deconstruct or something he said) and switch on DOJO mid year to use as a AI machine learning training tool. He didn't elaborate on what they're going to use but if they're switching on DOJO I'd suggest (Dio?) it will be neuromorphic. Every other major OEM are going to use it. Musk said either early last year or late the year before (can't remember) he was going to continue with the GPU architecture until his GPU team tells him not to. I guess they have been heard from.

He said they're going to start producing the cybertruck in limit numbers later this year and start mass producing in 2024. The 2023 produced cybertrucks will use the current GPU architecture and won't be retrofitted. This seems to suggest whatever they're doing next is a complete reconfiguration.

Must does know about Akida.

Inside Tesla’s Innovative And Homegrown “Dojo” AI Supercomputer (

Those Dojo training tiles consume 15 kilowatts, and are obviously going to be water cooled, and they are designed so that multiple training tiles can be interconnected to neighboring tiles. It is not clear how this happens, but clearly you will want a long row of interlinked tiles, oriented either horizontally or vertically, and not separate racks with trays of a few devices that then need some sort of optical or electrical cable of enormous proportions and tanglement to carry the data between the tiles.
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irgendwie kann ich die sache mit der partnerschaft mit ai labs von gestern nicht nachvollziehen, sehr merkwürdig das ganze. Suche Leute die dort arbeiten etc.

Unten auf dieser Homepage steht, dass Sie ihnen auf Facebook und Twitter folgen können, aber es funktioniert nicht.

Bei Google suche ich nach ai labs minsky und komme auf die folgende Seite (sie zeigt mir sogar als nicht sicher an)

Wir sind MINSKY - AI Engine​

NexGenAi Solutions Pvt Ltd. ist die Offshore-Engineering-Abteilung von Ai Labs, USA ( ). Unsere Mission ist es, künstliche Intelligenz (KI) zu nutzen, um Aufgaben auszuführen, die natürlicherweise mit menschlicher Intelligenz verbunden sind, wie Spracherkennung, Entscheidungsfindung, visuelle Wahrnehmung und Übersetzung von Sprachen. Um dies zu implementieren, verwenden wir maschinelles Lernen, Deep Learning, NLP und neuronale Netze oder jeden Zweig der KI, wo immer dies erforderlich ist, um komplexe Aufgaben wie Vorhersagen, Empfehlungen, Anomalieerkennung und vieles mehr auszuführen. Mit unserer proprietären KI-Plattform ( Minsky) bieten wir kundenspezifische, innovative End-to-End-Lösungen, um Geschäftstransformationen voranzutreiben, die zu intelligenten Prozessen und datengesteuerten Entscheidungen führen. Darüber hinaus setzen wir neue Maßstäbe im Bereich Robotic Process Automation ( RPA ), um zeitaufwändige, arbeitsintensive Prozessabläufe in verschiedenen Branchen zu automatisieren. Wir waren Pioniere bei der Integration von RPA in unsere KI-Lösungen für Aufgaben wie die Datenerfassung und die Berichtsverteilung. Mit unserem Hauptsitz in den USA und Offshore-Engineering-Zentren bieten wir rund um die Uhr Support für Datenanalyse, Entwicklung und Support nach der Implementierung.



Die weltweit benutzerfreundlichste proprietäre KI-Engine für Unternehmen, die keine Datenwissenschaftler oder Softwareentwickler benötigt, um Vorhersagen zu modellieren und auszuführen!

Also Ai labs dann NexGen Ai und nirgendwo finde ich irgendwelche sicheren Links dazu auf LinkedIn, hat man aktuell das Gefühl, dass diese Firma ein Fake ist? Oder was ist da los. Vielleicht stehen Namensänderungen und eine neue Struktur der Homepage an?
Komischerweise konnte ich beides auch nicht an der Börse finden
I can't find the link now.

But AI Labs in had 2 to 10 people working they are a private company hence there is no directors or management on the web site.

Feel free to call the office and ask away.

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I doubt we will get an announcement on this as it's just like all the other partnerships.

Likely AI Labs is spun off a larger company or deeper pockets that took over Minsky's work.

