AVZ Discussion 2022




taking it with this much salt until otherwise corroborated.
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* FYI, In other EV Lithium Battery related News, I see where,

Honda teams up with LG Energy to build US$4.4b EV battery plant

Japanese car maker Honda has teamed up with South Korea’s LG Energy to form a joint venture company and produce lithium-ion batteries exclusively for Honda and Acura EV models in the North American market.

Under the agreement, the two entities will invest a total US$4b to build an EV plant, which aims to have an annual production capacity of around 40GWh.

While the location for the EV plant is yet to be decided, construction is set to begin in early 2023, enabling the start of mass production of advanced lithium-ion battery cells by the end of 2025.

“Honda is working toward our target to realise carbon neutrality for all products and corporate activities the company is involved in by 2050,” Honda CEO Toshihiro Mibe said.

“Aligned with our longstanding commitment to build products close to the customer, Honda is committed to the local procurement of EV batteries which is a critical component of EVs.”

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24/06/19 AVZ Minerals Limited (ASX: AVZ, “The Company”) is pleased to advise that it has executed a Share Sale Purchase Agreement (“Agreement”) with Dathomir Mining Resources SARL (“Dathomir”) to increase AVZ’s equity in the Manono Lithium and Tin Project (Licence PR13359).

Following ongoing discussions over the last few months, Dathomir has agreed to sell a 5% equity share in Dathcom Mining SAS (“Dathcom”) to AVZ for a total consideration of US$5,500,000. Dathcom holds 100% of the Manono Lithium and Tin Project concession. Under this Agreement, this purchase represents a highly accretive transaction for AVZ shareholders with minimal upfront payment. The first tranche payment of US$500,000 is to be paid within 14 days of execution and the balance of the consideration can be paid at any time within a period of 36 months from execution of the Agreement. At the completion of the transaction, AVZ’s equity interest in the Project licence will increase to 65%, representing an NPV10 value added, based on the recent 5Mtpa Scoping Study1 of some US$130M to approximately US$1.68Bn for AVZ’s 65% equity interest (based on ±35% accuracy and including US$78M in capital contingency).

21/09/20 AVZ Minerals Limited (ASX:AVZ or “the Company”) advises it has executed a Share Sale Purchase Agreement (“Agreement”) for an additional 10% equity stake in Dathcom Mining SA (“Dathcom Mining”) from its joint venture partner, Dathomir Mining Resources SARLU (“Dathomir Mining”). Dathcom Mining holds 100% of the Tier 1 Manono Lithium and Tin Project (“Manono Project”).

Under the Agreement, AVZ has paid US$500,000 to Dathomir Mining as an advance payment. The remaining US$15 M (US$15,000,000) will be paid to Dathomir Mining at any time within 12 months of the Agreement being executed, or as soon as AVZ secures a minimum of US$50 M project financing. Should payment not be made within 12 months of executing the Agreement, AVZ will forego its US$500,000 advance payment and lose the rights to secure the additional 10% equity in the Manono Project.

Alternatively, the Agreement provides for AVZ to secure a minimum 2.5% equity shareholding in Dathcom Mining and thereafter in pro rata amounts up to the maximum 10% stake during the 12-month period.

An Extraordinary General Meeting of Dathcom Mining will need to be convened to approve the sale of Dathomir Mining’s remaining equity in Dathcom Mining to AVZ Minerals. There is no other material terms or condition precedent other than as disclosed above. As previously announced on 24 June 2019, the Company has secured 5% equity interest from Dathomir Mining for a total consideration of US$5,500,000, with an advance payment of US$500,000 made. The balance of the consideration (US$5,000,000) has not yet been paid and can be paid at any time within a period of 36 months from execution of the agreement. Upon completion of both Agreements, AVZ will own 75% of the joint venture company, Dathcom Mining SA (“Dathcom Mining”) – which holds 100% of the Manono Project Licence (PR13359). The remaining 25% of the joint venture company is owned by La Congolaise D’Exploitation Miniere SA (“Cominiere”), of the DRC government. Dathomir Mining will no longer hold equity in the project and, as such, will no longer be required to contribute pro rata to the ongoing operating expenses of the Manono Project.

