AVZ Discussion 2022


Great to see it close over $1.. congrats guys 🥂
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What a great day today. Good to see $1 in the rear view window.

The big days are still ahead. Have a great night everyone. 😁😁😁🥃🥃🥃
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As I've said to all my friends AVZ IS THE FMG OF THE DRC! Bring it on:)
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Great day today everyone, what a milestone! Congrats to all.
I think it’s time for AVZ to fly past our peers seeing they’re all soaring towards $2.
Bring on the funding and mining licence!
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*Just Logged on / Signed in again to see how we Finished the Day and if we managed to Hold onto that Magical $1.00 or not :unsure:

Went to the Crapper to Check the SP and nearly Shit myself to see we did slightly better :love: :cool::)

To Remind,

AVZ Minerals Ltd 06-Aug-20.png

From Little Things, Big Things Grow

AVZ $1.png
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*Just Logged on / Signed in again to see how we Finished the Day and if we managed to Hold onto that Magical $1.00 or not :unsure:

Went to the Crapper to Check the SP and nearly Shit myself to see we did slightly better :love: :cool::)

To Remind,

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From Little Things, Big Things Grow

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*Forgot to add that SP bouncing @ 0.04c - 0.05c range was only back in July / Aug 2020 o_O

Was a Great time to back up the Tesla, Train, Truck and Bus to Load Up (y)

AC-DC For those about to Rock.jpg

*Tick Tock Tick Tock it's Time to Hard Rock


*To remind,

All i want for Xmas AVZ $1 Party.png

It might be a few Months late, but better late than never 🥳

Next on the List of things to come

All i want for Christmas Is a Mining License.png

#Patience ! .jpg

patience quote.jpg

Food for thought on the Road to Manono

Bottoms Up


Frank :cool:
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Fyi, fwiw, as Felix takes Flight to promote the DRC in Dubai at the,

Dubai Expo 2020: President Félix Tshisekedi expected this Monday

President Félix Tshisekedi is on his way to Dubai where he will attend the DRC National Day at Expo Dubai 2020, this Tuesday, March 22, reports a dispatch from the Presidential Communication Unit received by the ACP on Monday.

According to the source, several activities are planned including the signing of trade agreements between the DRC and the United Arab Emirates.

This promotional fair, with its 192 countries represented, wanted to give everyone an opportunity to choose a theme and at the same time promote their socio-cultural potential during a reserved day.

At the DRC pavilion, in the “District Opportunity”, preparations for this international fair are nearing completion and the country is preparing to receive visitors and investors from all over the world.

Like the general theme "connecting minds, building the future", each participant had to choose a sub-theme.

"We make the heart of Africa beat", this is the theme chosen by the DRC, a country with multiple potentialities in the center of the continent in need of promotion on the international level.

The Dubai exhibition aims to be an indisputable showcase for the influence of Congolese culture and comes at the right time to introduce the world not only to the innovative and creative spirit of the Congolese people, but also to the full diversity of its cultural potential.

*The opportunities in the various fields of mining, agriculture and the environment will also be put forward, the DRC, considered moreover as a country that provides solutions to the climate problems of humanity.

To this end, President Felix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo had instructed the government to carefully prepare the participation of the DRC in this universal exhibition in order to ensure its success in this context of competition where each country has released its best cards.

Several members of the government have preceded him in the Emirati capital.

Several musical groups are also announced to defend the rumba, recently inscribed by UNESCO on the representative list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity.

Expo 2020 is a world's fair held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates from October 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022.

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Expo 2020 is a World Expo, currently hosted by Dubai in the United Arab Emirates from 1 October 2021 to 31 March 2022. Originally scheduled for 20 October 2020 to 10 April 2021, it was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Expo Dubai 2020: Félix Tshisekedi praises the mining, forestry and cultural assets of the DRC in front of Emirati investors


The Head of State, Félix Tshisekedi proceeded to the opening, this Tuesday, March 22, of the day dedicated to the DRC at Expo Dubai 2020.

In his speech, the Head of State praised the mining assets , forestry and cultural resources of the DRC in front of Emirati investors.

The latter received the assurance of the Head of State to explore the opportunities offered by the DRC, this great country in the heart of Africa.

The day before, around ten members of the Government and around fifty economic operators working in all strategic sectors took part in the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, held on Monday 21 March.

