BRN Discussion Ongoing


Not only that. But in the second lot of presentations "Edge Computing Considerations for Embedded Devices" Dr Andrea Dunbar from CSEM (worth a listen) made a point of saying they were exploring the use of IBM True North, SpiNNaker and Intel Loihi, but no mention of BrainChip.
Makes you wonder, just how much research some of these so called experts actually do.
I would only guess that is where Sean, Rob and Jerome would step in to educate Dr Dunbar.
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Ok, for those of us who were discussing a Melbourne catch-up over on HC, this is for you: I’m going to book a table on the rooftop bar at Harlow, Richmond if people are still interested. Tuesday 15th of March for MDhere - 6.30. Let me know if you’re in, and how many. I’ll post this in the ‘lounge’ as well, so reply over there (so we don’t fill this thread with junk!)
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Over on the BRN Twitter thread Fullmoonfever has put up an analysis tool which tells you where twitters on BRN are coming from.

When you click on South America the twitters are coming from Brazil.

The former CEO Mr. Dinardo mentioned something going on in Sth America requiring his attention but did not state what it was but I now suspect it was in Brazil.

I suspect it is to do with heavy rail and vibration monitoring and I suspect the company may be Vale. There may be links with RioTinto, BHP and Vale.

This is a link:

If anyone wants to do so research it may well bear fruit given the new CEO recently mention rail.

My opinion only DYOR

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Only just started watching but he (Anil) almost looks bored that they are so far behind lol
Just shows how far ahead Akida is from everyone, even from the so called big research labs
Just listened to the Panel Discussion IMPLICATIONS OF EMBEDDED AI: MACHINE LEARNING, DEEP LEARNING, FACIAL RECOGNITION, AND OTHER PROCESSING with Anil, Colin's Areospace & Max Little, Associate Professor at the University of Birmingham.

There was no Google or Renesas in the panel, they must have been in the earlier sessions.

Anil was great, really informative, he talked about making every sensor smart.

Its funny though when the other 2 panelist talked about their current big issues in AI & Machine learning etc when Anil spoke he basically had the solution's for their problems because as we all know BrainChip is number 1

I started screen recording the session after the initial introductions, Anil starts talking at 1min 36 seconds, I saved it to my google drive so hopefully you can view with the below link, enjoy :)
Just shows how far ahead akida is compared to everyone else. The two panelist keeps saying we are years away from solving the problem and Anil basically say, actually we solved the problem.
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Over on the BRN Twitter thread Fullmoonfever has put up an analysis tool which tells you where twitters on BRN are coming from.

When you click on South America the twitters are coming from Brazil.

The former CEO Mr. Dinardo mentioned something going on in Sth America requiring his attention but did not state what it was but I now suspect it was in Brazil.

I suspect it is to do with heavy rail and vibration monitoring and I suspect the company may be Vale. There may be links with RioTinto, BHP and Vale.

This is a link:

If anyone wants to do so research it may well bear fruit given the new CEO recently mention rail.

My opinion only DYOR

Is there anything you can’t do, join the dots of, uncover or intelligently deduct? You must have been one hell of a legal eagle.

And we are all indebted to you and the other very clever super snoopers on this platform.
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I think I upset you with the line curing cancer perhaps I might better have said ‘trying to cure cancers’.

There are indeed companies trying to cure various types of cancers and there are already cures for some cancers if they are found and treated early enough.

I have lost a number of family and friends to various forms of the disease so for very personal reasons I follow companies in this field of research and see great strides being made by dedicated researchers.

My opinion only DYOR

Its a bit off topic, from Sun Tzu - The Art of War..

A lord of ancient China once asked his physician, a member of a family of healers, which of them was the most skilled in the art.
The well-known healer replied, “I puncture veins, prescribe potions, and massage skin, so from time to time my name gets out and is heard among the lords.”
“My elder brother cures sickness when it is still extremely minute, so his name gets around only in his own neighborhood.
“My eldest brother sees the spirit of sickness and removes it before it takes shape, so his name does not get out of the house.

"the eldest brother" is precisely why i just purchased shares in Biotome.....
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Is there anything you can’t do, join the dots of, uncover or intelligently deduct? You must have been one hell of a legal eagle.

And we are all indebted to you and the other very clever super snoopers on this platform.
Absolutely agree.

I saw the same LDN podcast in which he was very keen on mentioning which continents BRN were active in. I believe the same one as when LDN mentioned over 100 NDAs or so.
Great link there FF. I also always wondered what the South American link was. I work with a Brazilian mate. Will ask if he knows anything about the rail situation there.
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Hi TG,
Joseph struck me as being a little out of his depth in this discussion. He made a statement towards the end that said it all. "So I'm not real deep into the chip side myself, so I think I will pass on the question."
Anil left them floundering in his wake.
He may not understand Neuromorphics, but at least he can catch the crocodile that is roaming in the back yard...
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Why governments do things is beyond my pay grade but I suspect it relates to the number of votes any particular action will buy.

