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SNUFA 2022
Spiking Neural networks as Universal Function Approximators
SNUFA 2022
Brief summary. This online workshop brings together researchers in the fields of computational neuroscience, machine learning, and neuromorphic engineering to present their work and discuss ways of translating these findings into a better understanding of neural circuits. Topics include artificial and biologically plausible learning algorithms and the dissection of trained spiking circuits toward understanding neural processing. We have a manageable number of talks with ample time for discussions.
Executive committee. Katie Schuman, Timothée Masquelier, Dan Goodman, and Friedemann Zenke.
Quick links. Register (free) Submit an abstract (before 28 Sept 2022)
Invited speakers
- Charlotte Frenkel, TU Delft
- Priya Panda, Yale
- Yiota Poirazi, Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB)
- Yonghong Tian, Peking University
Key information
Workshop. 9-10 November 2022, European afternoons.
Registration. Free but mandatory. Click here to register.
Abstract submission deadline. 28 September 2022. Click here to submit.
Final decisions. 12 October 2022.
- Two half days
- 4 invited talks
- 8 contributed talks
- Poster session
- Panel debate (topic to be decided, let us know if you have a good idea)
Abstract submissions
Click here to submit. Abstracts will be made publicly available at the end of the abstract submissions deadline for blinded public comments and ratings. We will select the most highly rated abstracts for contributed talks, subject to maintaining a balance between the different fields of, broadly speaking, neuroscience, computer science and neuromorphic engineering. Abstracts not selected for a talk will be presented as posters, and there is an option to submit an abstract directly for a poster and not a talk if you prefer.

Energy, Power, Control, and Networks (EPCN)
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Energy, Power, Control, and Networks (EPCN)
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Important Information for Proposers
A revised version of the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 22-1), is effective for proposals submitted, or due, on or after October 4, 2021. Please be advised that, depending on the specified due date, the guidelines contained in NSF 22-1 may apply to proposals submitted in response to this funding opportunity.
Supports research in modeling, optimization, learning, adaptation and control of networked multi-agent systems; higher-level decision making; and dynamic resource allocation and risk management.
The Energy, Power, Control, and Networks (EPCN) Program supports innovative research in modeling, optimization, learning, adaptation, and control of networked multi-agent systems, higher-level decision making, and dynamic resource allocation, as well as risk management in the presence of uncertainty, sub-system failures, and stochastic disturbances. EPCN also invests in novel machine learning algorithms and analysis, adaptive dynamic programming, brain-like networked architectures performing real-time learning, and neuromorphic engineering. EPCN’s goal is to encourage research on emerging technologies and applications including energy, transportation, robotics, and biomedical devices & systems. EPCN also emphasizes electric power systems, including generation, transmission, storage, and integration of renewable energy sources into the grid; power electronics and drives; battery management systems; hybrid and electric vehicles; and understanding of the interplay of power systems with associated regulatory & economic structures and with consumer behavior.Areas managed by Program Directors (please contact Program Directors listed in the EPCN staff directory for areas of interest):
Control Systems
- Distributed Control and Optimization
- Networked Multi-Agent Systems
- Stochastic, Hybrid, Nonlinear Systems
- Dynamic Data-Enabled Learning, Decision and Control
- Cyber-Physical Control Systems
- Applications (Biomedical, Transportation, Robotics)
- Solar, Wind, and Storage Devices Integration with the Grid
- Monitoring, Protection and Resilient Operation of Grid
- Power Grid Cybersecurity
- Market design, Consumer Behavior, Regulatory Policy
- Microgrids
- Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities
- Advanced Power Electronics and Electric Machines
- Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles
- Energy Harvesting, Storage Devices and Systems
- Innovative Grid-tied Power Electronic Converters
- Neural Networks
- Neuromorphic Engineering Systems
- Data analytics and Intelligent Systems
- Machine Learning Algorithms, Analysis and Applications
Program contacts
Eyad Abed | eabed@nsf.gov | (703)292-8339 | ENG/ECCS |
Aranya Chakrabortty | achakrab@nsf.gov | (703) 292-8113 | ENG/ECCS |
Mahesh Krishnamurthy | mkrishna@nsf.gov | (703)292-8339 | ENG/ECCS |
Donald Wunsch | dwunsch@nsf.gov | (703) 292-7102 | ENG/ECCS |
Awards made through this program
Browse projects funded by this programMap of recent awards made through this programOrganization(s)
- Directorate for Engineering (ENG)
- Division of Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ENG/ECCS)
Upcoming due dates
Full proposal accepted anytimeFor additional information regarding the removal of deadlines for this program, please refer to the Dear Colleague Letter [https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2018/nsf18082/nsf18082.jsp] and Frequently Asked Questions [https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2018/nsf18083/nsf18083.jsp].
Proposals submitted to other program announcements and solicitations, including the Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER), must meet their respective deadlines; please refer to the deadline dates specified in the appropriate announcement or solicitation. Proposals for EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) or Rapid Response Research (RAPID) can be submitted at any time but Principal Investigators must contact the cognizant program director prior to submission. Proposals for supplements or workshops can be submitted at any time, and PIs are encouraged to contact the cognizant PD prior to submission.
Program guidelines
Apply to PD 18-7607 as follows:Full proposals submitted via FastLane or Research.gov: NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide proposal preparation guidelines apply.
Full proposals submitted via Grants.gov: NSF Grants.gov Application Guide: A Guide for the Preparation and Submission of NSF Applications via Grants.gov guidelines apply.
Alert: Many NSF programs are only accepting proposals in Research.gov or Grants.gov. FastLane may no longer be a submission option. For more information, please visit Program Descriptions that Require Proposal Preparation and Submission in Research.gov or Grants.gov.