Top 20
Reading through this huge document one can only come to the conclusion that our BOD and particularly DLA Piper have done a fucking massively, incredible, super-human job in navigating the legalities of the hearings and achieving the positive determinations in favour of AVZ's interests
It's mind-blowing when you get into some of the detail of what they have had to deal with
I do understand along the way it has been difficult at times for shareholders to understand and appreciate what the board have been doing because of the necessary "radio-silence" while dealing with these complicated and detailed matters
All of us here responded to, managed and expressed that in different ways and at different times along this very emotional journey to date
However, I'm sure everybody on this forum (apart from the clear out and out fucked-up trolls) would now have some clearer appreciation of what the board and the DLA Piper legal team have worked tirelessly at, and achieved, over the last few years and would be feeling a very, very deep sense of respect and gratitude for what they have done on behalf of all shareholders
That respect and gratitude would also extend to the shareholders and forum members who actively took up the cause themselves. At times finding incredible information, delving deep into any available resources, developing careful, informed and considered insights, sharing them here as contributors and further taking the fight right up to the "bad actors" on multiple social media platforms
Carlos, 9Card, Frank, Dave, Obe Wan, Tits, Spike, Xerof, Beisha, Jag, Azzler, Ashlee are just a few names that spring to mind from the crew here at TSE
And also let's not forget Jonnno, Kiki Kienge and Franck Fwamba who have been beacons of honesty, principle and integrity in a sea of absolute filth and corruption in the DRC
Of course it's not over yet by a long, long way......
But it's worth taking a small moment to reflect on, and appreciate, the hard work and massive effort of the people who have helped AVZ overcome so many incredible difficulties to date, ultimately putting us now in the best possible position to achieve the absolute prime outcome for all shareholders and investors and the good people of the DRC in respect to the development of the resource at Manono
Onward and upward
RIP @John25
Such a wonderful and thoughtful post @Winenut