You forgot original reason for suspension was for ML but slipped up at AGM stating shorts position .If ML was imminent/May /Soon or chance why are we afraid of opening …have seen SP plummet from .37c-4c a few yrs back but FFS Nigel & Board you can’t hold SHs for ransom over your now over-sized ego.Have Emailed a few times (no reply) still no little snippets of news from management to “keep dream alive” they’ll fall back into the same Cone of Silence as before & let everyone’s bipolar imagination run wild .i wasnt 1 of the 43 likes Bags on your post ..i dearly respect yours & every fair dinkum holder who vents on here.When this Shit Show is finally over ,you’ll have to teach me how to paragraph sentencesWell if you three blokes are serious, maybe you and Wombie should have a discussion about the following....
My thoughts only (based on my intel)
The surface rights fees have been calculated and given to AVZ (Nigel may say differently)
Nigel does not want to pay the surface rights until ownership issues are resolved with Cominiere and Dathomir
These issues affect the share price (Equity) and are front and center to institutional and other investors
Ownership was brought to light by media reports including Boatman, Tom Richardson.... not Nigel
CAMI won’t issue the mining license until surface rights fees have been paid
AVZ’s cost to purchase Cominiere’s 15% approximately $150million? (Estimated Value)
AVZ has considered paying Dathomir (Simon Cong) for the 15% related to them ($25million)
Intel supposedly stemming from the xxxxxxx alludes to the fact that Cong may be above legal reproach
CATH do not necessarily want 24%.... What they want is guaranteed long term supply
If CATH only want 10% that puts into question previously agreed capital from CATH
Consider AVZ therefore to have higher initial project CAPEX requirements
Start-up capital required for the project was reported up from original DFS (reported around $1Billion)
Possible capital required (Cominiere + Dathomir + Project CAPEX).... I have a figure, others can calculate their own
Share price needs to be higher to avoid excessive dilution
Capital Raise (Equity) generally at 20% discount to the weighted share price
Nigel won’t state Pan African DFI’s (Debt to Equity Ratio), but trying to keep required equity to below 20% of AVZ’s Market Capital
Nigel will look to eventually consolidate SOI (perhaps 1:4) as when it is time for him to cash some in, he would rather be looking at selling a % of 12million shares rather than % of 50million…. So if you own about 3million now, that would come down to less than 1million shares
Nigel will do his best for this project to succeed because he has 50million shares…. at last years Sydney presentation told me he had only invested around $200k to $250k worth in AVZ so indicates how he views his own finances
The roadshows and AGM placated angry investors but did not answer online questions or give clear responses to the above queries
I’ve said in the past that I understand why the company has taken the actions it has, but after disrespecting shareholders by telling WA Road Show attendees the ML would drop on or by 15/11/22 and not to replying to emails, phone calls and AGM online questions it's time to give them a bit of their own business because what AVZ’s exec’s and BOD don’t seem to realise, is that when you shit on shareholders who have invested more financially than they have sooner or later those investors will communicate with other investors instead of the company.
@BEISHA, looks like your hope that TSE would stay a better platform compared to others might have overlooked the crapper rampers and pack mentality lurking here in the background. A recent post calling people dummies, telling me to lay off the piss and calling me a wanker received 43 likes. I realise this place has a lurking pack mentality who join in on shitting on someone so thanks to the moderator for removing that post on my request.

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