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Do we employ social media bods? If not, we need to! This is getting very poor.
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I went looking to see if I could find their heads and found this which I found very interesting given the recent discussions around communication networks:

No opinion other than I did not know Socionext was in this space.

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I went looking to see if I could find their heads and found this which I found very interesting given the recent discussions around communication networks:

No opinion other than I did not know Socionext was in this space.

And this:

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And this:

I have found their heads but the words of the article are more interesting as nice as the heads might be:

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Great find Iseki. This is the full package MB are currently working on to be implemented in 2024. EQXX is only part of it.

In the field of digitisation, we focus on the seamless integration and harmonisation of software and electronics. This includes the development of innovative products and services aimed at customers' needs. The next big step in this regard is our internally developed operating system MB.OS as a direct interface for customer-experience features, which will become the basis for all future Mercedes-Benz vehicles as a unique and standard software platform. The MB.OS operating system will perfectly link the vehicles with the cloud and the IoT, and comprise four central domains: Powertrain, Autonomous Driving, Infotainment and Body & Comfort Systems.

They intend to implement it into every new model from 2024. Internal combustion engine (ICE) and electric. MB will stop producing new models of ICE vehicles after 2025. They'll continue to manufacture them while demand remains but only make minor updates. What I think will happen is MB will release new models for their entire ICE range in 2024/25 so every vehicle has the new MB.OS operating system moving forward.

My guess is Akida technology could be on up to 20 chips per car for an ICE vehicle and 40-50 chips on an electric vehicle. In an electric vehicle, it wouldn't surprise me if Akida technology was used in all four central domains. MB make 2.5m vehicles per year. Not a bad little royalty earner.
...and Akida may not stop at the garage..
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Makeme 2020

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Just a heads up there is a new thread for those who have bought the Boards to act as a kind of tech support space. @uiux and others are needed there and if you can get it up and running I will continue my efforts as set out in my post on that thread.


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I sometimes get caught up in the whole idea of is this company or that company a competitor to Brainchip but I have to learn to pull myself up and no longer think in these terms.

Brainchip has in human terms made itself an agnostic. It has no allegiance to any processor or sensor type. It is promoting itself as a non aligned universal solution to any edge compute problem.

Why am I raising this because just now after our discussion of SiFive and Brainchip taking on ARM I was reminded of the following:

(Sorry something went wrong with link but it’s an easy Google search to find ARM Ai Ecosystem partner Renesas)

Renesas is an ARM Ai ecosystem partner. Brainchip is aligned with Renesas through the licence of its IP.

I must revert my thinking to a couple of years ago where I equated AKIDA technology to the simple self tapping metal screw. There are tens of billions perhaps trillions of these tiny screws in products around the world most of these products being in fierce competition one with the other for market share but all buying the same screws from different suppliers.

Renesas is an ARM Ai ecosystem partner and uses AKIDA Ai and ARM promotes Renesas.

SiFive is partnered with Brainchip and uses AKIDA Ai.

AWS is an ARM Ai Ecosystem partner. (for MC)

Brainchip is actually very much like an international arms dealenr selling to both sides of any conflict completely unaligned.

In the end regardless of who wins the arms dealer wins. The same applies to Brainchip. ARM and Renesas crush SiFive Brainchip wins. SiFive crushes ARM Brainchip wins. They fight each other to a draw. Brainchip wins.

My opinion only DYOR

It would be great to have two options for the akida chip - one with Arm inside, another with risc-v inside. I don't think I have grasped the SiFive agreement wholly. Everyone ( okay, Intel ) thinks the world will go with risc-v in the near future. Meanwhile risc-v (well, SiFive ) thinks the demand for Akida will explode. I wonder what our budget is to get up close and personal with risc-v is?
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I love it. So there will be two future EQXX concepts:

Concept one save the planet quickly at low speeds.

Concept two save the planet more slowly but at super plaid speed.

Option 2. Sounds a winner.


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I had a brief look a couple of weeks ago and decided because I knew that Yole had ranked Valeo as number one with 28% of the global market share their claims to be the leader cause Aeva’s claims to fall rather flat. They were were ranked six or seven in a list of 12 Lidar startups so even amongst startups they fell short.

LiDAR is a very competitive space and Valeo is the market leader and Brainchip have hooked themselves a shooting star so I say let Valeo worry about the competition but in the end they will all want AKIDA technology.

The global LiDAR automotive market is said to be worth $US50 billion by 2025 if Valeo continue to pick up 28% $US14 billion that is a let’s not get greedy Brainchip is going to be very well positioned even if only Valeo are using AKIDA.

