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Do not disagree with what you are putting but I would say on some of these less critical luxury items the fact that they are using bandwidth at ever increasing rates is the issue that Brainchip speaks too and so while Siri (which I also have off) it may perform acceptably at this point in time but as more and more IOT and edge devices come on line as predicted bandwidth will struggle.

Connection and latency even in my suburb of Sydney is flaky to say the least and a walk from my house to the carport can be sufficient to interfere with connection. If as apparently is coming when I get in my car I loose connection and my car cannot identify me and start until connection is restored I may not die or suffer injury but I will become increasingly annoyed.

I will not be particularly appeased if I ring Mercedes about the problem to be told sorry its all the vacuum cleaners, washing machines and fridges, gamers and micro waves taking up bandwidth in your area causing the delay.

My opinion only DYOR

Have you tried the crab walk to maintain the same orientation between your handset and the base station tower?
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Have you tried the crab walk to maintain the same orientation between your handset and the base station tower?
No but I have tried crab rolls. FF
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By the by has anyone who actually always gets it right worked out when the joint reveal of AKIDA ruling the Edge by Rob Telson and Sean Hehir is going to take place in Eastern Standard Time?

I am thinking it might be a must watch. FF
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While waiting for our takeaway came across this little gem. For newer holders AKIDA is being trialled at Ames:

“Cognitive Communications
On the upcoming TechEdSat-13 3U CubeSat mission, NASA’s Ames Research Center, NASA’s Glenn Research Center, Intel, the Exploration Institute, and Brisk Computing will perform the first-ever operation of a neuromorphic processor in space. The Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) Cognitive Communications project will participate in the mission through its SBIR partner, Brisk Computing, to conduct a demonstration of in-space data routing using a spiking neural network implementation. The mission is anticipated to launch in late 2021”

No opinion only speculation so DYOR

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Don’t forget this one peeps.

Welcome to the International Investment Forum 2022!


IIF is excited to announce that our online eventwill take place on February 17, 2022.
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Just a little write up about us

Aussie's in the race to deliver AI-on-chip​


This year's CES saw Aussie Brainchip Holdings announce its partnership with Mercedes-Benz to deploy its AI-at the edge chip to manage the voice control system in new model EQXX. The chipset is said to be 5-10x more energy efficient. The latest AI and silicon developments come off the back of recent commercialisation of their new products & research collaboration with Air Force Research Laboratory. The new neural network processor is being designed to execute machine learning models more efficiently (event driven and energy). Other use cases including cyber security (anomaly detection for IoT?) are being explored.
I wish we actually did...formally... Announce a partnership...

But alas, that ship is still in a top secret dry dock somewhere..

Let alone sailed..

Damn NDAs and secrecy and all that stuff.

Still a good share though @TechGirl , keep it up!
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Nothing changes if nothing changes
Sometimes I think I get too close to things emotionally, like Brainchip‘s share price today. Everyone is posting amazing things, connections, joining the dots and more that surely demonstrates our vastly superior platform, YET here we are 8% lower. Most of the semiconductor world and much of the tech world and EV world know about us so my only conclusion is to turn off my computer for a few days and go smell the roses.

But I know I can’t do that…..
Yes I know how you feel, and I’m sure everyone on this forum can relate. It gets hard, tedious….. good times will come. Patients is key💪
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While waiting for our takeaway came across this little gem. For newer holders AKIDA is being trialled at Ames:

“Cognitive Communications
On the upcoming TechEdSat-13 3U CubeSat mission, NASA’s Ames Research Center, NASA’s Glenn Research Center, Intel, the Exploration Institute, and Brisk Computing will perform the first-ever operation of a neuromorphic processor in space. The Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) Cognitive Communications project will participate in the mission through its SBIR partner, Brisk Computing, to conduct a demonstration of in-space data routing using a spiking neural network implementation. The mission is anticipated to launch in late 2021”

No opinion only speculation so DYOR

Hey FactFinder, I think that might be a case of Intel, pulling the rug out from under us, with NASA.

Not because Loihi is better than AKIDA, because it's not (currently).
I wouldn't be surprised, if Intel had offered NASA, monetary "incentives" to use Loihi.

"Intel seems to have returned to the practice of unfair competition. Recall, more than 10 years ago, the company was found guilty of bribing PC manufacturers and large stores in one way or another so that they used and sold exclusively Intel products"

The above article, in just conjecture at this stage, but is from 2020.
Intel has been previously convicted of anti-competition practices and has a long history of it.