The Congolese representatives presented on the opportunities offered by the DRC in all areas, and this, in front of the Emirati investors, interested in the potentialities which the DRC abounds.

*In his speech, Julien Paluku, Minister of Industry, presented the DRC as the best destination in the world for the electric battery industry thanks to its strategic minerals.

*He specified that the DRC is looking for partners so that it can capture part of 8,000 billion US dollars, which represents the market for batteries and vehicles by 2025-2030.

In addition to Julien Paluku, the Director General of ANAPI (National Agency for the Promotion of Industry) focused on improving the business climate, and for his part, the President of the FEC (Federation of Enterprises of Congo), Albert Yuma reassured his colleagues from the Chamber of Commerce of Dubai that the FEC will be the natural interlocutor of their companies once in the DRC.

This exhibition will run until March 31, 2022 in Dubai, one of the seven emirates that make up the UAE (United Arab Emirates), which has become a hotspot for world tourism.

The theme of this Universal Exhibition is “Connecting Minds, Building the Future”.

Expo 2020 Dubai is the first universal exhibition ever held in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia region (Middle East, Africa and South Asia zone).

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*To remind,​

Battery production in the DRC could be game changer

The Democratic Republic of the Congo could leverage its abundant cobalt resources and hydroelectric power to become a low-cost, low-emissions producer of lithium-ion battery cathode precursor materials.

A study by BloombergNEF, on a unified African supply chain, estimates it would cost $39million to build a 10,000 metric-ton cathode precursor plant in the DRC.

This would be three times cheaper than what a similar plant in the US would cost.

The same kind of plant in China and Poland would cost $112m and $65m respectively.

Precursor material produced at plants in the DRC could be cost-competitive with material produced in China and Poland but the important difference is with a lower environmental footprint.

Emissions associated with battery production could be cut by 30% compared with the existing supply chain that runs through China.

That is if cathode precursor materials (the intermediate material between raw and finished cathode material) were produced in the DRC, with Poland handling the production of cathode materials and cells, and Germany the final pack assembly.

This is because of the DRC’s proximity to cathode raw materials and heavy reliance on hydroelectric power plants.


Taking advantage of the sheer size of the future EV market

Kwasi Ampofu, report lead author and BNEF head of metals and mining said the DRC’s cost competitiveness comes from its relatively cheap access to land and low engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) cost compared to the US, Poland and China.

“European cell manufacturers currently rely heavily on China for battery precursors.

However, the raw materials for batteries are, in most cases, imported into China from Africa and refined before being exported to Europe.

*Automakers in Europe can lower their emissions by shortening the transport distance and capitalising on the DRC’s hydroelectric powered grid and proximity to raw materials,” explained Ampofu.

Have you read?

Demand for electric vehicle batteries expected to surge

Electric vehicles represent a $7 trillion market opportunity between today and 2030 and $46 trillion between today and 2050, according to the new report, The Cost of Producing Battery Precursors in the DRC, launched at the DRC-Africa Business Forum 2021.

While there are notable leading electric vehicle and cell manufacturers today, the sheer scale of growth expected in the coming decades means there is inherent uncertainty over which companies and countries may come to dominate this new value chain.

*African countries could play a major role in the lithium-ion battery supply chain by taking advantage of their abundant natural resources and onshoring more of the value chain.

Successfully creating a battery production line in Africa means creating local supply and demand​

James Frith, head of energy storage at BNEF pointed out that for regions to successfully attract battery components or cell manufacturing they need to have either a supply of key raw materials or local demand for batteries.

“If they have access to raw materials, they can use this supply to attract downstream manufacturers.

If they have local demand for batteries cell manufacturers will move to the region to be close to their customers, particularly in the automotive industry.

*Africa has a wealth of critical battery raw materials and is in a position to use these to attract more value-add in downstream processing and manufacturing.”

*The African Continental Free Trade Area agreement has the potential to create the largest free trade area in the world.

If approached correctly, African countries can capitalise on their abundant natural resources, growing demand for vehicles and rapid urbanisation to build a global hub to produce electric vehicles and perhaps even battery production.

Ashish Sethia, BNEF global head of commodities said we are only at the beginning of the path to achieving net-zero emissions globally.

