BRN Discussion Ongoing


I exercised my democratic right to complain to ASIC about CitiCorp Nominees and the ASX and this is how it went:

This is the response I received and my reply. As you can see I am a little dismissive of ASIC in my reply.

In the complaint they ask you for permission to disclose your identity to the person you have complained about which not wanting to give them any excuse to ignore the complaint I did and in their reply they pat me on the head and say I will not hear anything further as they are bound to keep things secret from me as to what action they take.

What this is saying is we would not want the market to think less of CitiCorp Nominees just because we might make an adverse finding against them for breaching the law and their position in the market to be affected:

"Our reference: CAS-104477-L5P6S5

Dear Mr


Thank you for your report of misconduct of 28 July 2022 raising concerns regarding disclosure of Citicorp Nominees Pty Ltd’s acquisition of shares in Brainchip Holdings Ltd.

ASIC values the information we receive from the public, and reports of misconduct such as yours assist us in working to build confidence in the integrity of the capital markets.

ASIC conducts an assessment of every report of misconduct we receive. The issues you have raised will receive careful consideration, and we have recorded them on our internal intelligence database.

In selecting matters for regulatory action, we consider a range of factors, including whether the misconduct report suggests any breaches of the law we administer, whether we have sufficient grounds to suspect that a breach has occurred, and whether regulatory intervention would benefit the broader community beyond the affected individuals.

Please see Information Sheet 152 Public comment which sets out the limited circumstances when we will comment publicly on our activities. These limitations are intended to protect the confidentiality of information reported to ASIC and the integrity of ASIC’s investigation and enforcement activities. For matters involving our market supervision, we are aware that any public comment may affect trading in the market, and we are committed to a fair, orderly, and transparent market.

Accordingly, ASIC does not comment on operational matters, or our assessment of information in relation to markets matters, and we are unable to provide further details about what, if any, action we may or may not take in relation to the concerns you have raised. We hope you can appreciate the reasons why we do not make such comment.

If you require any information on our role as a market supervisor, or enforcement action taken by ASIC, please visit ASIC’s website at

Please note that ASIC will only contact you again about your report of misconduct if we require further information or evidence to assist in our inquiries.

Yours sincerely

Kaitlyne GrahamAnalyst, Misconduct & Breach Reporting"

"Dear Kaitlyne Graham

Thank you for your email.

While I am not surprised by ASIC's approach to my complaint it does strike me as rather interesting as a retired lawyer and former police officer that despite reporting this matter firstly to the ASX and then to your office and with CitiCorp Nominees now appearing as the largest shareholder on a recently released ASX Brainchip Top 20 shareholders notice that it has still not been prevailed upon by anyone charged with legislative responsibility to file a notice under S.671 of the Corporations Act, 2001 despite the fact that it is a strict liability offence and impossible for a sophisticated corporate entity to defend.

Being just a retail shareholder and member of the public who depends upon the maintenance of a level playing field and a fair market I would have expected something a little bit more proactive from the market regulators. Obviously I was expecting far too much and it is beyond the systems ability to request that an organisation the size of CitiCorp Nominees immediately mitigate its offence and fill out a form and lodge it as required.

Kind regards"

As can be seen my complaint was actioned at ASIC in 28 July, 2022 and as expected CitiCorp Nominees has still to file a notice.

And for the record I have as promised by ASIC had no further communications.

What I should add is I first complained to the ASX and after a number of follow up enquires I received a letter saying that while there appeared to be a breach the ASX did not have the power to investigate and that if I wanted to take it further ASIC had the power to take action.

In my complaint to ASIC I also complained about the ASX for failing to bring the matter itself to the ASIC after agreeing in writing to me that there appeared to be a breach and leaving it to me. But this is another story.

Suffice to say having conducted investigations of corruption at the highest levels in my career I am disgusted.

The bottom line though is it is not ASIC or the ASX it is the Government that is responsible for this complete breach of faith with the Australian public.

However while ever former politicians from both sides of politics end up on Boards and/or as highly paid consultants to big business after they leave office nothing will happen.

My opinion only DYOR

Great effort @Fact Finder , even if it goes nowhere, 10 out of 10 to you.... (and the others on this site that callout the shortcomings {pun intended} of the systems.
I look around and wonder, who the hell can you trust with this stock market gig. (answer, your own research and plan, and time)
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On another matter the Fed raised rates by the predicted .75% however put an unexpected sting in the tail by lifting their predicted upper target range by close to 1%.

As this sunk in the positive movement on the US markets faded away. Luckily we have a public holiday here so the US markets get a second chance at giving a positive signal to the ASX to close out our week.

Puto continues to weigh on the world but I cannot but have sympathy for the 300,000 Russians being called up. Assuming the reports we have had about the age and quality of the weapons and body armour being used by the troops already in Ukraine it is hard to believe Puto’s statement that they have plenty of weapons ready to use. I personally expect these 300,000 reservists to be virtually naked from a military perspective, poorly trained, lacking leadership and will be nothing more than cannon fodder. So many will die needlessly unless Russia comes to its senses and reigns in Puto.

