Cows may come and cows may go ... but the bull in this place goes on forever!
Let me recap my thoughts on where we are headed.
1. Firstly I would NEVER doubt the integrity of our management team. They are beyond reproach.
2. Secondly, the intelligence and ability of our technical teams worldwide, led by the gurus in the industry leaves light years between us and any would be pretenders. (If I told you once, I told you a billion times ... don't exaggerate.) But honestly who else is out there to compare with Peter and Anil and the many more talented people working for Brainchip as well as other companies who are incorporating our technology?
3. And as they say in million dollar man - We have the technology ... and no one else has it or is even close.
4. We have the protection. Patents, patents, and still more patents soooo wide, no one can get round them.
5. We have the partners, growing by the day, all clambering to include our technology into their products. There are just too many to try to list here, but the big names amongst them are simply staggering.
6. The income IS coming, maybe not this quarter but, Pantene lovers be aware, is is happening. And once the numbers start to stack up, the share price will go through the roof. Those that have done their research and used their common sense and held firm will be handsomely rewarded.
7. When you consider the above, any talk of side-issues are simply a distraction. Fellow shareholders, DON'T BE DISTRACTED, we are in SAFE hands. There are far too many discerning shareholders and people with unchallengeable integrity and unbelievable ability at the top to allow any unscrupulous manipulators to take control of this company.
How great it is to have all these highly intelligent and motivated people, working for us as shareholders to make us rich, while we lounge back at home and accumulate while they do all the work.
Sit back and enjoy the ride everyone. It's really great to be a shareholder, big or small! I can't wait for the next AGM. I'll be there next time.

See you there!