BRN Discussion Ongoing


Norse clairvoyant shapeshifter goddess
Just in case you missed my post containing the facts around FOMO:

“The partnership sees BrainChip's transfer learning block added to Edge Impulse Studio, support added for running the Edge Impulse Faster Objects More Objects (FOMO) vision models on Akida devices, no-code binary generation support on the AKD1000 chip, and generation of BrainChip-compatible edge learning models with full performance metrics for model profiling”

At risk of over burdening retail shareholders with facts it is probably interesting to look at what companies were trialling FOMO when Edge Impulse was denying any involvement of AKIDA. 😇🪁🪁🪁🪁🪁🪁🪁🪁

My opinion only DYOR

for reference to the site

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The idea that every company at CES 2023 is going to announce they are working with Brainchip is just that an idea.

Rob Telson set out the FACTS and based on those FACTS the certainty is that:

1. Renesas and Brainchip will present;

2. Socionext and Brainchip will present;

3. Prophesee and Brainchip will present;

4. Nviso and Brainchip will present;

5. VVDN and Brainchip will present;

6. EDGE IMPULSE and Brainchip will present.

Prior to announcing the VVDN presentation with Brainchip Rob Telson said more to come so VVDN and Edge Impulse may have been the more and that is it.

Everything else is speculation by posters here not FACTS from the company.

Valeo not mentioning AKIDA should be seen in the light that they have not mentioned AKIDA since 2020 when they were ASX announced.

SCARLA 2 which we speculate may contain AKIDA is yet to hit the streets. Having kept quiet about AKIDA since May, 2020 what fact do we rely upon to say they will ever disclose that AKIDA is being used when the CEO Sean Hehir implied by saying watch the 4C’s that some customers will not be revealing they use AKIDA IP.

Creating your own narrative and then feeling let down because the company did not follow it is not sensible.

All it does is allow the trolls and manipulators a chance to play on your emotions.

My opinion only DYOR


PS: Any sane investor will be over the moon and more than satisfied with the 6 CES Events listed above I know I am. Ok and Blind Freddie says he is too.
Damn it sharing facts with other shareholders is a compulsion I just cannot help it. I will try to find some false facts to bring balance to my posts if I can over come my compulsion to tell the truth:

Now think about this if when you run FOMO with AKIDA you get performance figures that make Sony look like a failure how will Sony and the market for Edge semiconductors react???

My opinion only DYOR

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I was just reviewing some old information and can’t remember why I had this web page up but it’s more interesting now that VVDN and Socionext has come out of the wood work!

Qualcomm and VVDN have an agreement of some kind!

A few other names in that ecosystem I would hope to be a part of. Obviously Socionext are onboard; we have worked with Xilinx previously and Nvidia are heavily involved with MB. And a Texas Instruments elite on our board!

Great company to be involved with!

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hyper-efficient Ai

Just reading a report overview of the tam of Ai which is a touch mind blowing.

This report is actually a pay to view so the link below is only an overview.

Don't get me wrong, I know our market is predominately for the edge, but as Von Neuman fades and SNN takes over the helm and Akida grows and matures, just like any infant must, it may just one day be everywhere and in everything.

The global artificial intelligence market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 38.1% from 2022 to 2030 to reach USD 1,811.8 billion by 2030.

In @Fact Finder's ideology of BRN's division of just 1% of this enormous pie, my god, just 1% would be amazing, imagine 10%.🥳
Can you imagine the share price let alone the dividends.

Of course only my opinion, DYOR
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Top 20
From Linkedin:

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The world’s first commercial producer of neuromorphic IP.

BrainChip brings common sense to the processing of sensor data, freeing machines to do more with less, enabling them to infer the big picture from the basics.
Accurately. Elegantly. Meaningfully.
We call this Essential AI
. Essential is optimizing compute. Maximizing performance. Minimizing power. In the real world. And in real time. We’re proving that on-chip AI, close to the sensor, has a sensational future, for our customers’ products, as well as the planet.

