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I wouldn't worry

Anil said they are looking at putting Akida on 90nm

Anil also said NASA are using Akida for vision applications in satellites

They also said 90nm back in Aug 2021

Technology News | August 2, 2021
Startup BrainChip Inc. has a road-map of larger and smaller SoC exemplars of its Akida spiking neural networking processing architecture and could go to fully-depleted silicon on insulator (FDSOI).
By Peter Clarke


BrainChip is starting to deliver its Akida1000 system chip to customers although the company insists that is main business model is intellectual property licensing, similar to ARM’sThe Akida1000 contains 80 neural processors and is implemented in 28nm CMOS (see Brainchip’s Akida is a fast learner) and Brainchip announced the start of volume production in April 2021. This was shortly after Louis DiNardo quietly left the position of CEO in March. Peter van der Made, the founder of Brainchip and previously CTO, has taken up the CEO role.

Anil Mankar, chief development officer, told eeNews Europe: “Chip production volume is just starting now. But you will see a lot of IP licensing going forward.” He added: “We are process agnostic.”

The near-term focus is supplying the Akida IP to 22nm although some customers may go back to 90nm process, Akida executives said.
Rob Telson, vice president of worldwide sales, said BrainChip is drawing up plans for smaller and larger versions of Akida under the names Akida500, Akida1500 and Akida2000. Some of these may well comply to a new generation of the Akida architecture – Akida 2.0 – due to arrive in 2022. It is thought Akida500 could be implemented in 22nm FDSOI manufacturing process, and serve as a demonstrator of the agnostic nature of the Akida architecture.

Mankar emphasizes that the Akida architecture can implement both conventional convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and spiking neural networks (SNNs) that allow for a broader range of data processing models and learnings. The human brain based on spiking signals passed between neurons. “Spikes are spatio-temporal. There’s a lot of information to extract from spikes that we are not yet taking advantage of,” said Mankar.
The scalability of the architecture is also important, he said. “Our IP can from 2 processing nodes to 128,” said Mankar. If a licensee goes to 7nm CMOS then they can go to many nodes, he added.
Next: Free development tools

The MetaTF software development tools are free and allow users to investigate what Akida can do for their application, how many processing nodes they need. For some customers Akida is prepared to supply boards with the Akida1000 silicon and provide help customizing the network. Others will want to license and optimize their own chip.
One of the application areas of interest is automotive where Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) to train an increasing number of sensors, components, image and video processors in each vehicle. Autonomous vehicles and near-autonomous vehicles are predicted to generate between 12 and 15 terabytes of data for every two hours of driving.
Latency, power consumption and privacy are the key reasons not to send this data to the cloud for processing.
One advantage of spiking neural network architectures is the ability to perform
real-time incremental learning, sometimes called one-shot learning, within a fraction of a second. The ability to add voice commands, accept individuals as drivers by facial recognition and to flag events as significant or not in sensors is improved when using Akida, said BrainChip executives. “We are being benchmarked against deep learning accelerators and a GPU vendor and it is coming back favourably to us.”
Related links and articles:
News articles:
NASA looks to BrainChip’s spiking neural network chip for space
Manchester, Dresden, Globalfoundries produce SpiNNaker2 chip
IEDM: CEA-Leti integrates spiking neural network
Brainchip’s Akida is a fast learner
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What I truly enjoyed today was the calm rational dialogue engaged in across all the threads where shareholders posted. Thanks again to zeebot.

I personally find days like today where the markets are reacting across the board to external events very easy to roll with, it is when I cannot find an identifiable reason for a rise or fall affecting only one share in my portfolio is it stress inducing.

Today however was just another day on the Brainchip bus for mine.

My opinion only DYOR


It did wonders for my own mental health. I could focus on work and came back to find everything was rather peaceful. Amazing.
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It did wonders for my own mental health. I could focus on work and came back to find everything was rather peaceful. Amazing.
And thanks to you @zeeb0t couldn't thank you more, i can imagine Monday busy day at work and not being able to look at market and now and then you see SP going down and byt the time you finish your work come home see the price hit hard. Then log in to other forum and all the down ramping and rubbishing i cant imagine what my mental status and stress level would have been. standing voation for you and Group of respected poster and you know who i mean. And too all the contributor and poster here . we are all in this together what ever come tomorrow or week after or month or even years. :)
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This might already been shared. Posted 3 days ago. Very interesting and easy to understand explanation of Neuromorphic technology and some of the use case/benefit of the technology. Nothing new to most of us. He did not mention Akida so I left a comment for him to do some exploring.

But what I found most interesting is him saying there are multiple ways of creating Neuromorphic technology and it’s not a one way rout to market. Can anyone with better competency help me understand if Brainchip trough their patens have a big enough more to protect against potential other route to market than Brainchip has?

Dr knows-some-of-it admitted that he does not understand the tech.

