AVZ Discussion 2022


IMO it boils down to a battle between Zijin and CATL. Whatever Zijin offers (assuming much higher than what AVZ offers), just need CATL to agree to match. If CATL can match, then CATL 24%. If CATL won't match, CATL 9% and Zijin 15%. In any case, AVZ 66% in the end.

Let's move it as quick as possible.

Zijin can fuck right off. 4 months of trading suspension. 4 MONTHS OF DELAYS!
There is no "battle" between zijin and CATL.

Zijin tried to do the dodgy back-door deal. However that has been the usual way to do business in Africa for way to long.
AVZ and their lawyers have been crossing all their T's and dotting all their i's.
DRC government have been true to their word and have been stomping out corruption.

Zijin have been given an "out" to save face. It's only an out though. I can't see zijin having anything further to do with monano now.

Zijin in DRC? Yes, but they will have to get used to doing business the new way in the DRC.

cominiere on the other hand. Heads must roll.

Is this a new dawn for the DRC and Africa in general?? We will see and I do hope so.

I really hope that lithium is the white gold for Africa and pulls their people out of poverty.

Happy Monday all!!

Swans to win the flag this year.
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With these developments at least I can now say my left nut is 100% safe 😂 (never in doubt mind you)
No arbitration……😁😁😁😁😁😁
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Zijin can fuck right off. 4 months of trading suspension. 4 MONTHS OF DELAYS!
There is no "battle" between zijin and CATL.

Zijin tried to do the dodgy back-door deal. However that has been the usual way to do business in Africa for way to long.
AVZ and their lawyers have been crossing all their T's and dotting all their i's.
DRC government have been true to their word and have been stomping out corruption.

Zijin have been given an "out" to save face. It's only an out though. I can't see zijin having anything further to do with monano now.

Zijin in DRC? Yes, but they will have to get used to doing business the new way in the DRC.

cominiere on the other hand. Heads must roll.

Is this a new dawn for the DRC and Africa in general?? We will see and I do hope so.

I really hope that lithium is the white gold for Africa and pulls their people out of poverty.

Happy Monday all!!

Swans to win the flag this year.
I gave you a like, but it has nothing to do or reflect on for your last sentence 👍😂😂
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So would it be right in saying that we need to clear up dathomir and northern tenements issues before we trade? Or do we also need more confirmation this Zijin nightmare has definitely been put to bed?
I contacted AVZ today asking for confirmation and clarification of the Zijin matter. Regardless that the information originated from AVZ's legal team in Africa and is across a wide range of public forums, I feel we still need AVZ's public confirmation. You never know, we may also get a bit of additional information.

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Good morning AVZ'rs. Fantastic news and I think once the ML is sorted and the surface rights paid (should happen quickly now IMO) it is blue skies ahead. Soooo many exciting announcements in the near term. The biggie is the BFS which should rerate us again. Have a great day and yep, no arbitration and your left nut is safe Jag ;);)
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I contacted AVZ today asking for confirmation and clarification of the Zijin matter. Regardless that the information originated from AVZ's legal team in Africa and is across a wide range of public forums, I feel we still need AVZ's public confirmation. You never know, we may also get a bit of additional information.

AVZ doesn't have anything to announce until it is officially informed about the Zijin saga by the DRC Government.

AVZ cannot make announcements based on twitter stories.

Patience is a virtue :oops::rolleyes:
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I gave you a like, but it has nothing to do or reflect on for your last sentence 👍😂😂

Is that because the swans ended the pies winning streak ??

Nice win v Carlton though 👌
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If Twitter is to be believed, I feel that Nigel has done an outstanding job with respect to this matter.

Played it like a true businessman / CEO - keep his cards close to his chest - don't release more information than they are required to - try to operate the company status quo and develop professional relationships with key personnel in DRC.

Sure, the lack of news to shareholders meant that a lot of us were frustrated with the 4 month delay. But, like Nigel mentioned in his previous press releases, AVZ has legal ownership to the 75%.

Well done AVZ team.
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AVZ doesn't have anything to announce until it is officially informed about the Zijin saga by the DRC Government.

AVZ cannot make announcements based on twitter stories.

Patience is a virtue :oops::rolleyes:
Arbitration was not DRC govt sponsored or a requirement of the DRC govt, and not within the DRC jurisdiction. It is off-shore. I am happy to be corrected, but need evidence (not just opinion) that AVZ needs to wait for DRC govt confirmation before it can clarify to its Australian shareholders that the issue is resolved.

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Arbitration was not DRC govt sponsored or a requirement of the DRC govt, and not within the DRC jurisdiction. It is off-shore. I am happy to be corrected, but need evidence (not just opinion) that AVZ needs to wait for DRC govt confirmation before it can clarify to its Australian shareholders that the issue is resolved.

You highly likely will get your evidence next week Thursday.
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Zijin can fuck right off. 4 months of trading suspension. 4 MONTHS OF DELAYS!
There is no "battle" between zijin and CATL.

