This post has nothing to do with Brainchip: more my musings so feel free to skip!
A lot of our language came from shortening or joining words for example Jeep.
The most widely held theory is that
the military designation GP (for Government Purposes or General Purpose) was slurred into the word Jeep in the same way that the contemporary HMMWV (for High-Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle) has become known as the Humvee.
My understanding of the F word is that it came from the criminal charge of: For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge, e.g. being charged with sex with a minor being abbreviated to “Fuck” for short.
The word has now crept into our every day language as a means to shock and is commonplace. I know a lot of people who can’t say two sentences without including the word which is a shame as they miss out on using other excellent descriptors to make their point. As the F word is now not as shocking more people are reverting to the C word to try to place emphasis on their sentence. I don’t know what word is coming when that becomes normalised.
I think it’s also the context in which any word is used is also important. For example I’m sure if I went into my local coffee shop and asked for a “Fucking cup of coffee with 2 fucking sugars!” it would be frowned upon whereas the phrase “Fuck Putin” or “Fuck Yeah” although vulgar is however quite acceptable to most.
Respect to all is the key and we live in the world we create. We can choose to visit this forum and be pleasant to each other; or argue and call each other names; but then it turns into the other place. Our interactions are important; both how we treat each other and how we are treated affects us on a daily basis, individually and as a collective.
So my thought for the day is ”Kindness and Gratitude.”