Looks like it was launched in November last year and we only just noticed it?Have dug deeper into this.
Reading the white paper, it would appear to me that we most diffidently have some involvement in this, comments made in the white paper that make me more convinced are
- on device learning without a software update
- does not need internet connection
Currently there is only one market ready solution we know that does this. These things appear to be completely sold out (no in stock on any distributor websites) and I've emailed the company to ask if there's any part of the AI that's licensed so will let you know what the response is.
Not sure where your getting this from but had a look at this too and the market cap isn't simply shares on issue * price, but per Wikipedia (lol) its based on the "float-adjusted market cap" which is essentially the conventional market cap adjusted for large holdings seen as strategical. PVM would be included I would suspect.One more thing......
Precariously close to not making the ASX 200 but too hard to tell as there is still a few more days to go.
View attachment 1726
Ok, good to know.Not sure where your getting this from but had a look at this too and the market cap isn't simply shares on issue * price, but per Wikipedia (lol) its based on the "float-adjusted market cap" which is essentially the conventional market cap adjusted for large holdings seen as strategical. PVM would be included I would suspect.
Keep some of your powder dry Shadow. Markets will react poorly to current Geo-political events (although I think we can safely call it a war now). Further drops in share price have nothing to do with the company so this could present some excellent entry or top up opportunities. All in my humble opinion of course.It's a little like that today
So I thought why waste the opportunity and bought some more while the price is so low relatively speaking
It may go down further, but for me this is a bargain price I didn't think I'd see again.
This is great news for IoT and edge AI adoption!Is BRN bringing the big players together.......................That is my opinion![]()
Google, rivals unite on smart tech | LinkedIn
Google and other tech firms are developing a smart home 'language' that will let devices communicate with each other irrespective of their manufacturer or brand.www.linkedin.com
Post a list of the stocks they frequent and we can return the favor to them with interest make them earn their gutter money.That's what they'd want. The downrampers over there are coordinated by HC as per Yak52's information. If you want to annoy them, go over there to their other most discussed stocks and convince them to come over here. If you saw them begging us to stay - That's how you hurt them.
Not taking sides, but the West is too weak - A lot of words and not much action. Take for instance Germany, they have committed 5000 helmets to Ukraine, nothing else - they are concerned about their gas supplies from Russia.Exactly why would 5000 US troops on the ground as " UN Peacekeepers" cause a 29% fall in the markets.??
Do you REALLY think Putin will go head to head Military wise with USA? Who has the MOST Nukes? & most Modern Defence ?
Russia has the Hypersonics which may not even be in mass production yet, but even these are useless against just troops unless they can be equipped with Nuke warheads. Hypersonics are for large targets such as Ships, bases etc.
Look at Ukraine today. The PEOPLE of Ukraine have raised coin in 24hrs MORE THAN that supplied via Budgets for 2021.
Russians killing US Peacekeepers in Ukraine would cause that mighty country (USA) to arm up very quickly against the Russians.
No PUTIN does not want to deal with US Military .ever. Period. even with Hypersonics in his pocket.
Keep an EYE on CHINA now.
Westpac Trading is down totally today. WHY? Hacking/Cyber attack??? From China or Russia perhaps? Retaliation ?
Australia is helping Ukraine against Cyber attacks so...........
ps. ASK any ex-European who was around those States which Russia (USSR) took over at the end of a Tank gun barrel! Would they want to repeat the same experiences again? lol.
Agreed.Not taking sides, but the West is too weak - A lot of words and not much action. Take for instance Germany, they have committed 5000 helmets to Ukraine, nothing else - they are concerned about their gas supplies from Russia.
The real problem will be if the other nutter invades Taiwan amidst all this! Then the other nutter from the peninsula will become trigger happy too.
Who could have thought we would still have nutter dictators in 2022. Obviously after 2 world wars and countless regional wars, lessons haven't been learnt.Not taking sides, but the West is too weak - A lot of words and not much action. Take for instance Germany, they have committed 5000 helmets to Ukraine, nothing else - they are concerned about their gas supplies from Russia.
The real problem will be if the other nutter invades Taiwan amidst all this! Then the other nutter from the peninsula will become trigger happy too.
Hi FF,The market is quite boring really. I love the research and knowledge shared here otherwise I think I would just go and do up a few chairs for my wife. However with the fragility of life being mentioned today by Stable Genius I thought I would share this for older forum members with whom I share a common bond ie closer to the end than the beginning. LOL
Recently as you know I had to have an urgent surgical intervention for what turned out to be a collapsed bypass from 2012 causing the bottom of my heart to complain when not receiving appropriate blood supply. My symptoms have always been atypical.
My first was a chest tightness while listening to my wife talk about her very recent heart attack and stenting. Normally I would have called it stress and moved on. That would have been a mistake but I decided to see my GP. Probably my wife's heart attack spooked me enough to take notice. He said it was likely stress as my BP and ECG were both normal. He looked at when I had last had a stress test and it was a couple of years over due so off to the cardiologist.
Three months later at my non urgent appointment the cardiologist gets the same results BP and ECG and agrees probably stress reaction but listens with stethoscope for a very long time and says he thinks I might have a slight valve noise so rather than a stress test decides to send me for a scan of the heart with contrast.