Zijin tried to do the dodgy back-door deal. However that has been the usual way to do business in Africa for way to long.
AVZ and their lawyers have been crossing all their T's and dotting all their i's.
DRC government have been true to their word and have been stomping out corruption.

Zijin have been given an "out" to save face. It's only an out though. I can't see zijin having anything further to do with monano now.

Zijin in DRC? Yes, but they will have to get used to doing business the new way in the DRC.

cominiere on the other hand. Heads must roll.

Is this a new dawn for the DRC and Africa in general?? We will see and I do hope so.

I really hope that lithium is the white gold for Africa and pulls their people out of poverty.

Happy Monday all!!

Swans to win the flag this year.
Will Zijin edit their website / company info about their BS claim 15% of Dathcom ?

I wonder how the Chinese state media / Govt will respond to that if and when they do?...........:unsure:

I cant see how they can possibly " save face " when their deceipt and corruption is not only exposed world wide , but to Xi and their own people......;)

If the war drums are accurate, then this is a big 🖕🖕🖕 to China overall and would add another layer to the fact that China cant be trusted, which hopefully in time, poor and vulnerable countries will resonate with and choose to do business elsewhere and not get trapped in the " BELT & ROAD " programmes,!!

I have said this many times, if every country decided to cease their over reliance with China , much like what is happening with Russia now, then China is fucked........especially now with their debt ratio to GDP being over 300%.

Will the CEO of Zijin be the next Jack Ma ?


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You highly likely will get your evidence next week Thursday.
You mis-read my response to you.

Please provide to this forum your evidence from a credible source to back up your claim that AVZ requires DRC govt approval before it can inform its shareholders.

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Nellie was on the money based on the feedback from on the ground in the DRC last week, all parties were reporting a completion of expected matters to be announced this week just gone. Yet one party needed more time and only advised at the last minute to push things out till next week, simple as that.

Presently all parties are re-aligned for major and positive announcements next week. AVZ cannot control actions and timelines of the Gov or Ministry's involved in moving past the current delays.

This intel comes from direct feedback from persons on the ground in the DRC who are across current status and active on a daily basis. (they have posted info a few times over the last few months on Twitter) I have no issue speaking to said persons on the ground each week or more who are based in the DRC due to a helpful intro a while back.

I'm not one to post bullshit intel, certainly you can believe me or not, however this is the current feedback and it is from good connections that speak French and English fluently, which is helpful. No sensitive market information has been provided here, intel is supporting the previous announcements by AVZ's strong / positive working relationship with DRC Gov and confidence that all matters concerning the ML are expected to be completed for the benefit of shareholders. Meaning a positive outcome etc.

So I'll either be in the bin after next week with Nellie or confirmed as a credible source of info, we shall see ;)

Have a good weekend !!

Cheers The Fox
"This intel comes from direct feedback from persons on the ground in the DRC who are across current status and active on a daily basis."
Good intel so far . Do these people on the ground think we will end up with all of our tenements including all of CDL ?
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"This intel comes from direct feedback from persons on the ground in the DRC who are across current status and active on a daily basis."
Good intel so far . Do these people on the ground think we will end up with all of our tenements including all of CDL ?
"apparently all issues have been resolved"
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Deleted member 1612

I have to say… I’d gotten used to waiting. These developments have me back on the edge of my seat. The seat is a bit more comfortable but my avziety is back. Looking good though, happy Zijin have been put back in their box. Looking forward to it all becoming formal with surface rights and ML to boot, hopefully next week on 1st 🤞
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I have to say… I’d gotten used to waiting. These developments have me back on the edge of my seat. The seat is a bit more comfortable but my avziety is back. Looking good though, happy Zijin have been put back in their box. Looking forward to it all becoming formal with surface rights and ML to boot, hopefully next week on 1st 🤞
Avziety!! 😆 I am riddled with it bro!
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"This intel comes from direct feedback from persons on the ground in the DRC who are across current status and active on a daily basis."
Good intel so far . Do these people on the ground think we will end up with all of our tenements including all of CDL ?
Hope it is true, but all I have seen is a Twitter snippet attributed to AVZ lawyers. Is it real? is it a real twitter account? and strange to issue this via twitter given the professional silence to date on these matters from the official AVZ channels other than the lawyers press conference a few weeks back. Let's just wait for official AVZ announcements before celebrating.
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Zijin have decided to be super charitable because they are just really nice guys and give back the 15% to Corruptimiere. The snack money they will forget about too, as they are all for development of the DRC, such amazing human beings these Zijin cun....I mean chaps.

Nigel an Co have really done well here it cannot be underestimated the industry it would have taken from the board to outmanoeuvre those corrupt cretins. Zijin have the money, influence and china behind them (being state owned) and they just got their asses handed to them by some tiny 2.7b MC company from Australia. This was a David and Goliath battle make no mistake. Félix Tshisekedi has stuck to his word and is going after corruption. IGF 🤜

This puts AVZ now as Nigel has always stated at 75%.
Boatmans boat sinks ..... 😂36% remember this 💩

Farrrken idiot boatman. Please enjoy those burning shorts !! What a bloody dickhead shorting the worlds biggest lithium mine, in a lithium shortage thats going to last years 😂🤣 (An I thought I was slow)

So at 75%, AVZ hand over 24% to CATL.