30/10/20 Activities Report for the Quarter ending 30 September 2020: Highlights

1) Secured rights to additional 10% equity in Manono Lithium and Tin Project for US$15.5M, taking its total ownership to 75% on completion of the transaction

2) Ongoing discussions held to acquire additional equity in the Manono Project

02/07/21 Capital raising Presentation
Ownership before Placement - 60% owned by AVZ Minerals Limited (15% under Option from Dathomir Mining Resources)

21/07/21 Operational Update
Completed $40m capital raising, with funds in part used to increase AVZ’s interest in the Project to 75%

18/08/21 Manono Lithium and Tin Project Corporate Update
Earlier this month, Company representatives met with a high-ranking DRC Government delegation which included senior advisors to the President of Mines & Energy, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Mines, Ministry of Planning & Ministry of Finance. The delegation provided unanimous support of the Manono Project based on the body of work completed by AVZ, which was submitted to the meeting of multi-sectorial Ministers with the objective of considering the Collaboration Development Agreement between the DRC Government and AVZ. A meeting of the Council of Ministers is scheduled to occur in the coming weeks resulting in a final decision on the Collaboration Development Agreement, which encompasses support of the development of natural resources (mining and transformation industries) and infrastructure (roads, water and electricity). A decision around the proposed MSEZ is expected shortly after finalising the Collaboration Development Agreement, which will require provision of further detailed financial information and investor considerations in the MSEZ.

AVZ continues to enjoy a supportive, collaborative and cooperative working relationship with the DRC Government officials and is highly confident of receiving all necessary permitting and licencing requirements for the Manono Project.

AVZ’s project equity increased to 75% AVZ has increased its interest in the Manono Project from 60% to 75% by exercising the options to purchase Dathomir’s minority shareholding of 15% equity in Dathcom Mining for US$20M (~AUD$27M).

AVZ Minerals Limited Financial Report 30 June 2021

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Cash Flows from Investing Activities

Payment of deferred consideration - (2,162,731)
Advanced payment to Dathomir (additional 10%) ($685,235)

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ii. Control over subsidiaries
During 30 June 2017, AVZ Minerals Limited acquired 60% of the issued shares of Dathcom Mining SA (previously known as Dathcom Mining SAS) by the issue of shares and cash. Under the terms of shareholders agreements, the Company is at this stage solely responsible for funding exploration activities and therefore has control over the day-to-day activities and economic outcomes of Dathcom Mining SA. Future changes to the shareholders agreements may impact on the ability of the Company to control Dathcom Mining SA.

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Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2021

8. Exploration & Evaluation Expenditure

Acquisition of further interest (i) $685,235

(i) On 21 September 2020, AVZ executed a Share Sale Purchase Agreement for an additional 10% equity stake in Dathcom Mining Resources SA from its joint venture partner, Dathomir Mining Resources SARL for US$15.5 million. Under the agreement, AVZ paid US$500,000 in September 2020 to Dathomir as an advance payment, with the remaining US$15M to be paid to Dathomir at any time within 12 months of the Share Sale Purchase Agreement being executed, or as soon as AVZ secures a minimum of US$50 million project financing. Should the payment not be made within 12 months, AVZ will forego its US$500,000 advance payment and lose the rights to secure the additional 10% equity in the Manono Lithium and Tin Project.

The value of the Group’s interest in exploration expenditure is dependent upon:

- The continuance of the Company’s rights to tenure of the areas of interest;

- The results of future exploration; and

- The recoupment of costs through successful development and exploration of the areas of interest, or alternatively, by their sale.

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13. Financial Liabilities (continued)

On 24 June 2019, the Company announced that it had executed a Share Sale Purchase Agreement (“Agreement”) with Dathomir Mining Resources SARL to increase the Group’s equity in the Manono Lithium and Tin Project for a total consideration of US$5,500,000. Under the Agreement, the first tranche payment of US$500,000 is to be paid within 14 days of execution and the balance of the consideration can be paid at any time within 36 months from execution of the Agreement.

The first tranche payment of US$500,000 was paid in July 2019
. The value of the deferred consideration is the board’s assessment of the value of contracted future payments issued under the agreement for the acquisition of Dathcom Mining SA. The fair value is based on assumptions to present value the future payments based on a discount rate of 12%. The principal payments are contractually required in U.S. dollars and have been converted to Australian dollars at 30 June 2021.

