True story:
Once upon a time, when MS Windows was but a pup, a non-computer savvy colleague had his first work PC.
He wanted to tidy the Windows Desktop, so he dragged all the icons (Wordperfect, Lotus 123, ...) on the Desktop to the Trash icon ... it was a bit like a snake swallowing its tail ...
Still it provided hours of amusement for the IT Dept.
Also a true story:
There was once a young woman working on her master's thesis with an early PC many many years ago. All of a sudden an inferno broke out. She got a raging fit of rage and almost died from it. When she then after an hour of destroying and howling with rage again came to the language she said:
"I have saved my work away!!!" 
"Ich habe meine Arbeit weggespeichert!!!“
This saying has been etched for all time for me.
She started all over again...
When her father noticed the seizure over two floors, he immediately left the room and retreated to the rooms of his mainframe. I was still a child at that time. Looking back, this is one of the funniest stories for me from the early days of electronic data processing.
A few years later, I had my fun throwing this mainframe out the window into a large container, without worrying I was still young. However, looking back that is rather sad for me...
The keyboard alone with printout for each command had cost the equivalent of about 500,000AUD (670kDM)! I kept the bill