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Ann: Endgültige Mitteilung über das Interesse des Direktors - Hernandez






Beitragsnummer: 60023201

Veröffentlichungsdatum: 03.07.22 09:42 Zusammenfassung: Endgültige Mitteilung über das Interesse des Regisseurs – HernandezPrice Sensitive: No

Der Ankündigungsinhalt wird in 2 Minuten um 10:02 verfügbar sein



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I am of two minds about an announcement.

I have no doubt that Puto and his ongoing war crime is to blame for the extent of the retreat in the BRN share price.

On this basis getting an otherwise positive announcement may not be of much value and actually be wasted if news comes that a stray missile has killed the Ukrainian leader.

The reality is of course the ASX Rules do not allow companies like Brainchip that strictly follow the rules to pick a good time so if they have something to announce it will be announced.

The thing is the Brainchip Bus has a clear road ahead and nothing standing in its way of any consequence.

Ships at sea may be experiencing a rough time but that has no impact on the road network other those on the Bus saying I am glad I am not on one of those ships.

We are now into week two of March and the second half of this year is getting closer every day.

As Jesse reminded everyone the CEO Sean Hehir is using his Irish silver tongue to convince a couple of the highly secretive EAP’s to drop their pants and cough for the loyal retail shareholders so fingers tightly crossed this will occur at least by his next update as he stated.

My opinion only DYOR

Very sensible FF.

Whilst the retreat in the share price is frustrating, whilst Puto keeps up his shenanigans an announcement is probably wasted in therms of share price.
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Agree. Hold & Accumulate at these levels. Having heard Sean speak over the past couple of months gives confidence and with a former ARM president coming on board, its even better news.

The Ukraine/Russian conflict only adds to the supply issues surrounding the semi conductor chip industry and when the conflict ends, we should see companies rush to lock in supplies of these before the next conflict (lets hope it doesnt happen but you never know - 2022....)

As for Mercedes...well its just a matter of time before they need to release the concept car. Let's be honest, they are in a race against the other huge names.. BMW, Volvo, Volkswagon, Ford and if they let things slide, they may be left behind. Its all a really race with these guys. Only a matter of time.

Akida Balista
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If you have any additional funny feelings in your gut, we have the best in the world on our team. See bio below ;)

Brainchip Holdings Ltd Appoints Barry J. Marshall to Scientific Advisory Board View attachment 2276

I like this guy. Someone who thinks outside the box and will happily put his reputation on the line. If he thinks something looks right, he will go for it.
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"Sony still has an arsenal of sophisticated technology in areas such as sensors critical to autonomous driving."

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I am of two minds about an announcement.

I have no doubt that Puto and his ongoing war crime is to blame for the extent of the retreat in the BRN share price.

On this basis getting an otherwise positive announcement may not be of much value and actually be wasted if news comes that a stray missile has killed the Ukrainian leader.

The reality is of course the ASX Rules do not allow companies like Brainchip that strictly follow the rules to pick a good time so if they have something to announce it will be announced.

The thing is the Brainchip Bus has a clear road ahead and nothing standing in its way of any consequence.

Ships at sea may be experiencing a rough time but that has no impact on the road network other than those on the Bus saying I am glad I am not on one of those ships.

We are now into week two of March and the second half of this year is getting closer every day.

As Jesse reminded everyone the CEO Sean Hehir is using his Irish silver tongue to convince a couple of the highly secretive EAP’s to drop their pants and cough for the loyal retail shareholders so fingers tightly crossed this will occur at least by his next update as he stated.

My opinion only DYOR

They are however on the clock by way of every day that passes the competition is catching up.
I guess its the problem with revolutionary products in that the market does take time to assess and adapt.
Lets hope there are updates forth coming.
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Does anyone have any idea why Hernandez doesn't own a single share and how many he used to own prior to his retirement?
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What is holding BRN up with information to the market. Has anyone called them to see how they are progressing in this dept.?
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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
Does anyone have any idea why Hernandez doesn't own a single share and how many he used to own prior to his retirement?
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I'm Spartacus!
The announcements will their own time.
They won't arrive just because we want them to, or because the share-price is under pressure or because we want to buy a particular car, present or something else that's needed/wanted personally.
The company is pushing along on its own timetable constrained in what it can reveal by commercial realities, and subject like the rest of us, to the vicissitudes and fortunate happenstance of our closely interconnected world.
All those people pulling the levers want it to happen just as much as we do.
The day to day share price is for many of us the major concern, but for the company and most of the people working within it, its a reflection of past activity and as yet unrealised hope for future developments.
Big players push and pull vying to better their positions, trying their strategies on each other and we small fish are basically powerless beyond our sovereign right of ownership to Buy, Sell or Hold.
It's just where we're at. :)
I continue to hold because that is what my plan for this stock and my individual circumstances dictate at the present time.
I believe that the company is well managed, is in a strong financial position and is executing its plan to grow and as a byproduct make me wealthy.
I also am happy to be invested in a company with a moral stance aligned with my own, and run by people who express a similar attitude.
I'm also happy to be a part of a diverse group of fellow investors who display wisdom, intelligence, humour and a dedicated passion for our company.
I look forward to meeting some of the Melbourne crew on the 15th coming up at the Harlow Bar in Richmond, and the rest of you at the $10 party wherever and whenever.
Personally I hope it's in Perth, this year or the next, and that we can gather with PVDM and other luminaries from both the company and here and shake his hand and drink a toast of gratitude in his honour and to the many others who have contributed so much over the years.
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Top 20
They are however on the clock by way of every day that passes the competition is catching up.
I guess its the problem with revolutionary products in that the market does take time to assess and adapt.
Lets hope there are updates forth coming.
Hi Kocco,

No news doesn't necessarily mean no action.