AkidaTM is the world’s first commercial neuromorphic processor.​

It mimics the brain to analyze only essential sensor
inputs at the point of acquisition—rather than through
transmission via the cloud.
  • Efficient – with unparalleled precision and economy of energy.
  • Independent – keeping learning local to the chip.
  • Scalable – Universally deployable to support any sensor data.
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bavarian girl ;-)
I have to ask something about Qualcomm again. What exactly do we know about this "an AI accelerator chip"? Can someone say something about that?

The Snapdragon Ride Flex was first mentioned during Qualcomm’s Automotive investor day in September 2022, but more details are available now. The original Ride platform was based around a two-chip solution with an ADAS SoC and an AI accelerator chip.

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Had a crook day today and been passed out most of the day.

Didn't miss much by looks haha

Anyway, just saw this CES update from about 5 hrs ago and a piece on Prophesee.

CES 2023: how Auralpine startups plan to do well​

Olivia CarterJanuary 4, 2023

After having already industrialized the first four generations of its neuromorphic and bioinspired sensor and raised 50 million in series C at the end of 2022, another Isérois, Prophesee, has meanwhile chosen to rent, not a stand but a suite, in the heart of the one of the most prestigious hotels at the show, the Venezian, in order to meet a hundred potential prospects… And to present them with three technologies, each targeting a key market: a new sensor prototype, co-developed with the Sony group and intended for the improvement of the image for the world of mobile telephony, a second sensor intended for the immersive experience for players in augmented reality, as well as a sensor for detecting presence within a room for the sector of the IOT, co-developed with the American Brainchip.

This will be the first time that we show these demonstrators publicly, some of which will also be subject to confidentiality clauses., slips to La Tribune Luca Verre, Ceo and co-founder of Prophesee, which today has 110 employees and three locations (Grenoble, Paris and Shanghai).
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If this was not true or misleading then any of these companies should have had this removed instantly.
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Damn it sharing facts with other shareholders is a compulsion I just cannot help it. I will try to find some false facts to bring balance to my posts if I can over come my compulsion to tell the truth:

Now think about this if when you run FOMO with AKIDA you get performance figures that make Sony look like a failure how will Sony and the market for Edge semiconductors react???

My opinion only DYOR

@factfinder thank you for the factual research and info. you not just hyping .. but actually giving me usable facts. So rare these days…
As a professional investor I appreciate Your work and input you always do on this forum … and thank you spending all that time and teaching novices and put them in place :) 😁🙏
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Had a crook day today and been passed out most of the day.

Didn't miss much by looks haha

Anyway, just saw this CES update from about 5 hrs ago and a piece on Prophesee.

CES 2023: how Auralpine startups plan to do well​

Olivia CarterJanuary 4, 2023

After having already industrialized the first four generations of its neuromorphic and bioinspired sensor and raised 50 million in series C at the end of 2022, another Isérois, Prophesee, has meanwhile chosen to rent, not a stand but a suite, in the heart of the one of the most prestigious hotels at the show, the Venezian, in order to meet a hundred potential prospects… And to present them with three technologies, each targeting a key market: a new sensor prototype, co-developed with the Sony group and intended for the improvement of the image for the world of mobile telephony, a second sensor intended for the immersive experience for players in augmented reality, as well as a sensor for detecting presence within a room for the sector of the IOT, co-developed with the American Brainchip.

This will be the first time that we show these demonstrators publicly, some of which will also be subject to confidentiality clauses., slips to La Tribune Luca Verre, Ceo and co-founder of Prophesee, which today has 110 employees and three locations (Grenoble, Paris and Shanghai).
I was just going to turn in as had a hectic day and almost did not have a final look and am I glad that I did.

Great find generously shared FMF.

My opinion only DYOR

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A thought bubble which I think is supported by logic and known facts.

