Hi Jag,do we know the source of this press release?Get on a FN plane back Nigel and sort this shit out FFS!!!!
Hi Jag,do we know the source of this press release?Get on a FN plane back Nigel and sort this shit out FFS!!!!
Nigel IS a magician but he will not be pulling any rabbits out of hat.My DRC connection is somehow connected to Momentum lawyers and this was the word...no..it's not first hand from Momentum.
And I don't know what happened in Manono in the last 2 days....but it looks like somebody through a spanner in the works...
most probably angry bitch face with the green dress is running a tantrum...
Hopefully we get some answers @ the AGM on Thursday.
I am sorry if I raised the hope for the ML dropping before the AGM...
but I was so excited to hear that of my DRC connection, plus the same time the article on the bird appeared about granting the ML...
Dammmm...I am same disappointed...but let's see what rabbits Nigel can pull out his hat....GL
No Char, just from the tweetHi Jag,do we know the source of this press release?
Tribune: after imbroglio around the operating permit and the feasibility study of AVZ, what about the payment of the doorsteps due to the State (1%), what about the sale of 10% of the shares to the State
On November 7, 2022, the Minister of State, Minister of the Portfolio held a press conference, during which she clearly indicated that “I will restore COMINIERE to its rights. While in Manono, AVZ has had no visible impact since its installation 6 years ago.
AVZ claims to have obtained the Exploitation License at the end of November for the benefit of Dathcom. COMINIERE advised that the final version of the feasibility study submitted by Dathcom, which is controlled by AVZ, was illegal (in serious violation of the provisions of the joint venture agreement), incomplete and opaque, because the feasibility study was not approved by other shareholders, including COMINIERE, and the Mpiana-Mwanga hydropower plant included in the final feasibility study was not owned by Dathcom.
During a tour of Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney in Australia, AVZ admitted that the concession for the Mpina-Mwanga hydropower plant was awarded to another company rather than AVZ, despite AVZ falsely claiming to hold rights of the hydropower plant on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) and in the media and included it in the feasibility study. We were surprised that AVZ received a call for tenders from COMINIERE for the Mpiana-Mwanga concession, and despite the inclusion in its so-called final version of the feasibility study, AVZ did not tender to this tender. Not even having the technical and financial means for the rehabilitation of the hydroelectric plant, how could it develop the entire mine?
Also, under the Mining Code, does AVZ pay the 1% pas de porte to the state? Has 10% of the shares been transferred to the State?
C/P Kambale Kakule Christian
Tribune : après imbroglio autour du permis d’exploitation et de l’étude de faisabilité de AVZ, quid du paiement des pas de porte dûs à l’Etat (1%), quid de la cession de 10% des actions à l’Etat ?
Le 7 novembre 2022, la ministre d’Etat, Ministre du Portefeuille a tenu une conférence de presse, au cours de laquelle elle a clairement indiqué que « Je vais remettre la COMINIERE dans ses droits. Alors qu’à Manono, AVZ ne dispose d’aucune réalisation à impact visible depuis son installation...7sur7.cd
An alternative scenario.Nothing to worry about. It was just being cleaned before being restored...
He ain't allowed to post here, so why are his ramblings posted by othersSomeone's upset they got voted off the island.
And you can buy my $3M for $1.75 off market too, ONODear BoD and Nigel,
Well, what an absolute shit show!
Nigel, and I know you are reading this, since you have never put your hand in your own pocket to purchase shares, and since you are absolutely fuckin positive we are going mining I have an offer that you cannot refuse.
I offer you 1 million shares @$2 off market so you can show the entire shareholder base exactly how fucken serious you are and for once use your own money instead of being spoon fed by us.
Your $30k a month you have been receiving for doing absolutely fuck all is probably sitting in your account or buying more CDL mica fucked shares that we are going to lose?
The offer is here Nigel. Let’s see how committed you actually really are?
You have my email and I guarantee I will keep the purchase confidential
Yours truly.
Nah, it’s a legit question. If people are going to claim he lied, specify what is about.Sorry, not meaning to be rude, but may I query what bridge did you reside under before you emerged?
You are asking an unreliable source to make another unreliable prediction?@hedrox hey mate, are you able to check in again with your contact, and could you tell us would your contact have first hand info or is their info passed on to them?
I'd be pretty ok just knowing it's actually on its way, and if NF did say it would take a few weeks after that then, if indeed we did just get it granted, then the month ext makes sense, for the suposed "few weeks" needed to get everything official.
AGM 2 days away I'm hoping we might get some kind of info from it. I'm sure someone will ask about what was said in that video.
At this rate I'd be surprised if he could pull a hare out of his arse!Nigel IS a magician but he will not be pulling any rabbits out of hat.
He only seems to make things disappear.
This needs a bumpDear BoD and Nigel,
Well, what an absolute shit show!
Nigel, and I know you are reading this, since you have never put your hand in your own pocket to purchase shares, and since you are absolutely fuckin positive we are going mining I have an offer that you cannot refuse.
I offer you 1 million shares @$2 off market so you can show the entire shareholder base exactly how fucken serious you are and for once use your own money instead of being spoon fed by us.
Your $30k a month you have been receiving for doing absolutely fuck all is probably sitting in your account or buying more CDL mica fucked shares that we are going to lose?
The offer is here Nigel. Let’s see how committed you actually really are?
You have my email and I guarantee I will keep the purchase confidential
Yours truly.
Was it in the second PowerPoint, slide # 32? All we (Brisbane SH) got was a smirk followed up by a shrug when he moved to next slide saying we have seen too much.The order of process was discussed in roadshows but to date I have not seen any posters correctly state the sequence, so I will leave it at that
I know you're taking the piss, but for those who believe it MAY have been stolen (like the 2 lots of 15%, and half our tenement) it's in the video linked to this tweet.
At least our major asset is safe![]()
That is the worst photoshop/cropping i have ever seen…..Hi Jag,do we know the source of this press release?