Fuck yeah bags, you making friends again !
Edit: You angry old fuck

he wasn’t having a go IMO…
Cashy, let’s be clear on a few things. You know I’ve had arguments on here with you,
@BEISHA @JAG and others but we are all open and honest with each other and have become friends…. I even have private conversations with BEISH and JAG.
Calling me an angry old fucker is funny because you know I like mucking around, I just don’t like bullshit unless it’s done deliberately in fun, like TITS and John’s posts.
I hate having to tie up the threads with lengthy posts but when someone refers to me here, implying bullshit, I respond in a way that should clear the air.
FilthyRich hasn’t done that, and he’s been here this morning and seen my post. You know I’ll apologise when I’m wrong, I don’t have a problem with that, it’s how I learn.
I’ve put his post below, along with my response and if there needs to be any validation either way, I’m sure Whiddon (
@EV Enthusiast) could provide it.
Based on FilthyRich’s posts, I’d say his involvement with the company is more than just his shareholding…. I don’t really fucken care one way or the other, just don’t post bullshit about me or about what was answered at a presentation is all I’m saying. Like everyone else, I’ve got better ways I want to spend my time
FilthyRich2 said:
Moneybags is referring to my list of questions for the
2021 roadshow - slightly altered in context and response submitted a week before presentation.
Nigel answered these questions in the course of presentation in
2021 and a few in discussions afterwards, one or two were thrown in during presentation
Some of these questions were obviously answered in ASX announcements afterwards , but I needed to ensure they were considered by management.
Exact email reproduced below
Nigel's response to the 5 year question was different in my recollection to Moneybags. (It was a rather large list of questions ) , my last question was the Moneybags one. Given the question list I picked up on answers in presentation which might not have been obvious to other attendees.
Hi Jodie
I will be attending the presentation in Sydney, and had a couple of questions as listed below. Rather than cornering Nigel in a discussion , I thought it reasonable to submit the questions beforehand that he may ad-hoc address in his presentation
Some of these are hypothetical questions and could be addressed in his presentation
AVZ Shareholder Questions
Q1 Will AVZ be seeking financing where the paydown of the finance will be by set instalment dates rather than free cash flow sweeps
Q2 What is the indicative rate hoped to be achieved
Q3 Will the financier be given a covenant over the mining rights to Manono (along the lines of AJM errors)
Q4 What will the financing term ideally be in years (minimum and maximum)
Q5 Will debt financiers be seeking equity as well
Q6 What covenants have been proposed by financiers that you are uncomfortable with
Tin Mining
Q7 What resources will be given to alluvial tin miners to progress their ability to extract tin on a commercial basis
Q8 Will alluvial mining still utilize modular tin processing plants , and what is capacity and cost of each plant, what would be ROI be on alluvial per annum on this basis
Q9 How many individuals will be given the opportunity to work in alluvial mine
Q10 How many tons of Cassetite are expected to be produced from alluvial and would increasing headcounts accelerate this.
Equity Component
Q11 Who will be your ideal targets for equity components and are you having discussion with those targets
SC6 Production and PLS Production
Q12 Given that there is likely to be 6 months between the start of SC6 production and PLS production have you planned how to utilize free cash flow
Plant and Equipment Financing
Q13 Have you considered taking up vendor financing options on equipment to minimize the need for capital raising of $150m could capital raise be avoided if you do so
Flexibility of Plant and Processing Expansion
Q14 Given the likely demand requirements for SC6 and PLS do you have a plan for expansion and the timeframe that it is achievable in (In 4 years what do you envisage production to be)
Bottlenecks on transport
Q15 DRC seems to have economic solutions to resolve transport which have ability to be resolved under Belt and Road agreements, how soon can you anticipate a large scale solution to transport by rail or road
Long Term Goals
Q16 What do you envisage the Manono mine site to be doing in 5 years time
Name omitted in this posting on TSE
My Reply
Mate I’m not referring to any of your list of questions…. I’m well fucken capable of forming my own questions.
The only thing I referred to that was someone else’s, was the question asked to Nigel about where he saw himself in 5 years and was asked by a young bloke in his early 20’s at last year’s presentation, and I’m pretty sure that wasn’t you.
I’ve read your posts and I see you have a lot of information about AVZ and what’s happening in the DRC, so much so I think you might work for AVZ.
If you are going to refer to me, get your facts straight and don’t try and insinuate anything I say is related to anything you say
Nigel has always been evasive when it comes to finances. The reason I sold shares after the presentation was partly because I‘d already done the numbers on how much time we had with the remaining capital, but mostly because of his evasiveness to every question I posed to him around our capital.
I’ve always had my own mind and I don’t think like others, and you’d realise that pretty quickly if you met me.
I spoke to the young bloke who asked the 5 year question and I could recognise him again, so if it was you, you would be able to give a good description of me, so go ahead….
Finally, of all those questions you say you put to Nigel ahead of last year’s presentation…. At best, only a few of them were partially addressed, which is blatantly obvious by the fact you haven’t provided the answers you say were given to those questions
…. Now Filthy can either reply to this or report back to Nigel. I’ll either apologise or just move on
Sorry for tying up the threads, just stop the fucken bullshit, there’s enough of it already from Nigel