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There are at least 360 companies from all around the world on this list and each one would have its own list of companies that it would describe as customers or development partners.

The former CEO Mr. Dinardo spoke about the benefits that accrued to Brainchip by targeting OEM’s and at the top of his list was the reach it gave Brainchip over going directly to the end producer that might take up AKIDA technology.

@Yak52 you are right to emphasis the significance of where Brainchip is on the road to commercialisation.

We know the former CEO Mr. Dinardo said that Brainchip had well north of 100 NDA’s.

We know that they settled on about two dozen to admit to their formal EAP program identified as offering the greatest commercial opportunities and that they were household named and or Fortune 500 companies. Renesas was one of these companies.

If each of the 360 odd customer companies of Renesas has only 10 customers that extends the reach of Renesas and hence Brainchip to 3,600 companies all of which will be relevant to what Renesas does and sells.

If ten of the EAP’s signed up by Brainchip have a similar reach around the world to Renesas that number becomes 36,000 customers all of whom will be working in the correct space to consider taking up AKIDA technology.

The other distinct and hugely valuable intangible flowing to Brainchip is that Renesas has already overcome the trust barrier with its 360 customers.

The existing trust between Renesas and its customers transfers automatically to AKIDA when Renesas tells one of its customers they have these amazing new MCU’s that can do all these great things.

That customer when it goes to its customers also has already crossed that trust barrier and once again this benefit flows to AKIDA.

In the background of what is happening is the trust which four highly significant events have added to the Brainchip AKIDA brand and which companies like Renesas are now able to leverage along with their existing trusted supplier relationship with their customers:

1. Professor Barry Marshall Nobel Laureate joining the Brainchip SAB.

2. NASA being a publicly announced EAP.

3. The US Airforce Research publicly engaging with ISL and Brainchip.

4. Mercedes Benz publicly describing Brainchip as artificial intelligence experts and extolling the virtues of AKIDA technology.

There are of course other positives but if you can put just these four facts on your colour glossy sales brochure before you hand it to your existing trusting customer base you are virtually on the home straight.

I have mentioned this huge spider web of connections that has been floating around in my head of late. The above is what I have been speaking about. Thanks entirely to the 1,000 Eyes many strands of this web have been revealed and connected.

I am confident they will reveal hundreds more over the coming year.

The former CEO Mr. Dinardo when speaking about Brainchips commercial uptake used the phrase ‘when not if’ and as I personally see it the genie has been released from the bottle and success is now inevitable. The only remaining question is how large will Brainchip become.

The addressable market is dynamic huge and growing. One percent market share makes Brainchips present market value low.

I would not dare guess at the share price which will be showing on my Commsec screen by Christmas 2025.

The recent statement of the current CEO Sean Hehir that they are looking to make AKIDA technology the de facto standard in this space is for me incomprehensible as to what that would actually mean if it came to be.

The fact that as @TECH pointed out on Friday the sell side fell briefly below 1 million shares in a market of 1.7 billion shares clearly tells long term investors something very important. SUPPLY IS DRYING UP.

What each individual retail shareholder does is their own decision to make but I have said this before have a plan. Make it now. Do not expect to be able to find a quiet place to think when the inevitable occurs.

Yesterday my wife was annoyed by someone on Facebook who was complaining that they went to the local pathologist rooms and they were closed and how appalling this was etc.

This person had not done any research.

The forms given out by the GP have the opening hours of the pathologist on the reverse side. The website gives the hours of the offices that are open in our area and as it turns out in the very GP practice they attend there is actually a pathologist on duty on Saturday mornings.

The point being if a little bit of research had been done and a plan made this persons life would have been a whole lot easier and they would not have wasted the best part of their day blaming everybody else for their own failures.

The potential of Brainchip and its consequences to each individual investors financial success deserves the allocation of the time necessary to make and agree a plan.

My opinion only DYOR


For the sell side to fall to below 1 million, the bots must have been on smoko.
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"The only remaining question is how large will Brainchip become."

That's an easy one.

We were just discussing the probabilities of AMD and the 3D chip speculation. AMD uses RISC-IV.

Then we have SiFive. SiFive is RISC-V, so we've covered the risks.

SiFive is associated with Intel's RISC-V cabal.

Then, of course, there's Renesas (MPU) (see above) ....

and Socionext (Synquacer +?),

and MegaChips (everything),

and Valeo (automotive),

and Tata (robots, automotive),

and Vorago (NASA, DoD, ...)

not to mention the as yet unconfirmed Nvidia speculation. We have a tie up with Nviso who are in league with Nvidia.