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21. Commitments and Contingencies

On 21 September 2020, AVZ executed a Share Sale Purchase Agreement for an additional 10% equity stake in Dathcom Mining SA from its joint venture partner, Dathomir Mining for US$15.5 million. Under the agreement, AVZ has paid US$500,000 to Dathomir Mining as an advance payment, with the remaining US$15 million committed to be paid to Dathomir Mining at any time within 12 months of the Share Sale Purchase Agreement being executed, or as soon as AVZ secures a minimum of US$50 million project financing. Since the end of the reporting period, AVZ has purchased Dathomir Mining’s 15% shareholding in Dathcom Mining SA (Refer to Note 26). There are no other commitments or contingent liabilities outstanding at the end of the year.

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26. Events Occurring after the Reporting Date

In July 2021, the Company issued 307,692,308 new shares at $0.13 per share via a share placement to raise $40 million (before costs) from high-quality institutional, sophisticated and professional investors. Proceeds from the placement, increased AVZ’s cash reserve, which allowed the Company to increase its interest in the Manono Project from 60% to 75%. In August 2021, the Company increased its interest in the Manono Project from 60% to 75% by exercising options to purchase Dathomir’s minority shareholding of 15% equity in Dathcom Mining for US$20 million.

29/10/21 AVZ Minerals Limited Annual Report 30 June 2021 AVZ Minerals Limited Annual Report 30 June 2021

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AVZ secured the rights to an additional 15% equity in the Manono Project – taking our total interest to 75% on completion…..

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On the corporate front, we completed a highly successful and significantly oversubscribed Share Placement just after the completion of the 2021 Financial Year, which resulted in the Company raising A$40 million (before costs) with funds (in part) used to increase our equity interest in the Manono Project to 75%. The Share Placement was well supported by high-quality institutional investors throughout Australia, Europe, North America, Singapore, Malaysia and the Middle East.

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Manono Lithium and Tin Project (“Manono Project”) Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

Highlights: Secured rights to an additional 10% equity in the Manono Project for US$15.5 million, giving AVZ the option to increase to 75% ownership of the Manono Project on completion of the

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Review of Operations

Corporate - Equity in Manono Project

In September 2020, AVZ executed a Share Sale Purchase Agreement for an additional 10% equity stake in Dathcom Mining SA (which holds 100% of the Manono Project) from its joint venture partner, Dathomir Mining Resources SARLU (“Dathomir Mining”). Under the Agreement, AVZ paid US$500,000 to Dathomir Mining as an advance payment with the remaining US$15 million to be paid at any time within 12 months of the Agreement being executed or as soon as AVZ secured a minimum US$50 million in project financing. As announced in June 2019, the Company had previously secured a 5% equity interest from Dathomir Mining for a total consideration of US$5.5 million, with an advance payment made of US$500,000. The balance of the consideration (US$5 million) was to be paid at any time within 36 months from execution of the Agreement. AVZ now owns 75% of the joint venture company, Dathcom Mining SA, following completion of both Agreements.* The remaining 25% of Dathcom Mining is owned by La Congolaise d’Exploitation Minière SA (Cominiere), of the DRC Government over which AVZ has a pre-emptive right to purchase further project equity.

Page 14 - Confirmation of Project Ownerships

View attachment 15397

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Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows For the Year Ended 30 June 2021

Cash Flows from Investing Activities

Advanced payment to Dathomir (additional 10%) ($685,235)

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Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2021

1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

During 30 June 2017, AVZ Minerals Limited acquired 60% of the issued shares of Dathcom Mining SA (previously known as Dathcom Mining SAS) by the issue of shares and cash. Under the terms of shareholders agreements, the Company is at this stage solely responsible for funding exploration activities and therefore has control over the day-to-day activities and economic outcomes of Dathcom Mining SA. Future changes to the shareholders agreements may impact on the ability of the Company to control Dathcom Mining SA.

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21. Commitments and Contingencies

On 21 September 2020, AVZ executed a Share Sale Purchase Agreement for an additional 10% equity stake in Dathcom Mining SA from its joint venture partner, Dathomir Mining for US$15.5 million. Under the agreement, AVZ has paid US$500,000 to Dathomir Mining as an advance payment, with the remaining US$15 million committed to be paid to Dathomir Mining at any time within 12 months of the Share Sale Purchase Agreement being executed, or as soon as AVZ secures a minimum of US$50 million project financing. Since the end of the reporting period, AVZ has purchased Dathomir Mining’s 15% shareholding in Dathcom Mining SA (Refer to Note 26). There are no other commitments or contingent liabilities outstanding at the end of the year.