I think I upset you with the line curing cancer perhaps I might better have said ‘trying to cure cancers’.

There are indeed companies trying to cure various types of cancers and there are already cures for some cancers if they are found and treated early enough.

I have lost a number of family and friends to various forms of the disease so for very personal reasons I follow companies in this field of research and see great strides being made by dedicated researchers.

My opinion only DYOR

Thanks, FF, we are all in the same boat. Medical ethics is a minefield. I don't want to buy shares in a company that sells hope by supplying drugs to patients who the FDA consider to be so hopeless, all other treatments having failed, that they can go onto the company's clinical trial. ie read the special conditions of each clinical trial and decide for yourself what the FDA is telling you.

I look forward to the increased use of AI, including Akida, to help design the new drugs and treatments, that aren't just magic bullets shot into the dark.
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BrainChip’s patent portfolio now comprises 8 US and 1 Chinese granted patent. BrainChip has recently expanded international patent filings with a total of 21 patent applications currently pending in the US, Europe, Canada, Japan, Korea, Australia, Brazil, Mexico and Israel.
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I agree WH, Anil was all over it, & it was like the other 2 had no idea that BrainChip can take them both to next's amazing how many people in these industries aren't more up to speed, it really does demonstrate how we are just in the beginning stages.

That's the nice thing about these types of events. Other people on these panels who don't keep up with forums or other companies' LinkedIn or Twitter announcements may be learning something new from one of the other panelists and potentially have some new inroads to solving their problems.

On a slightly different note, there is an annual technology conference in South Florida that I make an effort to attend. I usually schedule presentations that look interesting in both technologies I currently use and technologies that are trending. I find that in three or four sessions that I attend, I either learn some new tool or technique in the technology I currently use and for those technologies new to me, end up leaving very excited to try out something new.

These are probably going to be the best venues for BrainChip to start signing on new EAPs.
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Thanks, FF, we are all in the same boat. Medical ethics is a minefield. I don't want to buy shares in a company that sells hope by supplying drugs to patients who the FDA consider to be so hopeless, all other treatments having failed, that they can go onto the company's clinical trial. ie read the special conditions of each clinical trial and decide for yourself what the FDA is telling you.

I look forward to the increased use of AI, including Akida, to help design the new drugs and treatments, that aren't just magic bullets shot into the dark.
I’m a little reticent to mention this because (especially on HC) people often shoot you down for cross promotion but I firmly believe in, and have put a lot of hard earned towards, a medical diagnostic company called ResApp Health. They were seeded by the Gates Foundation and are repaying that with allowing their amazing AI to be used cheaply in some third world countries. Pneumonia is the largest killer of children under 5 Years. The AI remotely listens via a smartphone to cough sounds and instantly diagnoses a number of respiratory diseases. I’m not enticing you to buy, or even look at this company, but mention it is an example of the future that AI will have on us all.
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Absolutely agree.

I saw the same LDN podcast in which he was very keen on mentioning which continents BRN were active in. I believe the same one as when LDN mentioned over 100 NDAs or so.
Great link there FF. I also always wondered what the South American link was. I work with a Brazilian mate. Will ask if he knows anything about the rail situation there.

The world's railway network spans over 1.3 million route-kilometers worldwide. The United States operates by far the longest railroad network in the world, closely followed by Russia, China, India, Canada, Germany, and France.14 Aug 2020

Another multi million application for Akida.

I would think japans bullet trains that have tracks in two kilometre lengths would love our tech running in real time.
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Ich habe die Gegenden Frankfurt, Mannheim, Heidelberg und Babenhausen nur besucht, als ich zuvor für die Continental AG gearbeitet habe.
Season 6 What GIF by The Office

Please include translation too so us English only speakers do not miss out on your insights

The only German I can (kind of) remember from school is “Ich bin auslander und spreche nicht gut Deutsch”

And also schraubenschlüßel (spanner) - one of my all time favourite words to say
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Hi Bravo,

Renesas have been working on their DRP-AI (Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor) since 2002:
Taro Fujii, Takao Toi, Teruhito Tanaka, Katsumi Togawa, Toshiro Kitaoka, Kengo Nishino, Noritsugu Nakamura, Hiroki Nakahara, and Masato Motomura, "New Generation Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor Technology for Accelerating Embedded AI Applications", 2018 Symposia on VLSI Circuits, pp.41-42, June, 2018.

Takao Toi, Noritsugu Nakamura, Taro Fujii, Toshiro Kitaoka, Katsumi Togawa, Koichiro Furuta, and Toru Awashima, "Optimizing Time and Space Multiplexed Computation in a Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor", ICFPT 2013, pp.106-111, Dec. 2013.

Takao Toi, Toru Awashima, Masato Motomura, Hideharu Amano, "Time and Space-multiplexed Compilation Challenges for Dynamically Reconfigurable Processors", IEEE MWSCAS 2011 (Invited Talk), Aug. 2011.

Takao Toi, Takumi Okamoto, Toru Awashima, Kazutoshi Wakabayashi, Hideharu Amano, "Wire Congestion Aware Synthesis for a Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor", IEEE FPT 2010, pp.300-303, Dec. 2010.