AVZ = 51%
CATL = 24%

This is beautiful as this is the LOWEST we can go. 51% (by DRC mining code too).

Now from here we have two routes, both add value

So the higher value and better security option for AVZ is that the DRC Government after the shit-show that is Manono decide they dont want any more BS and AVZ offer was fair so they will accept it and gain an 8% share of AVZ itself for those sexy Divvies we are drooling over too. This scenario is excellent from the point of view that they will want us to succeed as then they get more $$ our ambitions are somewhat aligned. Security too as they wont put up with any shit-fuckery around their gem Manono, also expansion should be fast-tracked and assistance from the government one may ponder would be positive....oh to have a railway link.

The lower value add, is that the Government have decided to pimp out the 15% and it is essentially auctioned. Obviously there will be a threshold where Nigel an Co will say, yeah we cant match that (with our right of first refusal). In this instance it would most likely be CATL who purchase to bring themselves upto 39%. Whoever purchases the 15% the price would be higher than AVZ original offer and too high for us to match, which would be great news for our share price.

So in summary Nigel get that extra 15%
cheers mate

edit to put in the pic - yep im tech special needs
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The Fox

"This intel comes from direct feedback from persons on the ground in the DRC who are across current status and active on a daily basis."
Good intel so far . Do these people on the ground think we will end up with all of our tenements including all of CDL ?
IMO I expect to see announcements and trading late this week, if some additional clarity around this item or anything else arrives prior, I'd be happy to share. IMO the northern section is likely renewed for 5 years under an EL as per AVZ announcements. I say likely as I haven't focussed on this recently and had any independent / third party confirmation on this specific item. Although, if all issues are resolved then there should not be any surprises. It would be pretty strange to issue the northern section to a third party or not award to Dathcom when the whole boundary area surrounding the original EL is locked in and registered under AVZ. All this of course doesn't mean there isn't some last minute shenanigans and change for some reason. IMO ML should be issued on the area that the DFS speaks too, and balance of area re-issued under EL for further exploration. If any info contrary to this comes to light prior to announcements expected this week, as I said, I'm happy to share. :)

Cheers The Fox
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Hates a beer

China forgives debt for 17 African nations​

China has pledged to forgive 23 interest-free loans for 17 African countries and will also provide food assistance to the struggling nations.

China will forgive 23 loans for 17 African nations, China’s foreign minister Wang Yi has announced.
“China will waive the 23 interest-free loans for 17 African countries that had matured by the end of 2021,” Mr Wang said at the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation according to a statement.
He pledged that China would continue to actively support and participate in the construction of major infrastructure projects in Africa through financing, investment and assistance.
“We will also continue to increase imports from Africa, support the greater development of Africa’s agricultural and manufacturing sectors, and expand co-operation in emerging industries such as the digital economy, health, green and low-carbon sectors.”
Mr Wang also pledged that China would provide food assistance to the 17 African nations.
Critics argue China is involved “debt trap diplomacy”, alleging the country issues loans in order to eventually secure strategic international assets.
Chinese President Xi Jinping has been criticised of ‘debt trap diplomacy’. Picture: AFP

Chinese President Xi Jinping has been criticised of ‘debt trap diplomacy’. Picture: AFP
South Asian country Sri Lanka granted China Merchants Ports Holdings a 99-year lease on the $US1.5 billion ($A2 billion) Chinese-built deepwater Hambantota Port in 2017 after falling deep into debt.
Kenya, South Africa and Uganda are among numerous African states that have borrowed heavily from Chinese lenders.
According to World Bank data from 2020 cited by Forbes, the African nations with the highest external debt to China as a percentage of gross national income are Djibouti (43 per cent), Angola (41 per cent) and the Democratic Republic of Congo (29 per cent).

African countries have also enthusiastically joined China’s transcontinental Belt and Road Initiative to build port, rail and land infrastructure, Beijing’s modern-day Silk Road.
Australia scrapped a deal between Victoria and China for Belt and Road Initiative infrastructure in 2021, calling it “inconsistent with Australia’s foreign policy”.
But the concept of a Chinese “debt trap” has also been criticised, with a study in 2020 finding China had restructured or refinanced about $21 billion of debt in Africa between 2000 and 2019. The study also noted there was no evidence of “asset seizures”and that Chinese lenders had not used courts to enforce payments, or applied penalty interest rates to distressed borrowers.
Meanwhile, Adalberto Costa Junior, a presidential candidate in Angola, has vowed to examine the county’s debt if he is elected.
Angola owes about $90 billion, which will cost it about $8 billion each year in amortisation, according to Bloomberg.
“The amount of real foreign debt is not known,” Mr Junior said in an interview on the weekend.

Around $27 billion of Angola’s total debt is owed to China, with the funds used to build roads, hospitals and railway links.
Mr Junior warned that any borrowings not linked to infrastructure projects could be renegotiated.
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