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26. Events Occurring after the Reporting Date In July 2021, the Company issued 307,692,308 new shares at $0.13 per share via a share placement to raise $40 million (before costs) from high-quality institutional, sophisticated and professional investors. Proceeds from the placement, increased AVZ’s cash reserve, which allowed the Company to increase its interest in the Manono Project from 60% to 75%. In August 2021, the Company increased its interest in the Manono Project from 60% to 75% by exercising options to purchase Dathomir’s minority shareholding of 15% equity in Dathcom Mining for US$20 million.

29/10/21 Activities Report for the Quarter ending 30 September 2021
Completed A$40 million capital raising (before costs)
Exercised options to acquire Dathomir’s 15% shareholding in Dathcom Mining

31/01/22 Activities Report for the Quarter ending 31 December 2021
AVZ raised A$75 million (before costs) supported by leading global institutions and sophisticated investors, including Suzhou CATH Energy Technologies (“CATH”); Raising provides that c.90% of Project capital funding required per the April 2020 DFS* is secured on closure of CATH deal. AVZ announced it would use the funds to: Negotiate the extra 15% equity in Manono from the Government from a strong cash position

Project Funding Discussions Management continued working towards the appointment of a Mandated Lead Arranger (“MLA”) to lead the syndicated debt funding facility for the Manono Project. Subject to closing the deal with CATH, more than 50% of project funding will be secured enabling a Final Investment Decision (“FID”). FID will kickstart project construction and ensure Dathcom will have sufficient equity capital to fund the first 6-8 months of project construction capital, with Financial Close (“FC”) for debt financing expected in Q2 2022. Approximately 90% of Project capital funding required per the April 2020 DFS* will be secured on closure of CATH deal** with AVZ working towards securing further debt funding arrangements for the balance of Project capital required.

16/03/22 AVZ Minerals Limited Interim Financial Report 31 December 2021
Completed a total of A$115 million in capital raisings (before costs); Increased direct interest in the Manono Project from 60% to 75% by exercising options to acquire Dathomir’s 15% shareholding in Dathcom Mining; Progressed discussions with potential financiers for the balance of development capital required for the Manono Project

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Capital Raising / Project Financing AVZ completed two highly successful, oversubscribed share placements during the period, raising a total of A$115 million (before costs).

In early July 2021, the Company raised A$40 million (before costs) via the issue of 307,692,308 shares at an issue price of $0.13 per share while in early December, the Company raised A$75 million (before costs) via the issue of 150,000,000 shares at an issue price of $0.50 per share. The share placements were well supported by several Tier 1 North American and Australian institutions along with global institutions in Europe, Singapore, Malaysia and the Middle East, as well as existing sophisticated shareholders, including CATH.

Proceeds from the share placements have and will allow AVZ to (i) increase AVZ’s equity in the Manono Project from 60% to 75%

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Corporate Equity in Manono Project During the period, AVZ increased its direct interest in the Manono Project from 60% to 75% by AVZI exercising the two put options granted by Dathomir Mining Resources SARLU (“Dathomir”); thereby securing Dathomir’s minority 15% shareholding in Dathcom Mining SA (“Dathcom Mining”) for US$20 million (~A$27 million). Replacement share certificates in Dathcom Mining have been awarded and registered at the courts in the DRC.

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Other than the above, no other matters or circumstances have arisen since the end of the half-year which significantly affected or may significantly affect the operations of the Group, the results of those operations, or the state of affairs in future financial years
Yes, but as they say over at ASX_Bets ... when lambo ! 🙂
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Solo, your question has two parts, as I’ve said I don’t want to spend time on these threads, but I’ve attached a Link where the IGF accuses Adele Kayinda of complicity in regard to Cominiere’s selling to Zigin. I admit, I think from memory the sacking of Kayinda was said through twitter posts on these threads from sources I believe are reliable along with photos of her at the recent meeting of ministers where she has a ‘Visitor’s’ tag on her dress. The MoM (Antoinette) I believe instructs CAMI and my previous research found the Finance Minister also instructs CAMI. Hope you can follow up on theses because if I spend more time here I’m either going to start making sarcastic comments again or swearing my fucken head off again. Anything you can dig up will no doubt be appreciated https://exclusifrdc.com/le-bradage-...-sest-fait-avec-la-complicite-dadele-kayinda/
@solo this is the link regarding CAMI being under the supervision of the Ministers of Mines and Finance: http://www.drcmining.org/en/cami/presentation.htm
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Deleted member 2428

