BRN Discussion Ongoing


Just googling random connections for BRN and this site pops up that never seen before.

Makes an interesting assumption to consider :unsure:


BrainChip And SiFive Partner Up To Bring AI And ML To Edge Computing​

APRIL 7, 2022
On April 5, 2022, BrainChip announced its partnership with SiFive to bring artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) capabilities to edge computing. Both BrainChip and SiFive are complete strangers to the edge computing sector with no patent assets assigned to either of them in the sector, but their partnership could shake up the edge computing market. BrainChip is known for its neural network processing architecture, which is the subject of most of its patent portfolio. BrainChip’s Akida is a neural network processing architecture that is capable of very quick computing while requiring little power consumption, making Akida a key component for bringing AI and ML to edge computing. SiFive’s forte is its configurable multicore processors which are designed for delivering high-throughput with little power consumption. The combination of BrainChip’s computer architecture and SiFive’s multicore processors might be the key to bringing AI and ML to an edge computing environment, something Nvidia, AMD, and Intel have been racing to do.

Although the lack of patent activity from BrainChip and SiFive in the edge computing sector may seem like a weakness, their patent activity in computer architecture gives them enough protection to make them a big player in the edge computing market. Patent Forecast® predicts that if this partnership produces patent activity in the edge computing sector, then Intel will acquire both companies. Intel holds the most patent assets in the edge computing sector with two-hundred and thirteen (213) patent assets, and if Intel wants to retain its control of the edge computing market, then it will have to provide a way of bringing AI and ML to edge computing.
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Hoping we can close on the daily high. A nice bullish statement from the market. 🤞
Hope it can close 1.25 or above. That may lead to a rise to $1.35. Breaking that we may see all time high.

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Ha, the different ways Ai ( Australian Intellect ) solves this,

My workings,
6~ 2(1+2) ................... brackets added first , so ( 3 )
= 6~2 ( to the power of 3 ) , ie; 6~`8 = .75

It's just a thought question with no real merit. A line expression of a mathematical question. If my lecturer back in the day wrote this question on the board we all knew he meant


So it can be 1 or 9 depending on what the writer of the question actually means

I've always thought the 2 in 2(x+x) was part of the parenthesis to be completed.

old school though so...
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Just googling random connections for BRN and this site pops up that never seen before.

Makes an interesting assumption to consider :unsure:

View attachment 12554

BrainChip And SiFive Partner Up To Bring AI And ML To Edge Computing​

APRIL 7, 2022
On April 5, 2022, BrainChip announced its partnership with SiFive to bring artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) capabilities to edge computing. Both BrainChip and SiFive are complete strangers to the edge computing sector with no patent assets assigned to either of them in the sector, but their partnership could shake up the edge computing market. BrainChip is known for its neural network processing architecture, which is the subject of most of its patent portfolio. BrainChip’s Akida is a neural network processing architecture that is capable of very quick computing while requiring little power consumption, making Akida a key component for bringing AI and ML to edge computing. SiFive’s forte is its configurable multicore processors which are designed for delivering high-throughput with little power consumption. The combination of BrainChip’s computer architecture and SiFive’s multicore processors might be the key to bringing AI and ML to an edge computing environment, something Nvidia, AMD, and Intel have been racing to do.

Although the lack of patent activity from BrainChip and SiFive in the edge computing sector may seem like a weakness, their patent activity in computer architecture gives them enough protection to make them a big player in the edge computing market. Patent Forecast® predicts that if this partnership produces patent activity in the edge computing sector, then Intel will acquire both companies. Intel holds the most patent assets in the edge computing sector with two-hundred and thirteen (213) patent assets, and if Intel wants to retain its control of the edge computing market, then it will have to provide a way of bringing AI and ML to edge computing.

Although the lack of patent activity from BrainChip and SiFive in the edge computing sector may seem like a weakness, their patent activity in computer architecture gives them enough protection to make them a big player in the edge computing market.
Patent Forecast® predicts that if this partnership produces patent activity in the edge computing sector, then Intel will acquire both companies. Intel holds the most patent assets in the edge computing sector with two-hundred and thirteen (213) patent assets, and if Intel wants to retain its control of the edge computing market, then it will have to provide a way of bringing AI and ML to edge computing.


Ok here we go again with potential leads stating INTEL would have us squarely in their Target sights if certain "Patents" in edge computing sector came to pass , the big one (INTEL) would acquire both BrainChip & SiFive.

Interesting forecast.

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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
Matched high of the day again .... keep going :)
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Ha, the different ways Ai ( Australian Intellect ) solves this,

My workings,
6~ 2(1+2) ................... brackets added first , so ( 3 )
= 6~2 ( to the power of 3 ) , ie; 6~`8 = .75

:unsure: ................... btw, wheres the "divided by " key on a laptop?
My brain hurts - I really shouldn't have skipped school so many times. But if Brainchip pans out the way I believe it will, my education (lack of) won't worry me too much 😂
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Makeme 2020

Ladies and gentlemen we can all breath now the 4c is out and it's definitely a positive, plenty of cash in the bank/ Revenue up and a BEAUTIFUL GREEN DAY.
Just wiped 1.23 that's GREEN.
The hour of power is just about to begin.
Sit back and relax and smile .
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Lovely little end of day climb…
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Hoping we can close on the daily high. A nice bullish statement from the market. 🤞
dont you hate it when people say this, .................. im going to say it anyway, BOOM :cool:
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
dont you hate it when people say this, .................. im going to say it anyway, BOOM :cool:
Or ..... 'To the moon' .... ;);) we will need a rocket for that!!!!! ;);)
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An announcement dropped with 2 hours left in the trading day would pump us north of $1.50 in a heartbeat.

