AVZ Discussion 2022


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Oh shit that’s 10% for the big guy, I hope that’s coming out of CATLS share

View attachment 16452

*Speaking of "The Cat in the Hat " and other related Crap, I see where,

BMW counting on better battery cells to power EV ambition
  • BMW Group says it will produce round lithium-ion cells with longer ranges and faster charging
  • To supply the battery cells needed for the NEUE KLASSE models, BMW Group has awarded contracts for construction of battery cell factories to CATL and EVE Energy
The BMW Group says it is taking a huge leap in technology for energy density, charging speed and range with its plans to use newly developed round battery cells from 2025 within its NEUE KLASSE models.

These sixth generation BMW round cells come with a lower cobalt content and a higher nickel content on the cathode side.

On the anode side, the silicon content will be increased and as a result, the cell’s volumetric energy density will improve by more than 20 percent.

The company says these cells will be produced at roughly half the cost of the prismatic cells BWW currently uses in battery cell factories across six locations in key markets – two in China, two in Europe and two in North America with an annual capacity of up to 20 GWh.

BMW Group says it has already awarded contracts in the two-digit billion-euro range for construction of battery cell factories to China’s CATL and EVE Energy.

“We have also reached agreement with our partners that they will use a percentage of secondary material for the raw materials lithium, cobalt and nickel, as well as utilising green power for production, to ensure CO2-reduced manufacturing,” BMW Group Service and Sales Manager Joachim Pusch says.


Food for thought on our Hungry CAT - "Manono Mustard" you can't top that (y)

Now cough up the dough or scat :rolleyes:

Cheers 🥪

Frank :cool:
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A delegation
led by @AmosHochstein met with representatives of the American company Piedmont Lithium, which is in
to conclude mining agreements. 1/2
Improving the business climate is the
for more
investments that lead to beneficial, sustainable and inclusive economic development. 2/2

Where does Piedmont get its lithium?

Piedmont will not operate the mines in Quebec or Ghana but has agreed to buy at least half of each company's production of a lightly processed type of lithium known as spodumene concentrate.
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Piedmont not a fan of the DRC apparently...

"“Ghana is one of Africa’s most successful nations, with a strong mining tradition and an increasingly diverse economic base. In naming Ghana as the headquarters for its entire African business earlier this year, Twitter described Ghana as a ‘Champion for Democracy’. Euler-Hermes regularly rates Ghana among the lowest-risk jurisdictions in the region, and Transparency International rates Ghana ahead of other lithium-rich countries such as Argentina, China, Brazil, Mexico, Bolivia, Mali, and the DRC in its annual corruption perception rankings."

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So when the Chinese screwed us over on barley sales and the USA moved straight in to fill the gap, that was strong bilateral support?

There is only one lithium deposit in the DRC, so which other supply are the USA after again? Or two, if you split Roche Dure and CDL up.

You dont really think they've just turned up to support their Australian buddies now do you?

I don't think the US is there to save AVZ by any means

The DRC will decide who it wants to do business with

The US is there to further their own interests of course

The DRC can determine which is their preferred business partner...

Communist China or Democratic US or little old Aussie AVZ or whoever they like

Of course I hope it's more mutual and democratic than rape and pillage

But that's up to Felix and the Congolese people I guess

Let's hope for their sake they make good decisions...
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Nice summary Carlos . At this point I'm more concerned about the Cong/Dathomir case . As we know we've never held the Cominiere 15% and as I understand it has no bearing on whether we get the ML or not . The Dathomir 15% is a trickier matter imo as it will pull us back to 60% and could then bring up issues with the Cath deal . A 3 day verdict is now 2 weeks overdue. In terms of Zijin . Personally I never thought they would quietly go away . These pricks are going to keep at it until they either get want they want or have used up all their scheming and dodgy tactics . IMO
Regards to coming out of suspension soon . Is there a possibility we could start trading again without the ML in hand ? I'm still
going with Fox and Nellie's predictions , but it's important to look at different scenarios .
I'm not concerned about Dathomir. The announcement on Friday and previous ones make it clear AVZ has 75% of Dathcom. Cong is trying to get more money not get the 15% back. I don't think we will need to pay him anything as his arguement is a joke but if we do it's not the end of the world.