In a nutshell, spiking neural networks (SNNs) work by comparing patterns of input spike events (also referred to as activations) with stored patterns of spikes representing a known item or object (referred to as weights). In the case of images, an event is a change in pixel signal strength, so where there are several pixels with the same signal strength, no "event" occurs, and thus no spike is generated.

The good Doctor equates spiking neural networks (ASNNS) with analog spiking neural networks in which neurons accumulate input voltage spikes to reach a threshold voltage required to trigger an output voltage spike.

PvdM invented digital spiking neural networks (DSNNs) in which neurons accumulate input digital bits ("1-bit") in order to accumulate a threshold count of binary 1's to trigger an output 1-bit "spike". The digital binary circuits are standard semicoductor logic circuits which are easier and more reliable to implement than analog circuits.

PvdM's DSNNs are capable of on-chip learning, a feature which ANNs struggle to implement.

ANNs also suffer from the problem of of manufacturing variations and inconsistencies which affect the reliability of the magnitude and consequently the addition of spike voltages.

The doctor talks about transistors acting as amplifiers and as binary switshes. this is illustrated in this simplified graph:


The output of the amplifier region is critically dependent on the precise nature of the slope of the amplifier line and is very sensitive to variations in the input voltage, whereas output of the binary switch zone is almost entirley independent of variations in the input voltage magnitude beyond the "knee" of the curve. The "Binary Zone" is the saturauion region of the transistor.

ANNs operate in the amplifier zone, while DSNNs operate in the binary zone.

[Note that the shape of the transistor operation line varies with the applied supply voltage.]


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Hey FactFinder, I think that might be a case of Intel, pulling the rug out from under us, with NASA.

Not because Loihi is better than AKIDA, because it's not (currently).
I wouldn't be surprised, if Intel had offered NASA, monetary "incentives" to use Loihi.

"Intel seems to have returned to the practice of unfair competition. Recall, more than 10 years ago, the company was found guilty of bribing PC manufacturers and large stores in one way or another so that they used and sold exclusively Intel products"

The above article, in just conjecture at this stage, but is from 2020.
Intel has been previously convicted of anti-competition practices and has a long history of it.

NASA, isn't that important to us, in a monetary sense, but the marketing value of being associated with them, is priceless.

The fact that NASA, may not need the tech "immediately", gives Intel the "in", to push Loihi, with a little under the table footsies..

I hope it's not the case, that they have stopped working with us, for that reason.

But the possibility is there..

All governments are corrupt.

My opinions only.
It's one thing to play those games corporately. It's another to play those games with Government employees holding TS positive vetted (or equiv.) clearances. I don't think it's likely to happen with NASA.
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Dr knows-some-of-it admitted that he does not understand the tech.

In a nutshell, spiking neural networks (SNNs) work by comparing patterns of input spike events (also referred to as activations) with stored patterns of spikes representing a known item or object (referred to as weights). In the case of images, an event is a change in pixel signal strength, so where there are several pixels with the same signal strength, no "event" occurs, and thus no spike is generated.

The good Doctor equates spiking neural networks (ASNNS) with analog spiking neural networks in which neurons accumulate input voltage spikes to reach a threshold voltage required to trigger an output voltage spike.

PvdM invented digital spiking neural networks (DSNNs) in which neurons accumulate input digital bits ("1-bit") in order to accumulate a threshold count of binary 1's to trigger an output 1-bit "spike". The digital binary circuits are standard semicoductor logic circuits which are easier and more reliable to implement than analog circuits.

PvdM's DSNNs are capable of on-chip learning, a feature which ANNs struggle to implement.

ANNs also suffer from the problem of of manufacturing variations and inconsistencies which affect the reliability of the magnitude and consequently the addition of spike voltages.

The doctor talks about transistors acting as amplifiers and as binary switshes. this is illustrated in this simplified graph:

View attachment 1002

The output of the amplifier region is critically dependent on the precise nature of the slope of the amplifier line and is very sensitive to variations in the input voltage, whereas output of the binary switch zone is almost entirley independent of variations in the input voltage magnitude beyond the "knee" of the curve. The "Binary Zone" is the saturauion region of the transistor.

ANNs operate in the amplifier zone, while DSNNs operate in the binary zone.

[Note that the shape of the transistor operation line varies with the applied supply voltage.]
Illustration of output variation in the amplifier zone:


As can be seen, while the output is sensitive to variations in the input voltage, in the binary (saturation) zone, the output does not vary.
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I like the way we sometimes share snippets of personal information about ourselves as it confirms we are living breathing caring humans. My avatar here is one of my grand daughters aged two, and my son and his wife just presented us with a grand son, so we are very excited!