Here is an article that refers to even Huawei are chasing this market:

The global lidar market share is exposed! France's Valeo ranks first: Huawei's ranking is surprising​

2022-04-29 16:38 HKT
The global lidar market share is exposed! France's Valeo ranks first: Huawei's ranking is surprising's Valeo ranks first: Huawei's ranking is surprising

However, at the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, Huawei officially released its self-developed lidar products and solutions. The 96-line medium and long-distance lidar was the first to be unveiled, which allows cars to have rapid perception capabilities in these complex scenarios.
The global lidar market share is exposed! France's Valeo ranks first: Huawei's ranking is surprising's Valeo ranks first: Huawei's ranking is surprising

The global lidar market share is exposed! France's Valeo ranks first: Huawei's ranking is surprising's Valeo ranks first: Huawei's ranking is surprising

The global lidar market share is exposed! France's Valeo ranks first: Huawei's ranking is surprising's Valeo ranks first: Huawei's ranking is surprising

In order to ensure that Huawei's lidar equipment can meet the needs of huge manufacturers, after Huawei has quickly established the first pilot production line of car-grade lidar, it has also begun to plan an annual output of 100,000 sets/line of car-grade lidar. For the Pilot production line factory, Huawei has also made a direct statement about this. It will directly cut the price of Lidar equipment with a price of up to 10,000 yuan or even hundreds of thousands of yuan to the 1,000 yuan mark, because Huawei has already released To put it harshly, Huawei will reduce the manufacturing cost of lidar equipment to US$200 or even US$100. The cost of lidar equipment is also a core element of Huawei's consideration. It has been said that the cost will be reduced to US$200 in the future, or even US$100. It's 100 dollars.
The global lidar market share is exposed! France's Valeo ranks first: Huawei's ranking is surprising's Valeo ranks first: Huawei's ranking is surprising

And on September 2nd, Yole Développement, a world-renowned market research organization, officially released a report "Lidar for Automotive and Industrial Applications", which clearly mentioned the current market share list of lidar suppliers, the first level in France. The automotive supplier Valeo has 28%, ranking first in the world, while Huawei's lidar equipment market share has reached 3%, ranking twelfth in the world. Of course, once Huawei really beats the price, it will be even bigger in the future. The market awaits Huawei.

My opinion only DYOR

Aeva + Arteris, so they would be aware of what Brainchip have to offer thru Mr Viana.
Just saying.

Also on a couple of other points, they are backed in by Denso ( 2nd Largest Automotive Supplier in the world ) + ZF ( 5th Largest )
Toyota own 25% of Denso.
Also backed in by Porsche. Porsche have the controlling vote within the Volkswagen Group.
Appreciate that they're down on the list, but definitely one to keep an eye on.
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Top 20
I sometimes get caught up in the whole idea of is this company or that company a competitor to Brainchip but I have to learn to pull myself up and no longer think in these terms.

Brainchip has in human terms made itself an agnostic. It has no allegiance to any processor or sensor type. It is promoting itself as a non aligned universal solution to any edge compute problem.

Why am I raising this because just now after our discussion of SiFive and Brainchip taking on ARM I was reminded of the following:

(Sorry something went wrong with link but it’s an easy Google search to find ARM Ai Ecosystem partner Renesas)

Renesas is an ARM Ai ecosystem partner. Brainchip is aligned with Renesas through the licence of its IP.

I must revert my thinking to a couple of years ago where I equated AKIDA technology to the simple self tapping metal screw. There are tens of billions perhaps trillions of these tiny screws in products around the world most of these products being in fierce competition one with the other for market share but all buying the same screws from different suppliers.

Renesas is an ARM Ai ecosystem partner and uses AKIDA Ai and ARM promotes Renesas.

SiFive is partnered with Brainchip and uses AKIDA Ai.

AWS is an ARM Ai Ecosystem partner. (for MC)

Brainchip is actually very much like an international arms dealer selling to both sides of any conflict completely unaligned.

In the end regardless of who wins the arms dealer wins. The same applies to Brainchip. ARM and Renesas crush SiFive Brainchip wins. SiFive crushes ARM Brainchip wins. They fight each other to a draw. Brainchip wins.

My opinion only DYOR

Can just see Ken lazing under an umbrella on his private Cayman island sipping a chocolate daiquiri while doing deals with Scaramanga.
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This has to be us!!!!
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Aeva + Arteris, so they would be aware of what Brainchip have to offer thru Mr Viana.
Just saying.

Also on a couple of other points, they are backed in by Denso ( 2nd Largest Automotive Supplier in the world ) + ZF ( 5th Largest )
Toyota own 25% of Denso.
Also backed in by Porsche. Porsche have the controlling vote within the Volkswagen Group.
Appreciate that they're down on the list, but definitely one to keep an eye on.
The way all these relationships seem to be intertwining, would not surprise Akida pops out as the standard for the central control unit to tie everything together.
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I'm Spartacus!
...and Akida may not stop at the garage..