NASA, isn't that important to us, in a monetary sense, but the marketing value of being associated with them, is priceless.

The fact that NASA, may not need the tech "immediately", gives Intel the "in", to push Loihi, with a little under the table footsies..

I hope it's not the case, that they have stopped working with us, for that reason.

But the possibility is there..

All governments are corrupt.

My opinions only.
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I'm Spartacus!
Sometimes I think I get too close to things emotionally, like Brainchip‘s share price today. Everyone is posting amazing things, connections, joining the dots and more that surely demonstrates our vastly superior platform, YET here we are 8% lower. Most of the semiconductor world and much of the tech world and EV world know about us so my only conclusion is to turn off my computer for a few days and go smell the roses.

But I know I can’t do that…..
Don't sweat it Brother. :)
They go up, they go down.
That's the game.
No significant known change in our company overnight.
The macro's doing its thing's, and some provoke and others panic.
As long as were not in beyond our depth we can weather virtually any storm.
As FF say's......have a plan.
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Hey FactFinder, I think that might be a case of Intel, pulling the rug out from under us, with NASA.

Not because Loihi is better than AKIDA, because it's not (currently).
I wouldn't be surprised, if Intel had offered NASA, monetary "incentives" to use Loihi.

"Intel seems to have returned to the practice of unfair competition. Recall, more than 10 years ago, the company was found guilty of bribing PC manufacturers and large stores in one way or another so that they used and sold exclusively Intel products"

The above article, in just conjecture at this stage, but is from 2020.
Intel has been previously convicted of anti-competition practices and has a long history of it.

NASA, isn't that important to us, in a monetary sense, but the marketing value of being associated with them, is priceless.

The fact that NASA, may not need the tech "immediately", gives Intel the "in", to push Loihi, with a little under the table footsies..

I hope it's not the case, that they have stopped working with us, for that reason.

But the possibility is there..

All governments are corrupt.

My opinions only.
... and big business.
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seeds have the potential to become trees.

This might already been shared. Posted 3 days ago. Very interesting and easy to understand explanation of Neuromorphic technology and some of the use case/benefit of the technology. Nothing new to most of us. He did not mention Akida so I left a comment for him to do some exploring.

But what I found most interesting is him saying there are multiple ways of creating Neuromorphic technology and it’s not a one way rout to market. Can anyone with better competency help me understand if Brainchip trough their patens have a big enough more to protect against potential other route to market than Brainchip has?
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Hey FactFinder, I think that might be a case of Intel, pulling the rug out from under us, with NASA.

Not because Loihi is better than AKIDA, because it's not (currently).
I wouldn't be surprised, if Intel had offered NASA, monetary "incentives" to use Loihi.

"Intel seems to have returned to the practice of unfair competition. Recall, more than 10 years ago, the company was found guilty of bribing PC manufacturers and large stores in one way or another so that they used and sold exclusively Intel products"

The above article, in just conjecture at this stage, but is from 2020.
Intel has been previously convicted of anti-competition practices and has a long history of it.

NASA, isn't that important to us, in a monetary sense, but the marketing value of being associated with them, is priceless.

The fact that NASA, may not need the tech "immediately", gives Intel the "in", to push Loihi, with a little under the table footsies..

I hope it's not the case, that they have stopped working with us, for that reason.

But the possibility is there..

All governments are corrupt.

My opinions only.
Don't think so... the impression given to us is NASA is excited about brainchip... worst case in my opinion is they may be finding uses for Loihi for " political reasons " as was mentioned...but NASA know what's what in the tech world. AKIDA is clearly the winner... time will tell.
(Akida inside Intel?? Just a matter of time)
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Founding Member
Stole this one from "Feaby" on the crapper...........At first I scoffed as the article is old (dated October 2020) but on second glance it's actually quite interesting and could be a further dot to SAMSUNG possibly?


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BrainChip’s intellectual portfolio consists of 11 patents issued or in process, including a foundational patent in the area of Spiking Neural Networks (SNN) that has been cited by leading companies such as IBM, Qualcomm, Samsung, and Hewlett Packard.
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Sorry guys n gals but I just could not resist another pic of another DAMON motorcycle model namely the


It even will power your house for 3 days as a reserve battery system.
The advance Electrical & Ai systems are ground breaking for a bike. Bike learns, and can change its own profile/shape/setup on the go.

