AVZ Discussion 2022


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We are determined to end the conflict in our country and use resources to get rid of it - President Tshisekedi​

President Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, DRC addressing the main debate of the 77th meeting of the UN General Assembly

UN/Cia Pak
President Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, DRC addressing the main debate of the 77th meeting of the UN General Assembly
20 September 2022

Agreement between DRC and Zambia to process minerals without pollution​

He said DRC is one of the main producers of important minerals in the transition period to get rid of fossil energy. Minerals such as Lithium, Cobalt, Nickel, Manganese, and have decided to process these minerals without damaging the environment, and so in April this year, DRC and Zambia signed an agreement to establish a value chain in the electric battery sector and the safe energy sector.

He said considering the size of the project, the participation of partners especially in capital and technology will be important
No Felix it's not conflict we are concerned about .It's the CORRUPTION!!
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View attachment 17096

I'm sorry to ask

But what exactly the fuck is going on here??

View attachment 17097
DRC Battery Council
BOSCH is a Member and AVZ Minerals
DRC wants to value-add mining and more importantly, is expecting it.
Manono Special Economic Zone
Part of the 1 billion towards battery cell production? / Hydroxide Plant??

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We are determined to end the conflict in our country and use resources to get rid of it - President Tshisekedi​

President Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, DRC addressing the main debate of the 77th meeting of the UN General Assembly

UN/Cia Pak
President Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, DRC addressing the main debate of the 77th meeting of the UN General Assembly
20 September 2022

Agreement between DRC and Zambia to process minerals without pollution​

He said DRC is one of the main producers of important minerals in the transition period to get rid of fossil energy. Minerals such as Lithium, Cobalt, Nickel, Manganese, and have decided to process these minerals without damaging the environment, and so in April this year, DRC and Zambia signed an agreement to establish a value chain in the electric battery sector and the safe energy sector.

He said considering the size of the project, the participation of partners especially in capital and technology will be important
*To add, If anyone missed it (Apologies if already Posted ) It's been a long Day / Week / Month / Year and i'm :sleep:

United Nations: Félix Tshisekedi pleads for climate justice

"To date, the impact of climate change on low-income economies is well established. Low emitters of greenhouse gases on a global scale, however, these economies, including the DRC, pay the heaviest price".

This is in summary, the plea of President Félix Tshisekedi before the world political authorities gathered in New York, in the United States, this Tuesday, September 20, during his speech at the 77th General Assembly of the United Nations.

Emphasizing the need to translate into action the promises made to African countries at the various climate conferences, Felix Tshisekedi recalled "that it was time to put an end to the selective execution of commitments made by polluters, but also to compensate, in the name of climate justice, the efforts made by less polluting countries, particularly those in Africa, to preserve the environment in the interest of the whole planet”.

On the subject of the energy transition, the Congolese President did not hesitate to recall the strategic double hat of the DRC with regard to its assets in biodiversity and its key mineral resources, including cobalt and lithium.

“As for the energy transition, Africa has enough renewable energy sources and raw materials that can contribute to the mobilization of credible alternatives to the dual energy and ecological crisis.

From this point of view, it is important to note that the Democratic Republic of Congo is one of the main producers of strategic ore essential to the energy transition and the decarbonization of the transport sector, including in particular Cobalt, Lithium, Nickel as well as than manganese.

My country has set itself the goal of producing the said minerals properly for this purpose,” he said.

For Felix Tshisekedi, harnessing the energy and environmental potential of the DRC in the fight against climate change and the energy transition goes hand in hand with lasting peace in the east of the country.

"The time has come to break forever the infernal cycle of violence in eastern DRC to stabilize the Great Lakes region in order to derive the greatest benefit from its economic potential as well as its rich biodiversity to save the humanity in the face of climate change. he said.

It should be recalled that in view of the difficulties experienced by developing countries, including African countries, in the fight against climate change and the efforts they must make to green their economies, the international community had promised financial assistance up to 100 billion USD per year.

To date, only 20 billion has been provided to Africa between 2016 and 2019.

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I'm calling too much bullshit.
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DRC Battery Council
BOSCH is a Member and AVZ Minerals
DRC wants to value-add mining and more importantly, is expecting it.
Manono Special Economic Zone
Part of the 1 billion towards battery cell production? / Hydroxide Plant??

Bots and trolls have zero sense of humour....
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If you hate this discord crap when searching avz in bird, try this

$avz -url:discord.com

Hopefully it makes life a bit better
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Arrested Development Mistake GIF
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To my little mind all these articles from China just confirms this is the largest and best quality resource on the planet. Hence its strategic and worth shit loads.
Agree 100%
To my little mind it also suggests that China is out of ideas regarding the maintenance of this illegal charade.
Same old lies- not even new lies
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If you hate this discord crap when searching avz in bird, try this

$avz -url:discord.com

Hopefully it makes life a bit better
Thanks very much Lichione, I wasn’t confident the link would work, but it actually blocks 💯 of the discord posts. 👏👏👏
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Joe on Twitter (2).png


#Patience !!! .png
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If you hate this discord crap when searching avz in bird, try this

$avz -url:discord.com

Hopefully it makes life a bit better
Thanks mate works a treat
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Master of Quan
Hi Frank, does he actually mention AVZ in the speech? I've tried to listen and use translation but I can't work it out.
Papy on the bird has done the translation

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FFS …Had it up too here with the blah blah blah

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