I think this will fall closer the the ISL and NASA partnerships in confidentiality.
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip


Minsky™ at the Edge​

What is Edge-Ai?
Edge Ai means processing data collected/created on a device at the edge of a network using artificial intelligence algorithms where all the data is analyzed at the source of data collection without using Cloud servers.. ‘Edge’ means the device is at the edge of a network and ‘Ai’ means the data is processed using artificial intelligence. Edge Ai is defined by device location and how data is processed there.
How does Edge Ai work in practice?

As we have seen, Edge Ai relies on the devices’ own hardware for processing data and processes related to Machine Learning and Deep Learning. But how does this work in practice? A good example could be virtual assistants, such as Alexa or Google for example. They learn from the user’s words and phrases and can store them directly on the device. Thus, in addition to not necessarily depending on the internet connection to perform all functions, IoT devices achieve a much longer response time for the user. Of course, this is just an example. Later, we will see more possible applications in the future. The fact is that we are still witnessing the advances that this type of application can bring to people’s daily lives and industries in general.

Benefits of Edge Ai:
A technology like Edge Ai can bring several benefits, especially for the industry, which relies more and more on IoT devices. Some of the benefits include:
Reduced latency to improve the user experience
Integration between wearable technologies, such as bracelets
Reduction of the necessary bandwidth and, consequently, of the costs of internet services
Greater security and privacy of data, since the processing is done locally and not in the cloud.

Need for Edge-Ai:
Facial recognition, traffic updates on smartphones, autonomous vehicles, and smart devices
. The list of devices that today have computing solutions at the edge keeps growing with the need for data processing on the devices and the increasing use of Artificial Intelligence. Shortly, we will see more of Edge Ai meeting the following needs:
Improvement in autonomous vehicles, which will start to identify images much more quickly for decision making;
Intelligence for security cameras, detecting suspicious activity in real-time;
Reduce costs and improve IoT security in industries;
Use in the medical field for emergency care and surgeries

How Minsky™ can make an Impact at the Edge…
Edge Ai relies on the devices’ own hardware for processing data and processes related to Machine Learning and Deep Learning. But how does this work in practice? A good example could be virtual assistants, such as Alexa or Google for example. They learn from the user’s words and phrases and can store them directly on the device. Thus, in addition to not necessarily depending on the internet connection to perform all functions, IoT devices achieve a much longer response time for the user.
Minsky™ can be used at the Edge in a wide range of possible applications where data acquisition is accomplished using IoT sensors and the Test results fed to Minsky™ for Data Analytics/Inferences.
We are MINSKY™ - Most Power Ai Engine

Our mission is to utilize Artificial Intelligence (Ai) to execute tasks naturally associated with human intelligence such as: speech recognition, decision-making, visual perception, and language translation. To implement this we use machine learning, deep learning, NLP and neural networks or any branch of Ai wherever required to perform complex tasks such as predictions, recommendations, anomaly detection and much more. Using our proprietary Ai platform (Minsky™) we provide custom end-to-end innovative solutions to drive business transformations resulting in smart processes and data driven decisions.
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Curious and CBF checking, what was our last decent announcement we had released on the asx.
And not talking about the LDA announcement (yes securing funds is decent)
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BrainChip Holdings Announces new Capital Call Notice under continuing agreement with LDA Capital

A few observations on this announcement.

Looks like BRN are chasing the whole $30M available in one call. LTH's will notice that the time frame is longer than previous periods. Originally 30 days, subsequent calls were reduced to a couple of weeks (possibly to reduce shorting impact). This call is running for months. Expect some volatility, we might be a traders paradise for a while but we should see some very decent gains in the SP.

Very happy to see this announcement, calls on LDA usually come with good news.
Hi FJ,

Not sure why you are getting criticised for what was in my view a reasonable opinion. I was initially under the same impression as you about the capital call. The large number of shares being offered in the capital call and the extended period indicated they could be trying to raise the full amount in the LDA call.

Since there's been some conflicting views on this, I thought it's worth doing calcs based on the information available.

LDA were subscribed 30m shares, which if I recall means they were given 30m shares but will need to return any unused.

In the previous Top 20, LDA had no shares. In this recent Top 20, they had ~26m shares. The date on this Top 20 is 27th January and the capital call started 10th January. This equates to 12 or 13 trading days (1 public holiday).