There are 3 scenarios that could lead to AVZ trading again without the mining license imo

1. The ASX refuse to allow management to extend the voluntary suspension at the end of one of the deadlines. The announcement on Friday could have been prompted by the ASX wanting clarification on certain issues to prevent this happening.

2. AVZ runs low on money and is unable to raise funds through private placement or debt so is forced to raise on market. Maybe they can do a cap raise while suspended I'm not sure but they would most likely need to be trading or have a firm date for trading to get investors to fully subscribe.

3. The mining license is rejected by the DRC government and a takeover buyer is unable to be found.

All of these scenarios are unlikely and are obviously not something that management would be happy with. But they are possible.
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One question that keeps me thinking is why we have a never ending series of two week extensions as opposed to one month or more? The BOD would realise the constant disappointment of extensions is confidence sapping to shareholders. They must truly believe that the decision is imminent or they wouldn't put shareholders through this rollercoaster ride. It must be painfully disappointing for them having to announce these extensions every two weeks,surely we are imminently poised this week!
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Read the last AVZ ASX announcement from Friday.
Oops sorry.
The Announcement on Friday was an update on the arbitration proceedings which are (assumed) to be to do with the 15% AVZ have pre-emptive rights over, and the boatman report. They are all to do with ownership of Dathcom and may well impact share price, but not specifically why the ML is being held up right?

Is there anything official that links these to be one and the same issue, or are we assuming they are the same problem. I.e. The ML requires clean, uncontested ownership, or is there a possibility the ML hold up has nothing to do with these ownership issues and is being delayed by something we don’t know about?

Sorry if that seems like a naive question. I can find plenty of speculation around why these two issues might be linked, but like a lot of people have said - unless its from the company, take it with a grain of salt - so just curious if I have missed something formal that confirms the ownership challenges are the reason for the ML delay. Or is it possible its just the DRC bureaucracy taking forever to process the paperwork for...any number of reasons.
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A delegation
led by @AmosHochstein met with representatives of the American company Piedmont Lithium, which is in
to conclude mining agreements. 1/2
Improving the business climate is the
for more
investments that lead to beneficial, sustainable and inclusive economic development. 2/2

A delegation
led by @AmosHochstein met with representatives of the American company Piedmont Lithium, which is in
to conclude mining agreements. 1/2
Improving the business climate is the
for more
investments that lead to beneficial, sustainable and inclusive economic development. 2/2

Looking at the photos, I don’t believe Amos Hochstein is all the way in DRC to discuss Piedmont Lithium. Nothing confidential or strategic about these photos.
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One question that keeps me thinking is why we have a never ending series of two week extensions as opposed to one month or more? The BOD would realise the constant disappointment of extensions is confidence sapping to shareholders. They must truly believe that the decision is imminent or they wouldn't put shareholders through this rollercoaster ride. It must be painfully disappointing for them having to announce these extensions every two weeks,surely we are imminently poised this week!
This is something that I can't work out either. Especially because the extensions varied in the beginning. These are the different periods that have been given.

May 11th - May 20th (9 days)
May 20th - June 1st (11 days)
June 1st - July 1st (30 days)
July 1st - July 15th (14 days)
July 15th - July 29th (14 days)
July 29th - August 15th (16 days)
August 15th - September 1st (17 days)
September 1st - September 15th (14 days)

The two periods in August with 16 and 17 days had an extra weekend so it's essentially been a 10 working day period since the start of July. The rules say it is up to the company to outline how long it expects the suspension to last.


Also says that a suspension will generally only be granted for however long the ASX considers reasonably necessary.


Requires the company to inform the market if an extension is required and to inform the market why with a new expected end date. The ASX can decide to end the suspension at anytime not just at the end of the current period.