“Emerging economies in Africa can gain significant long-term economic value by quickly setting up projects that support the low-carbon transition with transparent governance frameworks.”

Providing energy for potential manufacturing in DRC needs reliable power supply​

Vera Songwe, UN under-secretary-general and executive secretary of the UN’s Economic Commission for Africa pointed out the DRC produces about 70% of global cobalt but has only captured 3% of the battery and electric vehicle chain.

“With a functioning AfCFTA, the DRC can receive other upstream mineral inputs needed for lithium-ion batteries – such as manganese from, say, South Africa and Madagascar, copper from Zambia, graphite from Mozambique and Tanzania, phosphate from Morocco, and lithium from Zimbabwe, to name but a few.”

“The DRC can truly become the regional and global centre of gravity for the production of precursor materials for batteries to drive the fourth industrial revolution.

In so doing, the country and the rest of Africa can extend their access from the $271 billion battery precursor segment to the more lucrative $1.4 trillion combined battery cell production and cell assembly segments of the battery minerals global value chain.

“This requires plenty of reliable and affordable power, which can be achieved by connecting Africa’s power systems with the Grand Inga at the core and with wind and solar power from North African countries, the Sahel and South Africa, geothermal from East Africa, hydro from Central and West Africa.

“But, to reap these benefits, African leaders must make the commitment to facilitate the needed investments and make the AfCFTA deliver for the continent,” said Songwe.

Oliver Pognon, director and CEO of ALSF: “The study confirms the cost competitiveness of establishing a battery precursor industry in the DRC based on local mineral resources.

For the Africa Legal Support Facility (ALSF), such information is valuable for negotiating fair and equitable contracts that ensure that Africa retains the maximum value from her mineral resources, while also contributing to the global energy transition.”


*To Remind,

Chinese electric carmaker calls battery price hikes ‘ridiculous’

Runaway raw material costs are fueling a “ridiculous” increase in the price of batteries for electric vehicles, according to Li Auto Inc. Chief Executive Officer Li Xiang, who took to social media in China over the weekend to offer a rare insight into EV makers’ pain.

“The cost of batteries in the second quarter rose by a very ridiculous amount,” Li said on his official Weibo account late Saturday. Carmakers that haven’t raised prices yet are probably going to have to once their battery suppliers start charging more, he added.

While Li Auto, a Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Ltd. customer, hasn’t made any price adjustments to its cars, the world’s biggest battery maker confirmed it has raised prices on some of its products, without specifying which ones.

“Due to the price surge of the upstream raw materials, we have made dynamic adjustments to the prices of some of our battery products accordingly,” a CATL spokesman said via text message Monday.

Li’s comments came after automakers in China from Tesla Inc. to BYD Co. increased the prices of their cars.

Xpeng Inc. also hiked costs last week, saying in a note to customers that it will increase the price of its EVs by between 10,100 yuan ($1,590) and 20,000 yuan.

Car manufacturers in China, the world’s biggest EV market, are trying to lure more customers just as government subsidies for cleaner vehicles fall away.

Combustion engine cars, still made by the likes of BYD and Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd., also facing higher running costs due to soaring oil prices.

CATL said in an earlier statement that the higher commodity costs were applying pressure on cell and automakers alike. It vowed to maintain “a reasonable level of profit.”

Smaller EV maker WM Motor Technology Co. also cited raw materials prices and supplier constraints for its increases of between 7,000 yuan to 26,000 yuan after subsidies, according to a Weibo post last week. Those hikes kick in from March 28.

WM Motor also get its batteries from CATL, among other suppliers, according to Bloomberg Intelligence.

Insane lithium price rally continues with “little relief in sight”

Lithium prices have jumped across the board over the past year on the back of heavy demand from the automotive sector, but inside China there is a mad scramble, particularly for carbonate.

Carbonate continues to soar in 2022 after more than quadrupling in value last year, according to Benchmark Mineral Intelligence, a battery supply chain researcher and price reporting agency.

The mid-March assessment by Benchmark shows battery grade lithium carbonate (EXW China, ≥99.5% Li2CO3) averaging $76,700 a tonne. That’s up 10% over just two weeks and 95% since the start of the year. In March last year it was trading at $13,400 a tonne.