All the above have multiple customer target markets.

Has anyone set up one of those police wall charts with the mug shots and red string? ... It all leads back to Akida ...

"Has anyone set up one of those police wall charts with the mug shots and red string? ... It all leads back to Akida ..."

raise hand.gif
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And what is interesting is supported by and they include reference to


Maybe it’s Mitsubishi we are working with in Telecommunications
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ThstIt makes me wonder what the price would do if every retail shareholder INDEPENDENTLY decided that their plan was to hold and not sell until the end of 2024 when the full extent of Mercedes and Valeo AKIDA technology should be known.

My opinion only DYOR

That is exactly my secret plan, the end of 2024.......... The secret is out, how did you know!!! Haha
secret stephen colbert GIF
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That is exactly my secret plan, the end of 2024.......... The secret is out, how did you know!!! Haha
secret stephen colbert GIF
Trust me I will not tell anyone. Too the grave with me. I will not even tell my wife well actually I already have but no one else. Well at least no one that I do not trust to keep a secret. At least I think they can keep a secret. I will tell them not to tell anyone else except those they trust. It should be right. 😎 FF
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@Fact Finder

I'd suggest that by 2025 the share price could be somewhat inconceivable to mortals so my suggestion
is that you expose yourself to large amounts of gamma radiation (kids don't try this at home) in order for your brain to cope with such a thing.
A plan might have a similar protective effect.

I would think that if the instos want many more shares they are going to have to give people what they want ie many multiples of what it is currently priced at. I'm people so I'd say it's a fair guess. And that is only if the goal isn't dividends which it seems to be for many here.

Excuse the extremely positive outlook PF (glares at me from the chair facing the corner and shrugs *whatever*)
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From a recent lengthy news article. Neural processors + TSMC = BRN?

"There is a high-powered Apple-designed chip in the Apple Car, and it is the most advanced component that Apple has developed to date. It's made from neural processors that can handle the incredible AI load needed for an autonomous vehicles. TSMC is expected to manufacture the chip, and that's the same company that makes chips for the iPhone, iPad, and Mac."

Apple Car​

Apple's vehicle project, focused on building a fully autonomous car.​

By MacRumors Staff on May 3, 2022

Apple's Car Project: Everything We Know​

In 2014, Apple began working on "Project Titan," with upwards of 1,000 car experts and engineers developing an electric vehicle at a secret location near the company's Cupertino headquarters.

The Apple Car project has shifted and changed multiple times over the course of the last several years due to internal strife and leadership issues, but development is on track. Though 2016 rumors suggested Apple had shelved plans for a car, by 2020, it was back on.

Apple is now rumored to be working on a fully autonomous self-driving vehicle that will not require user intervention to drive, going further than any other car manufacturer to date. It's a highly ambitious project, and rumors indicate that Apple wants to design a car with no steering wheel and no pedals.

Apple's AI and machine learning chief John Giannandrea is heading up the Apple Car project, and Kevin Lynch, known for his work on the Apple Watch, has also joined the Car team and it said to be largely responsible for Apple's push toward a self-driving car.

There is a high-powered Apple-designed chip in the Apple Car, and it is the most advanced component that Apple has developed to date. It's made from neural processors that can handle the incredible AI load needed for an autonomous vehicles. TSMC is expected to manufacture the chip, and that's the same company that makes chips for the iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

Because Apple has no experience with car manufacturing, it will need partners to produce the vehicle, and Apple is said to be working on securing partnerships in the automobile industry. It is not yet known who Apple will work with, but it has held discussions with Hyundai and other companies.

The Apple Car has been described as Apple's "next star product" with Apple able to offer "better integration of hardware, software and services" than potential competitors in the automotive market. The Apple Car is likely to be marketed as a "very high-end" model or "significantly higher" than a standard electric vehicle.


In June of 2017, Apple CEO Tim Cook spoke publicly about Apple's work on autonomous driving software, confirming the company's work in a rare candid moment. Apple doesn't often share details on what it's working on, but when it comes to the car software, it's harder to keep quiet because of regulations.

"We're focusing on autonomous systems. It's a core technology that we view as very important. We sort of see it as the mother of all AI projects. It's probably one of the most difficult AI projects actually to work on." -- Apple CEO Tim Cook on Apple's plans in the car space.

Since early 2017, Apple has been testing self-driving vehicles on public roads in California, using several 2015 Lexus RX450h SUVs leased from Hertz. The SUVs have been spotted on the streets of Cupertino host of sensors and cameras as Apple prepares its self-driving software, and testing has ramped up over the years. Apple has more than 60 test vehicles out on the road.