Either management genuinely feel they are close each time like Fox has been saying or the ASX has made them move to this 10 working day extension schedule based off what they are hearing from the company.
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The above is kind of why I asked the previous question. Its pretty obvious the ownerhsip issuse are going to take a lot longer then 2 weeks to close out and if the company needs to specifiy a timeframe that they genually believe the issue behind the trading halt can be resolved, 2 week extentions lead me to believe it has nothing to do with ownership of Dathcom. It would not surprise me if its a mixture of pure uselessness from the CAMI office taking forever, or some internal political issues causing the hold up.
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The above is kind of why I asked the previous question. Its pretty obvious the ownerhsip issuse are going to take a lot longer then 2 weeks to close out and if the company needs to specifiy a timeframe that they genually believe the issue behind the trading halt can be resolved, 2 week extentions lead me to believe it has nothing to do with ownership of Dathcom. It would not surprise me if its a mixture of pure uselessness from the CAMI office taking forever, or some internal political issues causing the hold up.
Agree, IMO it's not the much discussed ownership, definitely not the extra 15% from Cominiere, maybe the Dathomir tussle. But IMO it's funny business going on with CAMI over the extend of the ML and surface rights and carve up of Northern CDL exploration permit.
Hard to tell if company genuinely thinks it only takes a few weeks or if they piece meal this so they do not fall foul off ASX rules and get forced back to trading without any news whatsoever. Being devil's advocate for a second, the latest announcement might have been to set the current scene for an ASX forced resumption of Trade without the issue around ML or mining rights being resolved. I hate to see that happen. I just need to find some extra funds to buy more if that is the case
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Installation of management bodies for the 0.3% endowment, a mission for mining companies!

The Minister of Mines of the DRC has just launched the process of setting up specialized organizations to manage the 0.3% endowment.

This is a fund levied on the gross revenue from the sale of minerals. This for the duration of one year.

This endowment must finance community development projects in the area of intervention of the mining company.

Thus, Antoinette N'Samba signed a collective mission order last week.


This concerns the members of the committee for the supervision, orientation, monitoring and control of the management of this endowment.

Indeed, this committee is composed of the Ministers of Mines and Social Affairs and their competent technical services. The delegation includes 11 people.

Among them, there is among others the Secretary General for Mines, Jacques Ramazani, the Director General of the National Promotion and Social Service Fund (FNPSS), Mrs. Alice Mirimo, is also in the game.

This delegation must go to 5 provinces for the installation of organizations managing the endowment of 0.3% of the turnover of mining companies.

These are the provinces of Kasaï-Oriental, Nord-Kivu, Haut-Uele, Haut-Katanga and Lualaba.

Mission in charge of mining companies!

However, some civil society actors in Haut-Katanga and Lualaba disapprove of the approach of the Ministry of Mines, “putting the Kinshasa delegation in charge of the mining companies”.

According to the last paragraph of the mission order, the charge for this mission is the responsibility of the companies. And the document specifies that it is COMIKA, MMG Kinsevere, Ruashi Mining, Shituru Mining, COMMUS, Kamoa, KCC, MUMI, SICOMINES and TFM for the south of the country.

Then, for the East, there is SACIM, Alphamin, Bisie Mining, Kibali Gold mining.

Gauthier Kavwamba, spokesperson for civil society in Fungurume in the province of Lualaba declares “the Congolese State pretends to be poor when it has all the means”.

Another civil society actor was more direct. “It is abnormal that a service mission for public officials is taken on by mining companies. Do the Ministries of Mines and Social Affairs have no operating costs?'' he wonders.

For this activist committed to good governance in the mining sector, the process got off to a bad start. He fears that the 0.3% endowment will further enrich individuals rather than promote local development.

Prioritize decentralization

In the meantime, the interministerial decree provides for operating costs for the supervision and orientation committee composed of the ministries of mines and that of social affairs. This is a maximum of 4% of the funds from the endowment.

And to prevent all the money from being consumed in the functioning of the supervisory committee, civil society proposes the decentralization of the process of installing specialized bodies. For example, the specifications whose processes are managed by the provincial and local authorities.

