BRN Discussion Ongoing

True but even though I checked the meaning of ‘bean counter’ as I even have friends who are accountants, and confirmed that it does not mean accountants but has its derivation in those who are overly bureaucratic and penny pinching.

An accountant can be a bean counter but so can anyone else even a florist.

Anyway despite my efforts I actually have upset an accountant.

My opinion only DYOR

I'm pretty upset you are having a go at florists.

No. I'm really only joking 😆

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Makeme 2020

No one denies that fact. I assume you are getting confused with EAP partners and NDAs. Early access partners are way less than the NDAs. NDAs is an instrument to protect the identity of EAP partners. May be possible each EAP signed 8-10 NDAs so as to protect their identity as well as to safeguard brn interests.
My opinion only.

If your not happy then consider options better suited to your situation.

Im personally happy with BRN and what is have achieved in the last 12 months and in this current world situation.

Are you overextended in BRN?
Please i have been hear since 20c. And have adequate shares. Many thanks.
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Norse clairvoyant shapeshifter goddess
Particle physics is above my pay grade, but fascinating. I remember the original Pons and Fleischmann flash in the pan for cold fusion which turned out to be a fizzer.

One thing* which caught my attention was the graphite tile lining (6 minute mark), because I have TLG shares - not that they'll have much to spare after servicing the EV market.

The stellarator is like a 3D magnetic mobius strip.

Certainly fusion would be preferable to fusion, if they can get it to work.

* Phew! That was lucky. I originally wrote "One think which caught my attention ..." and wouldn't @Bravo have given me whacko-the-diddle-oh then!
Of course your going to need Akida to monitor the vibration and provide analysis at the sensors ;)
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Norse clairvoyant shapeshifter goddess
Please i have been hear since 20c. And have adequate shares. Many thanks.
Same. Your welcome to voice your opinion but if it is repetitive and your not getting an answer you want here than it detracts from valuable conversations and discussions.
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We sort of forget about the guys based in Toulouse, but it's great to see Seb presenting in Limassol, Cyprus in October.

Some of our partners are presenting as well.... nice.

I'm pretty sure Seb did his PhD under Simon (Thorpe) a number of years ago.

I also believe there is a challenge that revolves around an attitude of "good is good enough" "if it's not broken, why bother changing it"

This would be an attitude any company trying to bring revolutionary disruptive technology to market would face, and I believe that Brainchip's Akida is no different.

To me we are still in the process of educating potential clients, yes some have made themselves known to us, but the majority are in my
opinion, still getting their heads around this whole approach, not many on this planet are as gifted as visionary Peter.

Anyway, check out this link if you're interested.... Tech x

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That’s a fair point FF, though everyone here is researched enough to know the wealth creation potential of Brainchip, and assumably like myself, wouldn’t want to risk selling and missing out.

That doesn’t excuse the diabolical transparency of the company though, NDAs or not. At this stage, I’d be over the moon with a simple “we have XYZ NDAs in place, obviously we cannot discuss the details contained in these, but are please with the progress”. At least that would signify some progress. LDN was able to tell us this information, so why has it suddenly become insider knowledge? Instead we get nothing. dont get me wrong, Tony is great, and always makes himself available, but he doesn’t discuss anything of substance, outside of the we are doing everything we can speal.

It’s high time the company starts to take the SP a little more seriously, as quiet frankly they’re reckless for a company of this value. They aren’t a start up anymore, and this “the SP will do what the SP will do” just doesn’t fly anymore. No release no information about anything at this stage of commercialisation is quiet preposterous, we, and I would like to know how we’re travelling.

The podcasts aren’t what I expect anymore either. If I wanted general industry information I’d do my own reading. I want to know about the company which I (however small) am effectIvey a part owner of. These monthly podcasts might be better presented as an online questions and answer session with the company. They know very well what the can and cannot discuss.

At the risk of speaking for the majority, we believe we know what Akida is, now we’d like to know what Akida has, is, or is likely to achieve. Surely after two years some of this information must be market ready.

I agree that the arguing is pointless. We’re all in the same boat, and I get a great deal of pleasure from reading what you and the rest of the contributors post here. I just think that it’s time we had a substantial update and more regular news flow. I guess I’m trying to explain that I understand why some here (certainly including myself at times) get frustrated.
We have already come unstuck by making oblique allusions to Tier 1 North American car manufacturers. What if ASX said of our 100 NDAs "Name them!"? Are you certain that the ASX would not ask this? The same rules do not apply to all companies. Remember, they make the rules up as they go along.