So assume 4 million shares were sold since 10/1 (30m -26m). With avg of about 65c, this equates to ~2.6m AUD

Assuming 13 days, this equates to 300k shares per day, which equates to $200k AUD per day

Now as per the following statement in the notice:
The Capital Call Notice pricing period will begin upon exercise of the put option on or around 11 January, with an anticipated ending date in late March or early April, subject to adjustments based on the share price performance throughout the pricing period.

ASX days from 10 Jan till end March (choosing 28/3) = 11 weeks or 55 trading days, minus any public holidays. To round things, I'll go with 60 trading days to early Apr.
On the current trajectory, 60 days at 200k AUD = $12 million AUD raised.
This would use 18m of the 30m shares they were given.

As per the Capital call conditions, minimum drawdown = $15m, though up to $27.9m AUD can be raised.

The current trajectory is closer to the 15 million minimum drawdown. I suspect they are expecting some share price increase over this period to prevent needing to do another capital call to raise the minimum required amount. I'm not saying they won't do another call, it just depends on their requirements at the time (eg. for negotiations, for buying expensive things, for more reference chips, or increasing headcount with quality staff, etc.). Lower share sells over a longer time may just be to cause less bumps in the price.

When the plans to raise these amounts with LDA were set out over a year ago, Sean obviously had a strategy. However, a lot of things have happened since then such as war in Ukraine and high inflation / possible recession coming. Are EAP customers still going ahead with plans, or has the economy caused some delays in progress? Alternatively, are there now more customers on board wanting to pay, in which case there may less need to raise funds?

Raising the minimum could imply they expect revenue to come in shortly and remove the need for further raises. However, we have sufficient funds for 12 quarters at current burn rate. More hires are likely to increase rate of spending, and I would expect a reasonable headcount increase if we continue to be successful.
On the flip side, raising more could indicate bigger expansion plans, new research facilities or takeover of another company.

Pure speculation, DYOR
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I think it will be very material and vital to make a Co announcement before the open of trading tomorrow ... as the Co will need to explain to the ASX, if asked why there may be a material change in the S/p especially if someone complains ( like a shorter). The ASX will most likely investigate, asking if the Co has been providing Full and Frank disclosure as part of their fiduciary duty in a timely manner ?? !!! The ASX will most likely want BRN to confirm what actions they have put in place for this to not take place again .......... And as the Co has stated via Tony D just recently, that we are on the ASX watch list, I am sure that BRN should be proactive and get in first to avoid another strike agains't the Co.
It's not material in the sense that there is no attribution of revenue to what has been released. If the SP does rise and the ASX issue a speeding ticket, then surely BrainChip can point to this media/PR release and justify a rise in SP by stating that the release must be driving positive sentiment from speculative investors.
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BrainChip Partners with AI Labs on Next-Generation Application Development

Laguna Hills, Calif. – DATE, 2023 – BrainChip Holdings Ltd (ASX: BRN, OTCQX: BRCHF, ADR: BCHPY), the world’s first commercial producer of ultra-low power, fully digital, event-based, neuromorphic AI IP, today announced a partnership with AI Labs Inc. to collaborate on next-generation application development leveraging the Minsky™ AI Engine.

I don't think its possible to put a value on this so not worthy of an ASX announcement in my opinion.