”We must put an end to the untimely missions of the national administration services on local issues.

The DRC is a highly decentralized country, “says a member of civil society in Haut-Katanga.

Allocation of the 0.3% endowment

As for the use of this fund, the mining code determines its distribution. 90% is earmarked for the exclusive financing of community development projects.

While only 10% is intended for the functioning of the organs, including 4% for that of the management committee led by the ministries of mines and that of social affairs.

As a reminder, the 0.3% endowment is one of three levers established by the revised mining code of 2018.

All aim at the contribution of mining companies to the sustainable development of local communities.

The other two levers being the mining royalty and the specifications of social responsibility.


The United States wants to strengthen its presence in the production of lithium in the DRC

An American delegation led by the senior adviser in charge of energy security of the White House, Amos Hochstein, met this Monday, September 12, the representatives of the American company based in the DRC, Peidmont Lithium, to conclude mining agreements.

The objective of this meeting, as the American embassy points out, is among other things to promote American investments for this strategic raw material that is lithium.

Moreover, underlines the head of the American delegation, these investments are the result of the improvement of the business climate in the DRC.

Which is the key to attracting more American investments that lead to beneficial, sustainable and inclusive economic development.

Note that the DRC is today one of the best destinations for lithium investments in the world because of its strategic reserves estimated at more than 440 million tons.

Located in the town of Manono, Tanganyika, the lithium mining reserves found there make this site the largest hard rock lithium deposit in the world.

Being one of the essential raw materials in the manufacture of batteries for electric vehicles, the world price of lithium has experienced exponential growth in recent years. Currently, it is trading at nearly $2400 per ton.

AVZ Monster.jpg

AVZ # ! #.jpg


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Great to see another day passes. I reckon the DRC views us as living in dog years, 1 year in the DRC is 7 years in the real world.

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FFS I don’t mind the Yanks getting involved but when you read these snippets it’s as if Manono is up for grabs, China & USA going to have a Barney over it BUT fuck off it is taken by 6 years of hard work and investment.

I feel the rug moving under my feet, AVZ needs to be mentioned in these articles as the ones in charge.
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That's my concern with the fluffing around on CDL. It needs to be in the exploitation permit with Roche Dure or we leave ourselves open to a snatch n'grab due to "lack of progress". Nigel need to get the CDL resource firmed up more quickly than we have been doing.
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That's my concern with the fluffing around on CDL. It needs to be in the exploitation permit with Roche Dure or we leave ourselves open to a snatch n'grab due to "lack of progress". Nigel need to get the CDL resource firmed up more quickly than we have been doing.
I guess that's one of the reasons they have multiple rigs on site now and are slipping in some nice pictures of the cores recovered. Planting the Dathcom flag onto CDL
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I guess that's one of the reasons they have multiple rigs on site now and are slipping in some nice pictures of the cores recovered. Planting the Dathcom flag onto CDL
Fine except they are drilling RD
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That's my concern with the fluffing around on CDL. It needs to be in the exploitation permit with Roche Dure or we leave ourselves open to a snatch n'grab due to "lack of progress". Nigel need to get the CDL resource firmed up more quickly than we have been doing.
Surely they just need to follow the guidelines in the ming code to maintain rights.
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That's right, RD only, and that's the concern. If DRC split the concession up, exploitation and exploration, it leaves it more open for DRC reallocation to their newest "friend" of the week, whomever that may be. Much harder to do if you have mining machinery etc going in on a business case grounded off the two deposits operating simultaneously, not just the one.

The issue will be if the concession runs under two different permits, exploitation for RD and exploration for CDL. The DRC government will have a lot of people in their ear stating that the DRC would benefit sooner if they let someone else develop CDL simultaneously with RD. AVZ are not working like they are intending to do that with minimal assessment to date.

Its not the 400mt at RD people will eye, its the equally big lump at the other end in CDL that is most vulnerable and easiest to pick off.
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