Hey FF.1. Brainchip has a WRITTEN contract and an NDA with Mercedes Benz.
2. When Mercedes Benz released details of the relationship Brainchip had two issues to consider:
a. Did the release conclude Brainchip’s obligation under the NDA to continue to maintain strict secrecy - Answer: Absolutely NOT.
b. Did the release require Brainchip to make an announcement to the ASX disclosing full details of the contract with Mercedes Benz - Answer: Absolutely Not
3. The answer to question b. is very revealing because Tony Dawe did not say there was not an agreement what he said was the ASX was satisfied that they did not have to announce because Mercedes Benz did not mention money and the nature of the agreement did not allow Brainchip to calculate the revenue that would flow under the agreement, and
4. Tony Dawe described Mercedes Benz as a CUSTOMER.
The only question we need to think about is why can’t Brainchip calculate the value of the contract with Mercedes Benz which undoubtedly exists?
The Answer: Because the full extent of the use beyond “Hey Mercedes” and the precise number of Mercedes Benz vehicles that will have the AKIDA suite of technology solutions has not yet been advised to Brainchip by Mercedes Benz.
So TSEx family it is absolutely definitely not a question of ‘IF’ but ‘WHEN’ and there seems little doubt we will all be reading by 2024 about Mercedes Benz in a PRICE SENSITIVE ANNOUNCEMENT.
Now what I want everyone of the TSEx family to do is to start practising being surprised when it is announced.
There will be absolutely no yawning and comments like ‘we already knew this’.
My opinion only DYOR
Regarding 4.: If they were part of the EAP, then they are a customer. They’re are a customer of this service, but that doesn’t guarantee they are a customer of Akida in the sense that it will be adopted as a core component in their vehicles. This applies to all of the EAP customers.
For what it’s worth I believe in Mercedes instance they are a material customer due to the overwhelming evidence suggesting so.