It is not the Board's job to artificially boost the SP. The Board's job is to oversee the running of the company business, and, if the SP gets a boost from the success of the business, the Board is to be congratulated. The 1980s Harvard Business School mantra that the Boards sole KPI is to improve shareholder value is a fatuous shibboleth which should be buried along with the rest of the free market fundamentalist nonsense - look at the pound today.
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Top 20
Particle physics is above my pay grade, but fascinating. I remember the original Pons and Fleischmann flash in the pan for cold fusion which turned out to be a fizzer.

One thing* which caught my attention was the graphite tile lining (6 minute mark), because I have TLG shares - not that they'll have much to spare after servicing the EV market.

The stellarator is like a 3D magnetic mobius strip.

Certainly fusion would be preferable to fusion, if they can get it to work.

* Phew! That was lucky. I originally wrote "One think which caught my attention ..." and wouldn't @Bravo have given me whacko-the-diddle-oh then!
Actually, Alexander Graham Bell recommended to the Australian PMG that they use twisted pair phone wires to eliminate cross-talk in bundled cables.
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MegaChips' 2022 report should be out tomorrow, I checked the 2021 report and it had detailed plans of the company :)

Also tomorrow is the quarter end, I am looking forward for the quarterly report and commentaries (hopefully it will have info on our progress on the announced partnerships, contracts, interests/traction from the companies who they met at the multiple conferences, etc) and of course, cash inflowssss.
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Nothing changes if nothing changes
I Think management should update SHAREHOLDERS on the progress of the company.
Megachips was the last Announcement how many months ago was that, The end of 2021 Management said 2022 would be Brainchips Year / turning point.
And we have heard NOTHING.
Management monitors this site why are you keeping us SHAREHOLDERS in the dark.
The update should come in the next couple of days with the quarterly. My personal opinion is that sometimes no news is good news, especially in this present climate…. With all due respect. Anonymous 🥸
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Quarterly report always comes out at the end of the month (or a few days earlier) after the quarter end.
ie, approx. end of Oct for July-Sept Qtr

Just in case anyone is expecting it sooner.
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I might add that in recent history extensive, in-depth updates accompanying the quarterly don't seem to have been a thing.
If anyone can point out that I'm incorrect very open to it.
Other than keeping their (and partners) activities under the radar, getting more revenue than we expect is always a good thing (unless you're a shorter).
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I'm Spartacus!
"Eat the rich" on Netflix telling the GameStop saga. Easy to understand and entertaining explanation of shorting etc.
Worth a look. 🤣
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"Eat the rich" on Netflix telling the GameStop saga. Easy to understand and entertaining explanation of shorting etc.
Worth a look. 🤣
Eat the rich, One of Aerosmith’s better songs.

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o goodness me what is it at the moment with people's pms or mans itchy balls syndrome (cant believe i wrote that lol) but whatever.
Updates have occured, trust me ive read ithem and seen it, so i think the update u may be looking for is not the updates that that ive been reading. Be in my terminology of the meaning of update is just that. so we are getting updates.
Can't believe i wrote this without using upcase especially the ball itching syndrome. lol
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Hey @Tothemoon24, it's your profile pic which is the one that @KMuzza spotted in a news article about the DART mission. Check out the screen saver behind the guy in the grey T-shirt.

You don't happen to work at Tidbinbilla Station with NASA do you? Mum's the word. I won't tell anyone if you do. 🤫

View attachment 17659
Hi Bravo,
Enjoy reading your fine body of work on here , unfortunately my work situation is tied to a NDA.😉
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I know many people here are already happy with the already provided update, yet we spend hours researching for potential links... I think if we get proper regular updates (e.g quarterly) on how we are progressing, whether we are getting tractions on the market (especially after joining multiple tech conferences), how we are going with existing partnerships such as ford, valeo, etc we can probably spend less time IMO
I have raised my concerns to the company but not sure what will happen.
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Has anybody heard about a company named Adasky before? They manufacture an intelligent long-wave infrared camera with thermal sensors:

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Learning to the Top 🕵‍♂️
"Eat the rich" on Netflix telling the GameStop saga. Easy to understand and entertaining explanation of shorting etc.
Worth a look. 🤣
Thank HP,

Just watched its, with 4 beers. Highly recommend for entertainment and a bits of knowledge.

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hyper-efficient Ai
I know many people here are already happy with the already provided update, yet we spend hours researching for potential links... I think if we get proper regular updates (e.g quarterly) on how we are progressing, whether we are getting tractions on the market (especially after joining multiple tech conferences), how we are going with existing partnerships such as ford, valeo, etc we can probably spend less time IMO
I have raised my concerns to the company but not sure what will happen.
Stay steadfast my friend with your conviction, we retail shareholders are the lowest common denominator, when it comes to any real information that would surface.
Thats just how it is.
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