I go back he says some minor blockages but not really significant only real way to confirm is an angiogram, probably could just medicate, but to be safe. After angiogram told I cannot leave until cardiologist sees me to discuss his findings. His words "Do you want the good news or the bad news?" Bad news please. "You have one vessel 100% blocked and two 80 to 90 percent blocked." What's the good news then "We found it. This is very serious." It all becomes urgent. LOL
So first warning to my cohort do not ignore even a one off symptom.
Most recent episode. Again if I was working physically I would feel a bit off. If I was bent over working say pulling weeds or sanding a piece of furniture I would feel breathless. I went to GP and exactly the same story. Everything normal. Sent back to cardiologist. Everything normal again. Been a while since last stress echo so that is scheduled non urgent and on Monday before Christmas I hit the treadmill and onto the bed to have the ultra sound of the heart.
Cardiologist is quite impressed apparently saying things like "Did you see that?" "Wow, did you see that?" "I don't like the look of that." "Wow." etc, etc, etc for about 10 minutes completely ignoring my presence in the room before turning to me and saying "I don't like the look of what the bottom half of your heart is doing. I suppose you know what I am going to say etc, etc. Three days later in hospital and they find that one of the bypasses had failed and they put multiple stents into the vessel to restore blood flow.
So second warning to my cohort do not ignore symptoms just because the preliminary results like blood pressure and ECG's are coming back fine.
By the way during all of the above I continued with my normal activities of renovating houses. Moving very heavy furniture. Driving the tractor. The point being these symptoms were very minor but the causes were not.
Not relevant to your investments unless of course you want to enjoy the fruits of having invested in Brainchip. LOL
A different perspective for consideration.Not taking sides, but the West is too weak - A lot of words and not much action. Take for instance Germany, they have committed 5000 helmets to Ukraine, nothing else - they are concerned about their gas supplies from Russia.
The real problem will be if the other nutter invades Taiwan amidst all this! Then the other nutter from the peninsula will become trigger happy too.
So glad to hear it was a happy ending. Yes without panicking you just cannot ignore even the most minor of symptoms. FFHi FF,
Your 100% right. For a couple of years ago right after my 40-year birthday I had been working out alot and esting healthy and was in the shape of my life. I also did have some indications of something not being right. But a visit at the GP and EKG test didnt reveal anything. But on 20 jan. 2020 I was running on the treadmill when I had my heartattack and was clinically dead for a couple of minutes. I was very lucky as they had just installed a defribilator at the gym just some months ago. So I survived but a aniogram showed high blockage and so I needed a bypass at the age of 40. I had NOT expected that to happen to me.
Have a look at the dark asx on YouTubeSearching Reuters articles for reference to the BRN headlines post by HC this morning and I find no mention of the 2 news headlines in a new BRN thread titled Hot News.
I question why HC make a special effort to misrepresent FY losses and also to ridiculously point out that this fledgling company has not decided to pay a dividend to shareholder's.
I also question who is paying all of the down ramping stock bashers that have turned up recently to erode the equity of BRN shareholders by monotonous negative and misconstrued commentary from this band of non holders ?
IMO it has the stench of organized crime that should interest ASIC for forensic investigation .
Motive could be one of two or both but the organizers would be connected to large party's accumulating the stock at the lowest possible price and or have shorted at a higher price and seek to profit by closing the short at the lowest possible share price.
Which every the case , I think stock manipulation becomes a crime when it is proven to be organized, especially when Bot manipulation is so prevalent and traceable if investigated.
Does anyone with knowledge of trading rules have a view on this scenario and could Brainchip have a case against HC for promoting misinformation?
Alright can somebody tell me what the go is with this Ken the robot/dog business, I’ve seen it mentioned a few times but I must of missed this a while ago, so please can somebody tell me
Also what a blessing this share price is for those who want to top up.
The way I see it is, every $300-$500 or whatever it is you can afford to buy is IMO worth $3000-$5000 in 2 years time, not a bad way to think about it because that’s how I think of it!
Searching Reuters articles for reference to the BRN headlines post by HC this morning and I find no mention of the 2 news headlines in a new BRN thread titled Hot News.
I question why HC make a special effort to misrepresent FY losses and also to ridiculously point out that this fledgling company has not decided to pay a dividend to shareholder's.
I also question who is paying all of the down ramping stock bashers that have turned up recently to erode the equity of BRN shareholders by monotonous negative and misconstrued commentary from this band of non holders ?
IMO it has the stench of organized crime that should interest ASIC for forensic investigation .
Motive could be one of two or both but the organizers would be connected to large party's accumulating the stock at the lowest possible price and or have shorted at a higher price and seek to profit by closing the short at the lowest possible share price.
Which every the case , I think stock manipulation becomes a crime when it is proven to be organized, especially when Bot manipulation is so prevalent and traceable if investigated.
Does anyone with knowledge of trading rules have a view on this scenario and could Brainchip have a case against HC for promoting misinformation?
Afternoon Chippers,
Good to receive the Annual Report early.
All looked good as I presumed, though more sales would have been nice, cannot complain about 1,215% increase in revenues.
Sure hope KMP , Key Management Personnel, are working working extraordinarily long hours and delivering.
Annual Report,
Page 24,
Options up for grabs for KMP.
Anyone would be forgiven thinking thay are not paid a fixed salary with benefits, to start with.
Another interesting point was on page 10.
Antonio J. Viana.
Also worked with Hughes Aircraft.
* bit like Skunk Works ???
On a lighter note , almost fell over when reading $2,486,927.00 US were spent on S&M.
Not that I would know, but that's a hell of allot of leather whips & handcuffs.