Thanks for the reply Learning,
I’m not trying to be negative. I’m up 100 percent and could pay my house off tomorrow if I wanted to only I think Brainchip will increase significantly more than my mortgage will. Hence I‘ll leave my money sitting where it is! I won’t be selling anything until at least 2025 when Valeo have had massive sales with their Lidar product and Nanose has been released. Then I might buy myself a new car; at the moment I’m thinking a Kia Stinger if they’re still in existence, (they’re a fun car to drive and remind me of my first car which was a Datsun 260Z)
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This photo isn’t mine but pretty well the same thing, was a beauty and I regret selling it! I actually had a matching motorbike the same colour, a Virago 535 which was great fun as well! I thought I was the coolest thing since sliced bread, but that was back in the early 90’s when I owned them!
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Sorry, I digress, came back from a mates with a couple of beers under the belt and reminisce.
It was more a discussion point as I have been reading of everyone getting excited with the SP rise which is great, however even though I think it could be justified because there is a lot known here I’m suspicious of how quickly it has risen. Even though there has been some great news shared on this forum I’m not convinced the general market is aware of the totality of it all. I put a fair bit of time into researching where Brainchip is at and I’m not sure the average investor puts the same amount of daily time or effort into it; hence they may have knowledge gaps or be as up to date as those on this forum.
You don’t need to sell the company to me; both my children and 1/2 a dozen work colleagues have bought in as I’ve been promoting the company to anyone interested as I’d love for all my colleagues to share in the wealth that will be created in the future. Just not sure where we’ll be in a few weeks time and trying to prepare people in case the 4c isn’t as expected and there is a manipulated price drop. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst! The forecast was “Lumpy.”
We’ll see what happens next week when the 4c comes out and how the SP goes. It’s easy in hindsight to comment on the share price but I don’t mind having a go at casting an opinion and seeing how accurate I am, as in reality what happens over the next few months won’t matter in relation to the next few years. I think the future looks great regardless of this upcoming 4c. I have confidence in the eco-system being developed, with strong fundamentals that enable significant growth in the future.
I’ll see how much egg is on my face in a week or so: I’m sure someone will remind me if I’m wrong.

And I won’t be disappointed if that’s the case.
Cheers and have a great weekend!