BRN Discussion Ongoing


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Easy bigfella @wilzy123 or we may have to change your avatar 😉

Oscar The Grouch 10000 Post GIF
It's all good. Not making a big deal of it... just prefer a BRN discussion thread to focus mostly on BRN, and it wasn't.
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Fascinatingly Intuitive.

Formula E ( electric race cars )

Just watched the last race on TV .

Race held in New York,
Mercedes-Benz EQ team came second ( Vandroone ) and seventh ( De Vries ).

Mercedes-Benz is leading the field overall in points.

Still no visable Brainchip / AKIDA advertising to be spotted.

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Dang Son

Yeah maybe

But interesting that he's literally just returned to Huawei after 3 years at another gig. My guess (just a guess) is he either knew about BRN when he was first at Huawei or now he's come back, he's been thrown straight in on something their cooking up with BRN. Looks very suspect to me

Or is that just way too much speculation??
Hi Filobeddo
Personally I doubt very much that BRN is working on anything with any China or Russia Company for the time being.
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It's all good. Not making a big deal of it... just prefer a BRN discussion thread to focus mostly on BRN, and it wasn't.

Glad to hear that Wilzy.

For what its worth, I look at it this way. This forum has a very wide range of personalities and personal views, but despite all those differences we're all passionately focused on one thing - Brainchip, and thats the strength of the 1000+ eyes

I've probably pissed off 95% + (maybe an under estimate) of the forum (you included) but as long as I'm satisfied I havent stepped over a line then I'll live with that as I'm enjoying the journey on here.

For a simple guy like me , I like a balance of serious stuff but a few laughs as well. But if that's not your thing then just hit the ignore button and blow on by.

Cheers FB
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Learning to the Top 🕵‍♂️
Ms Wood is think "AI will transform the world."

@Bravo job position for you. 😁😁😁

Its great to be a shareholder.
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Hi Filobeddo
Personally I doubt very much that BRN is working on anything with any China or Russia Company for the time being.

Hi Dang, I had the same view due to the early requirements of the US Dept of Defence re no tech link to China but thought that did not encompass civilian applications. Not aware of any new tech sanctions on China related to the War in Ukraine.
But anyone with a better long term memory than me, feel free to comment
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What do you do with the caramel allsorts when you've finished?

There's absolutely no getting anything past you Dio 😂

He'll just enjoy them later, nice and soft. @Rocket577 wont need his false teeth for them like his minties 😉

dentures fail GIF
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think it would be totally disingenious for merc to release very supportive information and use of akida, and then not the use it?!
it would lead to distrust in the market place.
A large respect company can not afford to be misleading....look how many recall there have been with cars with fault or coverups over the last 10 years. A premium brand that goes out of its way to make huge statements about Brainchip and then do otherwise?
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I called out the fact that (easily) 95%+ posts had nothing to do with BRN. You're not seriously endorsing this are you? If you like that kind of thing, perhaps consider spending more time over at the crapper.
You were one of the main perpetrators with all your juvenile gifs
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Founding Member
You were one of the main perpetrators with all your juvenile gifs
Yep, every second post on this discussion thread lately was made by me and they were all gifs................ I'm sorry you had to wade through so many pages of them. You probably would have enjoyed reading about BRN instead, right?
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Dang Son

Hi Dang, I had the same view due to the early requirements of the US Dept of Defence re no tech link to China but thought that did not encompass cilivian applications. Not aware of any new tech sanctions on China related to the War in Ukraine.
But anyone with a better long term memory than me, feel free to comment

What has Biden done so far?​

The Biden administration has kept some Trump-era export bans on Chinese companies. Under Trump, telecommunication equipment maker Huawei and China’s largest chipmaker SMIC were put on the so-called “entity list,” which restricts American firms from exporting technology to companies on this blacklist.
Last year, the Trump administration introduced a rule that effectively cut Huawei off from critical semiconductor supplies, a move which has hurt the technology giant’s smartphone business. The U.S. maintains Huawei is a national security threat, a claim the Chinese firm has repeatedly denied.
For Trump, ensuring U.S. technology did not make it into the hands of Chinese companies was key, especially in critical areas like chips.

and more recently
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What has Biden done so far?​

The Biden administration has kept some Trump-era export bans on Chinese companies. Under Trump, telecommunication equipment maker Huawei and China’s largest chipmaker SMIC were put on the so-called “entity list,” which restricts American firms from exporting technology to companies on this blacklist.
Last year, the Trump administration introduced a rule that effectively cut Huawei off from critical semiconductor supplies, a move which has hurt the technology giant’s smartphone business. The U.S. maintains Huawei is a national security threat, a claim the Chinese firm has repeatedly denied.
For Trump, ensuring U.S. technology did not make it into the hands of Chinese companies was key, especially in critical areas like chips.

and more recently

Thanks Dang, I stand corrected, looks like I've got some more reading to do
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Copy FF, ya got ya ears on?;)

In my honest opinion we are about to tip.

Take it away Rach!
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What a week and they say everything happens I’m 3s

BrN smashing it
Polygon up nearly 100% since I started investing a few weeks ago
Then I won quite $$$ playing poker last night

So decided to treat myself to a nice pedicure and manicure today and some much needed Botox on Monday

View attachment 12292
Jeez, it took me a minute to figure out what we were looking at here 🤭 then I read the caption 😅
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Hope you all are doing ok. It’s nice to check up on each other even if we are just anonymous. I started reading Dr Jordon Peterson and would like to leave a comment from his book; treat yourselves like you would treat your neighbours or loved ones. This means stop letting yourself go, be healthy, take care of yourself and love yourself.

I was feeling a little down about something so thought I would pass on some positive vibes to others :)
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Will miss you Rise.
If you've had enough or just couldn't be bothered anymore, cool. :cool:
But certainly hope you haven't been bullied from these pages.
As I understand it, Zeeb0t is the ultimate arbiter here, as this is his universe we are all playing in.
Everyone else's comment is just an opinion.
In my opinion :ROFLMAO: the diversity, range, humour, personalities and disparate viewpoints expressed make this a place to come back to.
If whilst scrolling through I find content that I personally regard as irrelevant or boring its pretty easy to dismiss and move on.
So, I guess I'm advocating for tolerance here.
I think this place is pretty special, and would hate to see it become dominated by any particular agenda.
"Hear, Hear" well said Hop
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Dang Son

Thanks Dang, I stand corrected, looks like I've got some more reading to do
It's a dang shame we have to miss out on half the worlds technical development because certain countries cant live and let live or respect patents belonging to others. IMO
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Deleted member 118

What do you do with the caramel allsorts when you've finished?

Suck em clean for the next customer
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