I'm Spartacus!
You tube video! 30 minutes ago.
Very good podcast and so great to get an insight into the background and mindset of Jerome Nadel.
Some of the points made which particularly caught my attention and paraphrased by me.
Highly recommend everyone to listen for themselves.
Re speaking of our focus on Edge devices.....
We are no longer tethered by mouse and monitor. Sensors are our interface with the digital world. Intelligent sensors allow a more seamless interaction with that world.
His process since coming onboard Brainchip......
Looking to the end user experience. Finding a synthesis re what is our purpose? What is our use case?
Coalescence, systematise, essentialise, refinement, alignment.
His role. Not just Downstream marketing........
But Upstream marketing- Strategy, positioning, Go to market.
Our enabled sensors will allow for an authenticated, permissioned and optimised environment.
All the usual talk of the massive power savings and efficiency of our design along with our advantages re our autonomous inference and on device learning ability.............
As you would expect he articulates our advantages and broad applications admirably.
All of the above is but a mere teaser, so "Do yourself a favour"...