The rally in lithium hydroxide, used in high-nickel content cathode manufacture, is accelerating, up 120% so far this year, narrowing the discount to carbonate, which historically is priced below hydroxide.

Benchmark says it continues to hear reports that Chinese inventory levels for hydroxide, carbonate, and spodumene feedstock remain very low sustaining the high price environment:

“Robust demand for material, and hence high prices, will be sustained in the near-term, with expectations that the seasonal recommencement of supply from domestic Qinghai brines in the coming months will provide little relief to the growing market deficit.”

Volkswagen unveils Asian ventures to secure nickel, cobalt

Volkswagen will form joint ventures with Huayou Cobalt and Tsingshan Group to secure nickel and cobalt supplies for electric vehicles in China, the world’s No. 1 car market, and to slash costs at a time of surging raw material prices.

The move is part of a 30 billion euro ($33 billion) push by the world’s second-largest carmaker to build a network of battery cell factories and secure more direct access to vital raw materials that are needed to supply them.


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#Patience ! .jpg

If we "Join the Dots" read the "Breadcrumbs" in the DRC "Kitty Litter"

I think we all know where this is heading sooner or later :unsure:

Food for thought ( Breadcrumbs of the Battery kind ) (y)

Frank :cool:
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Fyi that's $8,000, 000,000,000. 😧👍🍺
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Good morning crew ☀️

How good is it to wake up and see that $1 milestone hit that we have been waiting years for 🍺🍺

With US stocks well up last night, the US futures still strong, and Tesla up 8% let’s hope we can push higher today.

A few in here already know this , but thought I would let the rest of you know as it’s a great group of people in this forum, and it seems the fuckwits weren’t smart enough to find their way here.

I certainly wouldn’t have posted this on hot crapper..

I Captain and live on a 30 meter SuperYacht in North Queensland.

If there are any of you that would be interested in splashing out a bit, and Celebrate with like minded long term AVZ holders, whether we do 4 couples for those that would like to treat the wife, or a boys trip and I organise some of Jags girls to be Stewardess and make us cocktails, send me a personal message on here. I can organise a huge discount, and it would be very affordable for most of you.

I would suggest it’s done before the end of August, as if things go as well as I’m hoping for us, I might be a very long vacation after that 😊

Cheers guys 🥂🥂
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You don’t dock out at Airlie beach do ya Fletch?

Looking to be another good day ahead, markets up.. $1 cracked.. big dogs know the time is now. TH FRIDAY?!
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Good morning crew ☀️

How good is it to wake up and see that $1 milestone hit that we have been waiting years for 🍺🍺

With US stocks well up last night, the US futures still strong, and Tesla up 8% let’s hope we can push higher today.

A few in here already know this , but thought I would let the rest of you know as it’s a great group of people in this forum, and it seems the fuckwits weren’t smart enough to find their way here.

I certainly wouldn’t have posted this on hot crapper..

I Captain and live on a 30 meter SuperYacht in North Queensland.

If there are any of you that would be interested in splashing out a bit, and Celebrate with like minded long term AVZ holders, whether we do 4 couples for those that would like to treat the wife, or a boys trip and I organise some of Jags girls to be Stewardess and make us cocktails, send me a personal message on here. I can organise a huge discount, and it would be very affordable for most of you.

I would suggest it’s done before the end of August, as if things go as well as I’m hoping for us, I might be a very long vacation after that 😊

Cheers guys 🥂🥂
That is some life you have there Fletch and a very kind and generous offer to all AVZ fans

Good on you

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Good morning crew ☀️

How good is it to wake up and see that $1 milestone hit that we have been waiting years for 🍺🍺

With US stocks well up last night, the US futures still strong, and Tesla up 8% let’s hope we can push higher today.

A few in here already know this , but thought I would let the rest of you know as it’s a great group of people in this forum, and it seems the fuckwits weren’t smart enough to find their way here.

I certainly wouldn’t have posted this on hot crapper..

I Captain and live on a 30 meter SuperYacht in North Queensland.

If there are any of you that would be interested in splashing out a bit, and Celebrate with like minded long term AVZ holders, whether we do 4 couples for those that would like to treat the wife, or a boys trip and I organise some of Jags girls to be Stewardess and make us cocktails, send me a personal message on here. I can organise a huge discount, and it would be very affordable for most of you.