Apple is aiming to launch its autonomous car by 2025, but given the ambitious nature of the project, it might not make that target date or could ultimately see the project delayed.

We still have years to go before an Apple Car is ready to debut, and we'll likely hear much more about the project as Apple will need to seek deals with a whole new set of supply chain partners in order to manufacture a vehicle.

Release Date​

Reuters believes Apple is aiming to begin production on a car in 2024, but Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo believes it will be 2025 to 2027 at the earliest before an Apple Car is ready for launch. Kuo said he would not be surprised to see the launch schedule extended to 2028 or later.
According to Bloomberg's Mark Gurman, work on the Apple Car is in the early stages, but Apple is aiming for a 2025 launch.

The above is only part of the news article. Full article here:

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For the sell side to fall to below 1 million, the bots must have been on smoko.
I believe the bots only play with themselves when they know there is an audience otherwise they would be throwing money away without any effect.

If there is no actual supply to manipulate they go elsewhere.

To get excited they need an audience just like voyeurs.

Just like a voyeur alone on a desert island will try to find another island with people bots gravitate to shares where there is genuine volume to fiddle with.

My opinion only DYOR

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@Fact Finder

I'd suggest that by 2025 the share price could be somewhat inconceivable to mortals so my suggestion
is that you expose yourself to large amounts of gamma radiation (kids don't try this at home) in order for your brain to cope with such a thing.
A plan might have a similar protective effect.

I would think that if the instos want many more shares they are going to have to give people what they want ie many multiples of what it is currently priced at. I'm people so I'd say it's a fair guess. And that is only if the goal isn't dividends which it seems to be for many here.

Excuse the extremely positive outlook PF (glares at me from the chair facing the corner and shrugs *whatever*)
Well that’s two of us peoples plus one that I have promised not to mention.😎 FF
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Tesla's Full Self-Driving Chip has 6 billion transistors and a power consumption of 36W, falling short of Apple's A12, which has 6.9 billion transistors and a power consumption of 3.5W. Due to its parity with existing automotive SoCs, it is speculated that the C1 will be based on the A12 Bionic, before being modified for specific automotive applications.

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Question for anyone that's a bit more knowledgeable with NDA's and how far Brainchip can push the continuous disclosure requirements with the ASX. But I've been trying to think of a meaningful way that we can get a little bit more clarity around the makeup of our EAP customers.

I was thinking that even knowing their market cap would be almost as good as knowing the company name without being too specific.

What are people's thoughts on whether something like the below could be included in a company presentation?....or tabled for discussion at the AGM?.... I'd love to know what this break down actually looks like.

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Question for anyone that's a bit more knowledgeable with NDA's and how far Brainchip can push the continuous disclosure requirements with the ASX. But I've been trying to think of a meaningful way that we can get a little bit more clarity around the makeup of our EAP customers.

I was thinking that even knowing their market cap would be almost as good as knowing the company name without being too specific.

What are people's thoughts on whether something like the below could be included in a company presentation?....or tabled for discussion at the AGM?.... I'd love to know what this break down actually looks like.

View attachment 5872

I like the idea butcherano, off the top of my head I can't think of a reason why this type of information couldn't be given
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Mercedes is using Nvidia.

This means nothing as Nvidia probably has its own SCNN technology and it was Mercedes that insisted on using Brainchip’s AKIDA. They build cars what would they know?

Nvidia must have been very annoyed at not being able to use their own SCNN?

What’s that you say Nvidia does not have its own SCNN and Brainchip’s is patent protected and the only one in the market and available as both chip and IP.

So given that Nvidia as Rob Telson said is not in competition with Brainchip and its opportunity to capture market share in automotive would be enhanced by offering their system with AKIDA to create a five to 10 times more energy efficient system than their competitors why would Nvidia deny itself this opportunity to partner up with Brainchip on other projects???

My opinion only DYOR


Hi Fact Finder,

"So given that Nvidia as Rob Telson said is not in competition with Brainchip and its opportunity to capture market share in automotive would be enhanced by offering their system with AKIDA to create a five to 10 times more energy efficient system than their competitors why would Nvidia deny itself this opportunity to partner up with Brainchip on other projects???"
This sentence definitely deserves a repeat visit. Let's hope it is particularly pertinent to Innoviz's latest news (below).


Carmaker selects Innoviz for $4b laser sensor deal​

By Nick J Adam On May 3, 2022

Market sources believe that Volkswagen has chosen Innoviz to provide its next generation cars with LiDAR) sensors.