Yes, I think this scenario is very likely and whilst it will be intimidating to some it may be liberating for others. This close interaction of AGI and what remains of humanity is explored in much of science fiction. Recommend the works of Neal Asher and his "Polity" series in which certain implications are investigated, particularly the role people may play in a future dominated by intelligences unhindered by our glacial and biological evolution.
This is, in part, why I am happy to be invested in our Company, engendered by PVDM and his eye to the beneficial uses of our technology.
Undoubtedly, over time, myriad and disparate (some of dubious morality) applications will ensue, but I take heart that beneficence was also present in the DNA of its creation. At least for our types of sentience much behaviour is attributable to early influences and I am pleased to be a part of and supporter of Brainchip with its recognition of such matters.
I see AGI as inevitable and we as a link of the chain in its genesis.
Perhaps a bit deep for a Saturday morning but as John Lennon is purported to have said "Life is what happens while your busy making other plans"
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Aeva + Arteris, so they would be aware of what Brainchip have to offer thru Mr Viana.
Just saying.

Also on a couple of other points, they are backed in by Denso ( 2nd Largest Automotive Supplier in the world ) + ZF ( 5th Largest )
Toyota own 25% of Denso.
Also backed in by Porsche. Porsche have the controlling vote within the Volkswagen Group.
Appreciate that they're down on the list, but definitely one to keep an eye on.
I am all in favour of what you are suggesting that Brainchip and AKIDA technology might get called in to assist Aeva but my point was not contrary to this but that AKIDA is not competing with Aeva or any other player in LiDAR Valeo is the one competing and so far it has dominated and leads the market and with AKIDA onboard has taken a quantum leap on every other competitor in this space that does not have the AKIDA technology advantage.

Brainchip is a facilitator not a competitor open to anyone to take on board.

REMEMBER the goal is for Brainchip’s technology to become the default standard - CEO Sean Hehir 2022.

My opinion only DYOR
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Has anyone heard of Imec? The technology sounds very similar to ours????
/Imec Builds World’s First Spiking Neural Network-Based Chip for Radar Signal Processing
Press release

Imec Builds World’s First Spiking Neural Network-Based Chip for Radar Signal Processing​

Flagship use-case includes the creation of a smart, low-power anti-collision radar system for drones that identifies approaching objects in a matter of milliseconds
LEUVEN (Belgium), April 28, 2020 — Imec, a world-leading research and innovation hub in nanoelectronics and digital technologies, today presents the world’s first chip that processes radar signals using a spiking recurrent neural network. Mimicking the way groups of biological neurons operate to recognize temporal patterns, imec’s chip consumes 100 times less power than traditional implementations while featuring a tenfold reduction in latency – enabling almost instantaneous decision-making. For example, micro-Doppler radar signatures can be classified using only 30 μW of power. While the chip’s architecture and algorithms can easily be tuned to process a variety of sensor data (including electrocardiogram, speech, sonar, radar and lidar streams), its first use-case will encompass the creation of a low-power, highly intelligent anti-collision radar system for drones that can react much more effectively to approaching objects.
Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have already proven their worth in a wide range of application domains. They are a key ingredient, for instance, of the radar-based anti-collision systems commonly used in the automotive industry. But ANNs come with their share of limitations. For one, they consume too much power to be integrated into increasingly constrained (sensor) devices. Additionally, ANNs’ underlying architecture and data formatting requires data to undertake a time-consuming journey from the sensor device to the AI inference algorithm before a decision can be made. Enter spiking neural networks (SNNs).
“Today, we present the world’s first chip that processes radar signals using a recurrent spiking neural network,” says Ilja Ocket, program manager of neuromorphic sensing at imec.
“SNNs operate very similarly to biological neural networks, in which neurons fire electrical pulses sparsely over time, and only when the sensory input changes. As such, energy consumption can significantly be reduced. What’s more, the spiking neurons on our chip can be connected recurrently – turning the SNN into a dynamic system that learns and remembers temporal patterns. The technology we are introducing today is a major leap forward in the development of truly self-learning systems.”
Imec’s novel chip was initially designed to support electrocardiogram (ECG) and speech processing in power-constrained devices. Yet thanks to its generic architecture that features a completely new digital hardware design, it can also easily be reconfigured to process a variety of other sensory inputs like sonar, radar and lidar data. Contrary to analog SNN implementations, imec’s event-driven digital design makes the chip behave exactly and repeatedly as predicted by the neural network simulation tools.
Use-case: a smarter, low-power anti-collision system for drones (and cars)
The drone industry – even more than the automotive sector – works with constrained devices (e.g. limited battery capacity) that need to react quickly to changes in their environment in order to appropriately react to approaching obstacles.
“Hence, a flagship use-case for our new chip includes the creation of a low-latency, low-power anti-collision system for drones. Doing its processing close to the radar sensor, our chip should enable the radar sensing system to distinguish much more quickly – and accurately – between approaching objects. In turn, this will allow drones to nearly instantaneously react to potentially dangerous situations,” says Ilja Ocket. “One scenario we are currently exploring features autonomous drones that depend on their on-board camera and radar sensor systems for in-warehouse navigation, keeping a safe distance from walls and shelves while performing complex tasks. This technology could be used in plenty of other use-cases as well – from robotics scenarios to the deployment of automatic guided vehicles (AGVs) and even health monitoring.”
“This chip meets the industry’s demand for extremely low-power neural networks that truly learn from data and enable personalized AI. For its creation, we rallied experts from various disciplines within imec – from the development of training algorithms and spiking neural network architectures that take neuroscience as a basis, to biomedical and radar signal processing and ultra-low power digital chip design. That is where imec really makes a difference,” Kathleen Philips, program director of IoT cognitive sensing at imec, concludes.

