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As you say cannot finish without ML.
Only way the ML can occurr now while the current
DG of CAMI remains in controll is either he is removed by the President or the President with his Presidential decree overrides the DG and awards ML.
This would send a very positive message to international investments , that corruption is being dealt with.
Would he do it .
Probably not but will through legal avenues .
So did M3 meet with the President and discuss Manono ML and CAMI?
For CAMI to use his name falsely that FT requested part of Manono to be given back to DRC and it may have been proven false is a major concern ?
Silence around these issues is Positive.
Hi Moneybags care to share who are the 2 gentleman's on the right of FT ?
Dr David Gentille (UK)
Senator James Inhofe (Republican)
I’ll bet any money that James Inhofe (Republican for Oklahoma) is there to get his greedy little mitts on one of the oil blocks the DRC is offering…. and wouldn’t be surprised if it’s one in the rain forest or gorilla sanctuary regions
Don’t get me started on those money grubbing, climate change denying pricks FFS!!
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