Anyway, on with the Akida show!
Congratulations Dhm that is wonderful news!! We have our second grandchild due in 4 weeks.
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I wouldn't worry

Anil said they are looking at putting Akida on 90nm

Anil also said NASA are using Akida for vision applications in satellites

Fantastic video with the beautiful Anastasi, thanks for sharing, I shared it to my one man band Danish forum and a few of my friends.

Well we got hammered today, NVIDIA and other similar companies got hammered last week and are minus in today's pre-market.

Nothing to worry about, for different reasons the markets are nervous.
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Pilot Malting Australia (supplied the samples for the research project)


Pilot Malting Australia (PMA) was established in 2010 as a joint initiative of the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia (DAFWA) and Edith Cowan University (ECU). PMA is Australia’s first pilot malting facility and the only one of its type in the southern hemishemisphere

ECU Research Paper. (Published 01/22)
Application of Neuromorphic Olfactory Approach for High-Accuracy Classification of Malts

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It's one thing to play those games corporately. It's another to play those games with Government employees holding TS positive vetted (or equiv.) clearances. I don't think it's likely to happen with NASA.
Every military engagement, the United States has entered into, especially those since the 70's, has been for some reason other than what they officially stated.
(usually relating to oil, protection of the US dollar/financial gain or some kind of political gain).

Corruption is rife, through every government institution.

NASA, is not immune.

But, I'm basically an Anarchist.

I've seen, studied and personally experienced, enough to have those views though.

Brainchip and AKIDA will prevail though, through their sheer brilliance.

No one, should expect our rise to the Top, if that's where we're headed, to be met without resistance, both fair and underhanded.

My opinions only.
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This must be fantastic research because Feaby has endorsed it by adoption. I just cannot stop laughing.

As for Ukraine it is a case of boys and their toys and who has the biggest chest.

I will ask you this question. If you had no concerns for conventional morals and were supported by a group of mafia style oligarchs who liked to make money on the stock market and owned a few million troops and some nuclear weapons what could you do to help out your supporters?

Answer: Give them an investment opportunity. How do you do that pretend to be going to war with your neighbour and panic the rest of the world and cause the stock market to drop. Your mates step in and buy up left right and centre. Then you reach a peace accord. Stock market goes back up. World leaders pat themselves on the back. Your mafia oligarchs pat you on the back and slip more money and support in your back pocket and keep killing off the opposition to ensure you retain power and then shoot over to the UK and buy a couple more football clubs.

Too fanciful for some I suspect however this leader and his mafia oligarch supporters all have major investments throughout the World which would be put in peril if they did enter Ukraine and it is a fact that the main source of Putin's power comes from these mega wealthy individuals and their families so if you are just an ordinary retail share holder like myself powerless to play their games doing nothing is the only defence play in town.

Remember Brainchip has defence as well as peace covered with AKIDA technology.

My anonymous opinion only DYOR

The Red Notice by Bill Browder is a chilling account of the corruption in Russia and the power of Putin and the Oligarchs. Not sure I ever want to visit Russia tbh
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The Fools writes an article about the SP decline today and then writes about Musks neurolink monkey publicity issues with the heading:
A case of mistaken identity?

They are living up to their name the fools!
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The Fools writes an article about the SP decline today and then writes about Musks neurolink monkey publicity issues with the heading:
A case of mistaken identity?

They are living up to their name the fools!

It's interesting how they really like to use verbs like "tumbling" and "plunging" to describe the behavior of the stock. While it is lower, it's been pretty gradual... and if you zoom out to the one-month view, it's fairly even-keeled in its behavior given the state of things these days.

I've come to start distrusting any type of article that uses alarmist descriptions of stock prices unless the actual behavior of the stock warrants it.
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
I'm just going to re-awaken this one because, to me it looked suspiciously like Mercedes and Bosch could have something going on together in the smart home department as well.

Screen Shot 2022-02-14 at 11.22.20 pm.png
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Every military engagement, the United States has entered into, especially those since the 70's, has been for some reason other than what they officially stated.
(usually relating to oil, protection of the US dollar/financial gain or some kind of political gain).

Corruption is rife, through every government institution.

NASA, is not immune.

But, I'm basically an Anarchist.

I've seen, studied and personally experienced, enough to have those views though.

Brainchip and AKIDA will prevail though, through their sheer brilliance.

No one, should expect our rise to the Top, if that's where we're headed, to be met without resistance, both fair and underhanded.

My opinions only.
The ED-209, is powered by Loihi3 😉

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Congratulations zeeb0t I just noticed we’re over the 1,500 member mark!! 🥳👏👏
What a massive achievement and a breath of fresh air being a part of a forum where we can all have discussions like normal adults 😊
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I wish I could paint like Vincent
The Red Notice by Bill Browder is a chilling account of the corruption in Russia and the power of Putin and the Oligarchs. Not sure I ever want to visit Russia tbh
You may want to have a look at the documentary movie "The Magnitsky Act" and you my form a different view about Mr Browder?
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