The Thought:

Brainchip AKIDA technology has already cracked automotive.

The facts.

Socionext is presenting AKIDA technology for automotive use.

Renesas is presenting AKIDA technology for automotive use - 3rd largest supplier of MCU’s to automotive in the World.

VVDN is presenting AKIDA technology for automotive use.

ARM presents AKIDA technology for just about everything including automotive.

Nviso presents AKIDA technology for automotive use.

Brainchip AKIDA technology is trusted by Mercedes Benz.

Brainchip AKIDA technology is trusted by Valeo and the original EAP was to explore use cases in ADAS and AV.

FORD continues to be an ASX announced customer for automotive.

EDGE IMPULSE supports AKIDA FOMO which has an in cabin automotive use case for driver fatigue and attention monitoring.

Brainchip has consistently stated in presentations for years now that they are working with automotive OEM’s and vehicle manufacturers.

NASA & DARPA approved firms are working with AKIDA technology for radar guidance, cognitive communications and autonomous vehicle navigation all of which are extreme technology use cases that could scale well into automotive on Earth.

Prophesee event based sensors are enhanced by AKIDA technology and use cases for these sensors are most certainly shown by Prophesee as being in automotive ADAS.

The issue for every Electric Vehicle now and in the future will always be battery life and range. Range is increased the more of the battery life that can be reserved for the driving wheels. AKIDA out competes GPUs on power, and price by factors before you get to its unique one shot learning and real time performance so it presents an overly compelling argument for adoption in ADAS and sensors in automotive described by Edge Impulse as Science Fiction.

If you do not think the above is sufficient to justify the ‘Thought’ then please present the opposing facts for consideration.

My opinion only DYOR

Let me get this straight FF. Are you saying Akida may be in cars? Nooo Waaay. That's outrageous! We could end up taking over the world at this rate.

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Rough day


As a European from Germany, I am currently wondering if there is a regulation in Australia similar to the European regulation

- (

and here for Germany

i have the feeling that in Europe short selling of shares is not the rule.
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
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Deleted member 118

Had a crook day today and been passed out most of the day.

Didn't miss much by looks haha

Anyway, just saw this CES update from about 5 hrs ago and a piece on Prophesee.

CES 2023: how Auralpine startups plan to do well​

Olivia CarterJanuary 4, 2023

After having already industrialized the first four generations of its neuromorphic and bioinspired sensor and raised 50 million in series C at the end of 2022, another Isérois, Prophesee, has meanwhile chosen to rent, not a stand but a suite, in the heart of the one of the most prestigious hotels at the show, the Venezian, in order to meet a hundred potential prospects… And to present them with three technologies, each targeting a key market: a new sensor prototype, co-developed with the Sony group and intended for the improvement of the image for the world of mobile telephony, a second sensor intended for the immersive experience for players in augmented reality, as well as a sensor for detecting presence within a room for the sector of the IOT, co-developed with the American Brainchip.

This will be the first time that we show these demonstrators publicly, some of which will also be subject to confidentiality clauses., slips to La Tribune Luca Verre, Ceo and co-founder of Prophesee, which today has 110 employees and three locations (Grenoble, Paris and Shanghai).
Hope your felling better soon
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Please tag or message if you answered the quiz question or the other option to win month of subscription blah whatever rules applied. Will sort it later
Dad's live life alarm went off early this morning so pretty stressed currently with current situation.
I hope everything is ok with your Dad @Rise from the ashes
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hyper-efficient Ai

The BMW i Vision Dee is a future EV sport sedan that can talk back to you​

View attachment 26280
View attachment 26281

AFEELA movement deep in my heart.

Why are they producing graphics like this ☝️ for CES 2023 and why a name like AFEELA?! I can't follow that. By the way, DEE stands for Digital Emotional Experience.
That's one ugly looking vehicle🤢, even the female avatar in the window, looks like she even wants to get out of it.🆘:LOL:
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