Good morning All,
"On-time, On budget"
As a number have already pointed out, it was a solid 4C...every expense appears to have been well controlled.
Company's adhering to what was promised a few years ago, to tighten it's belt, hold staff to account, reward excellent performance,
drive the company forward to an successful commercial release....things as mentioned "are progressing daily"
The revenue was double what I was personally expecting, but no complaints from me !
This comment from Sean is very telling....."The company continues to invest in development of next-generation Akida IP and products
to extend our technological lead".
Notice the word used was extend NOT maintain.
Meaning, not to maintain our 3 year lead but to extend on that again, that indicates a level of confidence that comes directly from
the founder and the elite team that he has gathered around him to deliver next-generation Akida IP...Sean is driving both Peter and Anil
to not only maintain our lead but to extend it, as in, push home our technological advantage, or to put it another way, bury the imaginary
opposition for good...trying to pull back a lead of potentially 5 years and beyond is impossible, unless they become one of us and join
Akida's Army....God Bless our Founder/s...Amen.
Tech x