My gut feeling given past history, DRC time etc Is that we are still about a month away from resolution. There is no way NF is going to put AVZ out of suspension until all the “i’s” are dotted and the”t’s” crossed. Just too, too risky to open up without each and every “duck lined up”.
Hate waiting, but best we open only with “all guns firing”.
Let us wait until EO September if that’s what it takes to get this Shit Show, back on the road to recovery 🤞🤷‍♂️👍🍺👨‍🦯📈🔜🔚💥 $2 plus on open, soon after is what we want for AVZ 🫡
I jus arrived back from 12 days at Hamilton island 🏝- did a bucket list item Race week on a 45 foot sailing ⛵️ boat. We got a 1st and a 3rd, last other days, great fun. A great circuit breaker after being stressed to the eye balls for fucking months on end with 3 M AVZ shares and retirement fund on the line. Live a little when you can boys and girls …Life is short… you are a long time dead… BtW next cab is IXR, IMO 🤷‍♂️. Saw Tripple 8 anchored out side great 100 foot boat you have Fletch77 WOW 😮


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I think Dathomir is playing game again, trying to get AVZ's suspension over 1st of Sep.

Step by step: 1. Dathomir appealed 2. Dathomir against AVZ court case, 3. Dathomir pretended to be sick or whatever reason not able to attend court and extended the court case.
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I think Dathomir is playing game again, trying to get AVZ's suspension over 1st of Sep.

Step by step: 1. Dathomir appealed 2. Dathomir against AVZ court case, 3. Dathomir pretended to be sick or whatever reason not able to attend court and extended the court case.
I really don’t think the reporter has got her facts right. Why is Dathomir appealing? According to the asx announcements, we are the ones requesting for an appeal.
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I really don’t think the reporter has got her facts right. Why is Dathomir appealing? According to the asx announcements, we are the ones requesting for an appeal.
Well if we AVZ are appealing something , then why wouldn't AVZ management make an announcement to share holders ? If we are doing battle in a Court share holders would be informed as such . Has anyone considered this maybe a load of Bull Sh1t ?
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Well if we AVZ are appealing something , then why wouldn't AVZ management make an announcement to share holders ? If we are doing battle in a Court share holders would be informed as such . Has anyone considered this maybe a load of Bull Sh1t ?


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Don't burst my bubble @Charbella . I'm 4 Whiskeys in and still on a high from The Fox and Nellie 17's "all things are sorted " narrative . They got the inside running . Good luck for tomorrow and 1st sept . Stats tell us the chances of a suspension extension is currently running at 1 million % .
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Don't burst my bubble Charbella . I'm 4 Whiskeys in and still on a high from The Fox and Nellie 17's "all things are sorted " narrative . They got the inside running . Good luck for tomorrow and 1st sept . Stats tell us the chances of a suspension extension is currently running at 1 million % .
We are so close! I think this is the final tick we need before trading. I am surprised zijin decided to exit from the transaction after paying $33million (how guilty are they). I doubt Dathmir would be harder to deal with. Trust Nigel, trust the team. The world is watching.
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We are so close! I think this is the final tick we need before trading. I am surprised zijin decided to exit from the transaction after paying $33million (how guilty are they). I doubt Dathmir would be harder to deal with. Trust Nigel, trust the team. The world is watching.
Good point . But we didn't end up in court with Zijin .
As long as the Judge ain't corrupt we should be good to go . Hopefully no Chinese hanging around the back of the court house with bags full of snacks .
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Don't burst my bubble @Charbella . I'm 4 Whiskeys in and still on a high from The Fox and Nellie 17's "all things are sorted " narrative . They got the inside running . Good luck for tomorrow and 1st sept . Stats tell us the chances of a suspension extension is currently running at 1 million % .
4? Waht a lihgweihtg 😆
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And the money AVZ paid for the 15% ? Anyone know where that went ? From memory wasn't it the price of doing business ? Cant remember the exact explanation from Dathmior . A down payment of sorts for the privilege to participate , or something like that ? From memory it was non refundable .😂😂😂
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And the money AVZ paid for the 15% ? Anyone know where that went ? From memory wasn't it the price of doing business ? Cant remember the exact explanation from Dathmior . A down payment of sorts for the privilege to participate , or something like that ? From memory it was non refundable .😂😂😂
I thought it was a ‘bonus’. I’m sure it went on those expensive snacks they have over there, inflations a bitch
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