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I sometimes get caught up in the whole idea of is this company or that company a competitor to Brainchip but I have to learn to pull myself up and no longer think in these terms.

Brainchip has in human terms made itself an agnostic. It has no allegiance to any processor or sensor type. It is promoting itself as a non aligned universal solution to any edge compute problem.

Why am I raising this because just now after our discussion of SiFive and Brainchip taking on ARM I was reminded of the following:

(Sorry something went wrong with link but it’s an easy Google search to find ARM Ai Ecosystem partner Renesas)

Renesas is an ARM Ai ecosystem partner. Brainchip is aligned with Renesas through the licence of its IP.

I must revert my thinking to a couple of years ago where I equated AKIDA technology to the simple self tapping metal screw. There are tens of billions perhaps trillions of these tiny screws in products around the world most of these products being in fierce competition one with the other for market share but all buying the same screws from different suppliers.

Renesas is an ARM Ai ecosystem partner and uses AKIDA Ai and ARM promotes Renesas.

SiFive is partnered with Brainchip and uses AKIDA Ai.

AWS is an ARM Ai Ecosystem partner. (for MC)

Brainchip is actually very much like an international arms dealer selling to both sides of any conflict completely unaligned.

In the end regardless of who wins the arms dealer wins. The same applies to Brainchip. ARM and Renesas crush SiFive Brainchip wins. SiFive crushes ARM Brainchip wins. They fight each other to a draw. Brainchip wins.

My opinion only DYOR


I'm hoping FF, that you are absolutely and perfectly correctly, ( ON THE MONEY ), so to speak, with these thoughts and insights, that my own, tiny, BRAIN ( insert - AKIDA 3000, possibly ) can absorb, sufficiently, YET, I'm learning still? all of the time.

Having said that, I'm now wondering what is the currency involved here, being ( On the Money ), and whether or not in fact we have, or are developing our own currency that will allow this transition to become the standard for quite some time into the future.

I hope this makes sense, because I'm trying not to ramble, but this sometimes is difficult for me.

There is a certain VIBE I'm feeling at the moment and has been with me for a number of weeks. Please may it not diminish ;)

I've also, just gotta say, that these findings, made by all of the magnificent contributors on these threads, I find just so enthralling and compelling, exactly, like my investment in this amazing Company Brainchip.

A very compelling post indeed FF, so many other compelling posts emerging so often now. I'm really excited for the future. Just so many thought provoking contributors evident on a daily basis.


>>>>>>> AK ( VIBE ) IDA <<<<<<<

Akida Ballista

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The way all these relationships seem to be intertwining, would not surprise Akida pops out as the standard for the central control unit to tie everything together.

I recall the words used by Mr. Hehir were “We want to become the defacto standard.”

Music to my ears!
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‘It takes two to tango’

The 1000 eyes and ears continue to feed us with all sorts of associations and scenarios to dine on. This weekend, I would like to pose a question and make a comment for all in TSE land to consider.

The question…given the impact on our stock price of the Mercedes Benz press release, what do you think a price sensitive announcement via the ASX would have, if it advised that an Internationally known and respected organisation (let’s say Samsung) has licensed Akida?

The comment…me myself personally believes that our battler has reached a stage where they can and should offer more information to stockholders via 4C’s, without contravening NDA’s and other confidentiality agreements. Eg…the recent quarterly should have outlined how many of each of the three development boards were sold and how many are on order. Similarly, the time for statements like ‘explosion in sales’ should end, and be replaced by sober forecasts of what the company anticipates in the next quarter and the next year. For instance, from quarter to quarter, we should be told simple things like accounts receivable. Apart from anything else, this would reveal if any license revenue was expected in the coming quarter, without breaching any confidentiality agreements.

Our CEO has suggested we watch the financials…c’mon Sean, it takes two to tango.
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