I would suggest it’s done before the end of August, as if things go as well as I’m hoping for us, I might be a very long vacation after that 😊

Cheers guys 🥂🥂

With US stocks well up last night, the US futures still strong, and Tesla up 8% let’s hope we can push higher today.

Fyi, fwiw, Captain Fletch and Crew, I see where,

Tesla stock up as Elon Musk cuts ribbon on Berlin Gigafactory expected to produce 500,000 vehicles a year

Tesla Inc. shares rose 2% Tuesday, as Chief Executive Elon Musk cut the ribbon on the company's first manufacturing facility in Europe, its 5.5 billion euro ($5.5 billion) Gigafactory in Berlin.

The plant is based in Gruenheide, a coal town that sits within commuting distance of the German capital. Musk did a dance as he oversaw the delivery of the first German-made Tesla vehicles to 30 clients and their families, CNBC reported.

The factory is expected to produce up to 500,000 electric cars a year.

Wedbush analyst Dan Ives, a Tesla bull, said the Berlin plant is "one of the biggest strategic endeavors for Tesla over the last decade and should further vault its market share within Europe over the coming years as more consumers aggressively head down the EV path."

In a note to clients published Monday, Ives said the decision by the German authorities to clear the plant to start production removes a major overhang on the stock for the past few months.

"We cannot stress the production importance of Giga Berlin to the overall success of Tesla's footprint in Europe and globally, as the current Rubik's Cube logistics of producing cars in China at Giga Shanghai and delivering to customers throughout Europe was not a sustainable trend," the analyst wrote.

Wedbush has an outperform rating on Tesla stock and a 12-month price target of $1,400 that is about 58% above its current price.



Frank :cool:
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With US stocks well up last night, the US futures still strong, and Tesla up 8% let’s hope we can push higher today.

Fyi, fwiw, Captain Fletch and Crew, I see where,

Tesla stock up as Elon Musk cuts ribbon on Berlin Gigafactory expected to produce 500,000 vehicles a year

Tesla Inc. shares rose 2% Tuesday, as Chief Executive Elon Musk cut the ribbon on the company's first manufacturing facility in Europe, its 5.5 billion euro ($5.5 billion) Gigafactory in Berlin.

The plant is based in Gruenheide, a coal town that sits within commuting distance of the German capital. Musk did a dance as he oversaw the delivery of the first German-made Tesla vehicles to 30 clients and their families, CNBC reported.

The factory is expected to produce up to 500,000 electric cars a year.

Wedbush analyst Dan Ives, a Tesla bull, said the Berlin plant is "one of the biggest strategic endeavors for Tesla over the last decade and should further vault its market share within Europe over the coming years as more consumers aggressively head down the EV path."

In a note to clients published Monday, Ives said the decision by the German authorities to clear the plant to start production removes a major overhang on the stock for the past few months.

"We cannot stress the production importance of Giga Berlin to the overall success of Tesla's footprint in Europe and globally, as the current Rubik's Cube logistics of producing cars in China at Giga Shanghai and delivering to customers throughout Europe was not a sustainable trend," the analyst wrote.

Wedbush has an outperform rating on Tesla stock and a 12-month price target of $1,400 that is about 58% above its current price.

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Frank :cool:
How's that target SP for Tesla! :cool:
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How's that target SP for Tesla! :cool:

Tesla’s first German-made model Y rollout has Musk dancing again


Tesla CEO Elon Musk opened the company plant outside Berlin on Tuesday, handing over the first 30 Model Ys to customers in front of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Almost 19 years after its founding, Tesla has a car factory network that spans the globe.

The leading electric-vehicle maker officially opened its plant outside Berlin on Tuesday, handing over the first 30 Model Ys to customers in front of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk followed through on his promise to dance as he did when Tesla opened its Shanghai factory two years ago.

The 5 billion-euro ($5.5 billion) facility — first announced in late 2019 — will boost Tesla’s capacity to make electric sport utility vehicles as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine drives up fuel costs and adds momentum to already-soaring EV demand.

The question for Musk, 50, is how quickly the company can ramp up output in the midst of industrywide supply chain challenges, including shortages of semiconductors and battery metals.

“The start of production is nice, but volume production is the hard part,” Musk said during a visit to the plant construction site in October. He said then that Tesla would target making 5,000 to 10,000 vehicles a week by the end of this year.

