BRN Discussion Ongoing


Staff member
These were my comments that I posted on the youtube link FYI. They've all disappeared, so I don't like our chances with engaging in a constructive discussion with him...


Couple of points I wouldn’t mind discussing. Firstly, Brainchip completed a back door listing on the ASX through Aziana rather than going down the path of an IPO. This is common, legitimate and not should not be considered a red flag. You imply that it was the Aziana geotechs that decided to change their career path into technology and are responsible for developing the world class technology of Brainchip which is misleading. None of the management team, board of directors or anyone working for Brainchip has come from Aziana.

Secondly, the lack of revenue that you discuss for the majority of this video is relating to Brainchip Studio which is a software suite. This is an entirely different product to Akida which is a neural networking processor on hardware which is only now available in commercial chip sales and IP licensing.

Revenue from Brainchip Studio was not intended to be mind blowing. Simply to assist with offsetting overheads and R&D costs.

What you are implying with your video about Brainchip is the equivalent of criticising Steve Jobs for making a pitiful revenue by selling his volkswagon and calculator to help fund the development of the first Apple computer.

Brainchip’s revenue forecast is shown in the AGM Address and Presentation announced by the company on 26/05/2021. This shows revenue beginning this year and ramping up in 2023 and beyond. Refer to page 32 of 38 in the below link (or slide 20 of the preso). Year 1 = 2021.

So they remove a fact based reply and allow their sensationalist video based on falsehoods live on.
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View attachment 2127 View attachment 2126

So this is interesting. We have seen a similar SAMSUNG fridge before.

A proof of concept by ARM using a unity based app. Opportunity to scale. Plenty of use cases.

View attachment 2130
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View attachment 2128

ARM are mates with Unity.
Unity are mates with Nintendo.
Nintendo are mates with Megachips.
Megachips are mates with Brainchip.

Happy Very Funny GIF by Disney Zootopia
Like your thinking. I spent a bit of fruitless time trying to find repair manuals for the new Samsung fridges, hoping to find some tiny link at least to Renesas in a published form. Realised why I leave it up to the other 998 eyes!
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A bunch of losers who are trying to create some waves.

Never heard of even one of them. I know what I will avoid.

Screenshot (5).png

So either you can listen to these ''nobody''s OR you can listen to guys like Rob Telson, Sean Hehir, Stephen Foskett, Philipe Cases, Micael Azoff, Katina Michaels, Zach Shelby etc.

You decide.
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So they remove a fact based reply and allow their sensationalist video based on falsehoods live on.
Yeah...I flicked Joe an email just in case he's got a team of trigger happy moderators deleting everything in sight, to ask why we can't get some balanced discussion going. Will let you know if I hear back from him....
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Ok guys...don't shoot the messenger!...

Negative video just released from our old mate at Nanalyze.

I've tried to reply with a couple of reasonable comments regarding the early revenue from Brainchip Studio but they're getting deleted almost straight away. I think it was because I tried to compare our revenue from Studio vs Akida, with Steve Jobs' revenue from selling his volkswagon and calculator to fund the first Apple computer. He obviously didn't see the humour (or reality) in it...;)


Smells like desperation. Obviously produced by the research group who attack brainchip on the hotcrapper forums.
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Smells like desperation. Obviously produced by the research group who attack brainchip on the hotcrapper forums.
So when Brainchip finally producers a revenue stream from licence agreements and the odd chip sales ..will they publish another video labeled "why we have no credibility, egg on our faces as Brainchip now has revenue and is a commercial enitity" LoL
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Thanks to @Dallas on Twitter for the find (didn't realise he's here too lol cheers mate)
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These were my comments that I posted on the youtube link FYI. They've all disappeared, so I don't like our chances with engaging in a constructive discussion with him...


Couple of points I wouldn’t mind discussing. Firstly, Brainchip completed a back door listing on the ASX through Aziana rather than going down the path of an IPO. This is common, legitimate and not should not be considered a red flag. You imply that it was the Aziana geotechs that decided to change their career path into technology and are responsible for developing the world class technology of Brainchip which is misleading. None of the management team, board of directors or anyone working for Brainchip has come from Aziana.