Underwater, BrainChip is paddling furiously.

Was it Tech who recently posted about 15 hour days?

Competitors are struggling to get to the start line - Akida is off and running.
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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
Hi mcm,

Emmanuel Hernandes.

1, In 2020 annual report, page 24, E . Hernandes had 6,000,000 Vested and exercisable options.

2, in 2021 annual report, page 24 , E . Hernandes had total of 8,000,000 Vested and exercisable options.

TOTAL of 8,000,000 options .

I was unable to find the exercise price ,if or when he decides to convert to fully paid shares.

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Founding Member
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Hi mcm,

Emmanuel Hernandes.

1, In 2020 annual report, page 24, E . Hernandes had 6,000,000 Vested and exercisable options.

2, in 2021 annual report, page 24 , E . Hernandes had total of 8,000,000 Vested and exercisable options.

TOTAL of 8,000,000 options .

I was unable to find the exercise price ,if or when he decides to convert to fully paid shares.

Thanks for that. Okay, so he holds 8 million options. Must say, I did find it odd to see he held zero shares at the time of his stepping down.
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they are still hiring looks like, under careers tab - I could see a few job ads...
There are 12 job listing, so far how many head counts?
it is hard to see the SP go down everyday since we hit all time high, yes i do get scared about my investment.Without loyal BRN community posting here I believe few ppl would have sold the shares including me. What keeps me grounded and believe in the quality post that keep coming and as well all I know the BRN has just started their baby steps giant leap will soon follow.
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Hey Brainers!

So I've posted recently about Cerence's voice assistant in relation to BrainChip and connected dots to Mercedes (obviously), Volvo, BMW, Audi and Volkswagen. And today I believe we can also add another name to the list - Bosch.

The first article dated 9th December 2021 outlines how Bosch's infotainment unit was "developed in partnership with several technology companies and is aimed at providing such infotainment functions as in-car communication, in-car payment, video streaming and voice assistants". In addition it describes how the computer is "powered by Qualcomm Technologies’ third-generation Snapdragon microprocessor and utilizes the QNX Neutrino Realtime Operating System. Options include a virtual voice assistant through Amazon Alexa and Cerence; in-vehicle streaming via Access Twine4Car; and embedded and cloud-based navigation through TomTom.

The second link is to Bosch's website which describes how the voice control system works:
  • "the on-board infotainment system handles all the speech processing itself"
  • "ensures you can always reliably use your voice to control the system, even in tunnels or in areas with inadequate cellular coverage".
  • "Modern in-car voice control systems have taken a tremendous technological step forward in recent years thanks to the integration of artificial intelligence, natural language understanding (NLU), and cognitive computing."
  • "Speech recognition works without a mobile data connection".

🚗 💕 🚗 💕

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Hi Kocco,

No news doesn't necessarily mean no action.

Underwater, BrainChip is paddling furiously.

Was it Tech who recently posted about 15 hour days?

Competitors are struggling to get to the start line - Akida is off and running.

And the current 2 to 3 year lead (Brainchip's assessment) will increase to 5 years with the release of AKD2000 later this year (Peter van der Made's assessment).

Mercedes assessment that AKIDA is 6 to 10 times more power efficient doing "Hey Mercedes" than its competitors in this space does not sound like the competitors have made up much ground on the only commercially available Spiking convolutional neural network system on a chip.

Why this statement from Mercedes is so important is because the vehicle in which they have deployed AKIDA is a concept vehicle hence as the name implies they could deploy in this concept vehicle, concepts from other companies they need not be commercially available off the shelf like AKIDA.

So wake up people AKIDA is 6 to 10 times more power efficient doing "Hey Mercedes" than any product in the market place and any concept advanced enough to be trialled by Mercedes. Don't forget Mercedes was working with Intel long before Brainchip and must have had the opportunity to trial Loihi 1 & 2.

Simples. Brainchip has in my opinion at least a 3 year lead which will jump to 5 years at least by end of 2022.

Having said this Brainchip is not resting on its laurels and is pursuing with a vengeance the next levels above AKD2000 with advanced cortical column research involving last year already having a working cortical column on the bench sufficient to lure Emeritus Professor Alan Harvey onto the Brainchip Scientific Advisory Board. If you have not done it yet go and read up on Emeritus Professor Harvey and what his main research has been all about.

My opinion only DYOR - (and take notice of Dio)

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People just contemplating what is out next share price rise trigger most likely to be?


WHY would people believe that the share price is = share price. They are hiring a ton of people that is only positive. If a company is about to go bankrupt they are not gonna hire 12 people or have 12 open listings
ilovepie.................why is it every post you make brings up a RED flag about YOU ilovepie? Hmm?

Every post is a "subtle" attempt at sowing uncertainty and mis-information very carefully! TELL why you would be "mentioning" anything with the "word" Bankruptcy" in it please? Hmm? With $49 Mil cash in hand and enough to see us paying bills for 2 YEARS forward, where does the thought let alone word "bankruptcy" come into it?

WHO ARE YOU ilovepie? Because I can smell a rat a long way off! Which HC moderator and employee are you?

Every post has a double meaning with you sunshine.
Zeeb0t sorry but it needed to be said openly after way too many suss posts by ilovepie. Play the dumb act a bit to much.

I stand by my words people. Will not retract anything here.

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Brother ? You are really hurtigt my feelings now ? I have never ever written negativity about BRN? Wtf is this ?
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