Tesla’s plant in Gruenheide is essential to Musk capturing more of Europe’s expanding EV market.

He tweeted last week that he was working on a new “master plan” for the carmaker and wrote Monday that “scaling to extreme size” would be the main subject.


Global lithium-ion battery capacity to rise five-fold by 2030

Global cumulative lithium-ion battery capacity could rise over five-fold to 5,500 gigawatt-hour (GWh) between 2021 and 2030, says Wood Mackenzie, a Verisk business (Nasdaq:VRSK).

The Asia Pacific region, led by China, accounted for 90% of the world’s battery manufacturing in 2021.

By the end of decade, the region is expected to reduce its share to 69%.

While North America’s cell capacity could expand 10-fold by 2030, it still lags behind Europe which is on track to overtake North America in 2022 and will account for over 20% of global capacity by 2030 through more rapid expansion.

Wood Mackenzie consultant Jiayue Zheng said: “The electric vehicle (EV) market accounts for almost 80% of lithium-ion battery demand.

High oil prices are supporting more markets to roll out zero-emission transportation policies, causing demand for lithium-ion battery to skyrocket and exceed 3,000 GWh by 2030.

“The lithium-ion battery market already encountered shortages last year due to thriving EV market demand and rising raw material prices. Under our base case scenario, we project that battery supply will not meet demand until 2023.”

Global battery manufacturers are responding with massive expansion plans, taking total capacity to more than 5,500 GWh by 2030 across 300 manufacturing facilities.

Among them, Chinese manufacturers have announced plans to build more than 3,000 GWh of capacity to date.

The top 15 manufacturers by planned capacity put into operation a total of about 200 GWh in 2021, and the cumulative capacity reached 600 GWh. Meanwhile, 3,000 GWh of capacity is at the planning or construction stage.

*CATL leads the expansion with outstanding operating and planned capacity – 800 GWh in total by 2030. Chinese battery manufacturers such as SVOLT, CALB and Gotion High-Tech also have ambitious 2025 capacity targets.

Wood Mackenzie expects many more new plant announcements in 2022.


Another trend to watch is the growing prominence of lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batteries as nickel-cobalt-manganese (NCM) batteries lose market share.

Historically, the EV and energy storage system markets have mostly deployed NCM batteries given their availability and maturity.

In 2021, NCM still accounted for half of the market share.

However, LFP batteries began tapping into the market with competitive cost, long lifecycle and high safety performance, making them an attractive option for both power and energy applications.

Wood Mackenzie projects that LFP’s market share will surpass NCM in 2028.


The-future-is-Electric !!!.jpg


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This isn't yours is it Fletch? :LOL:
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Imminent Ale finished fermenting in 48 hours - leaving in the fermenter until the weekend when I'll add some bentonite (back left) to clear it up.

Imminent Ale.jpg

20L of 6.0% beer to share and enjoy...

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I'm not sitting on as much of a gain as some of you guys, but reaching $1 (and about a 900% increase for me) on the SP is definitely a good thing to see on my portfolio.

The Mrs is wanting to diversify if we need to buy a new place - but i'm trying to say no to offloading some.. haha.

If we are to believe that this will be similar to FMG (perhaps on a bigger and faster scale), FMG took 2 years to reach $12 from $1 in 2008 (before the GFC).

A 12x return on this investment in 2 years would be nothing short of amazing and life changing.

The only issue we all would be facing is - if we sell - the taxes we have to pay. hahah
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What's all this I keep hearing about the horror of taxes if you sell?
I invite you to recalibrate your perspective.

Assuming we've all held for over 12 months.

We get to pay HALF THE TAX that any normal salary earner would have to pay on our income.

Normal tax rate? Nah, lets make it half that. (winkety wink)

And what is the reason for only having to pay half the normal tax, we might ask?
Because slimeball rich and powerful people made it law, cause they wanna keep their moneys.

It's wrong, but we get to get in on that action.

Think of how big your tax bill is going to be on exit?
You're really SAVING that much tax cause of dodgy tax laws that are in our favor.

And imagine if you had to pay tax on unrealised capital gains every financial year......

Focus on what you can be grateful for guys! Like AVZ 14 bagging it from here over the next 4-5 years.
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