AVZ Discussion 2022


"The Company is confident of a positive outcome for it's shareholders, resulting in the re-instatement of trading in its securities"
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OMG I am soooo shocked! 😱
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I guess that coves the ICC, sometime in September
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can't spell "resulting" in an official announcement ....faaark :rolleyes:
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the avengers fighting GIF by hoppip
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Master of Quan
An extended extension of suspension.
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10th of October is a Monday
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Biding my Time 1971
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Well I guess there's gonna be close to a month of bullshit posts, memes, off-topic crap, inappropriate pics, suggestions of debauched celebrations, weirdness, boredom, frustration, funny gifs, hilarity and general mayhem here on TSE :cool:
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At least they mentioned shareholders in the announcement. I'm glad they haven't totally forgotten about us.
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Hates a beer
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David Lee Roth! He'll be at the strippers and coke party for sure
I must admit I would have preferred Bill Murray but I'm well beyond being fussy 🙂
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Master of Quan
Poor Foxy after doubling down yesterday….
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Off to Cape York chasing barra, king salmon and muddies for two weeks, back for 1 day then on a cruise to New Guinea for 10 days! No more worrying about AVZ cos no coverage, sweet!! Don't let it effect your health guys, step away for a while. Cheers Dazz
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Has anyone mentioned if they are snorting coke off a female or male strippers arse? I'm sure some male strippers can be arranged if that's your thing.

Very disappointing that people are jumping to such conclusions and making such assumptions about people's sexual persuasions and pronoun's...


The point, the last 4 years has been a rollercoaster, let alone the last 6 months of stress to the extreme. (only 2 years for me, but it's been a ride)
Coke and hookers is not my thing, but I'll be celebrating BIG when this (still need to say "if") this is all resolved in our favor.

Take the missus out to dinner, go on a holiday, buy that new car, write on tom afr's twitter "enjoy your new career!!", snort that coke off a strippers (male, shemale, female, whatever!) arse.
However you choose to celebrate it doesn't matter, as long as we are all celebrating our win.

We all deserve to blow off steam in a big way after the last 5 months.

That was my point said in an over-the-top way to humorously emphasise the stress of the ride we are on as long-term holders that many are here, and the fact that many of us will/should need to treat ourselves a little especially after the last few months we have all had.

End of the day accusing a few of us of misogyny and being disrespectful over that 'line' pun intended and pictures of women in bikinis is utterly ridiculous, far more a reflection on those few triggered, that was out of line (okay no more line jokes). If its stress, then yeah understandable we all blow off every now and again. If not pull ya head in, in-fact better yet get it thoroughly checked out.

We are all here to research an help each other out, lately its been more chatting rubbish as we have all literally done as much as we can and its just waiting on africa-time. People are stressed and/or bored an throwing around jokes or pineapples and bike pictures (my car was incredibly offended btw) passing the time to keep the morale up, to everyone that's posted lately thank you 🙏

Lets help each other out these next 4 weeks till Oct 10 (thanks africa-time) hopefully that will be it, looks like it as that covers the arbitration off nicely and time for our northern part of the tenement to be sorted aswell.

Once we are out Celebrate and treat yourself !!

hey Mercedes where's my Charlie gone
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Off to Cape York chasing barra, king salmon and muddies for two weeks, back for 1 day then on a cruise to New Guinea for 10 days! No more worrying about AVZ cos no coverage, sweet!! Don't let it effect your health guys, step away for a while. Cheers Dazz
Enjoy Daz,

Live like a king, you know like you'll be once AVZ are steaming towards production
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Off to Cape York chasing barra, king salmon and muddies for two weeks, back for 1 day then on a cruise to New Guinea for 10 days! No more worrying about AVZ cos no coverage, sweet!! Don't let it effect your health guys, step away for a while. Cheers Dazz
Have a good one Daz. More than a little jealous. Sounds like a great break, enjoy!
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Off to Cape York chasing barra, king salmon and muddies for two weeks, back for 1 day then on a cruise to New Guinea for 10 days! No more worrying about AVZ cos no coverage, sweet!! Don't let it effect your health guys, step away for a while. Cheers Dazz
Sounds awesome Daz....glad you're on the up and up (y)
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This Makes it 5 months or 22 weeks ...... this is what they think of SH
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