To believe otherwise is to believe that the regular troops sent to Ukraine at the beginning were given all the old out of date equipment and the modern weaponry was held in reserve for the untrained reservists to use.

Anyway the point is this 300,000 will not in my opinion cause a quick resolution of the war and it is more likely to be ongoing into 2023 and continue to weigh heavily on the worlds markets.

The disclosure that the Australian Government has an extra $50 billion in revenue as a result of Puto creating demand for our resources and increasing world prices is as I predicted.

We will likely see that demand continue into 2023 despite Government claims to the contrary so an extra $50 billion plus will also flow over the next 6 months.

Remember Brainchip has no debt and none of the above have changed a single thing about the Brainchip investment thesis.

EXCEPT that intelligent drones are proving essential in modern warfare. Sadly Brainchip has a way to make drones incredible.

My opinion only DYOR

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Hey Fact Finder, my reading is they don’t have to file as they are nominee holdings and relevant interest is taken by the beneficiaries- see s609(2). Link below.

Nominees and other trustees

(2) A person who would otherwise have a relevant interest in securities as a bare trustee does not have a relevant interest in the securities if a beneficiary under the trust has a relevant interest in the securities because of a presently enforceable and unconditional right of the kind referred to in subsection 608(8).

Note: This subsection will often apply to a person who holds securities as a nominee.


Definition of substantial holdings seems to require a relevant interest.
I do not agree. I do not intend to debate this it is an offence to fail to publish once you go above 5%. It is a strict liability offence.

But let us assume for the moment you are correct and it is not an offence and it is as simple as you are stating.

Firstly why would the ASX state that on its face it appeared to be a breach?

Secondly if it is so obviously not an offence why would the ASIC accept the complaint and not simply just write back and say sorry nominee account not covered?

Thirdly why would Macquarie Nominees and others file these notices as a matter of course for their holdings in other companies?

My opinion only DYOR

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@Diogenese over to you. I think he is trying to say that akida is just like all other companies working on neuromorphic and that Brainchip chip isn’t unique with its on-chip learning capabilities compared to others….I don’t think so! View attachment 17143
I love his second qualification ‘Story teller.’ Says it all really.

Feed forward is a clue or his absence of any knowledge about it together with his lack of understanding that the STDP used by Brainchip incorporates the JAST learning rules which are patent protected and as such the others he references would be using them illegally or on licence from Brainchip.

A story by Gordon Wilson aged 31 years.
Teachers comment: Could do better.

My opinion only DYOR

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On another matter the Feb raised rates by the predicted .75% however put an unexpected sting in the tail by lifting their predicted upper target range by close to 1%.

As this sunk in the positive movement on the US markets faded away. Luckily we have a public holiday here so the US markets get a second chance at giving a positive signal to the ASX to close out our week.

Puto continues to weigh on the world but I cannot but have sympathy for the 300,000 Russians being called up. Assuming the reports we have had about the age and quality of the weapons and body armour being used by the troops already in Ukraine it is hard to believe Puto’s statement that they have plenty of weapons ready to use. I personally expect these 300,000 reservists to be virtually naked from a military perspective, poorly trained, lacking leadership and will be nothing more than cannon fodder. So many will die needlessly unless Russia comes to its senses and reigns in Puto.

To believe otherwise is to believe that the regular troops sent to Ukraine at the beginning were given all the old out of date equipment and the modern weaponry was held in reserve for the untrained reservists to use.

Anyway the point is this 300,000 will not in my opinion cause a quick resolution of the war and it is more likely to be ongoing into 2023 and continue to weigh heavily on the worlds markets.

The disclosure that the Australian Government has an extra $50 billion in revenue as a result of Puto creating demand for our resources and increasing world prices is as I predicted.

We will likely see that demand continue into 2023 despite Government claims to the contrary so an extra $50 billion plus will also flow over the next 6 months.

Remember Brainchip has no debt and none of the above have changed a single thing about the Brainchip investment thesis.

EXCEPT that intelligent drones are proving essential in modern warfare. Sadly Brainchip has a way to make drones incredible.

My opinion only DYOR

Firstly, FF, may I say from my own opinion that your two posts this morning have been exemplary. To say the least.

Secondly, your sentence;

"EXCEPT that intelligent drones are proving essential in modern warfare. Sadly Brainchip has a way to make drones incredible.", is an unfortunate reality but when used for the greater good to rid the Puto's of our world, will also be exemplary if is able to come to fruition.

Peace Brainers and........

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I love his second qualification ‘Story teller.’ Says it all really.

Feed forward is a clue or his absence of any knowledge about it together with his lack of understanding that the STDP used by Brainchip incorporates the JAST learning rules which are patent protected and as such the others he references would be using them illegally or on licence from Brainchip.

A story by Gordon Wilson aged 31 years.
Teachers comment: Could do better.

