BRN Discussion Ongoing


Norse clairvoyant shapeshifter goddess
15/08/2022 $1.105
15/08/2021 .50c
16/08/2020 .27cents
11/08/2019 4.4 cents

I just typed a whole list of the current global situation and deleted it because sharing it would spread more unnecessary negative news. The point was to state the whole world went through a massive shock the first half of this year. Corporate business deals are not distributing freely in this current macro environment.

Ive been happy with the progress we have made and the partnerships this year alone.

Our current situation would have looked alot different if Putin hadnt gone to war.
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Deleted member 118

15/08/2022 $1.105
15/08/2021 .50c
16/08/2020 .27cents
11/08/2019 4.4 cents

I just typed a whole list of the current global situation and deleted it because sharing it would spread more unnecessary negative news. The point was to state the whole world went through a massive shock the first half of this year. Corporate business deals are not distributing freely in this current macro environment.

Ive been happy with the progress we have made and the partnerships this year alone.

Our current situation would have looked alot different if Putin hadnt gone to war.
BrN 15/08/23 $1.55 @ this rate
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Dr E Brown

Hello everyone,

I work for an automotive supplier. In the automotive sector, it is standard practice to create an operational plan (OPL) for 1 year, a medium-term plan (MTP) for 3 years and a strategic plan (SPL) for 7 years. These plans can be viewed. The sales development as well as EBIT and cash flow development are shown in these plans. Are these overviews stored somewhere in the form of a Powerpoint presentation by Brainchip? Unfortunately I can't find anything about this on the www.
Brainchip is not at the stage to provide this information yet. I would anticpate this sort of information to be in the public domain in the next 18 months to 2 years. However even then only for 12 months hence.

Internally I'm sure they will have some figures in their strategic plan.
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1st Half report due soon. Would be good to see a meaningful update from Sean otherwise we will continue to be a plaything for shorters until revenue starts to show up on the 4c's.
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Dr E Brown

I have emailed the company suggesting a newsletter update similar to those provided by other companies at a similar stage in their growth. I'll see if I get a reply
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Thanks @Bravo. I thought I had the jigsaw figured out and then you go and flip the bloody table.

According to the plan, from 2022 to 2023, Mercedes-Benz will be equipped with a lightweight version of the MB.OS operating system on the next generation of new E-class models, and the full version of the MB.OS operating system will be launched in 2024.

Before 2024, Mercedes-Benz will continue to upgrade the MBUX intelligent human-computer interaction system in the form of software packages. And after 2024, MB. The OS operating system will bring about fundamental changes, through which the software and services developed by Mercedes-Benz itself will be able to be directly upgraded. For the system hardware covering the four areas of the car, especially the chipset, Mercedes-Benz will also adopt a standardized standard to create convenience for upgrading.

Sounds to me the Manufacture Date will be 2024 and the Model Date will be 2025.

Mercedes-Benz's plan is to build mb.OS for the first time in compact and medium-sized electric vehicles based on the MMA platform, and to adopt a self-developed operating system in all subsequent models because the users of the entry-level model are younger, more receptive to new things, and can also propose improvements to the system. Won't be in ICE vehicles by the sound of it. They'll have to make do with the current system. Probably trying to entice buyers over to electric vehicles.
Glad I could be of service! He-he-he! 🤭
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Wish there was an organised thread filled with this research @Bravo
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Deleted member 118

I have emailed the company suggesting a newsletter update similar to those provided by other companies at a similar stage in their growth. I'll see if I get a reply
Probably the same as all the replies. We can’t give any info due to ndas
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Deleted member 118



If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Wish there was an organised thread filled with this research @Bravo

Can you please organise it for me? I don't need it to reference me and I trust you implicitly.
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Probably the same as all the replies. We can’t give any info due to ndas
Kinda getting tired of the same response/lines given out.

Anyway, I’ll wait another 6 months. Fingers crossed SOMETHING happens.

Cone of silence only belongs with Get Smart.
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Can you please organise it for me? I don't need it to reference me and I trust you implicitly.

I haven't been researching it! I have no idea what you've found. Why do you think I want you to organise it in a thread LOL

And no I'm not going to crawl this thread looking for your breadcrumbs lol.

You should have the narrative in your head. Just remember the important bits you have found and recreate the mosaic in a new thread.
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Kinda getting tired of the same response/lines given out.

Anyway, I’ll wait another 6 months. Fingers crossed SOMETHING happens.

Cone of silence only belongs with Get Smart.


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Deleted member 118

Kinda getting tired of the same response/lines given out.

Anyway, I’ll wait another 6 months. Fingers crossed SOMETHING happens.

Cone of silence only belongs with Get Smart.
I hope Im still alive when we eventually get something substantial

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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
I haven't been researching it! I have no idea what you've found. Why do you think I want you to organise it in a thread LOL

And no I'm not going to crawl this thread looking for your breadcrumbs lol.

You should have the narrative in your head. Just remember the important bits you have found and recreate the mosaic in a new thread.
But I can't possibly keep creating a new thread on everything I discover, because then there would be a gazillion threads and it would crash the website.

And the thing is, I don't even know how to make a new thread…

I don't really even know how to operate my new i-phone!..

I kind of like the trusty go-to "BRN Discussion 2022" thread because I am not very tech savvy but am an avaricious dot-joiner none-the-less.

Love your work bae!
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15/08/2022 $1.105
15/08/2021 .50c
16/08/2020 .27cents
11/08/2019 4.4 cents

I just typed a whole list of the current global situation and deleted it because sharing it would spread more unnecessary negative news. The point was to state the whole world went through a massive shock the first half of this year. Corporate business deals are not distributing freely in this current macro environment.

Ive been happy with the progress we have made and the partnerships this year alone.

Our current situation would have looked alot different if Putin hadnt gone to war.
Thanks for reminding me what fantastic growth the company has seen: 25x in 3 years!

Explosive growth, well above my expectations.

I’ll will gladly take that!

Look forward to 15/8/25.
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But I can't possibly keep creating a new thread on everything I discover, because then there would be a gazillion threads and it would crash the website.
And the thing is, I don't even know how to make a new thread.
I don't really even know how to operate my new phone!
I kind of like the trusty go-to "BRN Discussion 2022" thread because I am not very tech savvy but am an avaricious dot-joiner non-the-less.
Love your work bae!

Surely all the posts fit under a specific heading?

Mercedes + Unity
Mercedes 2024

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Well this is exciting!

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