Does anyone have an opinion as to why we are actually in suspension ?
I understand the 15% we have first option on.
I understand the shit fight over the 15% AVZ say we own but others say we lost in a court case.
What I can’t get my head around is why we aren’t trading, is there a more sinister problem to do with our claim on the whole Manono mine site..???
Are we just taking advantage of the current situation until all sorted because AVZ have stated the suspension is not dependent on the arbitration case….
long time holder just looking for answers, the African posters on Twitter Joe, Frank etc seem to have gone quite.
Not downramping, on the surface AVZ have done everything correct and should not be dealing with this corrupt shit, we should be building a mine.
I'm thinking perhaps they need to know the make up of Dathomir and pass on the percentage to drc before the paperwork can be signed off and surface rights paid.
Might be way off but logic dictates it would make sense. Management not really giving anything away.
Gone from surface rights paid in a few days and licence granted to months of suspension. Pretty frustrating.
Agree gtf on with it. Licence already more than 12 months past what was originally expected.
Could be right
@ohreally but this didn't come across as an issue in the original announcement for the decree. I still wonder if splitting the tenement might have suited management in some way, either to speed up the process or by keeping options open to possibly sell off a chunk in future.
Regardless I'm sick of this shit, it would be very nice to have a bit of clarity. This should have been such a positive time in the companies history and instead it's a shitshow.