Founding Member
Apologies if already posted
can't wait to get all the qld plates together in a row
Literally 100% irrelevant.really quiet over there today....
I was trying to work out some figures on how much $ we would HYPOTHETICALLY see by 2025 if the following were true.
- Volkswagen have said they're going to use 3 families of chips (from an article I posted previously today) and lets say that AKIDA is 1 of the 3 families of chips, as I prefer erring on the conservative side.
- Volkswagen have 50 chips in their SUV (as per Venturebeat snippet below)
- 50 divided by 3 = 16.666
- 16.666 x 2,300,000 = 38,3333,333,31
So, ummmm, yeah...not too sure you can trust my math here but...lots of moolah I reckon.
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What would the royalties be on such quantities? I remember someone mentioning 50 cents which seems ridiculous because you can't even buy a pack of green frogs anymore for 50 cents! Hoping it would be at least $1?I was trying to work out some figures on how much $ we would HYPOTHETICALLY see by 2025 if the following were true.
- Volkswagen have said they're going to use 3 families of chips (from an article I posted previously today) and lets say that AKIDA is 1 of the 3 families of chips, as I prefer erring on the conservative side.
- Volkswagen have 50 chips in their SUV (as per Venturebeat snippet below)
- 50 divided by 3 = 16.666
- 16.666 x 2,300,000 = 38,3333,333,31
So, ummmm, yeah...not too sure you can trust my math here but...lots of moolah I reckon.
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Obviously that's not even counting the $ from Mercedes that we'll get. I'll come back in a jiff after I consult my calculator with some revised figures.
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He seems a little dumbfounded by it at the momentwhat's the vibe with your brother he loving the price rise?
Obviously that's not even counting the $ from Mercedes that we'll get. I'll come back in a jiff after I consult my calculator with some revised figures.
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I hope the short sellers don’t crash the share price again because they will try and do it to cover their shortsWhen @TECH posted today "CLOSE OUT AT $1.295"
I didn't think he was predicting the closing price..
And what he said, stuck in my head..
Maybe this is more what he was talking about and perhaps he knows the "Close Out" price, of a couple of large brokers..
There are possibly still 70 to 80 million trapped shorts (borrowed) shares at under 90 cents and while they can hold on, at some point, the broker is going to say..
"Nutt, sorry, I'm buying back those shares to cover your account now!"..
Is that price $1.295?
And how many shorts affected?
What would that do to the share price? (obviously up from there, but how much?)..
Stay tuned.
Short Selling: How Long Does a Short Seller Have Before Covering?
The lender of the shares in a short sale can ask for the shares back at any time, with minimal notice, but this rarely happens.www.investopedia.com
- There are no set rules regarding how long a short sale can last before being closed out.
- The lender of the shorted shares can request that the shares be returned by the investor at any time, with minimal notice, but this rarely happens in practice so long as the short seller keeps paying their margin interest.
- A broker can force a short position to be closed if the stock rallies strongly, causing large losses and unmet margin calls.
- It is far more likely that the investor will close out the position before the lender will force the position closed.
"Akita Elpida"I don't fully follow this. But my thought is that it immediately reminds me of Weebit. These are Israelis and translated from Häbrew, Weebit (וויביט) becomes Vibit, Webbit or Wibit etc. Maybe it's just a transfer or translation problem/error from a non-Romance language to a Romance one. No idea if this can be an explanation and Akita=Akida is like Webbit=Weebit.
With the current PC rules and regs I'm not sure you will fit the bill. However, the company will be having a party every time the SP gains another $1. There are often uninvited guests who seem to turn up from that other place so we would like to offer you the position of party manager and to seek out any of these unwanted's and perform like you did at the Caddyshack party.View attachment 12105
Private & Confidentail
Hope you dont mind, but just thought I'd reach out to you personally and express my interest in joining BRN - rather than going through anything too formal. I'm a real gogetter with some very unique talents that I'm pretty sure you dont have within the organisation and definately could do with. Love your new employee conditions and could really see myself fitting in seamlessly with the team. I'm probably going to be available soon given my current employer seems to have an issue with my obsessive interest level in Brainchip but hey thats going to be great for you. Anyway feel free to pm me anytime and we can discuss/ confirm my start date
PS that wasnt me who did the Jerome post, think my profile was hacked
View attachment 12105
Private & Confidentail
Hope you dont mind, but just thought I'd reach out to you personally and express my interest in joining BRN - rather than going through anything too formal. I'm a real gogetter with some very unique talents that I'm pretty sure you dont have within the organisation and definately could do with. Love your new employee conditions and could really see myself fitting in seamlessly with the team. I'm probably going to be available soon given my current employer seems to have an issue with my obsessive interest level in Brainchip but hey thats going to be great for you. Anyway feel free to pm me anytime and we can discuss/ confirm my start date
PS that wasnt me who did the Jerome post, think my profile was hacked