Masato Motomura: "STP Engine, a C-based Programmable HW Core featuring Massively Parallel and Reconfigurable PE Array: Its Architecture, Tool, and System Implications", Proceeding of Cool Chips XII, pp.395-408, Apr. 2009.

Takao Toi, Noritsugu Nakamura, Yoshinosuke Kato, Toru Awashima, Kazutoshi Wakabayashi, Li Jing, "High-level Synthesis Challenges and Solutions for a Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor", IEEE/ACM ICCAD 2006, pp.702-708, Nov. 2006.

Masato Motomura: "A Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor Architecture", Microprocessor Forum, Oct. 2002.

Hey Diogenese (aka Barrel),

I was just looking at this tutorial at the May 2019 Embedded Vision Summit. Yoshio Sato, Senior Product Marketing Manager in the Industrial Business Unit at Renesas, says at the 22 minute mark that they are looking for partners to work with Renasas on the Roadmap for DRP to enhance embedded AI inference capabilities.

I guess this is where BrainChip fits in, or could fit in.

Screen Shot 2022-02-16 at 6.33.50 pm.png

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"He tolerates my interest in companies curing cancer.."

This surprises me. Last time I looked I couldn't see any ASX listed company curing cancer, whose CEO/CTO had developed, at great personal cost, any new technology to do this. All I ever found were companies that had licensed various outdated technologies from California, that were run by unqualified yet experienced operators, and that had unspecified collaborations with similar companies spruiked by Anthony Robbins types...

Why couldn't governments around the world do a warp speed mega-dollar approach to cancer cure similar to Covid?
Would you classify Imugene (ASX:IMU) as such a company as well? Last I read they are at the verge of commercialisation with a a new break through in this field.
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Thanks, FF, we are all in the same boat. Medical ethics is a minefield. I don't want to buy shares in a company that sells hope by supplying drugs to patients who the FDA consider to be so hopeless, all other treatments having failed, that they can go onto the company's clinical trial. ie read the special conditions of each clinical trial and decide for yourself what the FDA is telling you.

I look forward to the increased use of AI, including Akida, to help design the new drugs and treatments, that aren't just magic bullets shot into the dark.
Medical ethics are complex
Hi B,

I think it’s a case of just wanting to be the first company to say they are using us in their cars. That way when anyone else takes up the technology it will appear they are following Mercedes.

There was that question with Valeo a few months ago when they were asked if the were using Brainchip and they declined to answer. They said their IP may be disclosed in a few months. Valeo 2021 review for their shareholders is on 25th of this month so I’m hoping for something to be presented then. So maybe Mercedes were just wanting to get ahead of the competition with their announcement.

Whatever their reason I’m glad they did because they well and truly validated the technology globally!
In furtherance of the sentiment expressed in the last paragraph of your post I commend the following article:
If you Google what is the most prestigious car brand in the world the Mercedes name is front and centre.
If I was writing a script for how Brainchip could announce its arrival in the electric vehicle ascendency I would have them on stage with Mercedes Benz.
The reveal of Brainchip and AKIDA technology by Mercedes is a dream come true and did not cost Brainchip one single cent.
As a result of this reveal I would expect that there will not be one automobile manufacturer on the planet who when Rob Telson rings would now say “Brain what?”

My opinion only DYOR

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Stealth Mode
Hi Evermont,

At the top of this page there is a ilnk to BRN - Brainchip Ltd. This lists the latest posts in chronological order.

Yep, you still have to jump into each individual thread though. The current format works fine and @zeeb0t has done a tremendous job, i'm just being lazy. 🙃
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Stealth Mode
Over on the BRN Twitter thread Fullmoonfever has put up an analysis tool which tells you where twitters on BRN are coming from.

When you click on South America the twitters are coming from Brazil.

The former CEO Mr. Dinardo mentioned something going on in Sth America requiring his attention but did not state what it was but I now suspect it was in Brazil.

I suspect it is to do with heavy rail and vibration monitoring and I suspect the company may be Vale. There may be links with RioTinto, BHP and Vale.

This is a link:

If anyone wants to do so research it may well bear fruit given the new CEO recently mention rail.

My opinion only DYOR


This is a useful tool as well. It pulls BRN search results from a number of social media platforms. There is also some good analytical tools to gauge market sentiment, volume etc. Enjoy.

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That quote you attribute to uiux was actually first said by Ken Scarince in his German Investor presentation. FF
Yes FF, my attribution to ulux is incorrect, and I do now recall that you have mentioned Ken Scarince as the original source
of that prescient saying.

In fact I believe I had made the same attribution to ulux on another occasion as well over at HC, said ulux does not seem to care. So in keeping with the principles of Brainchip college, I might now head over to the dons office for my dose. LOL

You run a tight ship FF, which is the best way to do it, so do you have the said quotation word for word somewhere, I liked the way it sounded straight away, and as I said it's likely prescient bigtime.
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