My opinion only DYOR

By the way they are not a listed company and can say whatever they like as they are not regulated unlike Brainchip.

My opinion only DYOR

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Top 20
I'm not sure if anybody bothered to read the Motley Fool's article, stupidly pondering and trying to inform the investing public (or the group of fools, that choose to take advice from fools..) but not only do they have poor English skills for journalists/investment advisors? But their maths sucks too!!

"This saw BrainChip declare an operating loss of US$8.56 million for the six months to 30 June 2022, down 1% year on year. That works out to be a loss per share of 46 US cents, or 66 cents in our currency"

They go on to say..

"So if you want a reason why BrainChip doesn’t fund dividend payments, look no further than those metrics" ???

Actually, 46 US cents loss x 1.72 billion shares, equates to a supposed 6 month operating loss of 791 MILLION US DOLLARS!!
That's more than 3/4 of a BILLION US dollars!!

Are they really that stupid to put that in print??
Or is that deliberately intended, to be a negative smear on the perception of our Company??

The actual loss for the 6 months is 0.0049 cents per share!!

Considering the quality of their previous articles on BrainChip, choosing to use us almost entirely to draw attention to their "investment picks" and usually with a negative slant..

I'm led to believe, that this is not a mistake at all and is an intentionally misleading statement!

Not only are they fools, by their own account, but they appear to have no journalistic or advisory morals either!

I wonder if this sham article, has anything to do with the ever increasing aggregate short position??

Increased tensions, with Putin upping the ante in the Ukraine, may unfortunately, give them some reprieve..
I called him out on twitter. Let's see if we get a response
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As it just happens, I intended to buy 1000 shares at market early Tuesday, and the same for my 17 brothers and sisters.
What a coincidence dont you think 🤔
Reminds me of the time when FF and us s/holders were able to promote/boost Peter's award win !!!
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Soz, just had too.

Did I just say that or just think it?

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I keep saying enough is enough but just buy a few more because the price is going down and it's a steal at the moment. Can't help myself. I'm a brainaholic....
Always shopping for discounts . .88 how could one possibly say no, should it flip the correct way , Egypt here I come ….

Nan. xxx
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Interesting article on Qualcomm’s use of 4 bit quantisation, more so the last paragraph.

Great find @GStocks123

I particularly like this from the preceding paragraph:

"In the future, AIMET Model Zoo will provide more models covering new use cases and architectures while also enabling models with 4-bit weights quantization via further optimizations. AIMET Model Zoo makes it as simple as possible for an AI developer to grab an accurate quantized model for enhanced performance, latency, performance per watt, and more without investing a lot of time."

Am I being to hopeful to ask what company is supplying Ai using 4-bit quantization to Ai developers currenting who find the AIMET Model Zoo at 8 bit quantization useful via further optimizations enabling models with 4 bits are Qualcomm aiming to please.

The only one I can think of is Edge Impulse and its 50,000 developers who are using Edge Impulses Ai platform which we know from Edge Impulses public statement is built on AKIDA from Brainchip Inc.

Then of course there is ARM but none of its partners apart from Brainchip are as a matter of course using 4 bit quantization.

My opinion only DYOR

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Always shopping for discounts . .88 how could one possibly say no, should it flip the correct way , Egypt here I come ….

Nan. xxx
Yet another case of no meaning yes, yes, yes. So hard to navigate the modern world. Fingers crossed you get your Egypt dream.

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Reminds me of the time when FF and us s/holders were able to promote/boost Peter's award win !!!
Yes as one well oiled up team we can do wonders. Always stronger in numbers mate!
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Life is not a dress rehearsal!
Yes they speak England goodly
As Manuel from Fawlty Towers would say..... "I learn it from a booook!" :)

If you don't have dreams, you can't have dreams come true!
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Oat latte lover

Samsung and ARM next month. Can Samsung take over ARM?
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Earlier version of this paper posted back around May or so.

Now reviewed, edited and published in Frontiers few days ago.

Helps to understand why not all "AI" is the same as holders know just as not all Neuromorphic is the same even if the end goal is.

Worth a revisit HERE or read below as I snipped the paper.

The table is here as got edges cut on the scrolling snip.

View attachment 17140

View attachment 17141
As loath as I am to promote anything Russian at this moment at page 11 even these Russian academics recognise that Master Wilson has no idea as they devote the last two paragraphs of their AKIDA summary to one shot and continuous learning on chip. Master Wilson should not tell stories and should go straight to Head Masters office.

My opinion only DYOR

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Mad Scientist

Samsung and ARM next month. Can Samsung take over ARM?
Hi Miaeffect- this should be read as history to your article-

Unfortunately the way of the commercial world- and while our BRN share price is being manipulated by other interests - BRN at this price with revolutionary tech and the “defacto standard” - even better than 8BFPt is a takeover target- see top 20list of shareholders- why/ who is behind Citicorp.

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What’s happening, is there an inquiry into BRN? It doesn’t appear to be trading??
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