It would send shorters into an unescapable vortex of panic !!

BUT...we all know our company will always honour the NDA's in place and totally respect ALL our current clients/partners and future ones.

So if nothing is of material substance at present, we'll have to wait, and avoid getting a speeding test from the ASX just for being
excellent corporate citizens...does a 20% gain or more trigger the ASX's florist to get those large secateurs out and cut down those extra
tall poppies ?...or is that just an Australian thing ?
The company is certainly keeping a modest lid on things at this point.... that is very responsible to not cause a severe pump right now and the quarterly is quite well written to mildly put it that they are moving forward with their collaborations/partners....and it's just a matter of time for more deals and more dollars to show.

They could have made a headline in the quarterly of: "Brainchip delivers 600% growth this quarter!" which many companies do undertake to force their SP up...but that comes with the inescapable drop when there is no more news or dollars.

What is great is that Brainchip know they don't have to do a pump up for what is up their sleeve...some big companies with some big announcements to come at some point. In turn some sizeable dollars will show up...and we know this as the CEO has said it.

All just an inescapable matter of time now.
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Just googling random connections for BRN and this site pops up that never seen before.

Makes an interesting assumption to consider :unsure:

View attachment 12554

BrainChip And SiFive Partner Up To Bring AI And ML To Edge Computing​

APRIL 7, 2022
On April 5, 2022, BrainChip announced its partnership with SiFive to bring artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) capabilities to edge computing. Both BrainChip and SiFive are complete strangers to the edge computing sector with no patent assets assigned to either of them in the sector, but their partnership could shake up the edge computing market. BrainChip is known for its neural network processing architecture, which is the subject of most of its patent portfolio. BrainChip’s Akida is a neural network processing architecture that is capable of very quick computing while requiring little power consumption, making Akida a key component for bringing AI and ML to edge computing. SiFive’s forte is its configurable multicore processors which are designed for delivering high-throughput with little power consumption. The combination of BrainChip’s computer architecture and SiFive’s multicore processors might be the key to bringing AI and ML to an edge computing environment, something Nvidia, AMD, and Intel have been racing to do.

Although the lack of patent activity from BrainChip and SiFive in the edge computing sector may seem like a weakness, their patent activity in computer architecture gives them enough protection to make them a big player in the edge computing market. Patent Forecast® predicts that if this partnership produces patent activity in the edge computing sector, then Intel will acquire both companies. Intel holds the most patent assets in the edge computing sector with two-hundred and thirteen (213) patent assets, and if Intel wants to retain its control of the edge computing market, then it will have to provide a way of bringing AI and ML to edge computing.

Thanks for posting FullMoon Hadn’t seen the article

But what are they going on about with this bit?

“Both BrainChip and SiFive are complete strangers to the edge computing sector with no patent assets assigned to either of them in the sector”

We’ve got a bunch of them 🤔
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Founding Member
Someone's hungry 😋

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Newk R

dont you hate it when people say this, .................. im going to say it anyway, BOOM :cool:
I'll raise your BOOM with a BOOM BOOM
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Thanks for posting FullMoon Hadn’t seen the article

But what are they going on with this bit?

“Both BrainChip and SiFive are complete strangers to the edge computing sector with no patent assets assigned to either of them in the sector”

We’ve got a bunch of them 🤔

Yes we have a bunch of patents but are they specific to the edge is what the article is saying imo.

Start patenting specific edge solutions combing say Akida and SiFive and hmmmm

Didn't Intel acquire a Risc-V company recently? Can't recall who but if correct then they see merit in that solution.
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Makeme 2020

Yes we have a bunch of patents but are they specific to the edge is what the article is saying imo.

Start patenting specific edge solutions combing say Akida and SiFive and hmmmm

Didn't Intel acquire a Risc-V company recently? Can't recall who but if correct then they see merit in that solution.
Patent Forecast® predicts that if this partnership produces patent activity in the edge computing sector, then Intel will acquire both companies. Intel holds the most patent assets in the edge computing sector with two-hundred and thirteen (213) patent assets, and if Intel wants to retain its control of the edge computing market, then it will have to provide a way of bringing AI and ML to edge computing.
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Move on, nothing to see.
Easy :)

But who can solve this one (and depending on how AI learns, it will get different answers:) )

View attachment 12552
Why all the maths questions?

AI (by this I assume you imply a neuromorphic computer, be that SNN or CNN) would not handle these any differently than a Von Neumann computer (be it programmed with a Procedural language, Functional language, Machine language, Assembly language or Logic programming language), nor would it be handled any differently by the human brain. Although I do accept that some brains differ in ability and faithful replication/adherence to rules.

All would simply apply the well documented laws of algebra—Commutative, Associative and Distributive Laws.

No learning is required as nothing is to be learnt so in this instance all forms of calculation are probably equivalent, and should yield the same result. There should be no algebraic equation that “AI” will handle any differently than anything else.

I understand that AI is quite mystifying, but in the end computers just follow rules and do it VERY quickly. They only create a perception of being intelligent. And yes I extend that to Akida, whilst openly admiting that Akida is bloody close to exhibiting traits that I would regard as close to intelligence.

All us investors need to worry about is that Akida is better than anything else out there and all we need to do is be patient. Don’t get caught up in trying to understand too much about it, but do trust that the brains trust at BrainChip do.
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Norse clairvoyant shapeshifter goddess
Senate Advances $280 Billion Bill Subsidizing Chip Manufacturing, Technology
Package, seen by proponents as critical to competing with China, draws bipartisan support

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Norse clairvoyant shapeshifter goddess
This will be a boost for BRN...

Those pants are still on Sale shorters....
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