Israeli laser (LiDAR) sensor developer Innoviz Technologies Ltd. (Nasdaq: INVZ) announced today that one of the world’s largest vehicle manufacturers has selected the company to become its direct LiDAR supplier across multiple brands. Innoviz said that the deal will increase Innoviz’s forward-looking order book by $4 billion to $6.6 billion.


The Innoviz360 LiDAR can serve platforms such as the NVIDIA DRIVE, an end-to-end development platform and reference architecture for designing and safely deploying autonomous vehicles.

“New solutions and innovations such as the Innoviz360 running on our open and scalable DRIVE platform can help the industry achieve truly autonomous transportation,” Gary Hicok, senior vice president of engineering at NVIDIA, said


Innoviz Technologies unveils third-generation LiDAR sensor​

It also opens new market opportunities for Innoviz beyond the automotive space. These industries include logistics, mapping, industrial and smart infrastructures, which are expected to provide new meaningful revenues for the company starting in 2023. Innoviz expects samples of its Innoviz 360 HD LiDAR to be available in Q4 2022.


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I like the idea butcherano, off the top of my head I can't think of a reason why this type of information couldn't be given
Yeah...cheers @Terroni2105. I might flick an email off to Tony and see what he thinks. Even hearing confirmation that we've got at least one Mega Cap on board as an EAP customer would be massive.
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Posted earlier by Professor Hossam Haick-
Anybody here able to translate?

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Tesla's Full Self-Driving Chip has 6 billion transistors and a power consumption of 36W, falling short of Apple's A12, which has 6.9 billion transistors and a power consumption of 3.5W. Due to its parity with existing automotive SoCs, it is speculated that the C1 will be based on the A12 Bionic, before being modified for specific automotive applications.

Yes, but Apple's car has 7 wheels compared to Tesla's 4.
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Question for anyone that's a bit more knowledgeable with NDA's and how far Brainchip can push the continuous disclosure requirements with the ASX. But I've been trying to think of a meaningful way that we can get a little bit more clarity around the makeup of our EAP customers.

I was thinking that even knowing their market cap would be almost as good as knowing the company name without being too specific.

What are people's thoughts on whether something like the below could be included in a company presentation?....or tabled for discussion at the AGM?.... I'd love to know what this break down actually looks like.

View attachment 5872
Hi @butcherano

The issue is not the NDA (though it could be)when it comes to your disclosure proposal but the risk posed by the decision of the Federal Court in the ASIC case against GetSwift and the complete and unfettered power of the ASX to determine what additional information a company on the ASX must provide to meet its disclosure obligations.

If we were told by a company that it has an EAP agreement with 5 of the top 20 Forbes 100 the ASX could decide that such a claim could be material to the assessment of the companies share price.

Having made that decision it would then be obliged to force such further sufficient disclosure as to allow a shareholder to properly value these EAP agreements.

I personally believe that the first question from the ASX in such a situation would be what are the names of these five companies before moving on to the terms of the EAP.

Leave aside what we think about the ASX it has a statutory obligation to regulate the ASX and prevent companies and others creating false markets.

If the information you and I want to hear has the potential to affect the value of the company’s shares then the ASX has an obligation to ensure that it is of sufficient quality/nature to allow it to be independently verified and valued.

Thus everything the company discloses has a risk attached to it where a disclosure contrary to an NDA may be compelled by the ASX.

My opinion only DYOR

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I'm Spartacus!
"The only remaining question is how large will Brainchip become."

That's an easy one.

We were just discussing the probabilities of AMD and the 3D chip speculation. AMD uses RISC-IV.

Then we have SiFive. SiFive is RISC-V, so we've covered the risks.

SiFive is associated with Intel's RISC-V cabal.

Then, of course, there's Renesas (MPU) (see above) ....

and Socionext (Synquacer +?),

and MegaChips (everything),

and Valeo (automotive),

and Tata (robots, automotive),

and Vorago (NASA, DoD, ...)

not to mention the as yet unconfirmed Nvidia speculation. We have a tie up with Nviso who are in league with Nvidia.

All the above have multiple customer target markets.

Has anyone set up one of those police wall charts with the mug shots and red string? ... It all leads back to Akida ...
Happy Mothers day to all the Mum's out there. 😍
We'd be nowhere without you.

After we've joined everything up with the red string and events have occurred in the fullness of time we will obviously need a plan for when we become Gazzillion and Kajjillionaires......:ROFLMAO:
And then, of course, we'll need to consult our accountants...............

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