IMO ....... you are correct to some degree, in that it's not possible to put a value on this "supposedly partnership ".... but I still think the undated BRN Co presumptive notice carries a fair degree of price sensitive information for ASX purposes, especially based on the fact, that s/holders or investors may have now attached / attributed some commercial importance to that disclosed information actually published on the BRN media web platform / page ....... imo, a Co can't just put out a notice in a Co web page, then just to pull it off again, like as if it never took place ..... It's just like a mining Co announcing/saying they found gold in the morning and then within a few hours they have taken that notice down off their web page, like as if it never happened !!!! ............. I really think, that the Co now need's the Co Secretary to urgently provide them with his advice as to how this matter should be treated or actioned upon well before the start of ASX trading this morning ........... I personally think that the Co needs to fess up to the oversight / mistake well before the ASX sends out a please explain notice and put another negative strike next to our Co's name and ongoing reputation, which the Co seem's to want to avoid at all cost's especially given's Tony D last general comments provided to TSE via another prominent member of the 1,000 eye's group.
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I wish I could paint like Vincent
IMO ....... you are correct to some degree, in that it's not possible to put a value on this "supposedly partnership ".... but I still think the undated BRN Co presumptive notice carries a fair degree of price sensitive information for ASX purposes, especially based on the fact, that s/holders or investors may have now attached / attributed some commercial importance to that disclosed information actually published on the BRN media web platform / page ....... imo, a Co can't just put out a notice in a Co web page, then just to pull it off again, like as if it never took place ..... It's just like a mining Co announcing/saying they found gold in the morning and then within a few hours they have taken that notice down off their web page, like as if it never happened !!!! ............. I really think, that the Co now need's the Co Secretary to urgently provide them with his advice as to how this matter should be treated or actioned upon well before the start of ASX trading this morning ........... I personally think that the Co needs to fess up to the oversight / mistake well before the ASX sends out a please explain notice and put another negative strike next to our Co's name and ongoing reputation, which the Co seem's to want to avoid at all cost's especially given's Tony D last general comments provided to TSE via another prominent member of the 1,000 eye's group.
It feels a little clumsy but I'm confident they will tidy it up.🤞🤞
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bavarian girl ;-)
IMO ....... you are correct to some degree, in that it's not possible to put a value on this "supposedly partnership ".... but I still think the undated BRN Co presumptive notice carries a fair degree of price sensitive information for ASX purposes, especially based on the fact, that s/holders or investors may have now attached / attributed some commercial importance to that disclosed information actually published on the BRN media web platform / page ....... imo, a Co can't just put out a notice in a Co web page, then just to pull it off again, like as if it never took place ..... It's just like a mining Co announcing/saying they found gold in the morning and then within a few hours they have taken that notice down off their web page, like as if it never happened !!!! ............. I really think, that the Co now need's the Co Secretary to urgently provide them with his advice as to how this matter should be treated or actioned upon well before the start of ASX trading this morning ........... I personally think that the Co needs to fess up to the oversight / mistake well before the ASX sends out a please explain notice and put another negative strike next to our Co's name and ongoing reputation, which the Co seem's to want to avoid at all cost's especially given's Tony D last general comments provided to TSE via another prominent member of the 1,000 eye's group.
I totally agree with them. I would really like an explanation from BRN on this, but I will not write to anyone about it now. It's not okay to publish something of any kind and then withdraw it. I hope this doesn't harm BRN, it seems it happened by mistake

@Boab , yes I hope so!
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I totally agree with them. I would really like an explanation from BRN on this, but I will not write to anyone about it now. It's not okay to publish something of any kind and then withdraw it. I hope this doesn't harm BRN, it seems it happened by mistake

@Boab , yes I hope so!
Yes, agreed this should not be swept under the carpet.
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In the German forum someone writes that she/he has noticed several times that announcments were visible briefly on Saturdays probably for testing purposes and then published on Mondays.

Perhaps one should not make now more out of it than it is.
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Founding Member
I personally don't think they're trying to hide anything.

That press release was meant to be released to the public. Why would anyone write it, obviously approved by the management and then withdraw at the end? Only reason I can think of is to edit something. I won't be surprised if it comes back up online tomorrow with minor fixes, whatever they might be.
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In the german forum someone writes that she/he has often noticed that messages were visible briefly on Saturdays probably for testing purposes and then published on Mondays.

Perhaps one should not make now more out of it than it is.
Can't remember how many hours but it was not briefly that's for sure.
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That‘s right. I almost had forgotten that (how do you say it?) outrage, fuss??

And it really takes careful handling of such data.

Would be good to know if it happened accidentially or intentionally.
LoL. I'm not outraged 🤣 but yes these things need to be definitely handled better.
images (15).jpeg
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Cooking/baking with air fryers or whatever 😂

"We have so much in the oven I'm drooling and can't wait to feast on what's been baking."

Thought I would put you in the correct thread Rise :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: 🍞🫓🍞
Exactly what I said to my wife when I told here I diverted another chunk over to my direct investment account from my super, destined for BRN.

I have a strong gut feeling this will go up and we only dream of sub $1 (or perhaps even sub$10) in the near future 😂😂😱😱. Either that or my wife will kill me 🤣😂

Edit: then again all that yeast in the bread will likely trigger a gout attack so maybe getting killed is better 😂
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