Secondly, the lack of revenue that you discuss for the majority of this video is relating to Brainchip Studio which is a software suite. This is an entirely different product to Akida which is a neural networking processor on hardware which is only now available in commercial chip sales and IP licensing.

Revenue from Brainchip Studio was not intended to be mind blowing. Simply to assist with offsetting overheads and R&D costs.

What you are implying with your video about Brainchip is the equivalent of criticising Steve Jobs for making a pitiful revenue by selling his volkswagon and calculator to help fund the development of the first Apple computer.

Brainchip’s revenue forecast is shown in the AGM Address and Presentation announced by the company on 26/05/2021. This shows revenue beginning this year and ramping up in 2023 and beyond. Refer to page 32 of 38 in the below link (or slide 20 of the preso). Year 1 = 2021.
You are not being fair in your response.

In a situation where the other party has no idea whatsoever it does not speak well of you to reply rationally with provable facts and logic.

It leaves you appearing superior and well informed. I would have deleted your responses as well rather than appear to be biased and a fool. 😂🤣😎

My opinion only DYOR

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Hi tls,

SpiNNaker is a warehouse full of networked ARM processors running NN software programs.

BrainScales uses analog (MemRistor/ReRAM) neurons.

Both Spinnaker and Brainscales are academic research tools and are not intended for commercialization.
The large-scale neuromorphic machines are based on two complementary principles. The many-core SpiNNaker machine located in Manchester (UK) connects 1 million ARM processors with a packet-based network optimized for the exchange of neural action potentials (spikes) (a comprehensive description is available in a free, open access book about SpiNNaker). The BrainScaleS physical model machine located in Heidelberg (Germany) implements analogue electronic models of 4 Million neurons and 1 Billion synapses on 20 silicon wafers. Both machines are integrated into the HBP collaboratory and offer full software support for their configuration, operation and data analysis.

The most prominent feature of the neuromorphic machines is their execution speed. The SpiNNaker system runs at real-time, BrainScaleS is implemented as an accelerated system and operates at 10,000 times real-time. Simulations at conventional supercomputers typical run factors of 1000 slower than biology and cannot access the vastly different timescales involved in learning and development ranging from milliseconds to years
2. The SpiNNaker Chip
Jim Garside | Luis A. Plana
There are many possible levels at which a model can be built, ranging from direct electronic models of the neurons (which can process many times faster than biology) [114] to massive computers that trawl through enormous data sets at great speed [199]; each approach has its merits and demerits. SpiNNaker [65] was designed to function somewhere in the middle of this spectrum. To provide the flexibility to experiment with neuron models, it was determined that these should be implemented in software. Running software carries a significant overhead in both performance and power consumption: the former can be addressed by using a large array of processors, since the problem is amenable to a massively parallel-processing solution; the latter concern was tackled by employing power-efficient rather than fast microprocessors.

The original target of 1000 neurons per core has proved optimistic, partly because the desired neuron models have become more complex,2 as have the synapse models, and the number of synapses per neuron can also be higher than the original target. Depending on the models used, up to 256 neurons per subsystem is proving tractable, and currently, this is the maximum number of neurons per core supported by the software. Memory can also be a limiting factor. As something close to two-thirds of the processor subsystem’s area is RAM as it is, a better way of thinking about the device is as a set of RAMs with attached processors, rather than the other way around. In this view, the RAM limits the number of neurons and synapses in each subsystem: the alternative would be to have larger RAMs by reducing the number of processors.
The BrainScaleS-1 waferscale system is based on physical (analogue or mixed-signal) emulations of neuron, synapse and plasticity models with digital connectivity, running up to ten thousand times faster than real time.

