BRN Discussion Ongoing


This article from 24 March 2021 shows how Mercedes, BMW and Audi like "sharing". And if the MBUX in the Mercedes concept car operates 5-10 x better due to AKIDA then,why wouldn't the others follow suit with the same technology?


View attachment 1057
350 million cars!!!!!!! So based on thus historical figure... potential royalties of ?15dollars, 20dollars? Per car in future revenue? Anyone want to guess?
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350 million cars!!!!!!! So based on thus historical figure... potential royalties of ?15dollars, 20dollars? Per car in future revenue? Anyone want to guess?
The following is based on Peter van der Made stating nine AKD1000 would be needed to do all the sensing in an ADAS.

A 5% royalty on a $25.00 AKD1000 chip being $1.25.

This would be $11.25 per vehicle times $350 million which would be $3.937 billion.

OF COURSE Brainchip only works on a 97% profit margin with its IP so you have to knock off 3%.

I wonder if MF would give BRN a positive write up then. LOL

My opinion only DYOR

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So does this mean Cerence has a deal with Brainchip? Why did Mercedes mentioned Brainchip and not Cerence?
Cerence have been working with Mercedes for a couple of years now, so nothing new for Mercedes to announce there. They provide the voice tech for Hey Mercedes in the existing MBUX system (refer to the link below). Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but this is mainly done on software and they need Akida to implement this in hardware with lower power. So we don't know if we have a deal with Cerence direct. But they're not competition for us. They're an opportunity for us to work together. And not just with Mercedes.

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The US actually ran hard. Looking like a green day
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Latest tweet from our company, mentions BRN how they have become the furthest in the industry. 2 hours ago.

Hi Tony,

This article is really interesting! Mike Demler, Senior Analyst with The Linley Group, says that there are currently dozens of startups receiving tens of millions in venture funding to make AI chips but that "at some point, a shake-out will happen."

It goes on to say "Some of them will have to go away eventually," mused Demler. "Whether it's 3 years or 5 years from now, we'll see much fewer companies in this space."

Just think about what that means for the few companies that are remaining!!!

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Deleted member 118

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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Does anyone have any feedback from the Renasas webinar last night?
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
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Dear Yak,

I appreciate your open words. My correction also wasn't meant to blame you. I only wanted to post facts. Approx. 82 Millionen people live in our small country - so also small distances make a lot of differences (just to think about the dialects we have here (to only name 1 aspect): People 100 km away will speak completly different as we are used to in our home area...

Loved your words about Germany and Munich especially - I just changed my "picture" here right before I noticed your post.

Have a nice evening and best greets from the very south of Bavaria

Dear Yak,

I appreciate your open words. My correction also wasn't meant to blame you. I only wanted to post facts. Approx. 82 Millionen people live in our small country - so also small distances make a lot of differences (just to think about the dialects we have here (to only name 1 aspect): People 100 km away will speak completly different as we are used to in our home area...

Loved your words about Germany and Munich especially - I just changed my "picture" here right before I noticed your post.

Have a nice evening and best greets from the very south of Bavaria
Nice to see a BAYERN supporter on here as i have been one for 50 years
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bavarian girl ;-)
Deutsche Medien berichten Kanzler Scholz hat stark und souverän mit Putin gesprochen, es gibt auch schon teilweisen Rückzug von Putin, Biden jedoch sagt es könnte jederzeit eskalieren, ich als Deutsche denke es ist schwierig zu beurteilen was USA und Russland für Kämpfe ausführen, ich denke doch es hat sich derzeit ein klein wenig beruhigt und wir können nur hoffen, dass es so weitergeht, wer von uns will schon Krieg, die Börse hat auch heute positiv darauf reagiert
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Deutsche Medien berichten Kanzler Scholz hat stark und souverän mit Putin gesprochen, es gibt auch schon teilweisen Rückzug von Putin, Biden jedoch sagt es könnte jederzeit eskalieren, ich als Deutsche denke es ist schwierig zu beurteilen was USA und Russland für Kämpfe ausführen, ich denke doch es hat sich derzeit ein klein wenig beruhigt und wir können nur hoffen, dass es so weitergeht, wer von uns will schon Krieg, die Börse hat auch heute positiv darauf reagiert
German media reports Chancellor Scholz spoke strongly and confidently with Putin, there is already a partial withdrawal from Putin, but Biden says it could escalate at any time, I as a German think it is difficult to assess what kind of fights the USA and Russia are carrying out, I think so things have calmed down a bit at the moment and we can only hope that things will continue like this, who among us wants war, the stock exchange reacted positively to this today
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bavarian girl ;-)
ich bin auch aus Bayern
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Tony Coles

Hi Tony,

This article is really interesting! Mike Demler, Senior Analyst with The Linley Group, says that there are currently dozens of startups receiving tens of millions in venture funding to make AI chips but that "at some point, a shake-out will happen."

It goes on to say "Some of them will have to go away eventually," mused Demler. "Whether it's 3 years or 5 years from now, we'll see much fewer companies in this space."

Just think about what that means for the few companies that are remaining!!!

View attachment 1101
Exactly wright Bravo77 that’s why our head chief is constantly working on our patents, so important to have a lead from other competition and then work on the revenue 🤑 eventually will come through. Patents Patents Patents, makes things hard for competitors to weave through to our companies advanced break throughs. Have a great day all, need to work and bring home the bacon so I can top up on BRN before it’s to late. $10 👀.
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ich bin auch aus Bayern

Ich habe die Gegenden Frankfurt, Mannheim, Heidelberg und Babenhausen nur besucht, als ich zuvor für die Continental AG gearbeitet habe.
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
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