And it doesn't hurt that it looks Bloody awesome too!

Damon Hyperfighter

View attachment 989
If everything goes to plan for Brainchip, as most of us are confident it will, I’ll then be able to afford a rocket like that!! 🏍🔥

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This must be fantastic research because Feaby has endorsed it by adoption. I just cannot stop laughing.

As for Ukraine it is a case of boys and their toys and who has the biggest chest.

I will ask you this question. If you had no concerns for conventional morals and were supported by a group of mafia style oligarchs who liked to make money on the stock market and owned a few million troops and some nuclear weapons what could you do to help out your supporters?

Answer: Give them an investment opportunity. How do you do that pretend to be going to war with your neighbour and panic the rest of the world and cause the stock market to drop. Your mates step in and buy up left right and centre. Then you reach a peace accord. Stock market goes back up. World leaders pat themselves on the back. Your mafia oligarchs pat you on the back and slip more money and support in your back pocket and keep killing off the opposition to ensure you retain power and then shoot over to the UK and buy a couple more football clubs.

Too fanciful for some I suspect however this leader and his mafia oligarch supporters all have major investments throughout the World which would be put in peril if they did enter Ukraine and it is a fact that the main source of Putin's power comes from these mega wealthy individuals and their families so if you are just an ordinary retail share holder like myself powerless to play their games doing nothing is the only defence play in town.

Remember Brainchip has defence as well as peace covered with AKIDA technology.

My anonymous opinion only DYOR


Hi FF. I hope you are right, and you might be to some degree, but this is more related to the fact that Moscow sits towards one end of the vast North European Plain.

This plain is largely open and relatively flat with very little in the way of natural defences. Moscow's location in particular is indefensible.

Moscow’s experience with invasions goes back to the Mongol invasion of Kievan Rus and the Siege Of Moscow in 1238. That was from the east.

In the past 210 years Russia has had to deal with three invasions from the west; once by the French and twice by the Germans. The Poles have also had a go from time to time (although they are more often on the receiving end). The second invasion by the Germans cost the Russians 20 million dead.

Russia’s longstanding strategy to deal with this lack of natural defensive terrain is to create a buffer zone by pushing its borders out as far as possible to any mountainous region it can reach, most notably the Carpathians in central/eastern Europe and the Caucasus mountains to the south.

Unfortunately, this strategy involves the Russians occupying other people’s territory. It is well known in the region that once the Russians are there, it is very hard to get them to go home.

The end of the Cold War meant they did go home. Ever since, NATO has been expanding eastwards and Putin sees this as a threat to Russia. He sees Ukrainian membership of NATO (if it were to occur) as an existential threat to Russia. The Ukrainian border is just 450 km from Moscow. Most modern main battle tanks can do that on one or two tanks of fuel…

You and I both know NATO has no intention of invading Russia, and as far as I know don’t have plans to permit Ukraine into NATO. Strategic planning, however, is not based on intent but on capability. The Russians are understandably paranoid.

Putin has said the collapse of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical disaster of the Twentieth Century. He was not concerned so much with the downfall of Communism as he was with the disintegration of the Soviet “Empire” and the loss of the other 14 ‘republics’ that made up the Soviet Union. That made up Russia’s buffer zone.

Putin is intent on rebuilding Russia’s might and if not recovering the buffer zone, at least having a good degree of control over it.

I don’t know if the Russians will invade this week or not, but they occupied Ukraine for 400 years and they are not about to just walk away and leave it alone.

Disclosure: My father is Ukrainian (but Australian for the past 70 years). His step-father, whom I called grandfather and whose name I carry, was Polish.
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Stole this one from "Feaby" on the crapper...........At first I scoffed as the article is old (dated October 2020) but on second glance it's actually quite interesting and could be a further dot to SAMSUNG possibly?


I like it @ManChildreborn😜. I think one of the main links to Samsung here is that Akida will be working hand in hand with Cerence. Cerence have essentially developed the human like interaction/component to the system and then we provide the way to implement it on the edge. The MBUX system in Mercedes uses both Akida and Cerence technology. Cerence are also working with Amazon for the Alexa equivalent. Plus a bunch of other auto makers that will want this technology. Hopefully this isn't rehashing old info. I think it has been flagged before by others. Interesting anyway...

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