The next generation BrainScaleS-2 single chip system with 512 point neurons or a lower number combined to structured neurons and with programmable plasticity is accessible for usage via PyNN both for batch submissions and (since October 2021) for interactive use via the EBRAINS Collaboratory. The system runs 1000x faster that biological real time
View attachment 2107

Overview of the BrainScaleS-2 System architecture. (A) Bonded chip on its carrier board, one can see the two synaptic crossbar arrays. (B) Test setup, with the chip (covered by white plastic) mounted on a carrier board. The FPGA and I/O boards have been designed by our collaboration partners at TU Dresden. (C) Schematic floorplan of the chip: Two processor cores with access to the synaptic crossbar array are on the top and bottom. The 512 neuron circuits and analog parameter storage are arranged in the middle. The event router routes events generated by the neurons and external events to the synapse drivers and to/from the digital I/O located on the left edge of the chip. (D) Conceptual view of the system architecture in spike processing mode: Event packets (red dot) get injected by the synapse driver into the synaptic crossbar, where they cause synaptic input integration to occur in synapses with matching addresses (indicated by red lines). Membrane voltage accumulation eventually results in spike generation in the associated neuron circuits. The resulting spikes are routable to both synapse drivers or external output. The plasticity processing unit has low latency and massively parallel access to synaptic weights, addresses, correlation measurements, and neuron membrane voltage dynamics during operation. Plasticity rules and other learning algorithms can use these observables to modify all parameters determining network emulation in an online fashion.​

If you ask a question and get the answer 1,000 times faster than natural real time does that mean you will get the answer before you ask the question and therefore have no need to ask the question???
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When you get your Mercedes EQXX you'll find it has a 1000 volt battery.

As the bodywork is recycled plastic, it shouldn't be too difficult to hook the plates up ...
While we all dream of assertive actions like this setting man traps is a very serious criminal offence so I would suggest lining your wallet, hat and car hood with foil at the same time. It will offer a defence in due course. FF
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Founding Member.
Yeah...I flicked Joe an email just in case he's got a team of trigger happy moderators deleting everything in sight, to ask why we can't get some balanced discussion going. Will let you know if I hear back from him....
Kept this for future reference when they decide to change sentiment 😂


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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
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You are not being fair in your response.

In a situation where the other party has no idea whatsoever it does not speak well of you to reply rationally with provable facts and logic.

It leaves you appearing superior and well informed. I would have deleted your responses as well rather than appear to be biased and a fool. 😂🤣😎

My opinion only DYOR

I'd be happy to settle for mediocre rather than superior...but I'll take that!...:LOL: Just one thing to note - they can't moderate the likes/dislikes for the video, so don't forget to hit the dislike button!....
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Founding Member
I'd be happy to settle for mediocre rather than superior...but I'll take that!...:LOL: Just one thing to note - they can't moderate the likes/dislikes for the video, so don't forget to hit the dislike button!....
Well, YouTube has taken off the dislike button being shown, so probably does nothing. I still have pressed it lol just to help with the algo.
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Founding Member.
Well, YouTube has taken off the dislike button being shown, so probably does nothing. I still have pressed it lol just to help with the algo.
I forgot about this. Slam the dislike button 🔥
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Well, YouTube has taken off the dislike button being shown, so probably does nothing. I still have pressed it lol just to help with the algo.
Bugger...was hoping to see 1,000 thumbs down versus his measly 6 up votes...
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Kept this for future reference when they decide to change sentiment 😂

He-he-he! :love:

Great work guys! I hope they get bombarded with comments they can't contradict.

Speaking of responses, I highlighted this one which says that Nanalyse have "38 stocks in our own portfolio of tech stocks" but that "you'll need to become a paying subscriber" if you want to find out more. Fat chance!

The reason they promote the other stocks is probably not because the tech is so good but because they get paid to do so by those particular tech companies.

Vid am.png
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You are not being fair in your response.

In a situation where the other party has no idea whatsoever it does not speak well of you to reply rationally with provable facts and logic.

It leaves you appearing superior and well informed. I would have deleted your responses as well rather than appear to be biased and a fool. 😂🤣😎

My opinion only DYOR

FF, based on your superior and well informed responses I have no alternative but to delete all your posts! :ROFLMAO:;)
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
House and Senate must reach agreement on competitiveness legislation containing $52 billion in CHIPS Act investments and send to the president’s desk to be signed into law. A combination of grants, tax credits, and research investments is going to turbocharge US semiconductor production!

“Semiconductors are foundational to America’s economy, defense systems, and global leadership in the technologies that will determine our future. With other governments around the world taking ambitious action to strengthen their own semiconductor capabilities, the time has come for leaders in Washington to fund the CHIPS Act and enact a strengthened FABS Act to keep America at the forefront of chip technology.”

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