Chin up folks.

There's always going to be good days and bad days for individuals and their portfolios.
Without them there would not be a viable market.
Certainly there is shorting and other manipulation that occurs and it is run by entities with deep pockets.
For the majority of retail players it is thinly veiled by the limited access provided to us by the "house" and their proxies, who make all the rules, and as such, the number one rule is, that the house always wins.

I have been informed, by others here, that large institutions, with the means and expertise to avail themselves of favourable trading access, also control bots, high frequency trading programs, shorting practices, dummy accounts and skewed in their favour trading terms.
As well they pay for and retain professional full time trading expertise and set up, infiltrate and run social media campaigns designed to influence.
In addition to these facilities they are apparently able to see where retail have their stop loss positions set and so can engineer campaigns using all of the above to trigger retail fear and greed against us.
The "house" is happy to have all this happen as all it wants is trading to occur.
It gets "it's" cut on each transaction, both coming and going and ipso facto, the more transactions that occur, the more it makes.
Of course the "house" will explain that shorting is "
an important piece of a liquid and efficient market", but neglect to explain further that,
It is widely agreed that excessive short sale activity can cause sudden price declines, which can undermine investor confidence, depress the market value of a company's shares and make it more difficult for that company to raise capital, expand and create jobs."
We are very much the minnows in this ocean surrounded by sharks, whales and all sorts of bottom feeding rat analogues.
Fortunately, we can learn, and by being aware of the game and the big players tactics, refuse to be played with, on their terms.
Weigh what you see and learn here, and in your other research, and after sifting it through your own understanding lend its credence to your own plan and strategy.
Each of us have our individual circumstance's and responsibilities to attend and cater to and so should be wise in the allocation of our funds having built in reserves for periods such as this when the market moves against us.
As has been said above, over and over, though our share price fell yesterday by 20% our value was not altered one whit.
Only those that actually brought or sold crystallised any personal, transitory value.
An expectation of what was to be revealed by the 4C, held in the minds of many was not met.
This fact was seized upon and used as part of a campaign to push our share's price further down in the hope of causing a cascade effect.
I think they had reasonable success, but they didn't get any of mine.

I picked up more, because even though the manipulated market currently says we're only worth 67 cents, I believe that same market will, over time, reflect many multiples of that amount.
When? Pantene knows

and after global pandemics, shooting wars in the Ukraine, climate instability and economic and political shakiness, who can say what further is in store for our times.
We have a good team executing a good plan with a good product which is needed going forward and are as protected as we can be.
Are we there yet? No, but we are well on our way.
I expect I may sell those few shares I picked up yesterday at .77 when they get to 77.
That's part of my plan.

Be Well and Happy Folks.